MBS Xojo Plugins - Release notes
Release notes for MBS Xojo Plugins 24.5 - 12th November 2024
See also the documentation on new items and Announcement in Blog.
24.5 - 12th November 2024
- Added AddBrowserExtension method to WebView2ControlMBS control.
- Added DeleteAllImages, DeleteImage and ListImages functions to DynaPDFParserMBS class.
- Added VNDetectDocumentSegmentationRequestMBS class.
- Added abortEditing method to NSControlMBS class.
- Added allowsDisplayModeCustomization, removeItemWithItemIdentifier and itemIdentifiers methods to NSToolbarMBS class.
- Added AVVideoCodecTypeJPEGXL for AVFoundationMBS class.
- Added centeredItemIdentifiers method to NSToolbarMBS class.
- Added clickedOnLink event for NSTextViewControlMBS control.
- Added CURL fix #15102 to fix a bug with FTP over SSL.
- Added finalize method and InstanceCount property for PhidgetMBS class.
- Added GetAnnotTextAlign function to DynaPDFMBS class.
- Added GetTextBBox and GetAnnotColor functions to DynaPDFMBS class.
- Added Hidden property to NSToolbarItemMBS class.
- Added IsDocumentPlayingAudio and IsMuted properties to WebView2ControlMBS control.
- Added isWritingToolsActive, writingToolsBehavior and allowedWritingToolsResultOptions properties for NSTextViewMBS class.
- Added LinuxWebViewMBS method for DesktopHTMLViewer class.
- Added more methods and properties to NSToolbarItemGroupMBS class.
- Added more properties for ArchiveEntryMBS class.
- Added multiply method to CGPointMBS, CGSizeMBS and CGRectMBS classes.
- Added MYSQL_OPT_LOCAL_INFILE option for SQLConnectionMBS and SQLDatabaseMBS classes for MySQL connections.
- Added NSMenuToolbarItemMBS class.
- Added NSSearchToolbarItemMBS class.
- Added NSTrackingSeparatorToolbarItemMBS class.
- Added pauseAllMediaPlayback and getMediaPlaybackState synchronous methods to WKWebViewMBS class.
- Added picture parameter to captureStillImageAsynchronouslyCompleted and captureOutputDidOutputSampleBuffer events to AVFoundationMBS class.
- Added possibleLabels, copy, NSToolbarToggleInspectorItemIdentifier and NSToolbarInspectorTrackingSeparatorItemIdentifier methods to NSToolbarItemMBS class.
- Added PropertyValue methods to WordFileMBS class.
- Added requestMediaPlaybackState and pauseAllMediaPlayback asynchronous methods and related events to WKWebViewControlMBS and WKWebViewIOSControlMBS controls.
- Added scroll methods for NSViewMBS class.
- Added sendAction method for NSControlMBS class.
- Added showWritingTools method to NSResponderMBS class.
- Added textViewWritingToolsWillBegin and textViewWritingToolsDidEnd events for NSTextViewControlMBS control.
- Added toolbarImmovableItemIdentifiers and canBeInsertedAtIndex events to CustomNSToolbarMBS class.
- Added WillPopUp, WillDismiss, SelectionIsChanging and SelectionDidChange events to NSComboBoxControlMBS control.
- Changed BarcodeGeneratorMBS to use 4 as default scale.
- Deprecated fullScreenAccessoryView, fullScreenAccessoryViewMinHeight, fullScreenAccessoryViewMaxHeight and centeredItemIdentifier properties for NSToolbarMBS class.
- Deprecated NSToolbarSeparatorItemIdentifier and NSToolbarCustomizeToolbarItemIdentifier in NSToolbarItemMBS class.
- Fixed a bug in the Gamutcheck for lcms2.
- Fixed a problem on Windows with shared memory objects not accessible for other users.
- Fixed an edge case with swiss keyboard layout for PressKey function in RemoteControlMBS module and the virtual key lookup.
- Fixed crash with running Python on Windows.
- Fixed CURLSMultiMBS class, broken in 24.4.
- Fixed memory leak in NSAppearanceMBS.appearanceNamed function.
- Fixes a crash in Python functions when using older Python 3.9.x version.
- Improved DynaPDFImageMBS class to have ImageHandle and ImageIndex properties set if you use DynaPDFParseInterfaceMBS class.
- Improved exception handling for ReSVGMBS class.
- Note: SSLv3 is disabled now.
- Removed outdated CKFetchNotificationChangesOperationMBS, CKModifyBadgeOperationMBS and CKMarkNotificationsReadOperationMBS classes.
- Removed the dependency on VCRUNTIME140_1.DLL file for newer zxing plugin part.
- Updated CURL to version 8.10.1.
- Updated discount library to version 2.2.7d.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated jpeg library to version 9.6.
- Updated libarchive to version 3.7.6.
- Updated OpenSSL to version 3.3.2.
- Updated SQLite to version 3.47.0.
- Updated libxml2 to version 2.13.4.
- Updated libxslt to version 1.1.42.
- Updated to Xcode 16.0.
- Updated unicode tables for removing accents for RemoveAccentsMBS function.
- Using REALCopyStringCFString on iOS to quicker get CFString from Xojo String.
Release notes for MBS Xojo Plugins 24.4 - 17th September 2024
See also the documentation on new items and Announcement in Blog.
- Added ZxingBarcodeMBS module and related classes for barcode detection.
- Added NSUserActivityMBS and NSUserActivityEventsMBS classes for adding the Handoff feature in your iOS or macOS application.
- Added GetInEncryptionInfo function and DynaPDFEncryptInfoMBS class.
- Added BaseFont property to DynaPDFFontInfoMBS class.
- Added ClearSharedInstance method to CURLSMultiMBS class.
- Added date and time getters and setters for JavaResultSetMBS class.
- Added date and time setters for JavaPreparedStatementMBS class.
- Added DecodeIMAPFolderName functions to CURLSMBS class to help decoding IMAP folder names.
- Added DidChangeOcclusionState event for NSStatusItemMBS class to detect if your item is not shown.
- Added DidMove and DidResize events for NSStatusItemMBS class.
- Added hitTest function to NSViewMBS class.
- Added kSSLVersionMax* constants for CURLSMBS class.
- Added more properties for NetSNMPMBS class for using SNMPv3.
- Added OptionNames and Tidy functions to TidyDocumentMBS class.
- Added Records method and Operator_Convert to MongoCursorMBS class.
- Added RunFile method to PythonMBS class.
- Added shaderModifiers and handle properties for SCNMaterialMBS class.
- Added shaderModifiers for SCNGeometryMBS class.
- Added size and boundingRectWithSize methods for NSAttributedStringMBS class.
- Added TestPassword function to DynaPDFMBS class.
- Changed AVCaptureVideoDataOutputMBS class to provide JPEGData and NSImageMBS to CVImageBufferMBS class for iOS, too.
- Changed captureStillImageAsynchronouslyCompleted event in AVFoundationMBS class, so it prepares CMSampleBufferMBS with Picture when set PrepareCIImage, PrepareNSImage and PrepareJPEGData is set in AVCaptureVideoDataOutputMBS class.
- Changed CIImage and NSImage in CVImageBufferMBS class to be properties.
- Changed GetInIsEncrypted function in DynaPDFMBS class to return boolean.
- Changed QLThumbnailGeneratorMBS to retain your instance while the asynchronous operation works.
- Disabled trace logging for MongoDB by default.
- Enabled new JSONMBS class to work well on Linux 32-bit.
- Fixed a bug in DrawRotatedTextMBS function where it would not rotate text on Windows.
- Fixed a crash in AddConditionalFormatting method in XLSheetMBS class.
- Fixed a crash in WriteStyledText method in XLSheetMBS class.
- Fixed a problem with DynaPDF and a full width space character not working correctly.
- Fixed NSFileCoordinatorMBS constructor to accept nil parameter.
- Fixed thread naming to avoid renaming main thread.
- Fixed WindowsDeviceWatcherMBS class to pass an WindowsDeviceInformationUpdateMBS for Updated event.
- Implemented async events for 32-bit Linux for newer Phidget classes.
- Improved CURLSMultiMBS class to clear buffers before transfer and flush output files after transfer automatically.
- Improved CURLSMultiMBS class to clear cancel flag for CURLSMBS objects.
- Improved events for LibUSBTransferMBS class on Linux 32-bit.
- Removed a deprecated constants and methods from tidy classes and added new ones.
- Updated CURL to version 8.10.0.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated LibXL to version 4.4.0.
- Updated openssl to version 3.1.6.
- Updated SQLAPI to version 5.3.4 with DuckDB 1.0 support.
- Updated SQLite to version 3.46.1.
- Updated Tidy library to version 5.8.
- Updated XL plugin for Linux 32-bit to use version 4.3 of LibXL.
- Upgraded all linux compilers to newer versions. Requires GLIBCXX_3.4.26 now for Scintilla.
Release notes for MBS Xojo Plugins 24.3 - 9th July 2024
See also the documentation on new items and Announcement in Blog.
- Added Python plugin with PythonMBS class.
- Added MQTT example using CURL.
- Added AddRow() variant to SQLDatabaseMBS with returning insert id.
- Added AsNSImageMBS function to CGImageMBS class.
- Added calendarIdentifier, localeIdentifier, languageIdentifier, collatorIdentifier, regionCode to NSLocaleMBS class.
- Added CanonicalXML function to XMLValidatorMBS class.
- Added DarwinHostVMStatisticsMBS class with memory statistics for macOS and iOS.
- Added Duplex property to NSPrintInfoMBS class.
- Added InterfaceOrientation to UIDeviceMBS to query orientation of current window.
- Added isSequoia function to SystemInformationMBS module.
- Added isValidJSON function for JSONMBS class.
- Added kaffKeepUnsupportedAnnots constant for DynaPDFMBS class.
- Added localizedStringForVariantCode, localizedStringForScriptCode, localizedStringForLocaleIdentifier, localizedStringForLanguageCode, localizedStringForCurrencyCode, localizedStringForCountryCode, localizedStringForCollatorIdentifier, localizedStringForCollationIdentifier, localizedStringForCalendarIdentifier, localeWithLocaleIdentifier to NSLocaleMBS class.
- Added Locked property to NamedMutexMBS class.
- Added normalizeCIImageOrientation for CIImageMBS class.
- Added NSCurrentLocaleDidChangeNotification function for NSLocaleMBS class to use with NSNotificationObserverMBS class.
- Added OutputUsedSize and OutputPtr properties and a new Constructor to BZip2CompressMBS, ZLibDecompressMBS, BZip2DecompressMBS and ZLibDecompressMBS classes.
- Added quotationEndDelimiter, quotationBeginDelimiter, alternateQuotationBeginDelimiter, alternateQuotationEndDelimiter to NSLocaleMBS class.
- Added SearchAsIs flag for FindText function in DynaPDFParserMBS class.
- Added SetInput method taking ptr to ZLibDecompressMBS, ZLibCompressMBS, BZip2DecompressMBS and BZip2CompressMBS classes.
- Added SetLineAnnotPoints and EnableImageCache functions to DynaPDFMBS class.
- Added title property to VNDocumentCameraViewControllerMBS class.
- Added UIDeviceMBS class.
- Added WindowsDeviceWatcherMBS, WindowsDeviceInformationUpdateMBS and WindowsDeviceInformationMBS classes.
- Changed CURL debug messages to include the full URL you requested for review. We include a warning, if URL has no scheme.
- Changed HotkeyMBS class for Windows to react on right shift/control/option keys, too.
- Deprecated isMavericks, isElCapitan, isYosemite and isSierra functions in SystemInformationMBS module.
- Deprecated MacROMBootVersion, MacBoardID, MacVRAMSize and MacHasHardwareAcceleratedCoreImage functions in SystemInformationMBS module.
- Fixed a crash in SubStrings function in PCRE2MatchDataMBS class.
- Fixed a problem with XLBookMBS when using conditional formatting.
- Fixed an issue with using ConnectServer function in WindowsWMIMBS class in a thread.
- Fixed ArcShape for DynaPDFMBS to not close the Arc line.
- Fixed DeletePage in DynaPDFMBS class to return remaining pages on success.
- Fixed memory leak in QLThumbnailGeneratorMBS class.
- Fixed number passing for XMLXPathResultMBS class.
- Fixed problem with JSON returning negative floating point numbers without leading 0.
- Fixed SortMBS module to work on Xojo 2019r1.
- Fixed the ReplaceTag function in WordFileMBS, which broke in 14.2.
- Improved AsNSImageMBS function in CIImageMBS class to work on iOS, too.
- Improved error handling for CURLSMultiMBS class constructor.
- Improved error messages for exceptions raised in OpenSSLMBS module to contain more details.
- Improved GetVariantArrayMBS, SetVariantArrayValueMBS and GetVariantArrayValueMBS to work better on arrays of DateTime and Delegates.
- Improved JSONMBS class conversion from variant to convert folderitem to native path, Date & DateTime to SQLDateTime or from JSONItem objects.
- Improved X509MBS.Open to read binary certificates, too.
- Removed deprecation attribute for FFTSingleMBS and FFTDoubleMBS functions.
- Updated CubeSQL library to version 5.9.
- Updated CURL to version 8.8.0
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated our ICU integration for SQLite to the new SQLite version.
- Updated plugin SDK for Xojo 2024r2.
- Updated SQLAPI to version 5.3.2.
- Updated SQLite to version 3.46.0.
- Updated to Xcode 15.4.
Release notes for MBS Xojo Plugins 24.2 - 14th May 2024
See also the documentation on new items and Announcement in Blog.
- Added classes for printing on iOS: UIPrintPaperMBS, UIPrintInteractionControllerMBS, UIPrintInfoMBS, UIPrinterPickerControllerMBS and UIPrinterMBS.
- Added Merge function to JSONMBS class.
- Added XLConditionalFormattingMBS and XLConditionalFormatMBS classes.
- Added AddArrayMBS methods to SortMBS module.
- Added AddMBS, CopyMBS, EqualsMBS, SortMBS and SumMBS extends methods to arrays.
- Added AllowRotation parameter for QLPreviewControllerMBS class constructor to allow more rotation than the parent view.
- Added Close method to WindowsDeviceInformationPairingMBS class to explicitly close it.
- Added Current property to NWPathMonitorMBS class.
- Added deprecation marks to CURLNMBS and related classes.
- Added Flatten method to GMImageMBS class to remove alpha channel from image.
- Added handling of MiterLimit property for using graphics class in DynaPDF.
- Added isFlipped event to NSViewControlMBS class to control flipping.
- Added keepAllSheets parameter for LoadPartially methods in XLBookMBS class.
- Added LogScaleFactor property to WindowsDisplayMBS class.
- Added LogX, LogHeight, LogWidth and LogY properties to WindowsDisplayMBS class.
- Added MFMailComposeViewControllerMBS class to let user write an email message.
- Added MFMessageComposeViewControllerMBS class to let user write a text message.
- Added more methods and properties for MongoDB to our MongoDatabaseMBS, MongoClientMBS and MongoURIMBS class.
- Added more methods and properties to NSPathControlMBS class.
- Added NextPage(width, height) support for graphics class in DynaPDF.
- Added NSPathControlItemMBS class.
- Added Operator_Compare method to XLFontMBS and XLFormatMBS classes.
- Added PictureTypeSVG constant for XLBookMBS class.
- Added popover show/close events to PHPickerViewControllerMBS class for macOS.
- Added QLThumbnailGenerationRequestMBS, QLThumbnailGeneratorMBS and QLThumbnailRepresentationMBS classes.
- Added respondsToSelector to CanvasGesturesMBS class, so the system can query which events you implemented.
- Added touchesMatchingPhase, coalescedTouchesForTouch and predictedTouchesForTouch methods to NSEventMBS class.
- Added view appears/disappears events to PHPickerViewControllerMBS class for iOS and macOS.
- Added XWindowID property to GTKWindowMBS class.
- Build CURLSMBS class with openssl, SecureChannel for Windows and SecureTransport for macOS, so you can decide which one to use.
- Built curl with our Apple IDN implementation for CURL. see commit.
- Changed PageGraphics on DynaPDFMBS class to only set coordinate system to top-down when you query PageGraphics or when NextPage is called.
- Changed plugin download to have local html documentation be a separate download.
- Fixed a bug with SetLineDashPattern event in DynaPDFParseInterfaceMBS class, where the dash array was nil instead of providing the values.
- Fixed a couple of incorrect flags set for various properties and methods.
- Fixed a possible buffer overrun in WindowsPlayerMBS class.
- Fixed a problem with LoadLibrary failing on Windows for ScintillaControlMBS control.
- Fixed a problem with translate method in Graphics class when used with DynaPDF.
- Fixed an issue with copy constructor in WindowsDeviceInformationPairingMBS class not retaining the device object.
- Fixed issue with text incorrectly placed with DynaPDFMBS class using graphics object when using rotation.
- Fixed possible crash in WebView2ControlMBS control in initialization code (broken in 24.1).
- Fixed problem passing limit and offset in GetRecords functions in FMDataMBS class.
- Improved effectiveAppearance and appearance methods in NSAppearanceMBS class to allow passing NSMenuMBS, NSMenuItemMBS, MenuItem or DesktopMenuItem objects.
- Improved error reporting for LoadLibrary method on Windows for ScintillaControlMBS control.
- Improved PhidgetMBS classes to prevent crashes with disconnected devices.
- Improved progress reporting for CURLSMBS class.
- Improved ReplaceTag and Substitute functions in WordFileMBS class to remove control characters from replacement text to avoid creating broken word files.
- Improved thread safety for DynaPDFMBS class with graphics class.
- Improved thread safety for JSContextMBS class.
- Improved thread safety for SQLConnectionMBS class.
- Improved ToHTML method in JSONMBS class to use CSS for right alignment.
- Improved WebView2ControlMBS to pick temp folder for user data folder if you don't set userDataFolder property.
- Improved WindowsDisplayMBS class to better query per screen DPI values.
- Improved writeToString method in XMLSerializerMBS class to return string marked UTF-8 instead of UTF-16.
- Improved XLFontMBS and XLFormatMBS handling for our XL Plugin to cache the objects and reuse them.
- Removed a few deprecated methods in CWInterfaceMBS class, which Apple removed and so they stopped working years ago.
- Updated CURL to version 8.7.1.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated LibXL to version 4.3.0.
- Updated SQLAPI to version 5.3.1.
- Updated SQLite to version 3.45.3.
- Updated to Xcode 15.3.
- Upgraded properties in NSPathComponentCellMBS class to be debugger visible.
Release notes for MBS Xojo Plugins 24.1 - 12th March 2024
See also the documentation on new items and Announcement in Blog.
- Added AVSpeechSynthesizerMBS and related classes.
- Added NWPathMonitorMBS class for macOS/iOS to monitor available network.
- Added SQLiteFunctionMBS class to add custom SQLite functions for SQLite database connections.
- Added BusType property and constants to HIDAPIDeviceInfoMBS class.
- Added CharacterCount property for NSCharacterSetMBS class for debugging.
- Added DeviceInfo and GetReportDescriptor functions to HIDAPIDeviceMBS class.
- Added Find method to MidiThruConnectionMBS class.
- Added Identifier property to NSCellMBS, NSMenuItemMBS, NSMenuMBS and NSViewControllerMBS classes.
- Added identify, resting, deviceSize and normalizedPosition properties to NSTouchMBS class.
- Added MovableByWindowBackground property for OverlayMBS class.
- Added new kCallMode* constants for DeclareFunctionMBS class.
- Added new variant of FromDiff method in JSONMBS class with KeyToCopy parameter to copy primary keys.
- Added NSProcessInfoPowerStateDidChangeNotification for NSProcessInfoMBS class.
- Added NWPathMBS, NWEndPointMBS and NWInterfaceMBS classes.
- Added Path property to InternalSQLiteLibraryMBS module.
- Added PreferLowPowerDevice and PreferredRenderingAPI properties in SCNViewMBS class.
- Added requestWriteOnlyAccessToEvents, requestFullAccessToReminders and requestFullAccessToEvents to EKEventStoreMBS class.
- Added SelBBox2 method for DynaPDFParserMBS class to query all 4 points of current text box.
- Added SelText property for DynaPDFParserMBS class to query found text.
- Added SetPrintBacktraceAndAbortHandler method to SignalHandlerMBS class.
- Added touchesBeganWithEvent, touchesCancelledWithEvent, touchesEndedWithEvent and touchesMovedWithEvent events to CanvasGesturesMBS class.
- Added willShowContextualMenu and didCloseContextualMenu events to 34 controls.
- Changed Bounds, GPTS and LPTS in DynaPDFMeasureMBS to be double.
- Changed kOptionLibrarySeparator in SQLConnectionMBS class to be a shared method to return ";" on Windows and ":" on macOS/Linux.
- Changed MidiThruConnectionMBS class to be a subclass of MidiObjectMBS class.
- Changed SetLicenseKey in DynaPDFMBS class to raise exception if you call it in debug mode after calling SetLicenseKeyGlobal to suggest you to remove the SetLicenseKey call.
- Changed StringValue in NSCharacterSetMBS class to property, so we see it in the debugger.
- Enabled allTouches in NSEventMBS class for macOS.
- Enabled logging for LibUSB on Linux.
- Fixed a bug in DateDifferenceMBS class related to an overflow in January.
- Fixed a problem with MacBase and CURL plugin loading on older macOS versions.
- Fixed an edge case with Replace in JSONMBS where it didn't catch all spots.
- Fixed an issue in MBS Xojo SQL Plugin where an error message would be cut on the first character improperly encoded.
- Fixed isSelectedForSegment method for NSSegmentedControlMBS to return correct value.
- Fixed mouseEvent shared method in NSEventMBS to return NSEventMBS.
- Fixed PortAudioStreamRecorderMBS to enforce sample format paFloat32 when using OpenStream() to prevent errors later.
- Fixed problem with Substitute with too small output buffer.
- Implemented better MovableByWindowBackground for OverlayMBS class on Windows to work with mouse events.
- Implemented IgnoreMouseClicks for Windows in OverlayMBS class. Allows mouse clicks to fall through to window behind.
- Improved CURLEmailMBS class to allow the creation of attachment only emails.
- Improved documentation to better list constants. More in table views now.
- Improved Data Detector example to include a contextual menu routine for showing actions based on NSDataDetectorMBS class.
- Improved linking of linux libraries to do more stripping of unused code to save 33 MB in total.
- Improved MBS Xojo SQL Plugin to better return error messages if the ODBC driver provided them with ASCII instead of UTF16/32 encoding.
- Improved NSTokenFieldControlMBS by to work better with our custom cell class.
- Reduced size of Win plugin a little bit by optimizing stub code for macOS/Linux.
- Removed UniMotionMBS module.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated dyncall library to version 1.4.
- Updated HIDAPI to version 0.14.
- Updated our headers for NetSNMP library.
- Updated our Unicode extension for SQLite in InternalSQLiteLibraryMBS class to work in Xojo 2024r1 on Windows.
- Updated SQLite to version 3.45.1.
Release notes for MBS Xojo Plugins 24.0 - 16th January 2024
See also the documentation on new items and Announcement in Blog.
- Added NSSegmentedControlControlMBS and NSPathControlControlMBS controls.
- Added DynaPDFParserMBS class.
- Added ApplyMergePatch, ApplyPatch, MergePatchFromDiff, PatchFromDiff to JSONMBS class.
- Added automatic rerun of SQL SELECT if you call MoveFirst on a RowSet/RecordSet, which doesn't support moving because it is not cached or scrollable.
- Added BigNumberConversionMBS class.
- Added checks for fillSeries and fillDateSeries in CDRanSeriesMBS class to better handle if arrays are nil.
- Added checks for SQL Plugin in multiple places to avoid crashes if SQL command text is empty.
- Added checks for SQLDatabaseMBS class to raise an exception if you try to close, SQLExecute or SQLSelect while a background thread runs a SQL query.
- Added cmsV2Unicode function to LCMS2ProfileMBS class.
- Added CopyArrayMBS methods to copy array data to second array of same type.
- Added CopyMemoryBlock method to SQLStringMBS class.
- Added FullyQualifiedFieldName property to DynaPDFFieldExMBS class.
- Added Hidden attribute to JSONIteratorMBS, XMLIterateAttributeNodesMBS, XMLIterateChildNodesMBS, XMLIterateElementsMBS, DynaPDFIteratorMBS and PCRE2IteratorMBS classes to hide it from auto complete. Since you use it via for each loops indirectly, you never need to use these classes directly.
- Added isBOF and isEOF to SQLCommandMBS class.
- Added karFormData and kaffNonPDFA_4e constants to DynaPDFMBS class.
- Added more properties to CURLEmailMBS class for debugger.
- Added more render functions to WindowsPDFPageMBS for synchronous and asynchronous modes.
- Added new classes for consent dialog: UMPRequestParametersMBS, UMPDebugSettingsMBS, UMPConsentInformationMBS and UMPConsentFormMBS.
- Added new GetStringValue and SetStringValue methods to BigNumberMBS class.
- Added new GetStringValue and SetStringValue methods to LargeNumberMBS class with more options.
- Added new loadWithAdUnitID method to GADAppOpenAdMBS class.
- Added OutOfBoundsException checks for SetStyling() and StyleAt() in ScintillaControlMBS control to avoid crashes.
- Added PairAsyncCompleted and UnpairAsyncCompleted events for WindowsBluetoothLEDeviceMBS class to catch the events from WindowsDeviceInformationPairingMBS easier.
- Added RandomExponentialDistributionMBS, RandomNormalDistributionMBS and RandomPoissonDistributionMBS functions.
- Added replaceCharacters method to NSMutableAttributedStringMBS class.
- Added Scrollable property to NSSearchFieldMBS class.
- Added SortArrayMBS methods to sort with/without a delegate and ascending or descending.
- Added SQL Unit Tests project, so you can run over 500 tests on our MBS Xojo SQL Plugin.
- Added tagForUnderAgeOfConsent and tagForChildDirectedTreatment properties for GADRequestConfigurationMBS class.
- Added target flags to our delegates to make sure they are available on the right targets.
- Added willPopUpMenu and willDisplayOpenPanel events to NSPathControlMBS class.
- Changed CallDelegateOnMainThreadMBS delegates to be hidden for auto complete.
- Disabled old tesseract 3 for Windows ARM 64-bit as that doesn't compile currently.
- Fixed a grouping problem with BigNumberConversionMBS class.
- Fixed a possible crash in SQLConnectionMBS destructor.
- Fixed a problem with file property in NSColorSpaceMBS class not working.
- Fixed a problem with int32 read as string in SQL classes.
- Fixed a problem with Options in SQLCommandMBS not reporting options correctly.
- Fixed a problem with ScintillaControlMBS when calling SetStyling.
- Fixed an endless loop in JSONMBS class when running Search function with a bad query. Now propergates the exception properly.
- Fixed an issue with MoveFirst in our SQL cursor.
- Fixed bug in RemoveHTMLTagsMBS function removing quoted texts.
- Fixed crash in NSIndexPathMBS when passing nil array to Constructor or indexPathWithIndexes method.
- Fixed GetDelegateParametersMBS, GetDelegateTargetMBS and GetDelegateWeakMBS functions to work better in newer Xojo versions.
- Fixed issue with RowSet iterator to not skip first row.
- Fixed JSON, DynaPDF and plugin to compile again with Xojo 2019r1.
- Fixed OpenMTInputFile method in CURLSMBS class to remove InputData first.
- Fixed problem in LargeNumberMBS class when parsing too long string. We now raise an exception.
- Fixed SetupAWS and SetupOAuth in CURLSMBS class to reset NoBody flag if new transfer is not head.
- Fixed string parser in LargeNumberMBS to not break on a minus sign sometimes.
- Implemented EOF and BOF for SQL Plugin for RowSets to make for-each loops work better, but AutoCache may need to be enabled if the database doesn't allow MoveFirst like SQLite.
- Improved array access for the plugins.
- Improved array conversion from Xojo array to JSONMBS array.
- Improved error message for DeclareLibraryMBS constructor.
- Improved handling of arrays for our JSON to HTML conversion for JSONMBS class.
- Improved JavaScriptEngineMBS class to handle arrays of Int32, Int64, Double, Single, Boolean, Color, String and Currency for conversion from Variant to JavaScript.
- Improved NSSearchFieldControlMBS to scroll horizontally.
- Improved WindowsDeviceInformationPairingMBS class to keep reference to the device object.
- Improvements for Xojo 2023r4.
- Moved TextConverterMBS class to MBS Xojo XML Plugin.
- Optimized text handling to be faster, which affects various string functions like ContainsWholeWordMBS.
- Rearranged a few plugin parts internally. Speeds up Xojo loading plugins by around 20%.
- Removed outdated IOWarriorWindowsMBS and IOWarriorCarbonMBS classes.
- Removed tagForUnderAgeOfConsent and tagForChildDirectedTreatment methods in GADRequestConfigurationMBS class.
- Updated Chromium classes for Xojo 2023r4.
- Updated CURL to version 8.5.0.
- Updated DynaPDF to version
- Updated Google AdMob SDK to version 10.14. You may need to adjust your project.
- Updated openssl library to version 3.1.4.
- Updated SQLAPI to version 5.3.0.
- Updated SQLite to version 3.44.1.
- Updated to LCMS 2.16.
- Updated to Xcode 15.2.
- Updated Visual Studio to version 2022.
- New in version 23.5 - New Functions in 23.5
- New in version 23.4 - New Functions in 23.4
- New in version 23.3 - New Functions in 23.3
- New in version 23.2 - New Functions in 23.2
- New in version 23.1 - New Functions in 23.1
- New in version 23.0 - New Functions in 23.0
- New in version 22.5 - New Functions in 22.5
- New in version 22.4 - New Functions in 22.4
- New in version 22.3 - New Functions in 22.3
- New in version 22.2 - New Functions in 22.2
- New in version 22.1 - New Functions in 22.1
- New in version 22.0 - New Functions in 22.0
- New in version 21.5 - New Functions in 21.5
- New in version 21.4 - New Functions in 21.4
- New in version 21.3 - New Functions in 21.3
- New in version 21.2 - New Functions in 21.2
- New in version 21.1 - New Functions in 21.1
- New in version 21.0 - New Functions in 21.0
- New in version 20.5 - New Functions in 20.5
- New in version 20.4 - New Functions in 20.4
- New in version 20.3 - New Functions in 20.3
- New in version 20.2 - New Functions in 20.2
- New in version 20.1 - New Functions in 20.1
- New in version 20.0 - New Functions in 20.0
- New in version 19.5 - New Functions in 19.5
- New in version 19.4 - New Functions in 19.4
- New in version 19.3 - New Functions in 19.3
- New in version 19.2 - New Functions in 19.2
- New in version 19.1 - New Functions in 19.1
- New in version 19.0 - New Functions in 19.0
- New in version 18.5 - New Functions in 18.5
- New in version 18.4 - New Functions in 18.4
- New in version 18.3 - New Functions in 18.3
- New in version 18.2 - New Functions in 18.2
- New in version 18.1 - New Functions in 18.1
- New in version 18.0 - New Functions in 18.0
- New in version 17.5 - New Functions in 17.5
- New in version 17.4 - New Functions in 17.4
- New in version 17.3 - New Functions in 17.3
- New in version 17.2 - New Functions in 17.2
- New in version 17.1 - New Functions in 17.1
- New in version 17.0 - New Functions in 17.0
- New in version 16.5 - New Functions in 16.5
- New in version 16.4 - New Functions in 16.4
- New in version 16.3 - New Functions in 16.3
- New in version 16.2 - New Functions in 16.2
- New in version 16.1 - New Functions in 16.1
- New in version 16.0 - New Functions in 16.0
- New in version 15.4 - New Functions in 15.4
- New in version 15.3 - New Functions in 15.3
- New in version 15.2 - New Functions in 15.2
- New in version 15.1 - New Functions in 15.1
- New in version 15.0 - New Functions in 15.0
- New in version 14.4 - New Functions in 14.4
- New in version 14.3 - New Functions in 14.3
- New in version 14.2 - New Functions in 14.2
- New in version 14.1 - New Functions in 14.1
- New in version 14.0 - New Functions in 14.0
- New in version 13.5 - New Functions in 13.5
- New in version 13.4 - New Functions in 13.4
- New in version 13.3 - New Functions in 13.3
- New in version 13.2 - New Functions in 13.2
- New in version 13.1 - New Functions in 13.1
- New in version 13.0 - New Functions in 13.0
- New in version 12.5 - New Functions in 12.5
- New in version 12.4 - New Functions in 12.4
- New in version 12.3 - New Functions in 12.3
- New in version 12.2 - New Functions in 12.2
- New in version 12.1 - New Functions in 12.1
- New in version 12.0 - New Functions in 12.0
- New in version 11.3 - New Functions in 11.3
- New in version 11.2 - New Functions in 11.2
- New in version 11.1 - New Functions in 11.1
- New in version 11.0 - New Functions in 11.0
- New in version 10.5 - New Functions in 10.5
- New in version 10.4 - New Functions in 10.4
- New in version 10.3 - New Functions in 10.3
- New in version 10.2 - New Functions in 10.2
- New in version 10.1 - New Functions in 10.1
- New in version 10.0 - New Functions in 10.0
- New in version 9.8 - New Functions in 9.8
- New in version 9.7 - New Functions in 9.7
- New in version 9.6 - New Functions in 9.6
- New in version 9.5 - New Functions in 9.5
- New in version 9.4 - New Functions in 9.4
- New in version 9.3 - New Functions in 9.3
- New in version 9.2 - New Functions in 9.2
- New in version 9.1 - New Functions in 9.1
- New in version 9.0 - New Functions in 9.0
- New in version 8.7 - New Functions in 8.7
- New in version 8.6 - New Functions in 8.6
- New in version 8.5 - New Functions in 8.5
- New in version 8.4 - New Functions in 8.4
- New in version 8.3 - New Functions in 8.3
- New in version 8.2 - New Functions in 8.2
- New in version 8.1 - New Functions in 8.1
- New in version 8.0 - New Functions in 8.0