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SCNViewMBS class

Super class: NSViewMBS

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
class SceneKit MBS Mac64bit Plugin 18.4 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ✅ Yes Desktop & iOS
A view for displaying 3D SceneKit content.

In macOS, SCNView is a subclass of NSView. As part of the operating system’s view hierarchy, an SCNView object provides a place for SceneKit content in your app’s user interface. You can create a SceneKit view by using its Constructor method. To provide content for a SceneKit view, assign an SCNSceneMBS object to its scene property.

For additional important methods and properties for working with SceneKit views, see the SCNSceneRenderer protocol. (You can also render SceneKit content into an arbitrary Metal command queue or OpenGL context using the SCNRenderer class, or into a Core Animation layer on macOS using the SCNLayer class. The SCNSceneRenderer protocol defines functionality common to all three SceneKit rendering classes.)


Requires 64bit app on macOS 10.8 or newer
Subclass of the NSViewMBS class.

Antialiasing Modes

Constant Value Description
kAntialiasingModeMultisampling16X 4 Multisampling 16x
kAntialiasingModeMultisampling2X 1 Multisampling 2x
kAntialiasingModeMultisampling4X 2 Multisampling 4x
kAntialiasingModeMultisampling8X 3 Multisampling 8x
kAntialiasingModeNone 0 No antialiasing.

Debug Options

Constant Value Description
kDebugOptionNone 0 Disable all debugging overlays.
kDebugOptionRenderAsWireframe 64 Display only wireframe placeholders for geometries in the scene. more
kDebugOptionShowBoundingBoxes 2 Display the bounding boxes for any nodes with content.
kDebugOptionShowCameras 1024 Display visualizations for nodes in the scene with attached cameras and their fields of view.
kDebugOptionShowConstraints 512 Display visualizations of the constraint objects acting on nodes in the scene.
kDebugOptionShowCreases 256 Display nonsmoothed crease regions for geometries affected by surface subdivision.
kDebugOptionShowLightExtents 8 Display the regions affected by each SCNLightMBS object in the scene. more
kDebugOptionShowLightInfluences 4 Display the locations of each SCNLightMBS object in the scene.
kDebugOptionShowPhysicsFields 16 Display the regions affected by each SCNPhysicsFieldMBS object in the scene.
kDebugOptionShowPhysicsShapes 1 Display the physics shapes for any nodes with attached SCNPhysicsBodyMBS objects.
kDebugOptionShowSkeletons 128 Display visualizations of the skeletal animation parameters for relevant geometries.
kDebugOptionShowWireframe 32 Display geometries in the scene with wireframe rendering. more

Rendering API

Constant Value Description
kRenderingAPIMetal 0 Use the Metal framework for SceneKit rendering. more
kRenderingAPIOpenGLCore32 2 Use the OpenGL 3.2 Core Profile API for SceneKit rendering in macOS.
Used by the renderingAPI property and the SCNPreferredRenderingAPIKey option when initializing an SCNViewMBS object.
kRenderingAPIOpenGLCore41 3 Use the OpenGL 4.1 Core Profile API for SceneKit rendering in macOS.
Used by the renderingAPI property and the SCNPreferredRenderingAPIKey option when initializing an SCNViewMBS object.
kRenderingAPIOpenGLLegacy 1 Use the Legacy OpenGL API for SceneKit rendering in macOS. more

Super class NSViewMBS


Constant Value Description
NSBezelBorder 2 One of the constants to specify the type of a view's border. A concave border that makes the view look sunken.
NSFocusRingTypeDefault 0 One of the constants for the focusringtype property. The default focus ring type for NSView or NSCell.
NSFocusRingTypeExterior 2 One of the constants for the focusringtype property. The standard Aqua focus ring.
NSFocusRingTypeNone 1 One of the constants for the focusringtype property. No focus ring. If you set the focus ring type to this value, NSView and NSCell will not draw any focus ring.
NSGrooveBorder 3 One of the constants to specify the type of a view's border. A thin border that looks etched around the image.
NSLineBorder 1 One of the constants to specify the type of a view's border. A black line border around the view.
NSNoBorder 0 One of the constants to specify the type of a view's border. No border.
NSViewHeightSizable 16 One of the constants for the autoresizingMask property. The receiver's height is flexible.
NSViewLayerContentsRedrawBeforeViewResize 3 One of the view layer content redraw policy constants.
NSViewLayerContentsRedrawDuringViewResize 2 One of the view layer content redraw policy constants.
NSViewLayerContentsRedrawNever 0 One of the view layer content redraw policy constants.
NSViewLayerContentsRedrawOnSetNeedsDisplay 1 One of the view layer content redraw policy constants.
NSViewMaxXMargin 4 One of the constants for the autoresizingMask property. The right margin between the receiver and its superview is flexible.
NSViewMaxYMargin 32 One of the constants for the autoresizingMask property. The top margin between the receiver and its superview is flexible.
NSViewMinXMargin 1 One of the constants for the autoresizingMask property. The left margin between the receiver and its superview is flexible.
NSViewMinYMargin 8 One of the constants for the autoresizingMask property. The bottom margin between the receiver and its superview is flexible.
NSViewNotSizable 0 One of the constants for the autoresizingMask property. The receiver cannot be resized.
NSViewWidthSizable 2 One of the constants for the autoresizingMask property. The receiver's width is flexible.

Window Order Constants

Constant Value Description
NSWindowAbove 1 Moves the window above the indicated window.
NSWindowBelow -1 Moves the window below the indicated window.
NSWindowOut 0 Moves the window off the screen.

Super class NSResponderMBS

This class has no sub classes.

Some properties using for this class:

Some examples using this class:

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The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS Mac64bit Plugin, MBS MacBase Plugin.

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