Platforms to show: All Mac Windows Linux Cross-Platform
ScintillaControlMBS control
See also desktop control: DesktopScintillaControlMBS
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
control | Scintilla | MBS Scintilla Plugin | 22.0 | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | Desktop only |
- 49 events
- event AutoCompleteCancelled
- event AutoCompleteCharacterDeleted
- event AutoCompleteCompleted(Position as Integer, Character as Integer, Text as String, listCompletionMethod as Integer)
- event AutoCompleteSelection(Position as Integer, Character as Integer, Text as String, listCompletionMethod as Integer)
- event AutoCompleteSelectionChange(Position as Integer, Text as String, listType as Integer)
- event CallTipClick(Position as Integer)
- event CharacterAdded(Character as Integer, CharacterSource as Integer)
- event Close
- event Closing
- event ConstructContextualMenu(base as MenuItem, x as Integer, y as Integer) as Boolean
- event ContextualMenuAction(hitItem as MenuItem) as Boolean
- event DoubleClick(Position as Integer, line as integer, modifiers as Integer)
- event DWellEnd(Position as Integer, X as Integer, Y as Integer)
- event DWellStart(Position as Integer, X as Integer, Y as Integer)
- event EnableMenuItems
- event FocusIn
- event FocusLost
- event FocusOut
- event FocusReceived
- event FolderToggled(Line as Integer, Position as Integer, Margin as ScintillaMarginMBS)
- event GotFocus
- event HotSpotClick(Position as Integer, modifiers as Integer)
- event HotSpotDoubleCLick(Position as Integer, modifiers as Integer)
- event HotspotReleaseClick(Position as Integer, modifiers as Integer)
- event IndicatorClick(Position as Integer, modifiers as Integer)
- event IndicatorRelease(Position as Integer, modifiers as Integer)
- event Key(Character as Integer, modifiers as Integer)
- event LostFocus
- event MacroRecord(Message as Integer, wParam as Integer, lParam as Integer)
- event MarginClick(Position as Integer, modifiers as Integer, margin as ScintillaMarginMBS)
- event MarginRightClick(Position as Integer, modifiers as Integer, margin as ScintillaMarginMBS)
- event MenuBarSelected
- event Modified(Position as Integer, modificationType as Integer, Text as String, length as Integer, linesAdded as Integer, line as Integer, foldLevelNow as Integer, foldLevelPrev as Integer, token as Integer, annotationLinesAdded as Integer)
- event ModifyAttemptReadOnly
- event NeedsShown(Position as Integer, length as Integer)
- event Open
- event Opening
- event Painted
- event Prepare
- event SavePointLeft
- event SavePointReached
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as double)
- event SelectionChanged(updated as Integer)
- event StyleNeeded(Position as Integer)
- event TextChanged(Position as Integer, modificationType as Integer, Text as String, length as Integer, linesAdded as Integer, line as Integer)
- event UpdateUI(updated as Integer)
- event URIDropped(text as String)
- event UserListSelection(Position as Integer, Character as Integer, Text as String, listType as Integer, listCompletionMethod as Integer)
- event Zoom
- 188 properties
- property Accessibility as Integer
- property AdditionalCaretForeColor as Color
- property AdditionalCaretsBlink as Boolean
- property AdditionalCaretsVisible as Boolean
- property AdditionalSelAlpha as Integer
- property AdditionalSelectionTyping as Boolean
- property AllLinesVisible as Boolean
- property Anchor as Integer
- property AnnotationVisible as Integer
- property AutoCompleteActive as Boolean
- property AutoCompleteAutoHide as Boolean
- property AutoCompleteCancelAtStart as Boolean
- property AutoCompleteCaseInsensitiveBehaviour as Integer
- property AutoCompleteChooseSingle as Boolean
- property AutoCompleteCurrent as Integer
- property AutoCompleteCurrentText as String
- property AutoCompleteDropRestOfWord as Boolean
- property AutoCompleteIgnoreCase as Boolean
- property AutoCompleteMaxHeight as Integer
- property AutoCompleteMaxWidth as Integer
- property AutoCompleteMulti as Integer
- property AutoCompleteOptions as Integer
- property AutoCompleteOrder as Integer
- property AutoCompleteSeparator as Integer
- property AutoCompleteTypeSeparator as Integer
- property AutomaticFold as Integer
- property BackSpaceUnIndents as Boolean
- property Bidirectional as Integer
- property CallTipActive as Boolean
- property CallTipPosStart as Integer
- property CanPaste as Boolean
- property CanRedo as Boolean
- property CanUndo as Boolean
- property CaretForeColor as Color
- property CaretLineBackAlpha as Integer
- property CaretLineBackColor as Color
- property CaretLineFrame as Integer
- property CaretLineHighlightSubLine as Boolean
- property CaretLineLayer as Integer
- property CaretLineVisible as Boolean
- property CaretLineVisibleAlways as Boolean
- property CaretPeriod as Integer
- property CaretSticky as Integer
- property CaretStyle as Integer
- property CaretWidth as Integer
- property CharacterCategoryOptimization as Integer
- property ControlCharSymbol as Integer
- property CurrentLine as String
- property Cursor as Integer
- property DefaultFoldDisplayText as String
- property DescribeKeyWordSets as String
- property DocumentOptions as Integer
- property EdgeColor as Color
- property EdgeColumn as Integer
- property EdgeMode as Integer
- property EndAtLastLine as Boolean
- property EOLAnnotationVisible as Integer
- property EOLMode as Integer
- property ExtraAscent as Integer
- property ExtraDescent as Integer
- property FirstVisibleLine as Integer
- property Focus as Boolean
- property FoldDisplayTextStyle as Integer
- property FontLocale as String
- property FontQuality as Integer
- property HasBorder as Boolean
- property HighlightGuide as Integer
- property HotspotActiveBack as Color
- property HotspotActiveFore as Color
- property HotspotActiveUnderline as Boolean
- property HotspotSingleLine as Boolean
- property HScrollBar as Boolean
- property IdleStyling as Integer
- property IMEInteraction as Integer
- property Indent as Integer
- property IndentationGuides as Integer
- property IndicatorCurrent as ScintillaIndicatorMBS
- property IndicatorValue as Integer
- property LayoutCache as Integer
- property Length as Integer
- property LexerLanguage as String
- property LineCharacterIndex as Integer
- property LineCount as Integer
- property LineEndTypesActive as Integer
- property LineEndTypesAllowed as Integer
- property LineEndTypesSupported as Integer
- property LinesOnScreen as Integer
- property MainSelection as Integer
- property MarginLeft as Integer
- property MarginOptions as Integer
- property MarginRight as Integer
- property Margins as Integer
- property MaxLineState as Integer
- property ModEventMask as Integer
- property Modify as Boolean
- property MouseDownCaptures as Boolean
- property MouseDwellTime as Integer
- property MouseSelectionRectangularSwitch as Boolean
- property MouseWheelCaptures as Boolean
- property MoveExtendsSelection as Boolean
- property MultiPaste as Integer
- property MultipleSelection as Boolean
- property NamedStyles as Integer
- property NSView as Variant
- property Overtype as Boolean
- property PasteConvertEndings as Boolean
- property Position as Integer
- property PositionCache as Integer
- property PrintColourMode as Integer
- property PrintMagnification as Integer
- property PrintWrapMode as Integer
- property PropertyNames as String
- property PunctuationChars as String
- property ReadOnly as Boolean
- property RectangularSelectionAnchor as Integer
- property RectangularSelectionAnchorVirtualSpace as Integer
- property RectangularSelectionCaret as Integer
- property RectangularSelectionCaretVirtualSpace as Integer
- property RectangularSelectionModifier as Integer
- property ScrollWidth as Integer
- property ScrollWidthTracking as Boolean
- property SearchFlags as Integer
- property SelAlpha as Integer
- property SelectedText as String
- property SelectionEmpty as Boolean
- property SelectionEnd as Integer
- property SelectionIsRectangle as Boolean
- property SelectionLayer as Integer
- property SelectionMode as Integer
- property Selections as Integer
- property SelectionSpan as ScintillaSpanMBS
- property SelectionStart as Integer
- property SelEOLFilled as Boolean
- property ShowInfoBar as Boolean
- property Status as Integer
- property TabDrawMode as Integer
- property TabIndents as Boolean
- property TabMinimumWidth as Integer
- property TabWidth as Integer
- property TargetEnd as Integer
- property TargetEndVirtualSpace as Integer
- property TargetSpan as ScintillaSpanMBS
- property TargetStart as Integer
- property TargetStartVirtualSpace as Integer
- property TargetText as String
- property Technology as Integer
- property Text as String
- property TextLength as Integer
- property UndoCollection as Boolean
- property UseTabs as Boolean
- property ViewEOL as Boolean
- property ViewWS as Integer
- property VirtualSpaceOptions as Integer
- property VScrollBar as Boolean
- property WhitespaceChars as String
- property WhitespaceSize as Integer
- property WordChars as String
- property WrapIndentMode as Integer
- property WrapMode as Integer
- property WrapStartIndent as Integer
- property WrapVisualFlags as Integer
- property WrapVisualFlagsLocation as Integer
- property XOffset as Integer
- property Zoom as Integer
- property AnnotationStyle(line as Integer) as ScintillaStyleMBS
- property AnnotationStyles(line as Integer) as MemoryBlock
- property AnnotationText(line as Integer) as String
- property ElementColour(element as Integer) as Color
- property EOLAnnotationStyle(line as Integer) as ScintillaStyleMBS
- property EOLAnnotationText(line as Integer) as String
- property FoldExpanded(line as Integer) as Boolean
- property FoldLevel(line as Integer) as Integer
- property KeyWords(keyWordSet as Integer) as String
- property LineIndentation(line as Integer) as Integer
- property LineState(Line as Integer) as Integer
- property MarginStyle(Line as Integer) as ScintillaStyleMBS
- property MarginStyles(line as Integer) as MemoryBlock
- property MarginText(line as Integer) as String
- property PropertyValue(Key as String) as String
- property Representation(encodedCharacter as String) as String
- property RepresentationAppearance(encodedCharacter as String) as Integer
- property RepresentationColour(encodedCharacter as String) as Color
- property SelectionNAnchor(selection as Integer) as Integer
- property SelectionNAnchorVirtualSpace(selection as Integer) as Integer
- property SelectionNCaret(selection as Integer) as Integer
- property SelectionNCaretVirtualSpace(selection as Integer) as Integer
- property SelectionNEnd(selection as Integer) as Integer
- property SelectionNStart(selection as Integer) as Integer
- shared property LibraryError as String
- 317 methods
- method AddSelection(caret as Integer, anchor as Integer)
- method AddStyledText(StyledText as MemoryBlock)
- method AddTabStop(line as Integer, x as Integer)
- method AddText(Text as String)
- method AddUndoAction(token as Integer, UndoFlags as Integer)
- method AllocateBytes(bytes as Integer)
- method AllocateLineCharacterIndex(lineCharacterIndex as Integer)
- method AllocateLines(line as Integer)
- method AnnotationClearAll
- method AnnotationLines(line as Integer) as Integer
- method AppendText(Text as String)
- method AssignCmdKey(keyDefinition as Integer, sciCommand as Integer)
- method AutoComplete
- method AutoCompleteCancel
- method AutoCompletePosStart as Integer
- method AutoCompleteSelect(Value as String)
- method AutoCompleteSetFillUps(characterSet as String)
- method AutoCompleteShow(lengthEntered as Integer, itemList as String)
- method AutoCompleteStops(characterSet as String)
- method BackTab
- method BeginUndoAction
- method BraceBadLight(pos as Integer)
- method BraceBadLightIndicator(useSetting as Boolean, indicator as ScintillaIndicatorMBS)
- method BraceHighlight(posA as Integer, posB as Integer)
- method BraceHighlightIndicator(useSetting as Boolean, indicator as ScintillaIndicatorMBS)
- method BraceMatch(pos as Integer, maxReStyle as Integer) as Integer
- method BraceMatchNext(pos as Integer, startPos as Integer) as Integer
- method CallTipCancel
- method CallTipSetBackColor(backColor as Color)
- method CallTipSetForeColor(foreColor as Color)
- method CallTipSetForeColorHighlight(foreColor as Color)
- method CallTipSetHighlight(highlightStart as Integer, highlightEnd as Integer)
- method CallTipSetPosition(above as Boolean)
- method CallTipShow(pos as Integer, definition as String)
- method CallTipUseStyle(tabSize as Integer)
- method Cancel
- method ChangeInsertion(text as String)
- method ChangeLexerState(start as Integer, ende as Integer) as Integer
- method Character(position as Integer) as Integer
- method CharacterString(position as Integer, byref Length as Integer) as String
- method CharLeft
- method CharLeftExtend
- method CharLeftRectExtend
- method CharPositionFromPoint(x as Integer, y as Integer) as Integer
- method CharPositionFromPointClose(x as Integer, y as Integer) as Integer
- method CharRight
- method CharRightExtend
- method CharRightRectExtend
- method ChooseCaretX
- method Clear
- method ClearAll
- method ClearAllCmdKeys
- method ClearAllRepresentations
- method ClearCmdKey(keyDefinition as Integer)
- method ClearDocumentStyle
- method ClearRegisteredImages
- method ClearRepresentation(encodedCharacter as String)
- method ClearSelections
- method ClearTabStops(line as Integer)
- method Colourise(start as Integer, ende as Integer = -1)
- method ColouriseAll
- method Column(pos as Integer) as Integer
- method ContractedFoldNext(lineStart as Integer) as Integer
- method ConvertEOLs(EndOfLineMode as Integer)
- method Copy
- method CopyAllowLine
- method CopyRange(RangeStart as Integer, RangeEnd as Integer)
- method CopyText(Text as String)
- method CountCharacters(start as Integer, ende as Integer) as Integer
- method CountCodeUnits(start as Integer, ende as Integer) as Integer
- method CreateLoader(bytes as Integer = 1000000, documentOptions as Integer = 0) as ScintillaLoaderMBS
- method Cut
- method DeleteBack
- method DeleteBackNotLine
- method DeleteRange(start as Integer, lengthDelete as Integer)
- method DelLineLeft
- method DelLineRight
- method DelWordLeft
- method DelWordRight
- method DelWordRightEnd
- method DescribeProperty(Key as String) as String
- method DocLineFromVisible(line as Integer) as Integer
- method DocumentEnd
- method DocumentEndExtend
- method DocumentStart
- method DocumentStartExtend
- method DropSelectionN(selection as Integer)
- method EditToggleOvertype
- method ElementAllowsTranslucent(element as Integer) as Boolean
- method ElementBaseColour(element as Integer) as Color
- method ElementIsSet(element as Integer) as Boolean
- method EmptyUndoBuffer
- method EndStyled as Integer
- method EndUndoAction
- method EnsureVisible(line as Integer)
- method EnsureVisibleEnforcePolicy(line as Integer)
- method EOLAnnotationClearAll
- method ExpandChildren(Line as Integer, FoldLevel as Integer)
- method FindColumn(line as Integer, column as Integer) as Integer
- method FindIndicatorFlash(start as Integer, ende as Integer)
- method FindIndicatorHide
- method FindIndicatorShow(start as Integer, ende as Integer)
- method FindText(searchFlags as Integer, Text as String, byref RangeStart as Integer, byref RangeEnd as Integer) as Integer
- method FoldAll(FoldAction as Integer)
- method FoldChildren(Line as Integer, FoldAction as Integer)
- method FoldLine(Line as Integer, FoldAction as Integer)
- method FoldParent(line as Integer) as Integer
- method FormatRange(draw as boolean, range as ScintillaRangeToFormatMBS) as Integer
- method FormFeed
- method GetLineSelEndPosition(line as Integer) as Integer
- method GetLineSelStartPosition(line as Integer) as Integer
- method GetNextTabStop(line as Integer, x as Integer) as Integer
- method GetStyledText(RangeStart as Integer, RangeEnd as Integer, byref Styledtext as MemoryBlock) as Integer
- method GetTextRange(RangeStart as Integer, RangeEnd as Integer, byref Text as String) as Integer
- method GotoLine(line as Integer)
- method GotoPos(pos as Integer)
- method GrabFocus
- method HideLines(lineStart as Integer, lineEnd as Integer)
- method HideSelection(hide as Boolean)
- method Home
- method HomeDisplay
- method HomeDisplayExtend
- method HomeExtend
- method HomeRectExtend
- method HomeWrap
- method HomeWrapExtend
- method IndexPositionFromLine(line as Integer, lineCharacterIndex as Integer) as Integer
- method Indicator(index as Integer) as ScintillaIndicatorMBS
- method IndicatorAllOnFor(pos as Integer) as Integer
- method IndicatorClearRange(start as Integer, lengthClear as Integer)
- method IndicatorFillRange(start as Integer, lengthFill as Integer)
- method InitializeLexer(Lexer as String)
- method InsertText(Text as String, atPosition as Integer = -1)
- method IsRangeWord(start as Integer, ende as Integer) as Boolean
- method LastChild(line as Integer, level as Integer) as Integer
- method Line(line as Integer) as String
- method LineCopy
- method LineCut
- method LineDelete
- method LineDown
- method LineDownExtend
- method LineDownRectExtend
- method LineDuplicate
- method LineEnd
- method LineEnd(line as Integer) as Integer
- method LineEndDisplay
- method LineEndDisplayExtend
- method LineEndExtend
- method LineEndPosition(line as Integer) as Integer
- method LineEndRectExtend
- method LineEndWrap
- method LineEndWrapExtend
- method LineFromIndexPosition(pos as Integer, lineCharacterIndex as Integer) as Integer
- method LineFromPosition(pos as Integer) as Integer
- method LineIndentPosition(line as Integer) as Integer
- method LineLength(line as Integer) as Integer
- method LineReverse
- method LineScroll(columns as Integer, lines as Integer)
- method LineScrollDown
- method LineScrollUp
- method LinesJoin
- method LinesSplit(pixelWidth as Integer)
- method LineStart(line as Integer) as Integer
- method LineTranspose
- method LineUp
- method LineUpExtend
- method LineUpRectExtend
- method LineVisible(line as Integer) as Boolean
- method LowerCase
- method Margin(index as Integer) as ScintillaMarginMBS
- method MarginTextClearAll
- method Marker(index as Integer) as ScintillaMarkerMBS
- method MarkerAdd(Line as Integer, markerNumber as Integer) as Integer
- method MarkerAddSet(line as Integer, markerSet as Integer)
- method MarkerDefineRGBAImage(markerNumber as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer, ScalePercent as Integer = 100, Pixels as MemoryBlock)
- method MarkerDelete(Line as Integer, markerNumber as Integer)
- method MarkerDeleteAll(markerNumber as Integer)
- method MarkerDeleteHandle(markerHandle as Integer)
- method MarkerEnableHighlight(enabled as Boolean)
- method MarkerGet(Line as Integer) as Integer
- method MarkerHandleFromLine(line as Integer, which as Integer) as Integer
- method MarkerLineFromHandle(markerHandle as Integer) as Integer
- method MarkerNext(lineStart as Integer, markerMask as Integer) as Integer
- method MarkerNumberFromLine(line as Integer, which as Integer) as Integer
- method MarkerPrevious(lineStart as Integer, markerMask as Integer) as Integer
- method MoveCaretInsideView
- method MoveSelectedLinesDown
- method MoveSelectedLinesUp
- method MultiEdgeAddLine(column as Integer, edgeColour as Color)
- method MultiEdgeClearAll
- method MultiEdgeColumn(which as Integer) as Integer
- method MultipleSelectAddEach
- method MultipleSelectAddNext
- method NewLine
- method PageDown
- method PageDownExtend
- method PageDownRectExtend
- method PageUp
- method PageUpExtend
- method PageUpRectExtend
- method ParaDown
- method ParaDownExtend
- method ParaUp
- method ParaUpExtend
- method Paste
- method PointXFromPosition(pos as Integer) as Integer
- method PointYFromPosition(pos as Integer) as Integer
- method PositionAfter(pos as Integer) as Integer
- method PositionBefore(pos as Integer) as Integer
- method PositionFromLine(line as Integer) as Integer
- method PositionFromPoint(x as Integer, y as integer) as integer
- method PositionFromPointClose(x as Integer, y as integer) as integer
- method PositionRelative(pos as Integer, relative as Integer) as Integer
- method PositionRelativeCodeUnits(pos as Integer, relative as Integer) as Integer
- method PropertyInt(name as String, defaultValue as Integer = 0) as Integer
- method PropertyType(name as String) as Integer
- method Redo
- method RegisterRGBAImage(type as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer, Pixels as MemoryBlock)
- method ReleaseAllExtendedStyles
- method ReleaseLineCharacterIndex(lineCharacterIndex as Integer)
- method ReplaceRectangular(length as Integer, text as String)
- method ReplaceSelection(text as string)
- method ReplaceTarget(text as string) as Integer
- method ReplaceTargetRE(text as string) as Integer
- method ResetElementColour(element as Integer)
- method RotateSelection
- method SaveToHTML(Title as String, tabSize as Integer = 4, wysiwyg as boolean = false, tabs as boolean = true, folding as boolean = false, onlyStylesUsed as boolean = true) as String
- method ScrollCaret
- method ScrollRange(secondary as Integer, primary as Integer)
- method ScrollToEnd
- method ScrollToStart
- method SearchAnchor
- method SearchInTarget(text as string) as Integer
- method SearchNext(searchFlags as Integer, text as String) as Integer
- method SearchPrev(searchFlags as Integer, text as String) as Integer
- method SelectAll
- method SelectionDuplicate
- method SelectionNEndVirtualSpace(selection as Integer) as Integer
- method SelectionNStartVirtualSpace(selection as Integer) as Integer
- method SetAdditionalSelBackColor(value as Color)
- method SetAdditionalSelForeColor(value as Color)
- method SetCharsDefault
- method SetDocument(otherControl as Variant)
- method SetEmptySelection(caret as Integer)
- method SetFoldFlags(FoldFlags as Integer)
- method SetFoldMarginColor(useSetting as boolean, value as Color)
- method SetFoldMarginHighlightColor(useSetting as boolean, value as Color)
- method SetHotspotActiveBackColor(useSetting as boolean, value as Color)
- method SetHotspotActiveForeColor(useSetting as boolean, value as Color)
- method SetSavePoint
- method SetSel(anchor as Integer, caret as Integer)
- method SetSelBackColor(useSetting as boolean, value as Color)
- method SetSelection(caret as Integer, anchor as Integer)
- method SetSelForeColor(useSetting as boolean, value as Color)
- method setStatusText(Text as String)
- method SetStyling(length as Integer, style as ScintillaStyleMBS)
- method SetStyling(start as Integer, length as Integer, style as ScintillaStyleMBS)
- method SetStylingEx(Styles as MemoryBlock)
- method SetTargetRange(start as Integer, ende as Integer)
- method SetVisiblePolicy(visiblePolicy as Integer, visibleSlop as Integer)
- method SetWhitespaceBackColor(useSetting as boolean, value as Color)
- method SetWhitespaceForeColor(useSetting as boolean, value as Color)
- method SetXCaretPolicy(caretPolicy as Integer, caretSlop as Integer)
- method SetYCaretPolicy(caretPolicy as Integer, caretSlop as Integer)
- method ShowLines(lineStart as Integer, lineEnd as Integer)
- method StartRecord
- method StartStyling(start as Integer)
- method StopRecord
- method StringOfSpan(Span as ScintillaSpanMBS) as String
- method StutteredPageDown
- method StutteredPageDownExtend
- method StutteredPageUp
- method StutteredPageUpExtend
- method Style(index as Integer) as ScintillaStyleMBS
- method StyleAt(position as Integer) as ScintillaStyleMBS
- method StyleClearAll
- method StyleResetDefault
- method SupportsFeature(feature as Integer) as Boolean
- method SwapMainAnchorCaret
- method Tab
- method Tag(tagNumber as Integer) as String
- method TargetFromSelection
- method TargetWholeDocument
- method TextHeight(line as Integer) as Integer
- method ToggleCaretSticky
- method ToggleFold(line as Integer)
- method ToggleFoldShowText(Line as Integer, text as String)
- method Undo
- method UpperCase
- method UsePopUp(popUpMode as Integer)
- method UserListShow(listType as Integer, itemList as string)
- method VCHome
- method VCHomeDisplay
- method VCHomeDisplayExtend
- method VCHomeExtend
- method VCHomeRectExtend
- method VCHomeWrap
- method VCHomeWrapExtend
- method VerticalCentreCaret
- method VisibleFromDocLine(line as Integer) as Integer
- method WordEndPosition(pos as Integer, onlyWordCharacters as boolean) as Integer
- method WordLeft
- method WordLeftEnd
- method WordLeftEndExtend
- method WordLeftExtend
- method WordPartLeft
- method WordPartLeftExtend
- method WordPartRight
- method WordPartRightExtend
- method WordRight
- method WordRightEnd
- method WordRightEndExtend
- method WordRightExtend
- method WordStartPosition(pos as Integer, onlyWordCharacters as boolean) as Integer
- method WrapCount(line as Integer) as Integer
- method ZoomIn
- method ZoomOut
- 6 shared methods
- shared method LexerNameFromID(ID as Integer) as String
- shared method LexerNames as String()
- shared method lexillaLibraryLoaded as boolean
- shared method LoadFramework(path as folderitem) as boolean
- shared method LoadLibrary(path as folderitem) as boolean
- shared method scintillaLibraryLoaded as boolean
- 293 constants
Some examples using this control:
Blog Entries
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 23.2
- More Scintilla questions
- Scintilla in Xojo for Linux 64-bit on ARM
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 22.4
- MBS Xojo Plugins in version 22.4
- Scintilla in Xojo with Search and Replace
- Configure Scintilla Control for HTML
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 22.0
- One year Xojo MVP
- Adding a Scintilla based control to Xojo
Xojo Developer Magazine
Release notes
- Version 24.2
- Fixed a problem with LoadLibrary failing on Windows for ScintillaControlMBS control.
- Improved error reporting for LoadLibrary method on Windows for ScintillaControlMBS control.
- Version 24.0
- Added OutOfBoundsException checks for SetStyling() and StyleAt() in ScintillaControlMBS control to avoid crashes.
- Fixed a problem with ScintillaControlMBS when calling SetStyling.
- Version 23.3
- Added RegisterRGBAImage and MarkerDefineRGBAImage methods to ScintillaControlMBS class.
- Improved ScintillaControlMBS to better recognize xojo comments.
- Upgraded the Xojo lexer for ScintillaControlMBS control. Please adjust your style definitions. Thanks to Norman Palardy.
- Version 23.2
- Added printing and preview to ScintillaControlMBS with new FormatRange method.
- Fixed a problem in ScintillaControlMBS where TextChanged event would sometimes pass extra bytes in the text parameter.
- Fixed bug in setStatusText method when passing empty text for ScintillaControlMBS control.
- Version 22.4
- Added HasBorder property to ScintillaControlMBS control.
- Added Prepare event to ScintillaControlMBS control.
- Fixed a problem where ScintillaControlMBS would not get the focus and Control-V would paste to the wrong control.
- Fixed a problem where SelectedText in ScintillaControlMBS would return a NULL byte on the end.
- Fixed a problem where the Xojo IDE would crash when using ScintillaControlMBS.
- Version 22.3
- Changed ScintillaControlMBS control to set correct size on Windows when created.
- Fixed text property in ScintillaControlMBS control to not have extra NULL byte on the end.
- Version 22.2
- Fixed a problem with auto complete showing in background for ScintillaControlMBS when used on a dialog.
- Version 22.1
- Added LexerNameFromID function for ScintillaControlMBS control.
- Added LexerNames function for ScintillaControlMBS control.
- Fixed problem with focus with ScintillaControlMBS control.
- Fixed problem with macOS 12.1 and redraw issues with margins on ScintillaControlMBS.
- Fixed text property for ScintillaControlMBS control.
- Version 22.0
- Added ScintillaControlMBS and DesktopScintillaControlMBS controls.
The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS Scintilla Plugin.
RoundRectangleMBS - SCNControlMBS