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XLSheetMBS class
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
class | XL | MBS XL Plugin | 11.3 | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | All |
This is an abstract class. You can't create an instance, but you can get one from various plugin functions.
- 47 properties
- property AutoFilter as XLAutoFilterMBS
- property Book as XLBookMBS
- property DefaultRowHeight as Double
- property DisplayGridlines as boolean
- property FirstCol as Integer
- property FirstFilledCol as Integer
- property FirstFilledRow as Integer
- property FirstRow as Integer
- property Footer as string
- property FooterMargin as Double
- property FormControlCount as Integer
- property GetHorPageBreakCount as Integer
- property GetVerPageBreakCount as Integer
- property GroupSummaryBelow as boolean
- property GroupSummaryRight as boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- property HCenter as boolean
- property Header as string
- property HeaderMargin as Double
- property Hidden as Integer
- property HyperlinkSize as Integer
- property Landscape as boolean
- property LastCol as Integer
- property LastFilledCol as Integer
- property LastFilledRow as Integer
- property LastRow as Integer
- property MarginBottom as Double
- property MarginLeft as Double
- property MarginRight as Double
- property MarginTop as Double
- property MergeSize as Integer
- property Name as string
- property NamedRangeCount as Integer
- property Paper as Integer
- property PictureCount as Integer
- property PrintGridlines as boolean
- property PrintRowCol as boolean
- property PrintZoom as Integer
- property Protect as boolean
- property RightToLeft as boolean
- property TabColor as Integer
- property TableSize as Integer
- property VCenter as boolean
- property Zoom as Integer
- property CellFormat(row as Integer, col as Integer) as XLFormatMBS
- property ColHidden(col as Integer) as boolean
- property RowHidden(row as Integer) as boolean
- 135 methods
- method AddConditionalFormatting as XLConditionalFormattingMBS
- method AddDataValidation(type as Integer, op as integer, rowFirst as integer, colFirst as integer, rowLast as integer, colLast as integer, value1 as String, value2 as String)
- method AddDataValidation(type as Integer, op as integer, rowFirst as integer, colFirst as integer, rowLast as integer, colLast as integer, value1 as String, value2 as String, allowBlank as Boolean, hideDropDown as Boolean = false, showInputMessage as Boolean = true, showErrorMessage as Boolean = true, promptTitle as String = "", prompt as String = "", errorTitle as string = "", error as string = "", errorStyle as integer = 0)
- method AddDataValidationDouble(type as Integer, op as integer, rowFirst as integer, colFirst as integer, rowLast as integer, colLast as integer, value1 as Double, value2 as Double)
- method AddDataValidationDouble(type as Integer, op as integer, rowFirst as integer, colFirst as integer, rowLast as integer, colLast as integer, value1 as Double, value2 as Double, allowBlank as Boolean, hideDropDown as Boolean = false, showInputMessage as Boolean = true, showErrorMessage as Boolean = true, promptTitle as String = "", prompt as String = "", errorTitle as string = "", error as string = "", errorStyle as integer = 0)
- method AddHyperlink(hyperlink as string, rowFirst as Integer, rowLast as Integer, colFirst as Integer, colLast as Integer)
- method AddIgnoredError(rowFirst as Integer, colFirst as Integer, rowLast as Integer, colLast as Integer, iError as Integer) as Boolean
- method AddrToRowCol(addr as string, byref row as Integer, byref col as Integer, byref rowRelative as boolean, byref colRelative as boolean)
- method AddSelectionRange(sqref as string)
- method ApplyFilter
- method CellType(row as Integer, col as Integer) as Integer
- method Clear(rowFirst as Integer = 0, rowLast as Integer = 1048575, colFirst as Integer = 0, colLast as Integer = 16383) as Boolean
- method ClearPrintArea
- method ClearPrintRepeats
- method ColFormat(col as integer) as XLFormatMBS New in 25.0
- method ColWidth(col as Integer) as Double
- method ColWidthPx(col as integer) as Integer
- method Constructor Private
- method CopyCell(rowSrc as Integer, colSrc as Integer, rowDst as Integer, colDst as Integer) as boolean
- method CopyCellValue(dest as XLSheetMBS, SourceRow as Integer, DestRow as Integer, SourceColumn as Integer, DestColumn as Integer, Options as XLCopyOptionsMBS = nil)
- method CopyColumn(dest as XLSheetMBS, SourceColumn as Integer, DestColumn as Integer, Options as XLCopyOptionsMBS = nil)
- method CopyRow(dest as XLSheetMBS, SourceRow as Integer, DestRow as Integer, Options as XLCopyOptionsMBS = nil)
- method CopySheet(dest as XLBookMBS, Options as XLCopyOptionsMBS = nil)
- method CopySheet(dest as XLSheetMBS, Options as XLCopyOptionsMBS = nil)
- method DelHyperlink(index as Integer) as Boolean
- method DelMerge(row as Integer, col as Integer) as boolean
- method DelMergeByIndex(index as Integer) as Boolean
- method DelNamedRange(name as string, scopeId as Integer = -2) as boolean
- method FormControl(index as integer) as XLFormControlMBS
- method GetActiveCell(byref row as integer, byref col as integer) as boolean
- method GetHorPageBreak(index as Integer) as Integer
- method GetMerge(row as Integer, col as Integer, byref rowFirst as Integer, byref rowLast as Integer, byref colFirst as Integer, byref colLast as Integer) as boolean
- method GetNamedRange(name as string, byref rowFirst as Integer, byref rowLast as Integer, byref colFirst as Integer, byref colLast as Integer) as boolean
- method GetNamedRange(name as string, byref rowFirst as Integer, byref rowLast as Integer, byref colFirst as Integer, byref colLast as Integer, ScopeID as Integer, byref Hidden as Integer) as boolean
- method GetPicture(index as Integer, byref rowTop as Integer, byref colLeft as Integer, byref rowBottom as Integer, byref colRight as Integer, byref width as Integer, byref height as Integer, byref offsetX as Integer, byref offsetY as Integer) as Integer
- method GetPrintArea(byref rowFirst as Integer, byref colFirst as Integer, byref rowLast as Integer, byref colLast as Integer) as boolean
- method GetPrintFit(byref wPages as Integer, byref hPages as Integer) as boolean
- method GetPrintRepeatCols(byref colFirst as Integer, byref colLast as Integer) as boolean
- method GetPrintRepeatRows(byref rowFirst as Integer, byref rowLast as Integer) as boolean
- method GetTabRgbColor(byref red as Integer, byref green as Integer, byref blue as Integer) as Boolean
- method GetTopLeftView(byref row as Integer, byref col as Integer)
- method GetVerPageBreak(index as Integer) as Integer
- method GroupCols(colFirst as Integer, colLast as Integer, collapsed as boolean = true) as boolean
- method GroupRows(rowFirst as Integer, rowLast as Integer, collapsed as boolean = true) as boolean
- method Hyperlink(index as Integer, byref rowFirst as Integer, byref rowLast as Integer, byref colFirst as Integer, byref colLast as Integer) as String
- method HyperlinkIndex(row as integer, col as integer) as Integer
- method InsertCol(colFirst as Integer, colLast as Integer) as boolean
- method InsertColAndKeepRanges(colFirst as integer, colLast as integer) as boolean
- method InsertRow(rowFirst as Integer, rowLast as Integer) as boolean
- method InsertRowAndKeepRanges(rowFirst as integer, rowLast as integer) as boolean
- method IsAutoFilter as boolean
- method IsDate(row as Integer, col as Integer) as boolean
- method IsFormula(row as Integer, col as Integer) as boolean
- method IsRichString(row as integer, col as integer) as Boolean
- method Merge(index as Integer, byref rowFirst as Integer, byref rowLast as Integer, byref colFirst as Integer, byref colLast as Integer) as Boolean
- method NamedRange(index as Integer, byref rowFirst as Integer, byref rowLast as Integer, byref ColFirst as Integer, byref ColLast as Integer) as string
- method NamedRange(index as Integer, byref rowFirst as Integer, byref rowLast as Integer, byref ColFirst as Integer, byref ColLast as Integer, byref scopeId as Integer, byref Hidden as Boolean) as string
- method ReadBlank(row as Integer, col as Integer) as boolean
- method ReadBlank(row as Integer, col as Integer, byref format as XLFormatMBS) as boolean
- method ReadBoolean(row as Integer, col as Integer) as boolean
- method ReadBoolean(row as Integer, col as Integer, byref format as XLFormatMBS) as boolean
- method ReadComment(row as Integer, col as Integer) as string
- method ReadDate(row as Integer, col as Integer) as date
- method ReadDate(row as Integer, col as Integer, byref format as XLFormatMBS) as date
- method ReadDateTime(row as integer, col as integer) as dateTime
- method ReadDateTime(row as integer, col as integer, byref format as XLFormatMBS) as dateTime
- method ReadError(row as Integer, col as Integer) as Integer
- method ReadFormula(row as Integer, col as Integer) as string
- method ReadFormula(row as Integer, col as Integer, byref format as XLFormatMBS) as string
- method ReadNumber(row as Integer, col as Integer) as Double
- method ReadNumber(row as Integer, col as Integer, byref format as XLFormatMBS) as Double
- method ReadRichString(row as integer, col as integer) as XLRichStringMBS
- method ReadRichString(row as integer, col as integer, byref format as XLFormatMBS) as XLRichStringMBS
- method ReadString(row as Integer, col as Integer) as string
- method ReadString(row as Integer, col as Integer, byref format as XLFormatMBS) as string
- method ReadStyledText(row as integer, col as integer) as StyledText
- method ReadStyledText(row as integer, col as integer, byref format as XLFormatMBS) as StyledText
- method ReadValue(row as integer, col as integer) as Variant
- method ReadValue(row as integer, col as integer, byref format as XLFormatMBS) as Variant
- method RemoveCol(colFirst as Integer, colLast as Integer) as boolean
- method RemoveColAndKeepRanges(colFirst as integer, colLast as integer) as boolean
- method RemoveComment(row as Integer, col as Integer)
- method RemoveDataValidations
- method RemoveFilter
- method RemovePicture(row as integer, col as integer) as Boolean
- method RemovePictureByIndex(index as integer) as Boolean
- method RemoveRow(rowFirst as Integer, rowLast as Integer) as boolean
- method RemoveRowAndKeepRanges(rowFirst as integer, rowLast as integer) as boolean
- method RemoveSelection
- method RowColToAddr(row as Integer, col as Integer, rowRelative as boolean = true, colRelative as boolean = true) as string
- method RowFormat(row as integer) as XLFormatMBS New in 25.0
- method RowHeight(row as Integer) as Double
- method RowHeightPx(row as integer) as Integer
- method SelectionRange as string
- method SetActiveCell(row as integer, col as integer)
- method SetAutoFitArea(rowFirst as Integer = 0, colFirst as Integer = 0, rowLast as Integer = -1, colLast as Integer = -1)
- method SetCol(colFirst as Integer, colLast as Integer, width as Double, format as XLFormatMBS = nil, hidden as boolean = false) as boolean
- method SetColPx(colFirst as integer, colLast as integer, width as integer, format as XLFormatMBS = nil, hidden as boolean = false) as boolean
- method SetFooter(footer as string, margin as Double) as boolean
- method SetHeader(header as string, margin as Double) as boolean
- method SetHorPageBreak(row as Integer, pageBreak as boolean = true) as boolean
- method SetMerge(rowFirst as Integer, rowLast as Integer, colFirst as Integer, colLast as Integer) as boolean
- method SetNamedRange(name as string, rowFirst as Integer, rowLast as Integer, colFirst as Integer, colLast as Integer, scopeId as Integer = -2) as boolean
- method SetPicture(row as Integer, col as Integer, PictureID as Integer, scale as Double = 1.0, OffsetX as Integer = 0, OffsetY as Integer = 0, pos as Integer = 0)
- method SetPicture(row as Integer, col as Integer, PictureID as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer, OffsetX as Integer = 0, OffsetY as Integer = 0, pos as Integer = 0)
- method SetPrintArea(rowFirst as Integer, rowLast as Integer, colFirst as Integer, colLast as Integer)
- method SetPrintFit(wPages as Integer, hPages as Integer)
- method SetPrintRepeatCols(colFirst as Integer, colLast as Integer)
- method SetPrintRepeatRows(rowFirst as Integer, rowLast as Integer)
- method SetProtectEx(protect as boolean = true, password as string = "", enhancedProtection as Integer = -1)
- method SetRow(row as Integer, height as Double, format as XLFormatMBS = nil, hidden as boolean = false) as boolean
- method SetRowPx(row as integer, height as integer, format as XLFormatMBS = nil, hidden as boolean = false) as boolean
- method SetTabColor(colorValue as Integer)
- method SetTabRgbColor(red as Integer, green as Integer, blue as Integer)
- method SetTopLeftView(row as Integer, col as Integer)
- method SetVerPageBreak(row as Integer, pageBreak as boolean = true) as boolean
- method Split(row as Integer, col as Integer)
- method SplitInfo(byref row as Integer, byref col as Integer) as Boolean
- method Table(index as Integer, byref rowFirst as Integer, byref rowLast as Integer, byref ColFirst as Integer, byref ColLast as Integer, byref headerRowCount as Integer, byref totalsRowCount as Integer) as string
- method Table(name as string, byref rowFirst as integer, byref rowLast as integer, byref ColFirst as integer, byref ColLast as integer, byref headerRowCount as integer, byref totalsRowCount as integer) as Boolean
- method WriteBlank(row as Integer, col as Integer, format as XLFormatMBS = nil) as boolean
- method WriteBoolean(row as Integer, col as Integer, value as boolean, format as XLFormatMBS = nil) as boolean
- method WriteComment(row as Integer, col as Integer, value as string, author as string, width as Integer, height as Integer)
- method WriteDate(row as Integer, col as Integer, value as date, format as XLFormatMBS = nil) as boolean
- method WriteDateTime(row as integer, col as integer, value as dateTime, format as XLFormatMBS = nil) as boolean
- method WriteError(row as Integer, col as Integer, Error as Integer, format as XLFormatMBS = nil)
- method WriteFormula(row as Integer, col as Integer, value as string, format as XLFormatMBS = nil) as boolean
- method WriteFormulaBool(row as Integer, col as Integer, Expression as string, value as Boolean, format as XLFormatMBS = nil) as boolean
- method WriteFormulaNum(row as Integer, col as Integer, Expression as string, value as Double, format as XLFormatMBS = nil) as boolean
- method WriteFormulaString(row as Integer, col as Integer, Expression as string, value as String, format as XLFormatMBS = nil) as boolean
- method WriteNumber(row as Integer, col as Integer, value as Double, format as XLFormatMBS = nil) as boolean
- method WriteRichString(row as integer, col as integer, RichString as XLRichStringMBS, format as XLFormatMBS = nil) as boolean
- method WriteString(row as Integer, col as Integer, value as string, format as XLFormatMBS = nil) as boolean
- method WriteStringAsNumber(row as integer, col as integer, value as string, format as XLFormatMBS = nil) as boolean
- method WriteStyledText(row as integer, col as integer, StyledText as StyledText, format as XLFormatMBS = nil) as boolean
- 182 constants
This class has no sub classes.
Some methods using this class:
- XLBookMBS.AddSheet(name as string, initSheet as XLSheetMBS = nil) as XLSheetMBS
- XLBookMBS.InsertSheet(index as Integer, name as string = "", initSheet as XLSheetMBS = nil) as XLSheetMBS
- XLBookMBS.Sheet(index as Integer) as XLSheetMBS
- XLBookMBS.Sheets as XLSheetMBS()
Some examples using this class:
- /XL/AutoFilter by Top10
- /XL/AutoFilter by Values
- /XL/AutoFilter Number Filter
- /XL/AutoFilter Sort
- /XL/Edit
- /XL/Extract
- /XL/Format
- /XL/Performance
- /XL/Styled Text
- /XL/Writing data
Blog Entries
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 23.3
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 23.1
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 21.5
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 21.2
- LibXL Extras for Xojo
- Text Encoding Speedups
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 20.5
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 20.3
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 20.3
- MBS Real Studio Plugins, version 12.2fc1
Xojo Developer Magazine
- 21.5, page 10: News
- 20.5, pages 75 to 76: Create and Read Excel Spreadsheets, Using LibXL with Xojo by Stefanie Juchmes
- 20.5, page 73: Create and Read Excel Spreadsheets, Using LibXL with Xojo by Stefanie Juchmes
- 19.4, page 10: News
Release notes
- Version 25.0
- Added RowFormat and ColFormat functions to XLSheetMBS class.
- Version 24.4
- Fixed a crash in AddConditionalFormatting method in XLSheetMBS class.
- Fixed a crash in WriteStyledText method in XLSheetMBS class.
- Version 23.3
- Added Table, SetRowPx and SetColPx methods for XLSheetMBS class.
- Version 23.2
- Added HyperlinkIndex function to XLSheetMBS class.
- Version 23.1
- Added AddSelectionRange, GetActiveCell, GetTabRgbColor, RemoveSelection, SelectionRange and SetActiveCell to XLSheetMBS class.
- Added TabColor, DefaultRowHeight and GetTabRgbColor method to XLSheetMBS class.
- Version 23.0
- Added missing return value for AddIgnoredError function in XLSheetMBS class.
- Version 21.5
- Added IsAutoFilter function to XLSheetMBS class.
- Version 21.2
- Added CopyCellValue method to XLSheetMBS class.
- Version 21.1
- Improved text conversion performance internally for getting text as UTF16 or UTF32. This is used in all plugin parts and speeds up XLSheetMBS and DynaPDFMBS classes a lot!
The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS XL Plugin.
XLRichStringMBS - XMLAttributeMBS