New in version 19.5
New in Version 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 25.0 25.1
Platforms to show: All Mac Windows Linux Cross-Platform
New classes in version 19.5:
New modules in version 19.5:
New class methods in version 19.5:
- CURLMBS.CreateMTDebugOutputFile(Path as String) as boolean
- CURLMBS.CreateMTHeaderOutputFile(Path as String) as boolean
- CURLMBS.CreateMTOutputFile(Path as String) as boolean
- CURLMBS.OpenMTInputFile(Path as String, Offset as Integer = 0) as boolean
- CURLNMBS.CreateMTDebugOutputFile(Path as String) as boolean
- CURLNMBS.CreateMTHeaderOutputFile(Path as String) as boolean
- CURLNMBS.CreateMTOutputFile(Path as String) as boolean
- CURLNMBS.OpenMTInputFile(Path as String, Offset as Integer = 0) as boolean
- CURLSMBS.CreateMTDebugOutputFile(Path as String) as boolean
- CURLSMBS.CreateMTHeaderOutputFile(Path as String) as boolean
- CURLSMBS.CreateMTOutputFile(Path as String) as boolean
- CURLSMBS.OpenMTInputFile(Path as String, Offset as Integer = 0) as boolean
- DateDifferenceMBS.Calc(StartDate as dateTime, EndDate as dateTime) as boolean
- DateDifferenceMBS.Constructor(StartDate as dateTime, EndDate as dateTime)
- DynaPDFMBS.CreateICCBasedColorSpace(Path as String) as Integer
- DynaPDFMBS.CreateRectilinearMeasure(ViewPort as Integer, Scale as Double, UnitDescription as String, LabelDistance as String, LabelArea as String) as Integer
- DynaPDFMBS.CreateRectilinearMeasureAnsi(ViewPort as Integer, Scale as Double, UnitDescription as String, LabelDistance as String, LabelArea as String) as Integer
- DynaPDFMBS.CreateViewport(Name as String, X1 as Double, Y1 as Double, X2 as Double, Y2 as Double) as Integer
- DynaPDFMBS.CreateViewportAnsi(Name as String, X1 as Double, Y1 as Double, X2 as Double, Y2 as Double) as Integer
- DynaPDFMBS.CreateXFAStream(Name as String, Buffer as String) as Integer
- DynaPDFMBS.GetFieldCalcOrder as UInt32()
- DynaPDFMBS.InsertImageEx(PosX as double, PosY as double, ScaleWidth as double, ScaleHeight as double, Path as String, index as integer = 1) as integer
- DynaPDFMBS.OpenImportFile(Path as String, PwdType as integer = 0, Password as string = "") as integer
- DynaPDFMBS.OpenOutputFile(Path as String) as Boolean
- DynaPDFMBS.OpenOutputFileEncrypted(Path as String, OpenPwd as string, OwnerPwd as string, KeyLen as integer, Restrict as integer) as Boolean
- DynaPDFMBS.SetFieldCalcOrder(CurrIndex as UInt32, NewIndex as UInt32) as Boolean
- DynaPDFMBS.SetXFAStream(Index as UInt32, Buffer as String) as Boolean
- FolderItem.AbsolutePath as string
- FolderItem.AbsolutePathMBS as string
- FolderItem.NativePath as string
- JPEGExporterMBS.SetAPI(API as Ptr = nil)
- JPEGImporterMBS.SetAPI(API as Ptr = nil)
- LCMS2TransformMBS.TransformLineStrideMT(inBitmap as Ptr, outBitmap as Ptr, PixelsPerLine as UInt32, LineCount as UInt32, BytesPerLineIn as UInt32, BytesPerLineOut as UInt32, BytesPerPlaneIn as UInt32, BytesPerPlaneOut as UInt32, ThreadCount as Integer = 1) as boolean
- LCMS2TransformMBS.TransformMT(bitmap as LCMS2BitmapMBS, ThreadCount as Integer = 1) as boolean
- LCMS2TransformMBS.TransformMT(inBitmap as LCMS2BitmapMBS, outBitmap as LCMS2BitmapMBS, ThreadCount as Integer = 1) as boolean
- LCMS2TransformMBS.TransformMT(InputBuffer as Ptr, OutputBuffer as Ptr, Size as UInt32) as boolean
- LCMS2TransformMBS.TransformStrideMT(inBitmap as Ptr, outBitmap as Ptr, size as UInt32, Stride as UInt32) as boolean
- LZ4MBS.Compress(InputData as Ptr, Size as Integer) as MemoryBlock
- LZ4MBS.CompressFast(InputData as MemoryBlock, Acceleration as Integer = 1) as MemoryBlock
- LZ4MBS.CompressFast(InputData as Ptr, Size as Integer, Acceleration as Integer = 1) as MemoryBlock
- LZ4MBS.CompressFast(InputData as string, Acceleration as Integer = 1) as string
- LZ4MBS.CompressHC(InputData as MemoryBlock, compressionLevel as Integer = 9) as MemoryBlock
- LZ4MBS.CompressHC(InputData as Ptr, Size as Integer, compressionLevel as Integer = 9) as MemoryBlock
- LZ4MBS.CompressHC(InputData as string, compressionLevel as Integer = 9) as string
- LZ4MBS.Decompress(CompressedData as Ptr, Size as Integer, UncompressedSize as Integer = 0) as MemoryBlock
- MKMapViewMBS.setCenterCoordinate(centerCoordinate as CLLocationCoordinate2DMBS, zoomLevel as double, animated as boolean)
- MKMapViewMBS.setZoomLevel(zoomLevel as double, animated as boolean)
- NSFileManagerMBS.copyItem(sourcePath as String, destPath as String, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- NSFileManagerMBS.copyItemMT(sourcePath as String, destPath as String, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- NSFileManagerMBS.linkItem(sourcePath as String, destPath as String, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- NSFileManagerMBS.moveItem(sourcePath as String, destPath as String, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- NSFileManagerMBS.trashItem(Path as String, byref Resulting as FolderItem, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as boolean
- PNGReaderMBS.OpenFile(Path as String) as boolean
- PNGReaderMBS.ReadHeader as Boolean
- PNGWriterMBS.OpenWriteDestination(Path as String) as boolean
- SQLCommandMBS.AsRowSet as RowSet
- SQLCommandMBS.DB2SQLExecDirect(sql as string)
- SQLCommandMBS.DB2SQLRowCount as Int64
- SQLCommandMBS.PostgreSQLField(RecordIndex as integer, FieldIndex as integer) as string
- SQLCommandMBS.PostgreSQLField(RecordIndex as integer, FieldName as string) as string
- SQLCommandMBS.PostgreSQLFieldCount as Integer
- SQLCommandMBS.PostgreSQLRowCount as Integer
- SQLConnectionMBS.CubeSQLReceiveData(byref data as String, byref IsEndChunk as Boolean) as Boolean
- SQLConnectionMBS.CubeSQLSendData(data as MemoryBlock)
- SQLConnectionMBS.CubeSQLSendData(data as String)
- SQLConnectionMBS.CubeSQLSendEndData
- SQLConnectionMBS.MySQLInsertID as Int64
- SQLConnectionMBS.SQLiteBackupFinish(Backup as SQLite3BackupMBS) as integer
- SQLConnectionMBS.SQLiteBackupInit(Dest as Variant, DestName as String, Source as Variant, SourceName as String) as SQLite3BackupMBS
- SQLConnectionMBS.SQLiteBackupPageCount(Backup as SQLite3BackupMBS) as integer
- SQLConnectionMBS.SQLiteBackupRemaining(Backup as SQLite3BackupMBS) as integer
- SQLConnectionMBS.SQLiteBackupStep(Backup as SQLite3BackupMBS, Pages as Integer) as integer
- SQLConnectionMBS.SQLiteEnableLoadExtension(OnOff as boolean)
- SQLConnectionMBS.SQLiteLastInsertRowID as Int64
- SQLConnectionMBS.SQLiteLibVersion as String
- SQLConnectionMBS.SQLiteLoadExtension(file as FolderItem, ByRef ErrorMessage as String) as Integer
- SQLConnectionMBS.SQLiteLoadExtension(path as String, ByRef ErrorMessage as String) as Integer
- SQLConnectionMBS.SQLiteMemoryHighwater(reset as boolean = false) as Int64
- SQLConnectionMBS.SQLiteMemoryUsed as Int64
- SQLConnectionMBS.SQLiteReKey(Key as String) as Integer
- SQLConnectionMBS.SQLiteSetBusyHandler(MaxAttempts as Integer = 5)
- SQLConnectionMBS.SQLiteSetBusyTimeout(TimeOutMS as Integer = 20)
- SQLConnectionMBS.SQLiteSetKey(Key as String) as Integer
- SQLConnectionMBS.SQLiteTableColumnMetaData(DBName as string, TableName as string, ColumnName as string, byref DataType as string, byref CollationSequence as string, byref NotNull as boolean, byref PrimaryKey as boolean, byref AutoIncrement as Boolean) as integer
- SQLConnectionMBS.SQLiteThreadsafe as integer
- SQLDatabaseMBS.CubeSQLReceiveData(byref data as String, byref IsEndChunk as Boolean) as Boolean
- SQLDatabaseMBS.CubeSQLSendData(data as MemoryBlock)
- SQLDatabaseMBS.CubeSQLSendData(data as String)
- SQLDatabaseMBS.CubeSQLSendEndData
- SQLDatabaseMBS.MySQLInsertID as Int64
- SQLDatabaseMBS.SQLiteBackupFinish(Backup as SQLite3BackupMBS) as integer
- SQLDatabaseMBS.SQLiteBackupInit(Dest as Variant, DestName as String, Source as Variant, SourceName as String) as SQLite3BackupMBS
- SQLDatabaseMBS.SQLiteBackupPageCount(Backup as SQLite3BackupMBS) as integer
- SQLDatabaseMBS.SQLiteBackupRemaining(Backup as SQLite3BackupMBS) as integer
- SQLDatabaseMBS.SQLiteBackupStep(Backup as SQLite3BackupMBS, Pages as Integer) as integer
- SQLDatabaseMBS.SQLiteEnableLoadExtension(OnOff as boolean)
- SQLDatabaseMBS.SQLiteLastInsertRowID as Int64
- SQLDatabaseMBS.SQLiteLibVersion as String
- SQLDatabaseMBS.SQLiteLoadExtension(file as FolderItem, ByRef ErrorMessage as String) as Integer
- SQLDatabaseMBS.SQLiteLoadExtension(path as String, ByRef ErrorMessage as String) as Integer
- SQLDatabaseMBS.SQLiteMemoryHighwater(reset as boolean = false) as Int64
- SQLDatabaseMBS.SQLiteMemoryUsed as Int64
- SQLDatabaseMBS.SQLiteReKey(Key as String) as Integer
- SQLDatabaseMBS.SQLiteSetBusyHandler(MaxAttempts as Integer = 5)
- SQLDatabaseMBS.SQLiteSetBusyTimeout(TimeOutMS as Integer = 20)
- SQLDatabaseMBS.SQLiteSetKey(Key as String) as Integer
- SQLDatabaseMBS.SQLiteTableColumnMetaData(DBName as string, TableName as string, ColumnName as string, byref DataType as string, byref CollationSequence as string, byref NotNull as boolean, byref PrimaryKey as boolean, byref AutoIncrement as Boolean) as integer
- SQLDatabaseMBS.SQLiteThreadsafe as integer
- SQLPreparedStatementMBS.ExecuteSQL(ParamArray bindItems As Variant)
- SQLPreparedStatementMBS.ExecuteSQLMT(ParamArray bindItems As Variant)
- SQLPreparedStatementMBS.SelectSQLMT(ParamArray bindItems As Variant) As Rowset
- TiffPictureMBS.Create(Path as String, endian as integer = 0) as boolean
- TiffPictureMBS.Open(Path as String, Mode as string) as boolean
- Window.InvalidateRectThreadSafeMBS(X As Integer, Y As Integer, Width As Integer, Height As Integer, EraseBackground as boolean = true)
- Window.InvalidateThreadSafeMBS(EraseBackground as boolean = true)
- Window.RefreshRectThreadSafeMBS(X As Integer, Y As Integer, Width As Integer, Height As Integer, EraseBackground as boolean = true)
- Window.RefreshThreadSafeMBS(EraseBackground as boolean = true)
- WindowsProcessMBS.SetKillProcessWhenParentDies as boolean
- WKWebViewControlMBS.addUserScript(userScript as WKUserScriptMBS)
- WKWebViewControlMBS.removeAllUserScripts
- WKWebViewControlMBS.userScripts as WKUserScriptMBS()
New class properties in version 19.5:
- JPEGExporterMBS.API as String
- JPEGExporterMBS.Path as String
- JPEGImporterMBS.API as String
- JPEGImporterMBS.Path as String
- MKMapViewMBS.zoomLevel as Double
- PNGReaderMBS.ExpandGrayToRGB as Boolean
- PNGReaderMBS.HasTransparency as Boolean
- PNGReaderMBS.InvertAlpha as Boolean
- PNGReaderMBS.OriginalColorType as Integer
- PNGReaderMBS.RGBToGray as Boolean
- PNGReaderMBS.RGBToGrayErrorAction as Integer
- PNGReaderMBS.RGBToGrayGreen as Double
- PNGReaderMBS.RGBToGrayRed as Double
- PNGReaderMBS.SourcePath as String
- PNGReaderMBS.StripAlpha as Boolean
- PNGReaderMBS.UseFiller as Boolean
- ShellMBS.ProcessHandle as Integer
- ShellMBS.ThreadHandle as Integer
- WindowsProcessMBS.ProcessHandle as Integer
- WindowsProcessMBS.ThreadHandle as Integer
- WKWebViewControlMBS.privateBrowsing as Boolean
- WKWebViewControlMBS.UsePrivateBrowsing as Boolean
New global functions in version 19.5:
- ClearStringContentMBS(s as String) as Boolean
- DifferenceMBS(extends StartDate as dateTime, EndDate as dateTime) as DateDifferenceMBS
- NewFolderItemFromAbsolutePathMBS(AbsolutePath as string) as FolderItem
204 new items including 2 new classes 2 new modules 121 new methods 22 new properties for existing classes and 3 new global methods.