Platforms to show: All Mac Windows Linux Cross-Platform
The global functions by name:
- AbortMBS
- ACosHMBS(x as Double) as Double
- ACosMBS(x as Double) as Double
- Adler32MemoryMBS(adler as UInt32, Buffer as memoryblock, offset as Integer, length as Integer) as UInt32
- Adler32StringMBS(adler as UInt32, Buffer as string) as UInt32
- AllObjectsOfClassMBS(ClassName as String) as Variant()
- ArithmeticShiftMBS(value as UInt64, count as Integer) as UInt64
- ArrayDoubleMBS(paramArray values as Double) as Double()
- ArrayInt64MBS(paramArray values as Int64) as Int64()
- ArrayIntegerMBS(paramArray values as Integer) as Integer()
- ArrayIsAMBS(v as Variant, ClassName as string) as boolean
- ArrayStringMBS(paramArray values as String) as String()
- ArrayVariantMBS(paramArray values as Variant) as Variant()
- ASinHMBS(x as Double) as Double
- ASinMBS(x as Double) as Double
- ATan2MBS(x as Double, y as Double) as Double
- ATanHMBS(x as Double) as Double
- ATanMBS(x as Double) as Double
- BacktraceMBS(MaxFrames as Integer = 0, skip as Integer = 2) as string()
- BitClearMBS(value as UInt64, mask as UInt64) as UInt64
- BitCountMBS(value as UInt64) as Integer
- BitExclMBS(value as UInt64, bitNumber as Integer) as UInt64
- BitInclMBS(value as UInt64, bitNumber as Integer) as UInt64
- BitIsSetMBS(value as UInt64, bitNumber as Integer) as Boolean
- BitRotateMBS(Degree as Integer, InputData as Ptr, OutputData as Ptr, Width as Integer, Height as Integer, InputRowBytes as Integer = -1, OutputRowBytes as Integer = -1) as boolean
- BitValMBS(bitNumber as Integer) as UInt64
- BitwiseDiffMBS(x as UInt64, y as UInt64) as UInt64
- BitwiseNAndMBS(x as UInt64, y as UInt64) as UInt64
- BitwiseNOrMBS(x as UInt64, y as UInt64) as UInt64
- BitwiseNotMBS(value as UInt64) as UInt64
- BitwiseRotateMBS(value as UInt64, count as Integer, offset as Integer, width as Integer) as UInt64
- BitwiseXORStringBytesMBS(s as string, v as Integer) as string
- BlendPicturesMBS(result as picture, source as picture, sourcepercent as Double, dest as picture, destpercent as Double, x as Integer, y as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as boolean
- BlendPicturesMBS(source as picture, sourcepercent as Double, dest as picture, destpercent as Double) as picture
- BlendPicturesWithMaskMBS(result as picture, source as picture, dest as picture, mask as picture, x as Integer, y as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as boolean
- BlendPicturesWithMaskMBS(source as picture, dest as picture, mask as picture) as picture
- BlendPicturesWithMaskWithBackgroundMBS(SourceImage As Picture, DestImage As Picture, Mask As Picture, Result As Picture, X as Integer, Y as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer) as boolean
- BlendPicturesWithMaskWithBackgroundMBS(SourceImage As Picture, DestImage As Picture, Mask As Picture, Result As Picture, X as Integer, Y as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer, BackgroundColour As Color) as boolean
- BMPStringtoPictureMBS(data as string) as picture
- BuildRecordSetMBS(fieldNames() as string, values() as string) as RecordSet
- BuildRowSetMBS(fieldNames() as string, values() as string) as RowSet
- CalculateCRC16MemoryMBS(data as MemoryBlock, Start as UInt16 = 65535, Polynomial as UInt16 = &h1021, FinalXOR as UInt16 = 0, ReflectInput as boolean = false, ReflectOutput as boolean = false) as UInt16
- CalculateCRC16StringMBS(data as string, Start as UInt16 = 65535, Polynomial as UInt16 = &h1021, FinalXOR as UInt16 = 0, ReflectInput as boolean = false, ReflectOutput as boolean = false) as UInt16
- CalculateTOTPMBS(Key as String, timeNow as UInt64, timeStart as UInt64, timeStep as UInt64, digitCount as Integer, DecodeBase32 as Boolean = false) as UInt32
- CallMethodLaterMBS(target as object, name as string, afterDelay as Double) as boolean
- CallMethodLaterMBS(target as object, name as string, afterDelay as Double, value1 as Variant) as boolean
- CallMethodLaterMBS(target as object, name as string, afterDelay as Double, value1 as Variant, value2 as Variant) as boolean
- CallMethodLaterMBS(target as object, name as string, afterDelay as Double, value1 as Variant, value2 as Variant, value3 as Variant) as boolean
- CallMethodMBS(target as object, name as string) as boolean
- CallMethodMBS(target as object, name as string, value1 as Variant) as boolean
- CallMethodMBS(target as object, name as string, value1 as Variant, value2 as Variant) as boolean
- CallMethodMBS(target as object, name as string, value1 as Variant, value2 as Variant, value3 as Variant) as boolean
- CallMethodOnMainThreadMBS(target as object, name as string) as boolean
- CallMethodOnMainThreadMBS(target as object, name as string, value1 as Variant) as boolean
- CallMethodOnMainThreadMBS(target as object, name as string, value1 as Variant, value2 as Variant) as boolean
- CallMethodOnMainThreadMBS(target as object, name as string, value1 as Variant, value2 as Variant, value3 as Variant) as boolean
- CDblMBS(text as string, byref value as Double, locale as string = "") as boolean
- CenterResizeAddWindowMBS(win as window)
- CenterResizeInstallMBS
- CenterResizeRemoveWindowMBS(win as window)
- CFHTTPMessageCreateEmptyMBS(isRequest as boolean) as CFHTTPMessageMBS
- CFHTTPMessageCreateRequestMBS(requestMethod as CFStringMBS, url as CFURLMBS, httpVersion as CFStringMBS) as CFHTTPMessageMBS
- CFHTTPMessageCreateResponseMBS(statusCode as Integer, statusDescription as CFStringMBS, httpVersion as CFStringMBS) as CFHTTPMessageMBS
- CFShowCFStringMBS(cfstring as CFStringMBS)
- CFShowMBS(cfobject as CFObjectMBS)
- CFStreamCreatePairWithSocketMBS(TheSocket as CFSocketMBS, readstream as CFReadStreamMBS, writestream as CFWriteStreamMBS)
- CFStreamCreatePairWithSocketToHostMBS(host as CFStringMBS, port as Integer, readstream as CFReadStreamMBS, writestream as CFWriteStreamMBS)
- CGBitmapContextCreateMBS(data as memoryblock, width as Integer, height as Integer, bitsPerComponent as Integer, bytesPerRow as Integer, colorspace as CGColorSpaceMBS, alphaInfo as Integer) as CGBitmapContextMBS
- CGCreateImageFromJPEGDataProviderMBS(dataprovider as Variant, decode as memoryblock, shouldInterpolate as boolean, intent as Integer) as CGImageMBS
- CGCreateImageFromPNGDataProviderMBS(dataprovider as Variant, decode as memoryblock, shouldInterpolate as boolean, intent as Integer) as CGImageMBS
- CGCreateImageMBS(pic as picture) as CGImageMBS
- CGCreateImageMBS(pic as picture, mask as picture) as CGImageMBS
- CGMakePointMBS(x as Double, y as Double) as CGPointMBS
- CGMakeRectMBS(left as Double, top as Double, width as Double, height as Double) as CGRectMBS
- CGMakeSizeMBS(width as Double, height as Double) as CGSizeMBS
- CGNewPDFDocumentMBS(consumer as CGDataConsumerMBS, MediaBox as CGRectMBS, title as string, author as string, creator as string) as CGPDFContextMBS
- CGNewPDFDocumentMBS(file as folderitem, MediaBox as CGRectMBS, title as string, author as string, creator as string) as CGPDFContextMBS
- CGNewPDFDocumentMBS(file as folderitem, MediaBox as CGRectMBS, title as string, author as string, creator as string, subject as string, keywords as string, OwnerPassword as string, UserPassword as string, AllowsPrinting as boolean, AllowsCopy as boolean) as CGPDFContextMBS
- CGNewPDFDocumentMBS(file as folderitem, MediaBox as CGRectMBS, title as string, author as string, creator as string, subject as string, keywords as string, OwnerPassword as string, UserPassword as string, AllowsPrinting as boolean, AllowsCopy as boolean, KeyLength as Integer) as CGPDFContextMBS
- CGOpenPDFDocumentMBS(dataprovider as CGDataProviderMBS) as CGPDFDocumentMBS
- CGOpenPDFDocumentMBS(file as folderitem) as CGPDFDocumentMBS
- CGSessionMBS as CGSessionMBS
- CGShadingCreateAxialMBS(colorspace as CGColorSpaceMBS, startPoint as CGPointMBS, endPoint as CGPointMBS, func as CGFunctionMBS, extendStart as boolean, extendEnd as boolean) as CGShadingMBS
- CGShadingCreateRadialMBS(colorspace as CGColorSpaceMBS, startPoint as CGPointMBS, startRadius as Double, endPoint as CGPointMBS, endRadius as Double, func as CGFunctionMBS, extendStart as boolean, extendEnd as boolean) as CGShadingMBS
- CheckUTF8MBS(data as ptr, size as Integer, Placeholder as string) as string
- CheckUTF8MBS(data as string, Placeholder as string) as string
- CheckUTF8MBS(mem as MemoryBlock, Placeholder as string) as string
- ClearOptionsMBS(extends s as SocketCore)
- ClearStringContentMBS(s as String) as Boolean
- cloneMemoryBlockMBS(s as memoryblock) as memoryblock
- cloneMemoryBlockWithLengthMBS(s as memoryblock,len as Integer) as memoryblock
- CloneRecordSetMBS(rec as RecordSet) as RecordSet
- cloneStringMBS(s as string) as string
- Color2IntegerMBS(colorValue as Color) as UInt32
- ColorizePictureMBS(Pict As Picture, Mask As Picture, foreR as Double, foreG as Double, foreB as Double, foreA as Double, backR as Double, backG as Double, backB as Double, backA as Double) as boolean
- CombineBitCMYKtoCMYKMBS(dest as TiffPictureMBS, CyanChannel() as Integer, MagentaChannel() as Integer, YellowChannel() as Integer, BlackChannel() as Integer, Files() as FolderItem, scale as Double, width as Integer, height as Integer, X1 as Integer, Y1 as Integer, X2 as Integer, Y2 as Integer, CacheSizeRead as Integer) as Integer
- CombineBitCMYKtoRGBMBS(CyanChannel() as Integer, MagentaChannel() as Integer, YellowChannel() as Integer, BlackChannel() as Integer, Files() as FolderItem, scale as Double, width as Integer, height as Integer, X1 as Integer, Y1 as Integer, X2 as Integer, Y2 as Integer, byref output as picture, CacheSizeRead as Integer) as Integer
- CombinePicturesMBS(red as picture, blue as picture, green as picture) as picture
- CombineTiff1BitCMYKtoTiffMBS(dest as TiffPictureMBS, CyanChannel() as Integer, MagentaChannel() as Integer, YellowChannel() as Integer, BlackChannel() as Integer, TiffData() as TiffPictureMBS, scale as Double, width as Integer, height as Integer, X1 as Integer, Y1 as Integer, X2 as Integer, Y2 as Integer, ditherMode as Integer = 0) as Integer
- CombineTiff1BitCMYKtoTiffMBS(dest as TiffPictureMBS, TiffData as TiffPictureMBS, scalex as Double, scaley as Double, width as Integer, height as Integer, X1 as Integer, Y1 as Integer, X2 as Integer, Y2 as Integer, ditherMode as Integer = 0) as Integer
- CombineTiff8BitCMYKtoTiffMBS(dest as TiffPictureMBS, CyanChannel() as Integer, MagentaChannel() as Integer, YellowChannel() as Integer, BlackChannel() as Integer, TiffData() as TiffPictureMBS, scale as Double, width as Integer, height as Integer, X1 as Integer, Y1 as Integer, X2 as Integer, Y2 as Integer, ditherMode as Integer = 0) as Integer
- CombineTiffCMYKtoCMYKMBS(dest as TiffPictureMBS, CyanChannel() as Integer, MagentaChannel() as Integer, YellowChannel() as Integer, BlackChannel() as Integer, TiffData() as TiffPictureMBS) as Integer
- CombineTiffCMYKtoRGBMBS(dest as TiffPictureMBS, CyanChannel() as Integer, MagentaChannel() as Integer, YellowChannel() as Integer, BlackChannel() as Integer, TiffData() as TiffPictureMBS) as Integer
- CompareNumbersMBS(v1 as Variant, v2 as Variant) as Integer
- CompressBZip2MBS(buf as string,level as Integer) as string
- CompressLZWMBS(buf as string) as string
- CompressZLibMBS(Buffer as string, level as Integer = 9) as string
- CompressZLibMBS(Buffer as string, level as Integer, byref error as Integer) as string
- ConcatBinaryStringsMBS(a as string, b as string) as string
- ConcatBinaryStringsMBS(a as string, b as string, c as string) as string
- ConcatBinaryStringsMBS(a as string, b as string, c as string, d as string) as string
- ConcatBinaryStringsMBS(a as string, b as string, c as string, d as string, e as string) as string
- ConcatBinaryStringsMBS(a as string, b as string, c as string, d as string, e as string, f as string) as string
- ConsoleExecuteMBS(path as folderitem, arguments() as string, environment() as string) as Integer
- ConsoleExecuteMBS(path as string, arguments() as string, environment() as string) as Integer
- ContainsWholeWordMBS(Text as String, Word as String) as boolean
- ConvertFromFloat16MBS(Number as UInt16) as Single
- ConvertToFloat16MBS(Number as Single) as UInt16
- ConvertUnicodeToCharacterCompositionMBS(text as string) as string
- ConvertUnicodeToCharacterDecompositionMBS(text as string) as string
- CosHMBS(x as Double) as Double
- CosMBS(x as Double) as Double
- CountOccurancesMBS(s as string, find as string) as Integer
- CountProcessesMBS as Integer
- CrashNiceMBS
- CrashUglyMBS
- CRC16MBS(data as string) as UInt16
- CRC32MemoryMBS(crc as UInt32, Buffer as memoryblock, offset as Integer, length as Integer) as UInt32
- CRC32StringMBS(crc as UInt32, Buffer as string) as UInt32
- CRC_32InMemContMBS(address as Ptr, length as Integer, prevCRC as UInt32) as UInt32
- CRC_32InMemMBS(address as Ptr, length as Integer) as UInt32
- CRC_32OfStrContMBS(s as String, prevCRC as UInt32) as UInt32
- CRC_32OfStrMBS(s as String) as UInt32
- CRC_CCITTInMemContMBS(address as Ptr, length as Integer, prevCRC as UInt32) as UInt32
- CRC_CCITTInMemMBS(address as Ptr, length as Integer) as UInt32
- CRC_CCITTOfStrContMBS(s as String, prevCRC as UInt32) as UInt32
- CRC_CCITTOfStrMBS(s as String) as UInt32
- CRC_DillonInMemMBS(bitWidth as Integer, address as Ptr, length as Integer) as String
- CRC_DillonOfStrMBS(bitWidth as Integer, s as String) as String
- CRC_DillonUInt64InMemMBS(bitWidth as Integer, address as Ptr, length as Integer) as UInt64
- CRC_DillonUInt64MBS(extends mem as memoryblock, bitWidth as Integer, offset as Integer, numBytes as Integer) as UInt64
- CRC_DillonUInt64OfStrMBS(bitWidth as Integer, s as String) as UInt64
- CreateBundleMBS(file as folderitem) as CFBundleMBS
- CreateBundleMBS(url as CFURLMBS) as CFBundleMBS
- CreateBundlesFromDirectoryMBS(url as CFURLMBS, type as CFStringMBS) as CFArrayMBS
- CreateCFTimeZoneMBS(name as CFStringMBS, data as CFBinaryDataMBS) as CFTimeZoneMBS
- CreateCFTimeZoneMBSwithName(name as CFStringMBS, TryAbbrev as boolean) as CFTimeZoneMBS
- CreateCFTimeZoneMBSwithTimeIntervalFromGMT(time as CFTimeIntervalMBS) as CFTimeZoneMBS
- CreateRamStreamMBS(InitialSize as Integer = 0) as RamStreamMBS
- CreateStringByAddingPercentEscapesMBS(original as CFStringMBS,charactersToLeaveEscaped as CFStringMBS,legalURLCharactersToBeEscaped as CFStringMBS,encoding as Integer) as CFStringMBS
- CreateStringByReplacingPercentEscapesMBS(original as CFStringMBS,charactersToLeaveEscaped as CFStringMBS) as CFStringMBS
- CreateStringMBS(Length as Integer, Content as String) as string
- CurrencyAddMBS(value1 as Currency, value2 as Currency) as Currency
- CurrencyDivMBS(value1 as Currency, value2 as Integer) as Currency
- CurrencyMulMBS(value1 as Currency, value2 as Integer) as Currency
- CurrencySubMBS(value1 as Currency, value2 as Currency) as Currency
- CurrencyValueMBS(value as string) as Currency
- CurrentAppearanceThemeMBS as string
- CurrentCFAbsoluteTimeMBS as CFAbsoluteTimeMBS
- CurrentUnixTimeMBS as UInt64
- DecodeBase64MBS(s as string) as string
- DecodeBase64URLMBS(s as string) as string
- DecodeFromBase32MBS(data as string) as String
- DecodingFromCP1252MBS(s as string) as string
- DecodingFromHexMBS(s as string) as string
- DecodingFromHTMLMBS(s as string) as string
- DecodingFromISO8859MBS(s as string) as string
- DecodingFromMySQLMBS(s as string) as string
- DecodingFromQuotedPrintableMBS(s as string) as string
- DecodingFromURLMBS(s as string) as string
- DecodingFromURLMBS(s as string, options as Integer) as string
- DecodingFromXMLMBS(s as string) as string
- DecompressBZip2MBS(buf as string,size as Integer) as string
- DecompressLZWMBS(buf as string, size as Integer) as string
- DecompressZLibMBS(Buffer as string, size as Integer = 0) as string
- DecompressZLibMBS(Buffer as string, size as Integer, byref error as Integer) as string
- DelayMBS(time as Double)
- DelayMBS(time as Double, mode as Integer)
- DetectUnicodeMarkersMBS(s as string) as Integer
- DifferenceMBS(extends StartDate as date, EndDate as date) as DateDifferenceMBS
- DifferenceMBS(extends StartDate as dateTime, EndDate as dateTime) as DateDifferenceMBS
- DiffPicturesMBS(source as picture, dest as picture, square as boolean) as picture
- DisableScreenUpdatesMBS
- DisplayCountMBS as Integer
- DNSAddressToNameIPv6MBS(HostAddress as string) as string
- DNSAddressToNameMBS(HostAddress as string) as string
- DNSNameToAddressIPv6MBS(HostName as string) as string
- DNSNameToAddressMBS(HostName as string) as string
- DoubleToExtendedStrMBS(x as Double) as string
- DoubleToInt64MBS(value as Double) as Int64
- DoubleToUInt64MBS(value as Double) as UInt64
- DriveToUNCPathMBS(Driver as string) as string
- EnableScreenUpdatesMBS
- EncodeBase64MBS(s as string, breakposition as integer = 0, breakstring as string = "") as string
- EncodeBase64URLMBS(s as string, breakposition as integer = 0, breakstring as string = "") as string
- EncodeEmailSubjectMBS(s as string) as string
- EncodeToBase32MBS(data as string) as String
- EncodingNameMBS(extends Text as string) as string
- EncodingToCP1252MBS(s as string) as string
- EncodingToHexMBS(s as string) as string
- EncodingToHTMLMBS(s as string, options as Integer = 0) as string
- EncodingToISO8859MBS(s as string) as string
- EncodingToQuotedPrintableMBS(s as string, LineLen as Integer = 72) as string
- EncodingToURLMBS(s as string) as string
- EncodingToURLMBS(s as string, options as Integer) as string
- EncodingToXMLMBS(s as string, options as Integer = 0) as string
- EndianS16_BtoLMBS(n as Int16) as Int16
- EndianS16_BtoNMBS(n as Int16) as Int16
- EndianS16_LtoBMBS(n as Int16) as Int16
- EndianS16_LtoNMBS(n as Int16) as Int16
- EndianS16_NtoBMBS(n as Int16) as Int16
- EndianS16_NtoLMBS(n as Int16) as Int16
- EndianS32_BtoLMBS(n as Int32) as Int32
- EndianS32_BtoNMBS(n as Int32) as Int32
- EndianS32_LtoBMBS(n as Int32) as Int32
- EndianS32_LtoNMBS(n as Int32) as Int32
- EndianS32_NtoBMBS(n as Int32) as Int32
- EndianS32_NtoLMBS(n as Int32) as Int32
- EndianSwap16MBS(n as UInt16) as UInt16
- EndianSwap32MBS(n as UInt32) as UInt32
- EndianU16_BtoLMBS(n as UInt16) as UInt16
- EndianU16_BtoNMBS(n as UInt16) as UInt16
- EndianU16_LtoBMBS(n as UInt16) as UInt16
- EndianU16_LtoNMBS(n as UInt16) as UInt16
- EndianU16_NtoBMBS(n as UInt16) as UInt16
- EndianU16_NtoLMBS(n as UInt16) as UInt16
- EndianU32_BtoLMBS(n as UInt32) as UInt32
- EndianU32_BtoNMBS(n as UInt32) as UInt32
- EndianU32_LtoBMBS(n as UInt32) as UInt32
- EndianU32_LtoNMBS(n as UInt32) as UInt32
- EndianU32_NtoBMBS(n as UInt32) as UInt32
- EndianU32_NtoLMBS(n as UInt32) as UInt32
- ExchangeFilesMBS(first as folderitem, second as folderitem) as Integer
- ExitMBS(code as Integer)
- ExitWindowsMBS(mode as Integer) as boolean
- Exp2MBS(x as Double) as Double
- ExpMBS(x as Double) as Double
- ExtendedStrToDoubleMBS(v as string) as Double
- FacMBS(x as Integer) as Double
- FFTDoubleAbsMBS(x as MemoryBlock, N as Integer = -1) as Double()
- FFTDoubleAbsMBS(x() as ComplexDoubleMBS, N as Integer = -1) as Double()
- FFTDoubleAbsMBS(x() as Double, N as Integer = -1) as Double()
- FFTDoubleMBS(x() as ComplexDoubleMBS, N as Integer = -1) as ComplexDoubleMBS()
- FFTDoubleMBS(x() as Double, N as Integer = -1) as ComplexDoubleMBS()
- FFTSingleAbsMBS(x as MemoryBlock, N as Integer = -1) as single()
- FFTSingleAbsMBS(x() as ComplexSingleMBS, N as Integer = -1) as single()
- FFTSingleAbsMBS(x() as single, N as Integer = -1) as single()
- FFTSingleMBS(x() as ComplexSingleMBS, N as Integer = -1) as ComplexSingleMBS()
- FFTSingleMBS(x() as single, N as Integer = -1) as ComplexSingleMBS()
- FileExtensionToMimeTypeMBS(FileExtension as String) as string
- FloorMBS(x as Double) as Double
- FolderItemToPathMBS(file as folderitem) as string
- FormatDateMBS(format as string, value as date, locale as string = "") as string
- FormatDateTimeMBS(format as string, value as dateTime, locale as string = "") as string
- FormatMBS(format as string, value as Double, locale as string = "") as string
- FRExpMBS(inputx as Double, byref expValue as Integer) as Double
- GetAllBundlesMBS as CFArrayMBS
- GetArrayDataPointerMBS(v as variant) as Ptr
- GetBundleWithIdentifierMBS(id as CFStringMBS) as CFBundleMBS
- GetCurrentCGContextMBS as CGContextMBS
- GetDarwinResourceUsageMBS as DarwinResourceUsageMBS
- GetDarwinVMStatisticsMBS as DarwinVMStatisticsMBS
- GetDefaultCFTimeZoneMBS as CFTimeZoneMBS
- GetDelegateParametersMBS(del as variant) as String
- GetDelegateTargetMBS(del as variant) as Variant
- GetDelegateWeakMBS(del as variant) as Boolean
- GetDisplayMBS(num as Integer) As DisplayMBS
- GetDoubleClickIntervalMBS as Integer
- GetDriveTypeMBS(path as string) as Integer
- GetEncodingOfStringMBS(s as string) as UInt32
- GetFullWindowsNameMBS(UserName as string, Domain as string) as string
- GetHash32MBS(s as string) as UInt32
- GetMaximumOpenFileCountMacOSXMBS as Integer
- GetMBfromPictureMBS(pic as picture, mask as picture, mode as string) as memoryblock
- GetMBfromPictureMBS(pic as picture, mode as string) as memoryblock
- GetObjectMemoryAddressMBS(o as object) as integer
- GetObjectReferenceCountMBS(o as object) as integer
- GetSoundMuteMBS as boolean
- GetSoundVolumeLeftMBS as Double
- GetSoundVolumeMBS as Double
- GetSoundVolumeRightMBS as Double
- GetStringMemoryAddressMBS(s as string) as integer
- GetStringReferenceCountMBS(s as string) as integer
- GetStringsFromDataMBS(data as MemoryBlock, MinLength as Integer = 0) as string()
- GetStringsFromDataMBS(data as ptr, size as Integer, MinLength as Integer = 0) as string()
- GetStringsFromDataMBS(data as String, MinLength as Integer = 0) as string()
- GetSystemUIModeMBS as Integer
- GetSystemUIModeOptionsMBS as Integer
- GetUnicodeMarkersMBS(kind as Integer) as string
- GetVariantArrayMBS(VariantContainingArray as Variant) as Variant()
- GetVariantArrayUboundMBS(v as Variant) as Integer
- GetVariantArrayValueMBS(v as Variant, index as Integer) as Variant
- GetVariantAsDictionaryArrayMBS(v as variant) as Dictionary()
- GetVariantTypeMBS(va as variant) as Integer
- GetWindowsColorProfileMBS as folderitem
- GetWindowsDisplayColorProfileMBS(DisplayIndex as Integer) as folderitem
- GetWindowsDisplayColorProfileMBS(DisplayName as String) as folderitem
- GetWindowsErrorMessageMBS(ErrorCode as Integer) as String
- GetWindowsVMStatisticsMBS as WindowsVMStatisticsMBS
- GifStringToGifMBS(data as string) as GIFMBS
- GifStringToPictureMBS(data as string) as Picture
- GlobalIdleTimeMBS as Double
- HasPostfixMBS(Text as String, Prefix as String) as boolean
- HasPrefixMBS(Text as String, Prefix as String) as boolean
- HexstringMBS(input as string, hexlen as Integer, linelen as Integer, linestart as string, lineend as string, spacer as string,filler as string) as string
- HIconFromFileMBS(IconFile as FolderItem, IconID as Integer) as Integer
- HIconFromPicturesMBS(Icon as picture, Mask as picture) as Integer
- HideCursorMBS
- HiWordMBS(i as Integer) as Integer
- HypotMBS(x as Double, y as Double) as Double
- IEClearBrowserSessionMBS as boolean
- InitMessageFilterMBS
- InstallDragImageMBS
- InstallNSAccessibilityPatchMBS
- InstallSystemExceptionHandlerMBS(Message as string = "")
- InStrByteRangeMBS(target as string, find as string, StartValue as Integer, EndValue as Integer) as Integer
- InStrByteRangeMBS(target as string, find as string, StartValue as Integer, EndValue as Integer, StartValue2 as Integer, EndValue2 as Integer) as Integer
- InStrByteRangeMBS(target as string, find as string, StartValue as Integer, EndValue as Integer, StartValue2 as Integer, EndValue2 as Integer, StartValue3 as Integer, EndValue3 as Integer) as Integer
- InStrByteRangeMBS(target as string, StartValue as Integer, EndValue as Integer) as Integer
- InStrByteRangeMBS(target as string, StartValue as Integer, EndValue as Integer, StartValue2 as Integer, EndValue2 as Integer) as Integer
- InStrByteRangeMBS(target as string, StartValue as Integer, EndValue as Integer, StartValue2 as Integer, EndValue2 as Integer, StartValue3 as Integer, EndValue3 as Integer) as Integer
- InStrBytesMBS(target as string, find as string) as Integer
- Int64ToDoubleMBS(value as Int64) as Double
- Integer2ColorMBS(intValue as UInt32) as Color
- IsASCIIStringMBS(s as string) as boolean
- IsASCIIStringMBS(s as string, mode as Integer) as boolean
- IsFiniteMBS(x as Double) as boolean
- IsInfMBS(x as Double) as boolean
- IsNANMBS(x as Double) as boolean
- IsValidCreditCardNumberMBS(Number as String) as boolean
- IsWindowsAdminUserMBS as boolean
- JaroWinklerDistanceMBS(a as string, b as string) as Double
- JoinDataMBS(blocks() as memoryblock) as string
- JoinDataMBS(strings() as string) as string
- JoinDataMBS(values() as Variant) as string
- JoinStringMBS(strings() as string) as string
- JoinStringMBS(values() as Variant) as string
- JPEGStringToPictureMBS(buf as string) as picture
- JPEGStringToPictureMBS(buf as string,allowdamaged as Boolean) as picture
- kCFArrayMBSTypeID as Integer
- kCFBagMBSTypeID as Integer
- kCFBinaryDataMBSTypeID as Integer
- kCFBooleanMBSTypeID as Integer
- kCFBundleMBSTypeID as Integer
- kCFCharacterSetMBSTypeID as Integer
- kCFDateMBSTypeID as Integer
- kCFDictionaryMBSTypeID as Integer
- kCFHostMBSGetTypeID as Integer
- kCFHTTPMessageMBSGetTypeID as Integer
- kCFNumberMBSNaN as CFNumberMBS
- kCFNumberMBSNegativeInfinity as CFNumberMBS
- kCFNumberMBSPositiveInfinity as CFNumberMBS
- kCFNumberMBSTypeID as Integer
- kCFReadStreamMBSGetTypeID as Integer
- kCFSetMBSTypeID as Integer
- kCFSocketMBSGetTypeID as Integer
- kCFStringMBSTypeID as Integer
- kCFTimeZoneMBSTypeID as Integer
- kCFURLMBSTypeID as Integer
- kCFWriteStreamMBSGetTypeID as Integer
- KnownTimeZoneNamesAsCFArrayMBS as CFArrayMBS
- kSCNetworkReachabilityMBSTypeID as Integer
- kSCPreferencesMBSTypeID as Integer
- LaunchServicesAllHandlersForURLSchemeMBS(URLScheme as string) as LaunchServicesStringListMBS
- LaunchServicesAllRoleHandlersForContentTypeMBS(ContentType as string, role as Integer) as LaunchServicesStringListMBS
- LaunchServicesApplicationForInfoMBS(type as string, creator as string, extension as string, role as Integer) as folderitem
- LaunchServicesApplicationForItemMBS(file as folderitem, role as Integer) as folderitem
- LaunchServicesCanApplicationAcceptItemMBS(item as folderitem, targetapp as folderitem, role as Integer, flags as Integer) as boolean
- LaunchServicesDefaultHandlerForURLSchemeMBS(URLScheme as string) as string
- LaunchServicesDefaultRoleHandlerForContentTypeMBS(ContentType as string, role as Integer) as string
- LaunchServicesDisplayNameForCFURLMBS(cfurlhandle as Integer) as string
- LaunchServicesFindApplicationForInfoMBS(creator as string, bundleID as string, name as string) as folderitem
- LaunchServicesItemInfoForCFURLMBS(cfurlhandle as Integer, WhichInfo as Integer) as LaunchServicesItemInfoMBS
- LaunchServicesKindStringForCFURLMBS(cfurlhandle as Integer) as string
- LaunchServicesOpenMBS(item as folderitem) as folderitem
- LaunchServicesOpenXMBS(documents() as folderitem, parameter as LaunchServicesLaunchParameterMBS) as folderitem
- LaunchServicesSetDefaultHandlerForURLSchemeMBS(URLScheme as string, BundleID as string) as Integer
- LaunchServicesSetDefaultRoleHandlerForContentTypeMBS(ContentType as string, role as Integer, BundleID as string) as Integer
- LevenshteinDistanceMBS(a as string, b as string) as Double
- LoadPhidgetFrameworkMBS(framework as folderitem) as boolean
- LoadPhidgetLibraryMBS(file as folderitem) as boolean
- LoadPhidgetLibraryMBS(path as string) as boolean
- LoadPhidgetLinuxLibraryMBS(path as string) as boolean
- LoadPhidgetWindowsDLLMBS(dllpath as string) as boolean
- Log10MBS(x as Double) as Double
- Log2MBS(x as Double) as Double
- LogicalShiftMBS(value as UInt64, count as Integer) as UInt64
- LogMBS(x as Double) as Double
- LogoMBS(size as Integer = 0, WithAlphaChannel as boolean = false) as Picture
- LoWordMBS(i as Integer) as Integer
- MacCountryCodeMBS as string
- MacGlobalIdleTimeMBS as UInt64
- MacMountServerVolumeMBS(URL as string, MountDir as String, User as String, Password as String, byref Disk as FolderItem, flags as Integer) as Integer
- MacShowAboutBoxMBS(options as CFDictionaryMBS) as Integer
- MacUnmountVolumeMBS(volume as folderItem, Force as Boolean, byref dissenter as Integer) as Integer
- MakeDoublePointMBS(x as Double, y as Double) as DoublePointMBS
- MakeDoubleRectMBS(left as Double, top as Double, width as Double, height as Double) as DoubleRectMBS
- MakeIntegerPointMBS(x as Integer, y as Integer) as IntegerPointMBS
- MakeIntegerRectMBS(left as Integer, top as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as IntegerRectMBS
- MandelbrotSetMBS(Threaded as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer, fx as Double = 4.0, fy as Double = 4.0, dx as Double = -2.0, dy as Double = -2.0, dest as picture = nil) as picture
- MBSPluginCompileDate as string
- MBSPluginCompileTime as string
- MBSPluginVersion as string
- MD5MBS(data as memoryblock) as string
- MD5MBS(data as string) as string
- MD5StringMBS(data as memoryblock) as string
- MD5StringMBS(data as string) as string
- Memoryblock2ptrMBS(mem as memoryblock) as Integer
- MemoryblockABGRtoPictureMBS(dest as picture, source as memoryblock, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as picture
- MemoryblockABGRtoPictureMBS(source as memoryblock, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as picture
- MemoryblockARGBtoPictureMBS(dest as picture, source as memoryblock, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as picture
- MemoryblockARGBtoPictureMBS(source as memoryblock, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as picture
- MemoryblockARGBtoPictureMBS(source as memoryblock, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer, LittleEndian as boolean) as picture
- MemoryblockBGRAtoPictureMBS(dest as picture, source as memoryblock, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as picture
- MemoryblockBGRAtoPictureMBS(source as memoryblock, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as picture
- MemoryblockBGRtoPictureMBS(dest as picture, source as memoryblock, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as picture
- MemoryblockBGRtoPictureMBS(source as memoryblock, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as picture
- MemoryblockGrayToPictureMBS(source as memoryblock, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer, PixelByteSize as Integer) as picture
- MemoryblockGrayToPictureMBS(source as memoryblock, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer, PixelByteSize as Integer, Red as Integer, Blue as Integer, Green as Integer) as picture
- MemoryblockGrayToPictureMBS(source as memoryblock, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer, PixelByteSize as Integer, Red() as Integer, Blue() as Integer, Green() as Integer) as picture
- MemoryblockRGBAtoPictureMBS(dest as picture, source as memoryblock, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer, FlipVertically as boolean=false) as picture
- MemoryblockRGBAtoPictureMBS(source as memoryblock, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer, FlipVertically as boolean=false) as picture
- MemoryblockRGBtoPictureMBS(dest as picture, source as memoryblock, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as picture
- MemoryblockRGBtoPictureMBS(source as memoryblock, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as picture
- MemoryBlockToStringMBS(s as memoryblock) as string
- MemoryBlockToStringWithLengthMBS(s as memoryblock,len as Integer) as string
- MenuBarHeightMBS as Integer
- MergePictureMBS(source1 as picture, source2 as picture) as picture
- MillisecondsMBS as Double
- MimeTypeToFileExtensionMBS(MimeType as String) as string
- ModBusCalculateRTUMessageCRCMBS(data as string) as UInt16
- MountMBS(URL as String, Dest as string = "", Username as String, Password as String, Interactive as boolean = false, Prompt as boolean = false, byref ErrorCode as Integer, Threaded as boolean = false) as String
- MountPathMBS(Path as String) as String
- MountPathMBS(Volume as FolderItem) as String
- NativeStringMBS(s as string) as string
- NewCFAbsoluteTimeMBS(time as Double) as CFAbsoluteTimeMBS
- NewCFBinaryDataMBSMem(mem as memoryblock,len as Integer) as CFBinaryDataMBS
- NewCFBinaryDataMBSStr(s as string) as CFBinaryDataMBS
- NewCFBooleanMBS(value as boolean) as CFBooleanMBS
- NewCFDateMBS as CFDateMBS
- NewCFMutableArrayMBS as CFMutableArrayMBS
- NewCFMutableBagMBS as CFMutableBagMBS
- NewCFMutableBinaryDataMBSMem(len as Integer) as CFMutableBinaryDataMBS
- NewCFMutableDictionaryMBS as CFMutableDictionaryMBS
- NewCFMutableSetMBS as CFMutableSetMBS
- NewCFNumberMBSDouble(doubleValue as Double) as CFNumberMBS
- NewCFNumberMBSInteger(integerValue as Integer) as CFNumberMBS
- NewCFNumberMBSSingle(singleValue as single) as CFNumberMBS
- NewCFObjectMBS(handle as Integer) as CFObjectMBS
- NewCFObjectMBSFromXML(XMLdata as CFBinaryDataMBS) as CFObjectMBS
- NewCFObjectMBSFromXML(XMLdata as MemoryBlock) as CFObjectMBS
- NewCFObjectMBSFromXML(XMLdata as String) as CFObjectMBS
- NewCFObjectMBSFromXMLMT(data as string) as CFObjectMBS
- NewCFObjectMBSFromXMLMT(file as folderitem) as CFObjectMBS
- NewCFObjectMBSFromXMLMT(XMLdata as CFBinaryDataMBS) as CFObjectMBS
- NewCFStringMBS(s as string) as CFStringMBS
- NewCFStringMBS2(s as string) as CFStringMBS
- NewCFTimeIntervalMBS(time as Double) as CFTimeIntervalMBS
- NewCFURLMBSCFStringMBS(cfstr as CFStringMBS, baseurl as CFURLMBS) as CFURLMBS
- NewCFURLMBSFile(f as folderitem) as CFURLMBS
- NewCFURLMBSHFSPath(cfstr as CFStringMBS,directory as boolean) as CFURLMBS
- NewCFURLMBSMem(mem as memoryblock,len as Integer,encoding as Integer,baseurl as CFURLMBS) as CFURLMBS
- NewCFURLMBSPosixPath(cfstr as CFStringMBS,directory as boolean) as CFURLMBS
- NewCFURLMBSStr(str as string, baseurl as CFURLMBS) as CFURLMBS
- NewCFURLMBSWindowsPath(cfstr as CFStringMBS,directory as boolean) as CFURLMBS
- NewCIColorMBS(red as single, green as single, blue as single, alpha as single=1.0) as CIColorMBS
- NewCIColorWithCGColorMBS(CGColor as Variant) as CIColorMBS
- NewCIColorWithStringMBS(s as String) as CIColorMBS
- NewCIContextMBS(cgcontext as CGContextMBS) as CIContextMBS
- NewCIContextMBS(cgcontext as CGContextMBS, OutputColorSpace as CGColorSpaceMBS, WorkingColorSpace as CGColorSpaceMBS, UseSoftwareRenderer as Boolean) as CIContextMBS
- NewCIImagewithBitmapDataMBS(data as memoryblock, BytesPerRow as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer, Format as Integer, colorspace as CGColorSpaceMBS) as CIImageMBS
- NewCIImagewithBitmapMemoryMBS(data as memoryblock, DataLength as Integer, BytesPerRow as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer, Format as Integer, colorspace as CGColorSpaceMBS) as CIImageMBS
- NewCIImagewithCGImageMBS(cgimage as CGImageMBS, cgcolorspace as CGColorSpaceMBS) as CIImageMBS
- NewCIImagewithCGImageMBS(cgimage as CGImageMBS, options as dictionary = nil) as CIImageMBS
- NewCIImagewithDataMBS(Data as memoryblock, cgcolorspace as CGColorSpaceMBS) as CIImageMBS
- NewCIImagewithDataMBS(Data as Memoryblock, Options as Dictionary = nil) as CIImageMBS
- NewCIImagewithFileMBS(file as folderitem) as CIImageMBS
- NewCIImagewithFileMBS(file as folderitem, cgcolorspace as CGColorSpaceMBS) as CIImageMBS
- NewCIImagewithURLMBS(url as String) as CIImageMBS
- NewCIImagewithURLMBS(url as String, cgcolorspace as CGColorSpaceMBS) as CIImageMBS
- NewCISamplerMBS(ciImage as CIImageMBS) as CISamplerMBS
- NewCISamplerMBS(ciImage as CIImageMBS, matrix as NSAffineTransformMBS, WrapMode as String, FilterMode as string) as CISamplerMBS
- NewCIVectorWithStringMBS(s as string) as CIVectorMBS
- NewCIVectorWithXMBS(x as Double) as CIVectorMBS
- NewCIVectorWithXYMBS(x as Double, y as Double) as CIVectorMBS
- NewCIVectorWithXYZMBS(x as Double, y as Double, z as Double) as CIVectorMBS
- NewCIVectorWithXYZWMBS(x as Double, y as Double, z as Double, w as Double) as CIVectorMBS
- NewCPMPageFormatMBS as CPMPageFormatMBS
- NewCPMPrintSessionMBS as CPMPrintSessionMBS
- NewCPMPrintSettingsMBS as CPMPrintSettingsMBS
- NewFolderItemFromAbsolutePathMBS(AbsolutePath as string) as FolderItem
- NewFolderItemMBS(vRefNum as Integer, parID as Integer, name as String) as FolderItem
- NewMemoryBlockFromPtrMBS(ptr as Integer) as memoryblock
- NewMemoryBlockWithBytesMBS(Data as Ptr, size as Integer) as memoryblock
- NewPictureEditorMBS(pic as picture) as PictureEditorMBS
- NewPictureMBS(width as Integer, height as Integer, pixeltype as Integer, buffer as memoryblock, rowbytes as Integer) as picture
- NewPictureReaderMBS(pic as picture) as PictureReaderMBS
- NewPictureWithColorMBS(width as Integer, height as Integer, c as color) as picture
- NewPictureWriterMBS(pic as picture, width as Integer, height as Integer) as PictureWriterMBS
- NewPictureWriterMBS(width as Integer, height as Integer, AlphaChannel as boolean = false) as PictureWriterMBS
- NewVolumeFolderItemMBS(vRefNum as Integer) as FolderItem
- NormInvMBS(p as Double, mu as double = 0.0, sigma as double = 1.0) as double
- NSLogMBS(message as string)
- NSMakePointMBS(x as Double, y as Double) as NSPointMBS
- NSMakeRangeMBS(location as UInt32, length as UInt32) as NSRangeMBS
- NSMakeRectMBS(x as Double, y as Double, w as Double, h as Double) as NSRectMBS
- NSMakeSizeMBS(w as Double, h as Double) as NSSizeMBS
- NSStringArraySortMBS(texts() as string, options as Integer) as string()
- NSStringCompareMBS(s as string, t as string, options as Integer) as Integer
- ObjectIsAMBS(o as object, ClassName as string) as boolean
- OpenMacOSXPreferencesPaneMBS(name as string) as Integer
- OptionKeepAliveMBS(extends s as SocketCore) as Integer
- OptionKeepAliveMBS(extends s as SocketCore, assigns value as Integer)
- OptionMaximumSegmentSizeMBS(extends s as SocketCore) as Integer
- OptionMaximumSegmentSizeMBS(extends s as SocketCore, assigns value as Integer)
- OptionMutliCastTTLMBS(extends s as SocketCore) as Integer
- OptionMutliCastTTLMBS(extends s as SocketCore, assigns value as Integer)
- OptionReceiveBufferSizeMBS(extends s as SocketCore) as Integer
- OptionReceiveBufferSizeMBS(extends s as SocketCore, assigns value as Integer)
- OptionReuseAddressMBS(extends s as SocketCore) as Boolean
- OptionReuseAddressMBS(extends s as SocketCore, assigns value as Boolean)
- OptionReusePortMBS(extends s as SocketCore) as Boolean
- OptionReusePortMBS(extends s as SocketCore, assigns value as Boolean)
- OptionSendBufferSizeMBS(extends s as SocketCore) as Integer
- OptionSendBufferSizeMBS(extends s as SocketCore, assigns value as Integer)
- OptionTOSMBS(extends s as SocketCore) as Integer
- OptionTOSMBS(extends s as SocketCore, assigns value as Integer)
- OptionTTLMBS(extends s as SocketCore) as Integer
- OptionTTLMBS(extends s as SocketCore, assigns value as Integer)
- OptionTypeMBS(extends s as SocketCore) as Integer
- OSTypeFromStringMBS(str as string) as Integer
- ParseDateMBS(format as string, text as string, byref value as date, locale as string = "") as boolean
- ParseDateTimeMBS(format as string, text as string, byref value as dateTime, locale as string = "") as boolean
- PathToFolderItemMBS(path as string) as folderitem
- PictureCombineMBS(DestImage As Picture, Image As Picture, Mask As Picture, DestX as Integer, DestY as Integer, SourceX as Integer, SourceY as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer, UseColours As Boolean) as boolean
- PictureCombineMBS(DestImage As Picture, Image As Picture, Mask As Picture, DestX as Integer, DestY as Integer, SourceX as Integer, SourceY as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer, UseColours As Boolean, ForeColour As color) as boolean
- PictureCombineMBS(DestImage As Picture, Image As Picture, Mask As Picture, DestX as Integer, DestY as Integer, SourceX as Integer, SourceY as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer, UseColours As Boolean, ForeColour As color, MaskColour As color) as boolean
- PictureCombineMBS(DestImage As Picture, Image As Picture, Mask As Picture, DestX as Integer, DestY as Integer, SourceX as Integer, SourceY as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer, UseColours As Boolean, ForeColour as Integer) as boolean
- PictureCombineMBS(DestImage As Picture, Image As Picture, Mask As Picture, DestX as Integer, DestY as Integer, SourceX as Integer, SourceY as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer, UseColours As Boolean, ForeColour as Integer, MaskColour as Integer) as boolean
- PictureCombineMBS(DestImage As Picture, Image As Picture, PreMultipliedSource as boolean, Mask As Picture, DestX as Integer, DestY as Integer, SourceX as Integer, SourceY as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer, UseColours As Boolean) as boolean
- PictureCombineMBS(DestImage As Picture, Image As Picture, PreMultipliedSource as boolean, Mask As Picture, DestX as Integer, DestY as Integer, SourceX as Integer, SourceY as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer, UseColours As Boolean, ForeColour As color) as boolean
- PictureCombineMBS(DestImage As Picture, Image As Picture, PreMultipliedSource as boolean, Mask As Picture, DestX as Integer, DestY as Integer, SourceX as Integer, SourceY as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer, UseColours As Boolean, ForeColour As color, MaskColour As color) as boolean
- PictureCombineMBS(DestImage As Picture, Image As Picture, PreMultipliedSource as boolean, Mask As Picture, DestX as Integer, DestY as Integer, SourceX as Integer, SourceY as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer, UseColours As Boolean, ForeColour as Integer) as boolean
- PictureCombineMBS(DestImage As Picture, Image As Picture, PreMultipliedSource as boolean, Mask As Picture, DestX as Integer, DestY as Integer, SourceX as Integer, SourceY as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer, UseColours As Boolean, ForeColour as Integer, MaskColour as Integer) as boolean
- PictureCopyPixelFastMBS(DestImage As Picture, Source As Picture, DestX as Integer, DestY as Integer, SourceX as Integer, SourceY as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer) as boolean
- PictureToJPEGStringMBS(pic as picture, quality as Integer = 80) as string
- PictureToPNGStringMBS(pic as picture, gamma as single = 0.0) as string
- PictureToPNGStringMBS(pic as picture, gamma as single, Interlace as Boolean, FilterType as Integer) as string
- PictureToPNGStringMBS(pic as picture, mask as picture, gamma as single = 0.0) as string
- PictureToPNGStringMBS(pic as picture, mask as picture, gamma as single, Interlace as Boolean, FilterType as Integer) as string
- PNGStringToPictureMBS(data as string, gamma as single = 0.0, AllowDamaged as boolean = false) as picture
- PNGStringToPNGPictureMBS(data as string, gamma as single = 0.0, AllowDamaged as boolean = false) as PNGPictureMBS
- PowMBS(x as Double, y as Double) as Double
- ptr2MemoryblockMBS(Value as Integer) as memoryblock
- PtrABGRtoPictureMBS(dest as picture, source as Ptr, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as picture
- PtrABGRtoPictureMBS(source as Ptr, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as picture
- PtrARGBtoPictureMBS(dest as picture, source as Ptr, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as picture
- PtrARGBtoPictureMBS(source as Ptr, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as picture
- PtrARGBtoPictureMBS(source as Ptr, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer, LittleEndian as boolean) as picture
- PtrBGRAtoPictureMBS(dest as picture, source as Ptr, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as picture
- PtrBGRAtoPictureMBS(source as Ptr, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as picture
- PtrBGRtoPictureMBS(dest as picture, source as Ptr, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as picture
- PtrBGRtoPictureMBS(source as Ptr, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as picture
- PtrGrayToPictureMBS(source as Ptr, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer, PixelByteSize as Integer) as picture
- PtrGrayToPictureMBS(source as Ptr, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer, PixelByteSize as Integer, Red as Integer, Blue as Integer, Green as Integer) as picture
- PtrGrayToPictureMBS(source as Ptr, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer, PixelByteSize as Integer, Red() as Integer, Blue() as Integer, Green() as Integer) as picture
- PtrRGBAtoPictureMBS(dest as picture, source as Ptr, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer, FlipVertically as boolean=false) as picture
- PtrRGBAtoPictureMBS(source as Ptr, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer, FlipVertically as boolean=false) as picture
- PtrRGBtoPictureMBS(dest as picture, source as Ptr, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as picture
- PtrRGBtoPictureMBS(source as Ptr, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as picture
- RandomBytesStringMBS(Length as Integer, ASCII as boolean=false) as string
- RandomExponentialDistributionMBS(lambda as Double) as double
- RandomNormalDistributionMBS(Mean as Double, StdDev as Double) as double
- RandomPoissonDistributionMBS(Mean as Integer) as Integer
- RegisterMBSPlugin(name as string, product as string, enddate as Integer, serial as string) as boolean
- RemoveAccentsMBS(text as string, IgnoreCase as boolean = false) as string
- RemoveHTMLTagsMBS(AsciiTextWithTags as string) as string
- RemoveHTMLTagsWithMBS(AsciiTextWithTags as string, Replacement as string) as string
- RenderSamplesMBS(Samples as memoryblock, SampleCount as Integer, Smooth as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer, outlinewidth as Integer, BackColor as color=&c88B5C4, ForeColor as color=&c274C5A, OutLineColor as color=&c203F4E, Bits as Integer = 8, AutoScale as boolean = false) as Picture
- ReplaceLineEndingsMBS(Text as String, NewLine as String, yield as boolean = false) as String
- ReplaceNonPrintableCharactersMBS(s as string, replacevalue as Integer=46) as string
- RoundMBS(x as Double, decimals as Integer = 0) as Double
- RunningOnCarbonXMBS as boolean
- ScientificStrMBS(d as Double, digits as Integer) as string
- ScreenshotDisplayMBS(index as Integer) as picture
- ScreenshotFromStringMBS(Width as Integer, Height as Integer, RowBytes as Integer, data as string) as picture
- ScreenshotMBS as picture
- ScreenshotRectMBS(left as Integer, top as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as picture
- ScreenshotStringDisplayMBS(byref Width as Integer, byref Height as Integer, byref RowBytes as Integer, index as Integer) as string
- ScreenshotStringMBS(byref Width as Integer, byref Height as Integer, byref RowBytes as Integer) as string
- SetCurrentWorkingDirectoryMBS(path as folderitem) as boolean
- SetDefaultCFTimeZoneMBS(timezone as CFTimeZoneMBS)
- SetDesktopPictureMBS(file as folderitem) as Integer
- SetEncodingOfStringMBS(s as string, encoding as UInt32)
- SetMaximumOpenFileCountMacOSXMBS(Value as Integer)
- SetNextDragImageMBS(Img as NSImageMBS, DragItemCount as Integer = 1)
- SetRegistrationMessageMBS(ID as Integer, message as string)
- SetSoundMuteMBS(mute as boolean)
- SetSoundVolumeLeftMBS(percent as Double)
- SetSoundVolumeMBS(percent as Double)
- SetSoundVolumeRightMBS(percent as Double)
- SetSystemUIModeMBS(mode as Integer, Options as Integer)
- SetThreadNameMBS(name as string)
- SetVariantArrayValueMBS(v as Variant, index as Integer, value as Variant)
- ShowCharacterPaletteMBS
- ShowCursorMBS
- ShowModalThreadSafeMBS(extends theMessageDialog as MessageDialog)
- ShowModalWithinThreadSafeMBS(extends theMessageDialog as MessageDialog, parent as DesktopWindow)
- ShowModalWithinThreadSafeMBS(extends theMessageDialog as MessageDialog, parent as window)
- SinHMBS(x as Double) as Double
- SinMBS(x as Double) as Double
- SleepMBS(time as Double)
- Split1BitFileMBS(f as folderitem, fc as folderitem, fm as folderitem, fy as folderitem, fk as folderitem, width as Integer, height as Integer, CallbackTarget as object, CacheSizeRead as Integer, CacheSizeWrite as Integer) as Integer
- Split1BitFileMBS(f as folderitem, fc as folderitem, fm as folderitem, fy as folderitem, fk as folderitem, width as Integer, height as Integer, CallbackTarget as object, CacheSizeRead as Integer, CacheSizeWrite as Integer, ReadLines as Integer, WriteLines as Integer) as Integer
- SplitCommaSeparatedValuesMBS(text as string, delimiter as string = "", quote as string = "") as string()
- SplitMBS(value as String, delimiter as String = " ") as String()
- SpotlightMBS(searchString as string) as Integer
- SQLReplaceBooleanMBS(SQL as string) as string
- SqrtMBS(x as Double, y as Double) as Double
- StartDictationMBS
- StrCompBytesMBS(a as string, b as string) as Integer
- StrCompCharactersMBS(a as string, b as string) as Integer
- StringANDMBS(a as string,b as string) as string
- StringCodePointsMBS(text as string) as UInt32()
- StringFromOSTypeMBS(value as Integer) as string
- StringIsHTMLreadyMBS(s as string) as boolean
- StringIsXMLreadyMBS(s as string) as boolean
- StringORMBS(a as string,b as string) as string
- StringToMemoryBlockMBS(s as string) as memoryblock
- StringXOR2MBS(data as string, XorMask as string, MaskOffset as Integer = 0) as string
- StringXORMBS(data as string, XorMask as string, MaskOffset as Integer = 0) as string
- StrMBS(d as Double) as string
- SystemCFTimeZoneMBS as CFTimeZoneMBS
- SystemControlByNameMBS(name as string) as memoryblock
- SystemControlByNameMBS(name as string, input as memoryblock) as memoryblock
- SystemControlMBS(name as memoryblock) as memoryblock
- SystemControlMBS(name as memoryblock, input as memoryblock) as memoryblock
- SystemControlNameToMIBMBS(name as string) as memoryblock
- TanHMBS(x as Double) as Double
- TanMBS(x as Double) as Double
- TIFFStringToPictureMBS(data as string) as picture
- TIFFStringToTiffPictureMBS(data as string) as TiffPictureMBS
- TintPictureMBS(source as picture, GreyBase as color, SepiaBase as color) as picture
- TypeIDDescriptionMBS(TypeID as Integer) as CFStringMBS
- UInt64ToDoubleMBS(value as UInt64) as Double
- UnicodeStringMBS(s as string) as string
- UnmountMBS(Path as String, force as boolean = false) as Boolean
- UnmountMBS(Volume as FolderItem, force as boolean = false) as Boolean
- UpdateDisplayCountMBS
- uuDecodeMBS(data as string, byref name as string, byref mode as Integer) as string
- uuEncodeMBS(data as string, name as string, mode as Integer = &o755) as string
- ValidateUUIDMBS(UUID as string, mode as Integer = 0, requiredVersion as Integer = 0) as string
- VerifyEmailMBS(email as string, NetworkCheck as boolean) as Integer
- VolResolveIDMBS(volume as FolderItem, id as Integer) as FolderItem
- VolResolveIDMBS(vRefNum as Integer, id as Integer) as FolderItem
- VolumeFreeSizePathMBS(Path as String) as Int64
- VolumeSizePathMBS(Path as String) as Int64
- WindowsDrawPictureIntoDeviceContextMBS(pic as picture, HDC as Integer, x as Integer, y as Integer, w as Integer, h as Integer, Transparent as boolean)
- WindowsEjectVolumeMBS(driveLetter as string, byref status as Integer) as boolean
- WindowsExecuteMBS(ApplicationName as string, CommandLine as string, CurrentDirectory as string, byref PID as integer, Flags as integer = 0, ShowWindow as Integer = -1) as integer
- WindowsGetProcessIntegrityLevelMBS as Integer
- WindowsIsApplicationRunAsAdminMBS as boolean
- WindowsIsProcessElevatedMBS as boolean
- WindowsIsUserInAdminGroupMBS as boolean
- WindowsRunAsMBS(Username as string, Domain as string, Password as string, LoginFlags as Integer, ApplicationName as string, CommandLine as string, CurrentDirectory as string, byref PID as Integer, Flags as Integer = -1) as Integer
- WindowsShellExecuteAsAdminMBS(ParentWindowHandle as integer, File as string, Parameters as string = "", Directory as string = "", ShowCmd as integer = 5) as integer
- WindowsShellExecuteMBS(ParentWindowHandle as Integer, Operation as string, File as string, Parameters as string = "", Directory as string = "", ShowCmd as Integer = 5) as Integer
- WindowsSystemMetricsMBS(what as Integer) as Integer
- WinGetSysColorMBS(Index as Integer) as Color
- WinOpenFolderAndSelectItemsMBS(folder as folderitem, files() as folderItem, ShowOnDesktop as Boolean = false, EditName as Boolean = false) as Integer
- WinSetSysColorMBS(Index as Integer, value as Color) as boolean
671 functions.
The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS Compression Plugin, MBS CURL Plugin, MBS DataTypes Plugin, MBS Encryption Plugin, MBS Images Plugin, MBS MacCF Plugin, MBS MacCG Plugin, MBS MacCI Plugin, MBS MacClassic Plugin, MBS MacCocoa Plugin, MBS MacControls Plugin, MBS MacOSX Plugin, MBS Main Plugin, MBS Network Plugin, MBS Phidgets Plugin, MBS Picture Plugin, MBS SQL Plugin, MBS Util Plugin, MBS Win Plugin.