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PictureCopyPixelFastMBS(DestImage As Picture, Source As Picture, DestX as Integer, DestY as Integer, SourceX as Integer, SourceY as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer) as boolean

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
global method Graphics & Pictures MBS Picture Plugin 8.7 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ❌ No ✅ Yes All
Copies pixels from one picture into another picture with some options.
const x=100 // mouse coordinates for example
const y=100

dim p,logo as picture


p=New Picture(800,800,32)

p.Graphics.FillRect 0,0,p.Width,p.Height

if PictureCopyPixelFastMBS(p, logo, x-logo.Width/2, y-logo.Height/2, 0, 0, logo.Width, logo.Height) then
' ok
end if


Returns true on success and false on failure.

Source: the source picture, must not be nil.
DestX: destination position
DestY: destination position
SourceX: source position
SourceY: source position
Width: width of the area to copy
Height: height of the area to copy

The destination image (self) can be either 24 bit or 32 bit.
The source image can have any bit depth and may be converted to 24 or 32 bit.

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