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GMImageMBS class
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
class | GraphicsMagick | MBS GraphicsMagick Plugin | 9.3 | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | All |
With MBS Plugin 14.0 we offer this classes in 8bit (GM prefix) or 16bit (GM16 prefix).
The GMImageArrayMBS class must be used to operate on image sequences or images (e.g. of format GIF, TIFF, MIFF, Postscript, & MNG) which are comprized of multiple image frames. Individual frames of a multi-frame image may be requested by adding array-style notation to the end of the file name (e.g. "animation.gif[3]" retrieves the fourth frame of a GIF animation. Various image manipulation operations may be applied to the image. Attributes may be set on the image to influence the operation of the manipulation operations. The GMPixelsMBS class provides low-level access to image pixels.
- 102 properties
- property adjoin as boolean
- property animationDelay as UInt32
- property animationIterations as UInt32
- property antiAlias as boolean
- property backgroundColor as GMColorMBS
- property backgroundTexture as string
- property baseColumns as UInt32
- property baseFilename as String
- property baseRows as Uint32
- property borderColor as GMColorMBS
- property boundingBox as GMGeometryMBS
- property boxColor as GMColorMBS
- property classType as Integer
- property clipMask as GMImageMBS
- property colorFuzz as Double
- property colorMapSize as UInt32
- property colorSpace as Integer
- property columns as UInt32
- property comment as string
- property compose as Integer
- property compressType as Integer
- property debug as boolean
- property density as GMGeometryMBS
- property depth as UInt32
- property directory as string
- property endian as Integer
- property ExifThumbnail as String
- property fileName as string
- property fileSize as Int64
- property fillColor as GMColorMBS
- property fillPattern as GMImageMBS
- property fillRule as Integer
- property filterType as Integer
- property font as string
- property FontFamily as String
- property fontPointsize as Double
- property FontStretch as Integer
- property FontStyle as Integer
- property FontWeight as Integer
- property format as string
- property gamma as Double
- property geometry as GMGeometryMBS
- property getConstIndexes as Ptr
- property getIndexes as Ptr
- property gifDisposeMethod as UInt32
- property handle as Integer
- property height as Integer
- property iccColorProfile as GMBlobMBS
- property interlaceType as Integer
- property iptcProfile as GMBlobMBS
- property isValid as boolean
- property label as string
- property lineWidth as Double
- property magick as string
- property matte as boolean
- property matteColor as GMColorMBS
- property meanErrorPerPixel as Double
- property modulusDepth as UInt32
- property monochrome as boolean
- property normalizedMaxError as Double
- property normalizedMeanError as Double
- property orientation as Integer
- property page as GMGeometryMBS
- property penColor as GMColorMBS
- property quality as UInt32
- property quantizeColors as UInt32
- property quantizeColorSpace as Integer
- property quantizeDither as boolean
- property quantizeTreeDepth as UInt32
- property Quiet as Boolean
- property renderingIntent as Integer
- property resolutionUnits as Integer
- property rows as UInt32
- property scene as UInt32
- property size as GMGeometryMBS
- property strokeAntiAlias as boolean
- property strokeColor as GMColorMBS
- property strokeDashOffset as Double
- property strokeLineCap as Integer
- property strokeLineJoin as Integer
- property strokeMiterLimit as UInt32
- property strokePattern as GMImageMBS
- property strokeWidth as Double
- property subImage as UInt32
- property subRange as UInt32
- property textEncoding as string
- property tileName as string
- property totalColors as UInt32
- property type as Integer
- property verbose as boolean
- property view as string
- property width as Integer
- property x11Display as string
- property XResolution as Double
- property YResolution as Double
- property attributeValue(name as string) as string
- property channelDepth(channel as Integer) as UInt32
- property colorMap(index as UInt32) as GMColorMBS
- property defineSet(magick as string, key as string) as boolean
- property defineValue(magick as string, key as string) as string
- property pixelColor(x as UInt32, y as UInt32) as GMColorMBS
- property profile(name as string) as GMBlobMBS
- 192 methods
- method adaptiveThreshold(width as UInt32, height as UInt32, offset as double = 0)
- method addNoise(noise as Integer)
- method addNoiseChannel(channel as Integer, noise as Integer)
- method affineTransform(sx as Double, sy as Double, rx as Double, ry as Double, tx as Double, ty as Double)
- method annotate(text as string, boundingArea as GMGeometryMBS, gravity as Integer)
- method annotate(text as string, boundingArea as GMGeometryMBS, gravity as Integer, degrees as Double)
- method annotate(text as string, gravity as Integer)
- method annotate(text as string, location as GMGeometryMBS)
- method attributeValues as dictionary
- method autoOrient
- method blur(radius as Double=0.0, sigma as Double=1.0)
- method blurChannel(channel as Integer, radius as Double=0.0, sigma as Double=1.0)
- method border
- method border(geometry as GMGeometryMBS)
- method cdl(cdl as string)
- method channel(channel as Integer)
- method charcoal(radius as Double=0.0, sigma as Double=1.0)
- method chop(geometry as GMGeometryMBS)
- method colorHistogram as dictionary
- method colorize(opacity as UInt32, penColor as GMColorMBS)
- method colorize(opacityRed as UInt32, opacityGreen as UInt32, opacityBlue as UInt32, penColor as GMColorMBS)
- method colorMap as GMColorMBS()
- method colorMatrix(order as Integer, ColorMatrix() as Double)
- method CombinePictureWithMask as picture
- method compare(image as GMImageMBS) as boolean
- method composite(compositeImage as GMImageMBS, gravity as Integer, CompositeOperator as Integer = 2)
- method compositeAt(compositeImage as GMImageMBS, offset as GMGeometryMBS, CompositeOperator as Integer = 2)
- method compositeXY(compositeImage as GMImageMBS, xOffset as Integer, yOffset as Integer, CompositeOperator as Integer = 2)
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(blob as GMBlobMBS)
- method Constructor(blob as GMBlobMBS, geometry as GMGeometryMBS)
- method Constructor(blob as GMBlobMBS, geometry as GMGeometryMBS, depth as UInt32)
- method Constructor(blob as GMBlobMBS, geometry as GMGeometryMBS, depth as UInt32, Magick as string)
- method Constructor(blob as GMBlobMBS, geometry as GMGeometryMBS, Magick as string)
- method Constructor(file as folderitem)
- method Constructor(other as GMImageMBS)
- method Constructor(Path as string)
- method Constructor(pic as picture)
- method Constructor(size as GMGeometryMBS, ColorValue as GMColorMBS)
- method Constructor(width as UInt32, height as UInt32, map as string, StorageType as Integer, data as ptr)
- method contrast(sharpen as UInt32)
- method convolve(order as Integer, ColorMatrix() as Double)
- method CopyPicture as picture
- method CopyPicture(x as Integer, y as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as picture
- method CopyPictureMask as picture
- method CopyPictureMask(x as Integer, y as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as picture
- method CopyPixelsMemory as Memoryblock
- method CopyPixelsMemory(x as Integer, y as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as Memoryblock
- method CreateHBITMAP as Ptr
- method crop(geometry as GMGeometryMBS)
- method cycleColormap(amount as Integer)
- method Describe(verbose as Integer = 1) as String
- method despeckle
- method display
- method edge(radius as Double=0.0)
- method emboss(radius as Double=0.0, sigma as Double=1.0)
- method enhance
- method erase
- method extent(geo as GMGeometryMBS)
- method extent(geo as GMGeometryMBS, backgroundColor as GMColorMBS)
- method extent(geo as GMGeometryMBS, backgroundColor as GMColorMBS, gravity as Integer)
- method extent(geo as GMGeometryMBS, gravity as Integer)
- method Flatten
- method flip
- method floodFillColor(point as GMGeometryMBS, fillColor as GMColorMBS)
- method floodFillColor(point as GMGeometryMBS, fillColor as GMColorMBS, borderColor as GMColorMBS)
- method floodFillColor(x as UInt32, y as UInt32, fillColor as GMColorMBS)
- method floodFillColor(x as UInt32, y as UInt32, fillColor as GMColorMBS, borderColor as GMColorMBS)
- method floodFillOpacity(x as UInt32, y as UInt32, opacity as UInt32, PaintMethod as Integer)
- method floodFillTexture(point as GMGeometryMBS, fillColor as GMColorMBS)
- method floodFillTexture(point as GMGeometryMBS, fillColor as GMColorMBS, borderColor as GMColorMBS)
- method floodFillTexture(x as UInt32, y as UInt32, fillColor as GMColorMBS)
- method floodFillTexture(x as UInt32, y as UInt32, fillColor as GMColorMBS, borderColor as GMColorMBS)
- method flop
- method fontTypeMetrics(name as string) as GMTypeMetricMBS
- method formatExpression(expression as string) as string
- method frame
- method frame(geometry as GMGeometryMBS)
- method frame(width as UInt32, height as UInt32, innerBevel as Integer=6, outerBevel as Integer=6)
- method gamma(gammaRed as Double, gammaGreen as Double, gammaBlue as Double)
- method gaussianBlur(width as Double, sigma as Double)
- method gaussianBlurChannel(channel as Integer, width as Double, sigma as Double)
- method getChromaBluePrimary(byref x as Double, byref y as Double)
- method getchromaGreenPrimary(byref x as Double, byref y as Double)
- method getchromaRedPrimary(byref x as Double, byref y as Double)
- method getchromaWhitePoint(byref x as Double, byref y as Double)
- method getConstPixels(x as Integer, y as Integer, columns as Integer, rows as Integer) as Ptr
- method GetEXIFOrientation(byref orientation as integer) as boolean
- method getPixels(x as Integer, y as Integer, columns as Integer, rows as Integer) as Ptr
- method Graphics as GMGraphicsMBS
- method haldClut(image as GMImageMBS)
- method Hash(Size as Integer = 8) as String
- method implode(factor as Double=0.0)
- method label(text as string)
- method level(black_point as Double, white_point as Double, mid_point as Double=1.0)
- method levelChannel(channel as Integer, black_point as Double, white_point as Double, mid_point as Double=1.0)
- method magnify
- method map(mapImage as GMImageMBS, dither as boolean=false)
- method matteFloodfill(target as GMColorMBS, opacity as UInt32, x as Integer, y as Integer, PaintMethod as Integer)
- method medianFilter(radius as Double=0.0)
- method minify
- method modequalizeifyImage
- method modifyImage
- method modulate(brightness as Double, saturation as Double, hue as Double)
- method montageGeometry as GMGeometryMBS
- method motionBlur(radius as Double, sigma as Double, angle as Double)
- method negate(grayscale as boolean=false)
- method normalize
- method oilPaint(radius as Double=3.0)
- method opacity(opacity as UInt32)
- method opaque(opaqueColor as GMColorMBS, penColor as GMColorMBS)
- method ping(data as GMBlobMBS)
- method ping(file as folderitem)
- method ping(Path as string)
- method quantize(measureError as boolean=false)
- method quantumOperator(channel as Integer, Operator as Integer, rvalue as Double)
- method quantumOperator(x as Integer, y as Integer, columns as Integer, rows as Integer, channel as Integer, Operator as Integer, rvalue as Double)
- method raiseImage
- method raiseImage(geometry as GMGeometryMBS, raisedFlag as boolean=false)
- method randomThreshold(thresholds as GMGeometryMBS)
- method randomThresholdChannel(thresholds as GMGeometryMBS, channel as Integer)
- method read(blob as GMBlobMBS)
- method read(blob as GMBlobMBS, size as GMGeometryMBS)
- method read(blob as GMBlobMBS, size as GMGeometryMBS, depth as Integer)
- method read(blob as GMBlobMBS, size as GMGeometryMBS, depth as Integer, magick as string)
- method read(blob as GMBlobMBS, size as GMGeometryMBS, magick as string)
- method read(file as folderitem)
- method read(path as string)
- method read(size as GMGeometryMBS, file as folderitem)
- method read(size as GMGeometryMBS, Path as string)
- method read(width as UInt32, height as UInt32, map as string, StorageType as Integer, data as ptr)
- method reduceNoise
- method reduceNoise(order as Double)
- method repage
- method resize(geo as GMGeometryMBS)
- method resize(geo as GMGeometryMBS, filterType as Integer)
- method resize(geo as GMGeometryMBS, filterType as Integer, blur as double)
- method roll(columns as UInt32, rows as UInt32)
- method roll(roll as GMGeometryMBS)
- method rotate(degree as Double)
- method sample(geometry as GMGeometryMBS)
- method scale(geometry as GMGeometryMBS)
- method segment(clusterThreshold as Double=1.0, smoothingThreshold as Double=1.5)
- method setChromaBluePrimary(x as Double, y as Double)
- method setchromaGreenPrimary(x as Double, y as Double)
- method setchromaRedPrimary(x as Double, y as Double)
- method setchromaWhitePoint(x as Double, y as Double)
- method SetEXIFOrientation(orientation as integer) as boolean
- method SetPicture(pic as picture, x as Integer, y as Integer)
- method SetPictureMask(maskpic as picture, x as Integer, y as Integer)
- method setPixels(x as Integer, y as Integer, columns as Integer, rows as Integer) as Ptr
- method setStrokeDashArray(values() as Double)
- method shade(azimuth as Double=30.0, elevation as Double=30.0, colorShading as boolean=false)
- method sharpen(radius as Double=0.0, sigma as Double=1.0)
- method sharpenChannel(channel as Integer, radius as Double=0.0, sigma as Double=1.0)
- method shave(geometry as GMGeometryMBS)
- method shear(xShearAngle as Double, yShearAngle as Double)
- method signature(force as boolean=false) as string
- method solarize(factor as Double=50.0)
- method spread(amount as UInt32=3)
- method statistics as GMImageStatisticsMBS
- method stegano(watermark as GMImageMBS)
- method stereo(rightImage as GMImageMBS)
- method strip
- method strokeDashArray as Double()
- method swirl(degree as Double)
- method syncPixels
- method texture(texture as GMImageMBS)
- method threshold(degree as Double)
- method thumbnail(geometry as GMGeometryMBS)
- method transform(imageGeometry as GMGeometryMBS)
- method transform(imageGeometry as GMGeometryMBS, cropGeometry as GMGeometryMBS)
- method transformOrigin(tx as Double, ty as Double)
- method transformReset
- method transformRotation(angle as Double)
- method transformScale(tx as Double, ty as Double)
- method transformSkewX(x as Double)
- method transformSkewY(y as Double)
- method transparent(color as GMColorMBS)
- method trim
- method unregisterId
- method unsharpmask(radius as Double, sigma as Double, amount as Double, threshold as Double)
- method unsharpmaskChannel(channel as Integer, radius as Double, sigma as Double, amount as Double, threshold as Double)
- method wave(amplitude as Double=25.0, wavelength as Double=150.0)
- method write(blob as GMBlobMBS)
- method write(blob as GMBlobMBS, magick as string)
- method write(blob as GMBlobMBS, magick as string, depth as UInt32)
- method write(file as folderitem)
- method write(Path as string)
- method write(x as Integer, y as Integer, columns as Integer, rows as Integer, map as string, type as Integer, Pixels as Ptr)
- method zoom(geometry as GMGeometryMBS)
- method ZPL(Header as boolean = true) as String
- 17 shared methods
- shared method borderGeometryDefault as String
- shared method cacheThreshold(threshold as UInt32)
- shared method FontMap as string
- shared method frameGeometryDefault as String
- shared method IsLoggingEnabled as Boolean
- shared method JasperLibVersion as string
- shared method LibVersion as String
- shared method LoadIconvLibrary(path as String, byref Error as String) as boolean
- shared method MagickVersion as string
- shared method PNGLibVersion as string
- shared method QuantumDepth as Integer
- shared method raiseGeometryDefault as String
- shared method ReleaseDate as String
- shared method SetLogEventMask(events as String)
- shared method TIFFLibVersion as string
- shared method WebPVersion as String
- shared method ZLibVersion as string
- 169 constants
This class has no sub classes.
Some methods using this class:
- GMGraphicsMBS.CompositeImage(x as Double, y as Double, w as Double, h as Double, image as GMImageMBS)
- GMGraphicsMBS.Constructor(image as GMImageMBS)
- GMImageArrayMBS.append(image as GMImageMBS)
- GMImageArrayMBS.averageImages as GMImageMBS
- GMImageArrayMBS.flattenImages as GMImageMBS
- GMImageArrayMBS.insert(image as GMImageMBS)
- GMImageArrayMBS.LastImage as GMImageMBS
- GMImageArrayMBS.mapImages(map as GMImageMBS, dither as boolean = true, measureError as boolean = false)
- GMImageArrayMBS.mosaicImages as GMImageMBS
- GMPixelsMBS.Constructor(Image as GMImageMBS)
Some properties using for this class:
- GMConvertMBS.InputImage as GMImageMBS
- GMConvertMBS.OutputImage as GMImageMBS
- GMGraphicsMBS.Image as GMImageMBS
- GMImageMBS.clipMask as GMImageMBS
- GMImageMBS.fillPattern as GMImageMBS
- GMImageMBS.strokePattern as GMImageMBS
Some examples using this class:
- /GraphicsMagick/GraphicsMagick/Console Text Drawing/Draw text in Console
- /GraphicsMagick/GraphicsMagick/Crop
- /GraphicsMagick/GraphicsMagick/Draw dash pattern
- /GraphicsMagick/GraphicsMagick/GM Exif
- /GraphicsMagick/GraphicsMagick/GM IPTC
- /GraphicsMagick/GraphicsMagick/GraphicsMagick threaded convert
- /GraphicsMagick/GraphicsMagick/OnePixel
- /GraphicsMagick/GraphicsMagick/SVG Test/SVG Rastor
- /GraphicsMagick/GraphicsMagick/Test Rotating
- /Images/LCMS2/Convert image to sRGB JPEG
Blog Entries
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 24.2
- Auto crop a signature picture
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 23.3
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 23.3
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 23.2
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 20.1
- Crop a two side page document to a single page document
- Gradients in GraphicsMagick
- MBS Releases the MBS Xojo / Real Studio plug-ins in version 15.1
- Tip of the day: Render SVG with GraphicsMagick Plugin
Xojo Developer Magazine
- 22.5, page 10
- 22.4, page 9: News
- 21.5, page 10: News
- 19.6, page 73: Fun with GraphicsMagick, Cool methods from the GMImageMBS class by Stefanie Juchmes
- 19.6, pages 68 to 69: Fun with GraphicsMagick, Cool methods from the GMImageMBS class by Stefanie Juchmes
- 19.3, page 10: News
- 18.6, page 10: News
- 18.3, page 10: News
- 17.5, page 39: What's New in the MBS Plugins, With the Plugins growing every year, here are new capabilities you may have missed by Stefanie Juchmes
Release notes
- Version 24.2
- Added Flatten method to GMImageMBS class to remove alpha channel from image.
- Version 23.3
- Added Describe method to GMImageMBS class.
- Version 23.2
- Added WebPVersion function to GMImageMBS class.
- Version 21.2
- Renamed composite functions in GMImageMBS to compositeAt and compositeXY.
- Version 21.1
- Added SetLogEventMask and IsLoggingEnabled shared methods to GMImageMBS class.
- Version 20.4
- Added FontWeight, FontStyle, FontStretch and FontFamily properties for GMImageMBS class.
- Added LoadIconvLibrary method for ArchiverMBS, XMLValidatorMBS, zxingReaderMBS, GMImageMBS and TextConverterMBS classes for helping with text encodings if needed.
- Added MagickVersion to GMImageMBS class.
- Added ZPL function to GMImageMBS class.
- Version 20.1
- Added ExifThumbnail function to GM16ImageMBS and GMImageMBS class.
- Added FontMap function for GMImageMBS class.
- Version 19.4
- Added Hash function for GMImageMBS class.
- Fixed crash with nil folderItem passed to Read, Constructor or Ping methods in GMImageMBS class.
- Fixed GMImageMBS functions to return picture to better work with GIF images.
- Version 19.0
- Added autoOrient, extent, formatExpression, Quiet, repage and resize methods to GMImageMBS class.
- Added JasperLibVersion, TIFFLibVersion and ZLibVersion to GMImageMBS class.
- Changed 80 properties in GMImageMBS class to be debugger visible.
The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS GraphicsMagick Plugin.
GMImageChannelStatisticsMBS - GMImageStatisticsMBS