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DynaPDFMBS class
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
class | DynaPDF | MBS DynaPDF Plugin | 8.0 | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | All |
A pdf library to create, modify, import pdf files.
You need a separate dynapdf license key for this class.
Please note that all constants have the prefix k. In the dynapdf_help.pdf file, the constants don't have a k prefix. And the C functions there have IPDF parameters which the plugin automatically passes for you. So
SI32 pdfSetPageCoords(const void* IDPF, TPageCoord PageCoords)
translates in Xojo to
function SetPageCoords(PageCoords as Integer) as Integer
and you call it like this:
call pdf.SetPageCoords pdf.kpcTopDown
where in this sample the DynaPDF object is named pdf.
Pro license is required for the following functions:
- BeginTransparencyGroup
- ConvertColors
- Create3DAnnot
- CreateSoftMask
- FlattenForm
- GetPageText
- ImportPage and ImportPageEx
- ParseContent
- RenderAnnotOrField
- RenderPage
- SetCMapDir
- SetExtColorSpace, SetExtFillColorSpace and SetExtStrokeColorSpace.
- SetUseGlobalImpFiles
Lite is required for:
- AddRenderingIntent and AddRenderingIntentEx
- CreateFormFields
- CloseFileEx
- ConvertEMFSpool
- CreateCollection
- CreateExtGState
- InsertMetafile and InsertMetafileEx
- OpenImportBuffer, OpenImportFile and OpenImportStream
- SetPDFVersion for PDF/A and PDF/X
And all functions relaying on those functions internally.
- 11 events
- event EnumDocFont(Font as DynaPDFFontMBS, FontInfo as DynaPDFFontInfoMBS, Type as Integer, BaseFont as string, Fontname as string, Embedded as boolean, IsFormFont as boolean, Flags as Integer, FontRef as Integer) as Integer
- event EnumHostFont(FamilyName as string, PostScriptName as string, Style as Integer) as Integer
- event EnumHostFontEx(FamilyName as string, PostScriptName as string, Style as Integer, BaseType as Integer, Embeddable as boolean, Flags as Integer, FilePath as string) as Integer
- event Error(ErrorCode as Integer, ErrorMessage as string, ErrorType as Integer) as Integer
- event InitProgress(ProgType as Integer, MaxCount as Integer)
- event NextPage(g as graphics, Width as Double, Height as Double)
- event OnFontNotFound(PDFFontRef as Integer, FontName as string, Style as Integer, StdFontIndex as Integer, IsSymbolFont as boolean) as Integer
- event OnReplaceICCProfile(Type as Integer, ColorSpace as Integer) as Integer
- event PageBreak(LastPosX as Double, LastPosY as Double, PageBreak as boolean) as Integer
- event Progress(ActivePage as Integer) as Integer
- event RasterShowText(MatrixBefore as DynaPDFMatrixMBS, MatrixAfter as DynapdfMatrixMBS, TextBuffers() as DynaPDFTextRecordAMBS, Texts() as String, Width as Double, Vertical as boolean, FontRef as Integer, textScaling as Double)
- 20 properties
- property ActiveFontInfo as DynaPDFFontInfoMBS
- property ClearRectMode as Integer
- property CustomerID as Integer New in 25.1
- property ErrorCount as Integer
- property FontSize as Double
- property Handle as Integer
- property HasLite as Boolean
- property HasOutputFile as Boolean New in 25.1
- property HasPro as Boolean
- property ImportFlags as Integer
- property ImportFlags2 as Integer
- property PageCoords as Integer
- property PageGraphics as Graphics
- property PageGraphicsPicture as Picture
- property PrintCancelled as Boolean
- property SpaceWidthFactor as Single
- property TraceFile as FolderItem
- property TraceHandle as Integer
- property ValidateTextEncodings as Boolean
- property WarningCount as Integer
- 4 shared properties
- shared property DynaPDFVersion as String
- shared property TIFFVersion as String
- shared property zlibVersion as String
- 937 methods
- method ActivateAltFontList(FontListHandle as Integer, EnableSysFonts as Boolean) as Boolean
- method AddActionToObj(ObjType as Integer, theEvent as Integer, ActHandle as Integer, ObjHandle as Integer) as boolean
- method AddAnnotToPage(PageNum as UInt32, Handle as UInt32) as boolean
- method AddArticle(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double) as Integer
- method AddBookmark(title as String, parent as Integer, DestPage as Integer, Open as boolean) as Integer
- method AddBookmarkEx(title as String, parent as Integer, NamedDest as Integer, Open as boolean) as Integer
- method AddBookmarkEx2(title as String, parent as Integer, NamedDest as String, unicode as boolean, Open as boolean) as Integer
- method AddButtonImage(BtnHandle as Integer, State as Integer, Caption as string, ImgFile as FolderItem) as boolean
- method AddButtonImageEx(BtnHandle as Integer, State as Integer, Caption as string, hbitmap as Integer) as boolean
- method AddButtonImageEx2(BtnHandle as integer, State as integer, Caption as string, ImageData as MemoryBlock) as boolean
- method AddButtonImageEx2(BtnHandle as integer, State as integer, Caption as string, ImageData as String) as boolean
- method AddContinueText(text as string) as boolean
- method AddDeviceNProcessColorants(DeviceNCS as Integer, Colorants() as string, ProcessCS as Integer, Handle as Integer) as boolean
- method AddDeviceNSeparations(DeviceNCS as Integer, Colorants() as string, SeparationCS() as Integer) as boolean
- method AddDPartNode(Parent as Integer, FirstPage as Integer, LastPage as Integer, DPM as String) as Integer
- method AddFieldToFormAction(Action as Integer, Field as Integer, Include as Boolean) as boolean
- method AddFieldToHideAction(HideAct as Integer, Field as Integer) as boolean
- method AddFileComment(Text as string) as boolean
- method AddFontSearchPath(path as folderitem, recursive as boolean = true) as Integer
- method AddFontSearchPath(path as string, recursive as boolean = true) as Integer
- method AddImage(Filter as Integer, Flags as Integer, Image as DynaPDFImageMBS) as boolean
- method AddInkList(InkAnnot as UInt32, points() as DynaPDFPointMBS) as boolean
- method AddJavaScript(Name as string, Script as string) as Integer
- method AddLayerToDisplTree(parent as DynaPDFLayerGroupMBS, layer as UInt32, Title as string) as DynaPDFLayerGroupMBS
- method AddMaskImage(BaseImage as Integer, Buffer as MemoryBlock, Stride as UInt32, BitsPerPixel as UInt32, Width as UInt32, Height as UInt32) as boolean
- method AddMaskImage(BaseImage as Integer, Buffer as Ptr, BufSize as UInt32, Stride as UInt32, BitsPerPixel as UInt32, Width as UInt32, Height as UInt32) as boolean
- method AddObjectToLayer(OCG as UInt32, ObjType as Integer, Handle as Integer) as boolean
- method AddOCGToAppEvent(Handle as UInt32, Events as Integer, Categories as Integer) as Boolean
- method AddOutputIntent(ICCFile as folderitem) as Integer
- method AddOutputIntentEx(buffer as Memoryblock) as Integer
- method AddOutputIntentEx(buffer as string) as Integer
- method AddPageLabel(StartRange as UInt32, PageLabelFormat as Integer, Value as string, FirstPageNum as Int32) as Integer
- method AddValToChoiceField(Field as Integer, ExpValue as string, Value as string, Selected as Boolean) as Boolean
- method Append as Boolean
- method AppendTraceFile(File as FolderItem) as Boolean
- method ApplyAppEvent(TOCAppEvent as Integer, SaveResult as Boolean) as boolean
- method ApplyPattern(PattHandle as Integer, ColorMode as Integer, ColorValue as Integer) as boolean
- method ApplyShading(ShadHandle as Integer) as boolean
- method AssociateEmbFile(DestObject as Integer, DestHandle as Integer, Relationship as Integer, EmbFile as UInt32) as boolean
- method AttachFile(File as folderitem, Description as string, Compress as boolean) as Integer
- method AttachFileEx(Buffer as Memoryblock, Filename as string, Description as string, Compress as boolean) as Integer
- method AttachFileEx(Buffer as string, Filename as string, Description as string, Compress as boolean) as Integer
- method AutoTemplate(Templ as Integer, PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double) as boolean
- method BeginContinueText(PosX as Double, PosY as Double) as boolean
- method BeginLayer(OCG as UInt32) as boolean
- method BeginPageTemplate(Name as String, UseAutoTemplates as boolean) as boolean
- method BeginPattern(PatternType as Integer, TilingType as Integer, Width as Double, Height as Double) as Integer
- method BeginTemplate(Width as Double, Height as Double) as Integer
- method BeginTemplateEx(BBox as DynaPDFRectMBS, Matrix as DynaPDFMatrixMBS) as Integer
- method BeginTransparencyGroup(x1 as Double, y1 as Double, x2 as Double, y2 as Double, Isolated as Boolean, Knockout as Boolean, CS as Integer, CSHandle as Int32) as Int32
- method Bezier_1_2_3(x1 as Double, y1 as Double, x2 as Double, y2 as Double, x3 as Double, y3 as Double) as boolean
- method Bezier_1_3(x1 as Double, y1 as Double, x3 as Double, y3 as Double) as boolean
- method Bezier_2_3(x2 as Double, y2 as Double, x3 as Double, y3 as Double) as boolean
- method CalcWidthHeight(OrgWidth as Double, OrgHeight as Double, ScaledWidth as Double, ScaledHeight as Double) as Double
- method CaretAnnot(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double, ColorValue as UInt32, ColorSpace as Integer, Author as string, Subject as string, Content as string) as Integer
- method ChangeAnnotName(Handle as Integer, Name as string) as boolean
- method ChangeAnnotPos(Handle as Integer, PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double) as boolean
- method ChangeBookmark(ABmk as Integer, Text as string, Parent as Integer, DestPage as Integer, Open as Boolean) as boolean
- method ChangeFont(Handle as Integer) as Boolean
- method ChangeFontEx(Handle as integer, FontSize as double, Style as Integer) as Boolean
- method ChangeFontSize(size as Double) as Boolean
- method ChangeFontStyle(Style as Integer) as Boolean
- method ChangeFontStyleEx(Style as Integer) as Boolean
- method ChangeJavaScript(Handle as Integer, Text as string) as Boolean
- method ChangeJavaScriptAction(Handle as Integer, Text as string) as Boolean
- method ChangeJavaScriptName(Handle as Integer, Text as string) as Boolean
- method ChangeLinkAnnot(Handle as Integer, URL as string) as Boolean
- method ChangeNamedDest(ObjType as Integer, Handle as Integer, Name as String) as Boolean
- method ChangeOCGName(Handle as Integer, Name as String) as Boolean
- method ChangeSeparationColor(CSHandle as UInt32, NewColor as UInt32, AlternateExtColorSpace as Integer, AltHandle as Integer = -1) as boolean
- method CheckCollection as Boolean
- method CheckConformance(ConformanceType as Integer, CheckOptions as Integer) as Integer
- method CheckEmbeddedFileCheckSum(Handle as integer) as Integer New in 25.0
- method CheckFieldNames as Integer
- method CircleAnnot(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double, LineWidth as Double, FillColor as UInt32, StrokeColor as UInt32, ColorSpace as Integer, Author as string, Subject as string, Comment as string) as Integer
- method ClearAutoTemplates as Boolean
- method ClearErrorLog
- method ClearHostFonts as Boolean
- method ClearPageGraphics
- method ClipPath(ClipMode as Integer, FillMode as Integer) as Boolean
- method CloseAndSignFile(CertFile as folderitem, Password as string, Reason as string, Location as string) as Boolean
- method CloseAndSignFileEx(OpenPwd as string, OwnerPwd as string, KeyLen as Integer, Restrict as Integer, CertFile as folderitem, Password as string, Reason as string, Location as string) as Boolean
- method CloseAndSignFileExt(SigParams as DynaPDFSigParmsMBS) as boolean
- method CloseAndSignPDFFile(OutputFile as FolderItem, CertificateData as String, Password as String, ContactInfo as String = "", Location as String = "", Reason as String = "") as boolean
- method CloseAndSignPDFFileWithDialog(OutputFile as FolderItem, StoreName as String = "MY", ContactInfo as String = "", Location as String = "", Reason as String = "", CertificateName as String = "") as boolean
- method CloseFile as Boolean
- method CloseFileEx(OpenPwd as string, OwnerPwd as string, KeyLen as Integer, Restrict as Integer) as Boolean
- method CloseImage as boolean
- method CloseImportFile as Boolean
- method CloseImportFileEx(Handle as Integer) as boolean
- method ClosePath(FillMode as Integer) as Boolean
- method CloseTag as boolean
- method ComputeBBox(Flags as Integer) as DynaPDFRectMBS
- method ConvertColors(Flags as Integer) as Boolean
- method ConvertEMFSpool(File as folderitem, LeftMargin as Double, TopMargin as Double, Flags as Integer = 0) as Integer
- method ConvertStyledText(StyledText as StyledText, LeadingFactor as double = -1) as String
- method ConvToFreeTextCallout(Handle as Integer, StartX as double, StartY as double, KneeOffset as double, EndStyle as integer) as Boolean New in 25.0
- method CopyChoiceValues(Source as UInt32, Dest as UInt32, Share as Boolean) as Boolean
- method Create3DAnnot(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double, Author as string, Name as string, U3DFile as string, Image as string) as Integer
- method Create3DBackground(IView as Integer, BackColor as Integer) as Boolean
- method Create3DGotoViewAction(Base3DAnnot as Integer, IView as Integer, Named as Integer) as Integer
- method Create3DProjection(IView as Integer, ProjType as Integer, ScaleType as Integer, Diameter as Double, FOV as Double) as Boolean
- method Create3DView(Base3DAnnot as Integer, Name as string, SetAsDefault as boolean, Matrix as memoryblock, CamDistance as Double, RenderingMode as Integer, LightingSheme as Integer) as Integer
- method CreateAltFontList as Integer
- method CreateAnnotAP(annot as Integer) as Integer
- method CreateArticleThread(ThreadName as string) as Integer
- method CreateAxialShading(sX as Double, sY as Double, eX as Double, eY as Double, SCenter as Double, SColor as Integer, EColor as Integer, Extend1 as Boolean, Extend2 as boolean) as Integer
- method CreateBarcodeField(Name as string, Parent as Integer, PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double, Barcode as DynaPDFBarcodeMBS) as Integer
- method CreateButton(Name As String, Caption as string, Parent as Integer, PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double) as Integer
- method CreateCheckBox(Name as string, ExpValue as string, Checked as boolean, Parent as Integer, PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double) as Integer
- method CreateCIEColorSpace(Base as Integer, WhitePoint as memoryblock, BlackPoint as memoryblock, Gamma as memoryblock, Matrix as memoryblock) as Integer
- method CreateColItemDate(EmbFile as Integer, Key as string, Value as Integer, Prefix as string) as boolean
- method CreateColItemNumber(EmbFile as Integer, Key as string, Value as Double, Prefix as string) as boolean
- method CreateColItemString(EmbFile as Integer, Key as string, Value as string, Prefix as string) as boolean
- method CreateCollection(View as Integer) as boolean
- method CreateCollectionField(ColType as Integer, Column as Integer, Name as String, Key as string, Visible as boolean, Editable as boolean) as Integer
- method CreateComboBox(Name as string, Sort as boolean, Parent as Integer, PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double) as Integer
- method CreateDeviceNColorSpace(Colorants() as string, PostScriptFunc as string, AlternateColorSpace as Integer, Handle as Integer) as Integer
- method CreateDPartRoot(NodeNameList() as String, RecordLevel as Integer) as Boolean
- method CreateExtGState(e as DynaPDFExtGStateMBS) as Integer
- method CreateGeospatialMeasure(Viewport as UInt32, Attributes as String) as Integer
- method CreateGoToAction(DestType as Integer, PageNum as Integer, a as Double, b as Double, c as Double, d as Double) as Integer
- method CreateGoToAction(NamedDest as Integer) as Integer
- method CreateGoToEAction(Location as Integer, Source as string, SrcPage as Integer, Target as string, DestName as string, DestPage as Integer, NewWindow as boolean) as Integer
- method CreateGoToRAction(File as folderitem, PageNum as Integer) as Integer
- method CreateGoToRAction(FilePath as String, PageNum as integer) as integer
- method CreateGoToRActionEx(File as folderitem, DestName as String, NewWindow as boolean) as Integer
- method CreateGoToRActionEx(FilePath as String, DestName as String, NewWindow as boolean) as integer
- method CreateGoToRActionExU(File as folderitem, DestName as String, NewWindow as boolean) as Integer
- method CreateGoToRActionExU(FilePath as String, DestName as String, NewWindow as boolean) as integer
- method CreateGroupField(Name as string, Parent as Integer) as Integer
- method CreateHideAction(Field as Integer, Hide as boolean) as Integer
- method CreateICCBasedColorSpace(File as folderitem) as Integer
- method CreateICCBasedColorSpace(Path as String) as Integer
- method CreateICCBasedColorSpaceEx(Buffer as Memoryblock) as Integer
- method CreateICCBasedColorSpaceEx(Buffer as string) as Integer
- method CreateImage(file as folderitem, format as Integer) as boolean
- method CreateImpDataAction(DataFile as folderitem) as Integer
- method CreateIndexedColorSpace(Base as Integer, Handle as Integer, ColorTable as memoryblock, NumColors as Integer) as Integer
- method CreateJSAction(Script as string) as Integer
- method CreateLaunchAction(OP as Integer, FileName as folderitem, DefDir as string, Param as string, NewWindow as boolean) as Integer
- method CreateLaunchActionEx(FileName as folderitem, NewWindow as boolean) as Integer
- method CreateListBox(Name as string, Sort as boolean, Parent as Integer, PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double) as Integer
- method CreateNamedAction(Action as Integer) as Integer
- method CreateNamedDest(Name as string, DestPage as Integer, DestType as Integer, a as Double, b as Double, c as Double, d as Double) as Integer
- method CreateNewPDF(OutPDF as folderitem = nil) as boolean
- method CreateOCG(name as string, DisplayInUI as boolean, Visible as boolean, Intent as Integer) as Integer
- method CreateOCMD(Visibility as Integer, OCGs() as Integer) as Integer
- method CreateRadialShading(sX as Double, sY as Double, R1 as Double, eX as Double, eY as Double, R2 as Double, SCenter as Double, SColor as Integer, EColor as Integer, Extend1 as boolean, Extend2 as boolean) as Integer
- method CreateRadioButton(Name as string, ExpValue as string, Checked as boolean, Parent as Integer, PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double) as Integer
- method CreateRectilinearMeasure(ViewPort as Integer, Scale as Double, UnitDescription as String, LabelDistance as String, LabelArea as String) as Integer
- method CreateResetAction as Integer
- method CreateSeparationCS(Colorant as string, Alternate as Integer, Handle as Integer, ColorValue as Integer) as Integer
- method CreateSetOCGStateAction(On() as UInt32, Off() as UInt32, Toggle() as UInt32, PreserveRB as boolean) as Integer
- method CreateSigField(Name as string, Parent as Integer, PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double) as Integer
- method CreateSigFieldAP(SigField as Integer) as Integer
- method CreateSoftMask(TranspGroup as UInt32, MaskType as Integer, BackColor as UInt32) as Integer
- method CreateStdPattern(Pattern as Integer, LineWidth as Double, Distance as Double, LineColor as Integer, BackColor as Integer) as Integer
- method CreateStructureTree as boolean
- method CreateStructureTreeEx(Tag as Integer) as Boolean
- method CreateSubmitAction(Flags as Integer, URL as string) as Integer
- method CreateTable(AllocRows as UInt32, NumCols as UInt32, width as Double, DefRowHeight as Double) as DynaPDFTableMBS
- method CreateTextField(Name as string, Parent as Integer, Multiline as boolean, MaxLen as Integer, PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double) as Integer
- method CreateTraceFile(File as FolderItem) as Boolean
- method CreateURIAction(URL as string) as Integer
- method CreateViewport(Name as String, X1 as Double, Y1 as Double, X2 as Double, Y2 as Double) as Integer
- method CreateXFAStream(Name as String, Buffer as String) as Integer
- method DecryptPDF(File as folderitem, PwdType as Integer, Password as string) as Integer
- method DeleteAcroForm
- method DeleteActionFromObj(ObjType as Integer, ActHandle as Integer, ObjHandle as Integer) as Boolean
- method DeleteActionFromObjEx(ObjType as Integer, ObjHandle as Integer, ActIndex as Integer) as Boolean
- method DeleteAltFontList(FontListHandle as Integer) as Boolean
- method DeleteAnnotation(Handle as Integer) as Boolean
- method DeleteAnnotationFromPage(PageNum as UInt32, Handle as UInt32) as boolean
- method DeleteAppEvents(ApplyEvent as Boolean, TOCAppEvent as Integer) as Integer
- method DeleteBookmark(ABmk as Integer) as Integer
- method DeleteDPartNode(Handle as Integer) as Boolean
- method DeleteEmbeddedFile(handle as Integer) as boolean
- method DeleteField(Field as Integer) as Boolean
- method DeleteFieldEx(URL as string) as Boolean
- method DeleteJavaScripts(DelJavaScriptActions as boolean)
- method DeleteNamedDest(Name as String) as Boolean
- method DeleteNamedDestByIndex(Index as integer) as Boolean
- method DeleteOCGFromAppEvent(Handle as UInt32, Events as Integer, Categories as Integer, DelCategoryOnly as Boolean) as Boolean
- method DeleteOCGFromDisplayTree(OCGHandle as UInt32, Recursive as Boolean) as Boolean
- method DeleteOCUINode(OCGNodeHandle as Integer) as Boolean
- method DeleteOutputIntent(Index as Integer) as Integer
- method DeletePage(PageNum as Integer) as Integer
- method DeletePageLabels
- method DeleteSeparationInfo(AllPages as boolean) as boolean
- method DeleteTemplate(handle as Integer) as Boolean
- method DeleteTemplateEx(index as Integer) as Boolean
- method DeleteWatermark(PageNum as Integer, InclAnnots as Boolean) as Integer
- method DeleteXFAForm
- method DrawArc(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Radius as Double, StartAngle as Double, EndAngle as Double) as Boolean
- method DrawArcEx(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double, StartAngle as Double, EndAngle as Double) as Boolean
- method DrawChord(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double, StartAngle as Double, EndAngle as Double, FillMode as Integer) as Boolean
- method DrawCircle(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Radius as Double, FillMode as Integer) as Boolean
- method DrawNGon(PosX as double, PosY as double, Radius as double, Alpha as double, NumSides as Integer, FillMode as integer) as Boolean
- method DrawPie(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double, StartAngle as Double, EndAngle as Double, FillMode as Integer) as Boolean
- method EditPage(PageNum as Integer) as Boolean
- method EditTemplate(index as Integer) as Boolean
- method EditTemplate2(handle as Integer) as Boolean
- method Ellipse(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double, FillMode as Integer) as Boolean
- method EnableImageCache(MaxImageCount as UInt32, Size as UInt32) as Boolean
- method EnableMutex(Value as boolean)
- method EncryptPDF(File as folderitem, OpenPwd as string, OwnerPwd as string, KeyLen as Integer, Restrict as Integer) as Integer
- method EndLayer as boolean
- method EndPage as Boolean
- method EndPattern as Boolean
- method EndTemplate as Boolean
- method EnumDocFonts as Integer
- method EnumDocFontsCount as Integer
- method ExchangeBookmarks(Bmk1 as Integer, Bmk2 as Integer) as Boolean
- method ExchangePages(first as Integer, second as Integer) as Boolean
- method ExtractPageText(RemoveText as boolean = false) as String
- method ExtractPageTextRect(Left as Double, Top as Double, Right as Double, Bottom as Double, RemoveText as boolean = false) as String
- method ExtractText(PageNum as Integer, Flags as Integer, rect as DynaPDFRectMBS = nil, byref text as string) as Boolean
- method FileAttachAnnot(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Icon as Integer, Author as string, Desc as string, File as folderitem, Compress as boolean) as Integer
- method FileAttachAnnotEx(PosX as double, PosY as double, Icon as integer, Author as string, Desc as string, Filename as String, FileBuffer as MemoryBlock, Compress as boolean) as Integer
- method FileAttachAnnotEx(PosX as double, PosY as double, Icon as integer, Author as string, Desc as string, Filename as String, FileBuffer as String, Compress as boolean) as Integer
- method FileLink(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double, FileLink as string) as Integer
- method FindBookmark(DestPage as Integer, Text as string) as Integer
- method FindEmbeddedFile(Name as string) as Integer
- method FindField(Name as string) as Integer
- method FindLinkAnnot(URL as string) as Integer
- method FindNextBookmark as Integer
- method FinishSignature(PKCS7 as Memoryblock) as boolean
- method FinishSignature(PKCS7 as string) as boolean
- method FlattenAnnotOrField(AnnotationOrFieldHandle as Integer, AnnotFlattenFlags as Integer) as Boolean
- method FlattenAnnots(AnnotFlattenFlags as Integer = 0) as Integer
- method FlattenForm as Boolean
- method FlushPageContent(stack as DynaPDFStackMBS) as boolean
- method FlushPages(Flags as Integer = 0) as boolean
- method FlushPagesEx(Flags as integer, LastPage as Integer) as boolean
- method FreeImageBuffer
- method FreeImageObj(Handle as UInt32) as boolean
- method FreePDF as Boolean
- method FreeTextAnnot(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double, Author as string, Text as string, Align as Integer) as Integer
- method Get3DAnnotStream(Annot as UInt32, byref Data as String, byref SubType as String) as Boolean
- method GetActionCount as Integer
- method GetActionHandle(ObjType as Integer, ObjHandle as UInt32, ActIndex as UInt32) as Integer
- method GetActionType(ActHandle as Integer) as Integer
- method GetActionTypeEx(ObjType as Integer, ObjHandle as Integer, ActIndex as Integer) as Integer
- method GetActiveFont as Integer
- method GetAllocBy as Integer
- method GetAnnotBBox(ahandle as Integer) as DynaPDFRectMBS
- method GetAnnotColor(Handle as UInt32, ColorType as Integer, byref ColorSpace as Integer, byref ColorValue as UInt32) as Boolean
- method GetAnnotCount as Integer
- method GetAnnotEx(ahandle as Integer) as DynaPDFAnnotationExMBS
- method GetAnnotFlags as Integer
- method GetAnnotLink(Handle as Integer) as string
- method GetAnnotTextAlign(ahandle as integer) as Integer
- method GetAnnotType(Handle as Integer) as Integer
- method GetAscent as Double
- method GetBBox(boundary as Integer) as DynaPDFRectMBS
- method GetBidiMode as Integer
- method GetBookmark(ahandle as Integer) as DynaPDFBookmarkMBS
- method GetBookmarkCount as Integer
- method GetBorderStyle as Integer
- method GetBuffer as string
- method GetBufferMemory as Memoryblock
- method GetCapHeight as Double
- method GetCharacterSpacing as Double
- method GetCheckBoxChar as Integer
- method GetCheckBoxCharEx(Field as Integer) as Integer
- method GetCheckBoxDefState(Field as Integer) as Integer
- method GetCMap(index as Integer) as DynaPDFCMapMBS
- method GetCMapCount as Integer
- method GetColorSpace as Integer
- method GetColorSpaceCount as Integer
- method GetColorSpaceObj(index as Integer) as DynaPDFColorSpaceMBS
- method GetCompressionFilter as Integer
- method GetCompressionLevel as Integer
- method GetContent as string
- method GetDefBitsPerPixel as Integer
- method GetDescent as Double
- method GetDocInfo(dinfo as Integer) as string
- method GetDocInfoCount as Integer
- method GetDocInfoEx(index as Integer, byref DInfo as Integer, byref key as string, byref value as string) as Integer
- method GetDocumentColorSpaces as DynaPDFColorSpaceMBS()
- method GetDocUsesTransparency(Flags as UInt32 = 0) as boolean
- method GetDrawDirection as Integer
- method GetEmbeddedFile(Handle as Integer, byref FileSpec as DynaPDFFileSpecMBS, Decompress as boolean) as boolean
- method GetEmbeddedFileCount as Integer
- method GetEMFPatternDistance as Double
- method GetErrLogMessage(index as Integer) as DynaPDFErrorMBS
- method GetErrLogMessageCount as Integer
- method GetErrorMessage as string
- method GetErrorMode as Integer
- method GetFieldBackColor as Integer
- method GetFieldBorderColor as Integer
- method GetFieldBorderStyle(Field as Integer) as Integer
- method GetFieldBorderWidth(aField as Integer) as Double
- method GetFieldCalcOrder as UInt32()
- method GetFieldChoiceValue(Field as Integer, ValIndex as Integer) as DynaPDFChoiceValueMBS
- method GetFieldColor(Field as Integer, ColorType as Integer, byref ColorSpace as Integer, byref ColorValue as Integer) as Integer
- method GetFieldCount as Integer
- method GetFieldEx(index as Integer) as DynaPDFFieldExMBS
- method GetFieldExpValCount(Field as Integer) as Integer
- method GetFieldExpValue(Field as Integer) as string
- method GetFieldExpValueEx(Field as Integer, ValIndex as Integer, byref Value as string, byref ExpValue as string, byref Selected as boolean) as Boolean
- method GetFieldFlags(Field as Integer) as Integer
- method GetFieldGroupType(Field as Integer) as Integer
- method GetFieldHighlightMode(Field as Integer) as Integer
- method GetFieldIndex(Field as Integer) as Integer
- method GetFieldMapName(Field as Integer) as string
- method GetFieldName(Field as Integer) as string
- method GetFieldOrientation(Field as Integer) as Integer
- method GetFieldTextAlign(Field as Integer) as Integer
- method GetFieldTextColor as Integer
- method GetFieldToolTip(Field as Integer) as string
- method GetFieldType(Field as Integer) as Integer
- method GetFillColor as Integer
- method GetFontCount as Integer
- method GetFontInfoEx(index as Integer) as DynaPDFFontInfoMBS
- method GetFontMetrics(FontHandle as Integer) as DynaPDFFontMetricsMBS
- method GetFontOrigin as Integer
- method GetFontSearchOrder as Integer()
- method GetFontSelMode as Integer
- method GetFontSize as Double New in 25.0
- method GetFontWeight as Integer
- method GetFTextHeight(Align as Integer, aText as string) as Double
- method GetFTextHeightEx(Width as Double, Align as Integer, aText as string) as Double
- method GetGlyphIndex(Index as UInt32) as Integer
- method GetGlyphOutline(Index as UInt32) as DynaPDFGlyphOutlineMBS
- method GetGoToAction(index as Integer, Decompress as Boolean = false, ImageParseFlags as Integer = &h00000080) as DynaPDFGoToActionMBS
- method GetGoToRAction(index as Integer, Decompress as Boolean = false, ImageParseFlags as Integer = &h00000080) as DynaPDFGoToActionMBS
- method GetGStateFlags as Integer
- method GetHideAction(index as Integer) as DynaPDFHideActionMBS
- method GetIconColor as Integer
- method GetImageBuffer as string
- method GetImageBufferMemory as memoryblock
- method GetImageCount(File as folderitem) as Integer
- method GetImageCount(Path as string) as Integer
- method GetImageCountEx(Buffer as Memoryblock) as Integer
- method GetImageCountEx(Buffer as string) as Integer
- method GetImageHeight(Handle as Integer) as Integer
- method GetImageObj(Handle as UInt32, Flags as Integer = 0) as DynaPDFImageMBS
- method GetImageObjCount as Integer
- method GetImageWidth(Handle as Integer) as Integer
- method GetImportDataAction(index as Integer, Decompress as Boolean = false, ImageParseFlags as Integer = &h00000080) as DynaPDFImportDataActionMBS
- method GetImportFlags as Integer
- method GetImportFlags2 as Integer
- method GetInBBox(PageNum as Integer, Boundary as Integer) as DynaPDFRectMBS
- method GetInDocInfo(DInfo as Integer, byref value as string) as Integer
- method GetInDocInfoCount as Integer
- method GetInDocInfoEx(index as Integer, byref DInfo as Integer, byref key as string, byref value as string) as Integer
- method GetInEncryptionFlags as Integer
- method GetInEncryptionInfo as DynaPDFEncryptInfoMBS
- method GetInFieldCount as Integer
- method GetInIsCollection as Integer
- method GetInIsEncrypted as Boolean
- method GetInIsSigned as Integer
- method GetInIsTaggedPDF as integer
- method GetInIsTrapped as Integer
- method GetInIsXFAForm as Integer
- method GetInMetadata(PageNum as Integer) as String
- method GetInOrientation(PageNum as Integer) as Integer
- method GetInPageCount as Integer
- method GetInPDFVersion as Integer
- method GetInPDFVersionEx as DynaPDFVersionInfoMBS
- method GetInPrintSettings as DynaPDFPrintSettingsMBS
- method GetInRepairMode as Integer
- method GetIsFixedPitch as Integer
- method GetIsTaggingEnabled as boolean
- method GetItalicAngle as Double
- method GetJavaScript(Handle as Integer) as string
- method GetJavaScriptActionEx(index as Integer) as DynaPDFJavaScriptActionMBS
- method GetJavaScriptCount as Integer
- method GetJavaScriptEx(Name as string) as string
- method GetJavaScriptName(Handle as Integer) as string
- method GetJPEGQuality as Integer
- method GetLanguage as string
- method GetLastTextOffset as UInt32
- method GetLastTextPosX as Double
- method GetLastTextPosXAbs as double New in 25.0
- method GetLastTextPosY as Double
- method GetLastTextPosYAbs as double New in 25.0
- method GetLaunchAction(index as Integer, Decompress as Boolean = false, ImageParseFlags as Integer = &h00000080) as DynaPDFLaunchActionMBS
- method GetLayerConfig(Index as Integer) as DynaPDFOCLayerConfigMBS
- method GetLayerConfigCount as Integer
- method GetLeading as Double
- method GetLineCapStyle as Integer
- method GetLineJoinStyle as Integer
- method GetLineWidth as Double
- method GetLinkHighlightMode as Integer
- method GetLogMetafileSize(FileName as folderitem) as DynaPDFRectMBS
- method GetLogMetafileSizeEx(Buffer as Memoryblock) as DynaPDFRectMBS
- method GetLogMetafileSizeEx(Buffer as string) as DynaPDFRectMBS
- method GetMatrix(byref Matrix as DynaPDFMatrixMBS) as Boolean
- method GetMaxFieldLen(TxtField as Integer) as Integer
- method GetMetaConvFlags as Integer
- method GetMetadata(ObjType as Integer, Handle as Integer) as String
- method GetMissingGlyphs as UInt32()
- method GetMissingGlyphsString as String
- method GetMiterLimit as Double
- method GetMovieAction(index as Integer, Decompress as Boolean = false, ImageParseFlags as Integer = &h00000080) as DynaPDFFieldMBS
- method GetNamedAction(index as Integer) as DynaPDFNamedActionMBS
- method GetNamedDest(index as Integer) as DynaPDFNamedDestMBS
- method GetNamedDestCount as Integer
- method GetNeedAppearance as boolean
- method GetObjActions(ObjType as Integer, ObjHandle as Integer, byref Actions as DynaPDFObjActionsMBS) as Integer
- method GetOCG(Handle as UInt32) as DynaPDFOCGMBS
- method GetOCGContUsage(Handle as UInt32) as DynaPDFOCGContUsageMBS
- method GetOCGCount as Integer
- method GetOCGUsageUserName(Handle as UInt32, Index as UInt32, byref Name as String) as Boolean
- method GetOCUINode(Node as Integer) as DynaPDFOCUINodeMBS
- method GetOpacity as Double
- method GetOrientation as Integer
- method GetOutputIntent(Index as Integer) as DynaPDFOutputIntentMBS
- method GetOutputIntentCount as Integer
- method GetPage(PageNum as UInt32) as DynaPDFPageMBS
- method GetPageAnnotCount as Integer
- method GetPageAnnotEx(index as Integer) as DynaPDFAnnotationExMBS
- method GetPageColorSpaces as DynaPDFColorSpaceMBS()
- method GetPageCoords as Integer
- method GetPageCount as Integer
- method GetPageFieldCount as Integer
- method GetPageFieldEx(Index as Integer) as DynaPDFFieldExMBS
- method GetPageHeight as Double
- method GetPageLabel(index as Integer, byref Label as DynaPDFPageLabelMBS) as boolean
- method GetPageLabelCount as Integer
- method GetPageLayout as Integer
- method GetPageMode as Integer
- method GetPageNum as Integer
- method GetPageText(stack as DynaPDFStackMBS) as boolean
- method GetPageWidth as Double
- method GetPDFVersion as Integer
- method GetPDFVersionEx as DynaPDFVersionInfoMBS
- method GetPrintSettings as DynaPDFPrintSettingsMBS
- method GetResetAction(Handle as UInt32) as DynaPDFResetFormActionMBS
- method GetResolution as Integer
- method GetSaveNewImageFormat as boolean
- method GetSeparationInfo(byref Colorant as string, byref ColorSpace as Integer) as boolean
- method GetStrokeColor as Integer
- method GetSubmitAction(Handle as UInt32) as DynaPDFSubmitFormActionMBS
- method GetSysFontInfo as DynaPDFSysFontMBS
- method GetSysFontInfo(PostscriptName as String) as DynaPDFSysFontMBS
- method GetSysFontInfos as DynaPDFSysFontMBS()
- method GetSysFontInfos(Name as String) as DynaPDFSysFontMBS()
- method GetTabLen as Integer
- method GetTemplCount as Integer
- method GetTemplHandle as Integer
- method GetTemplHeight(Handle as Integer) as Double
- method GetTemplWidth(Handle as Integer) as Double
- method GetTextBBox(Text as String) as DynaPDFRectMBS
- method GetTextDrawMode as Integer
- method GetTextFieldValue(Field as Integer, byref Value as string, byref DefValue as string) as Boolean
- method GetTextHeight(Align as Integer, aText as string) as Double
- method GetTextHeightEx(Width as Double, Align as Integer, aText as string) as Double
- method GetTextRect(byref PosX as Double, byref PosY as Double, byref Width as Double, byref Height as Double) as Boolean
- method GetTextRise as Double
- method GetTextScaling as Double
- method GetTextWidth(aText as string) as Double
- method GetTransparentColor as Integer
- method GetTrapped as Boolean
- method GetTypoLeading as double
- method GetURIAction(index as Integer) as DynaPDFURIActionMBS
- method GetUseExactPwd as Boolean
- method GetUseGlobalImpFiles as Boolean
- method GetUserRights as Integer
- method GetUserUnit as single
- method GetUseStdFonts as Boolean
- method GetUsesTransparency(Page as Integer = -1) as Boolean
- method GetUseSystemFonts as Boolean
- method GetUseTransparency as Boolean
- method GetUseVisibleCoords as Boolean
- method GetViewerPreferences(byref Preference as Integer, byref AddVal as Integer) as Boolean
- method GetViewport(Page as UInt32, index as Integer) as DynaPDFViewportMBS
- method GetViewportCount(Page as UInt32) as Integer
- method GetWMFDefExtent(byref width as Integer, byref height as Integer) as Boolean
- method GetWMFPixelPerInch as Integer
- method GetWordSpacing as Double
- method GetXFAStream(Handle as UInt32) as DynaPDFXFAStreamMBS
- method GetXFAStreamCount as Integer
- method HaveDPartRoot as Boolean
- method HaveOpenDoc as Boolean
- method HaveOpenPage as Boolean
- method HighlightAnnot(SubType as Integer, PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double, ColorValue as Integer, Author as string, Subject as string, Comment as string) as Integer
- method HighlightOnAllPages(SearchText as string, ColorValue as Color, CaseInsenitive as boolean = false) as Integer
- method HighlightOnCurrentPage(SearchText as string, ColorValue as Color, CaseInsenitive as boolean = false) as Integer
- method ImportBookmarks as Integer
- method ImportCatalogObjects as Boolean
- method ImportDocInfo as Boolean
- method ImportEncryptionSettings as Boolean
- method ImportOCProperties as Boolean
- method ImportPage(PageNum as Integer) as Integer
- method ImportPageEx(PageNum as Integer, ScaleX as Double = 1.0, ScaleY as Double = 1.0) as Integer
- method ImportPDFFile(DestPage as Integer, ScaleX as Double = 1.0, ScaleY as Double = 1.0) as Integer
- method ImportPDFPage(PageNum as Integer, ScaleX as Double = 1.0, ScaleY as Double = 1.0) as Integer
- method InitColorManagement(profiles as DynaPDFColorProfilesMBS, DestSpace as Integer, Flags as Integer) as boolean
- method InitColorManagementEx(profiles as DynaPDFColorProfilesExMBS, DestSpace as Integer, Flags as Integer) as boolean
- method InitStack(byref stack as DynaPDFStackMBS) as boolean
- method InkAnnot(points() as DynaPDFPointMBS, LineWidth as Double, ColorValue as UInt32, ColorSpace as Integer, Author as string, Subject as string, Content as string) as Integer
- method InsertBarcode(PosX as double, PosY as double, Width as double, Height as double, HAlign as Integer, VAlign as Integer, Barcode as DynaPDFBarcode2MBS) as Integer
- method InsertBMPFromHandle(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, ScaleWidth as Double, ScaleHeight as Double, hBitmap as Integer) as Integer
- method InsertBookmark(title as String, parent as Integer, DestPage as Integer, Open as boolean, AddChildren as boolean) as Integer
- method InsertBookmarkEx(title as String, parent as Integer, NamedDest as Integer, Open as boolean, AddChildren as boolean) as Integer
- method InsertImageEx(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, ScaleWidth as Double, ScaleHeight as Double, File as folderitem, index as Integer = 1) as Integer
- method InsertImageEx(PosX as double, PosY as double, ScaleWidth as double, ScaleHeight as double, Path as String, index as integer = 1) as integer
- method InsertImageFromBuffer(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, ScaleWidth as Double, ScaleHeight as Double, Buffer as Memoryblock, index as Integer = 1) as Integer
- method InsertImageFromBuffer(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, ScaleWidth as Double, ScaleHeight as Double, Buffer as string, index as Integer = 1) as Integer
- method InsertMetafile(FileName as folderitem, PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double) as Boolean
- method InsertMetafileEx(Buffer as memoryblock, PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double) as Boolean
- method InsertMetafileEx(Buffer as string, PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double) as Boolean
- method InsertMetafileExt(FileName as folderitem, View as DynaPDFRectMBS, PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double) as Boolean
- method InsertMetafileExtEx(Buffer as Memoryblock, View as DynaPDFRectMBS, PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double) as Boolean
- method InsertMetafileExtEx(Buffer as String, View as DynaPDFRectMBS, PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double) as Boolean
- method InsertMetafileFromHandle(hEnhMetafileHandle as Integer, PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double) as Boolean
- method InsertMetafileFromHandleEx(hEnhMetafileHandle as Integer, View as DynaPDFRectMBS, PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double) as Boolean
- method InsertPicture(pic as picture, mask as picture, PosX as Double, PosY as Double, ScaleWidth as Double, ScaleHeight as Double) as Integer
- method InsertPicture(pic as picture, PosX as Double, PosY as Double, ScaleWidth as Double, ScaleHeight as Double) as Integer
- method InsertRawImage(Data as String, BitsPerPixel as Integer, ColorCount as Integer, ImgWidth as Integer, ImgHeight as Integer, PosX as Double, PosY as Double, ScaleWidth as Double, ScaleHeight as Double) as Integer
- method InsertRawImage(Memory as MemoryBlock, BitsPerPixel as Integer, ColorCount as Integer, ImgWidth as Integer, ImgHeight as Integer, PosX as Double, PosY as Double, ScaleWidth as Double, ScaleHeight as Double) as Integer
- method InsertRawImageEx(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, ScaleWidth as Double, ScaleHeight as Double, Image as DynaPDFRawImageMBS) as Integer
- method IsBidiText(Text as string) as Integer
- method IsColorPage(GrayIsColor as Boolean) as Integer
- method IsEmptyPage as Integer
- method IterateAnnotations as DynaPDFIteratorMBS
- method IterateBookmarks as DynaPDFIteratorMBS
- method IterateCMaps as DynaPDFIteratorMBS
- method IterateColorSpaces as DynaPDFIteratorMBS
- method IterateEmbeddedFiles(Decompress as boolean = false) as DynaPDFIteratorMBS
- method IterateErrLogMessages as DynaPDFIteratorMBS
- method IterateFields as DynaPDFIteratorMBS
- method IterateFonts as DynaPDFIteratorMBS
- method IterateImages(ImageFlags as Integer = 0) as DynaPDFIteratorMBS
- method IterateLayerConfigurations as DynaPDFIteratorMBS
- method IterateNamedDestinations as DynaPDFIteratorMBS
- method IterateOCGs as DynaPDFIteratorMBS
- method IterateOutputIntents as DynaPDFIteratorMBS
- method IteratePageAnnotations as DynaPDFIteratorMBS
- method IteratePageLabels as DynaPDFIteratorMBS
- method IterateSysFonts as DynaPDFIteratorMBS
- method IterateXFAStreams as DynaPDFIteratorMBS
- method LineAnnot(x1 as Double, y1 as Double, x2 as Double, y2 as Double, LineWidth as Double, StartLineEndStyle as Integer, EndLineEndStyle as Integer, FillColor as UInt32, StrokeColor as UInt32, ColorSpace as Integer, Author as string, Subject as string, Content as string) as Integer
- method LineTo(PosX as Double, PosY as Double) as Boolean
- method LoadCMap(CMapName as string, Embed as Boolean) as Integer
- method LoadFDFData(FileName as folderitem, Password as string, Flags as Integer) as Boolean
- method LoadFDFDataEx(Buffer as memoryblock, Password as string, Flags as Integer) as Boolean
- method LoadFDFDataEx(Buffer as string, Password as string, Flags as Integer) as Boolean
- method LoadFont(Buffer as memoryblock, Style as Integer, size as Double, Embed as Boolean = false, CodePage as Integer = 2, CollectionIndex as UInt32 = 0) as Integer
- method LoadFont(Buffer as string, Style as Integer, size as Double, Embed as Boolean = false, CodePage as Integer = 2, CollectionIndex as UInt32 = 0) as Integer
- method LoadFontEx(File as folderitem, Style as Integer, size as Double, Embed as Boolean = false, CodePage as Integer = 2, CollectionIndex as UInt32 = 0) as Integer
- method LoadFontEx(Filepath as string, Style as Integer, size as Double, Embed as Boolean = false, CodePage as Integer = 2, CollectionIndex as UInt32 = 0) as Integer
- method LoadLayerConfig(Index as Integer) as Boolean
- method LockLayer(layer as UInt32) as boolean
- method MarkTemplateAsWatermark(TemplateHandle as Integer) as Boolean
- method MovePage(source as Integer, dest as Integer) as Boolean
- method MoveTo(PosX as Double, PosY as Double) as Boolean
- method OpenImportBuffer(Buffer as Memoryblock, PwdType as Integer = 0, Password as string = "") as Integer
- method OpenImportBuffer(Buffer as string, PwdType as Integer = 0, Password as string = "") as Integer
- method OpenImportFile(File as folderitem, PwdType as Integer = 0, Password as string = "") as Integer
- method OpenImportFile(Path as String, PwdType as integer = 0, Password as string = "") as integer
- method OpenOutputFile(File as folderitem) as Boolean
- method OpenOutputFile(Path as String) as Boolean
- method OpenOutputFileEncrypted(File as folderitem, OpenPwd as string, OwnerPwd as string, KeyLen as Integer, Restrict as Integer) as Boolean
- method OpenOutputFileEncrypted(Path as String, OpenPwd as string, OwnerPwd as string, KeyLen as integer, Restrict as integer) as Boolean
- method OpenTag(Tag as Integer, Lang as string, AltText as string, Expansion as string, BBox as DynaPDFRectMBS = nil) as boolean
- method OpenTagEx(Tag as integer, Lang as string, AltText as string, Expansion as string, Attributes as String) as Boolean
- method Optimize(Flags as Integer = 0, Params as DynaPDFOptimizeParamsMBS = nil) as boolean
- method PageLink(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double, DestPage as Integer) as Integer
- method PageLink2(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double, NamedDest as Integer) as Integer
- method PageLink3(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double, NamedDest as string) as Integer
- method PageLinkEx(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double, DestType as Integer, DestPage as Integer, a as Double = 0.0, b as Double = 0.0, c as Double = 0.0, d as Double = 0.0) as Integer
- method PageStatistic(page as Integer = -1) as DynaPDFPageStatisticMBS
- method ParseContent(ParseInterface as DynaPDFParseInterfaceMBS, flags as Integer) as boolean
- method PlaceImage(ImgHandle as Integer, PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double) as Boolean
- method PlaceSigFieldValidateIcon(SigField as Integer, PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double) as Boolean
- method PlaceTemplate(TmplHandle as Integer, PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double) as Boolean
- method PlaceTemplateEx(TmplHandle as Integer, PosX as Double, PosY as Double, ScaleWidth as Double, ScaleHeight as Double) as Boolean
- method PolygonAnnot(Vertices() as DynaPDFPointMBS, LineWidth as Double, FillColor as UInt32, StrokeColor as UInt32, ColorSpace as Integer, Author as string, Subject as string, Content as string) as Integer
- method PolyLineAnnot(Vertices() as DynaPDFPointMBS, LineWidth as Double, StartLineEndStyle as Integer, EndLineEndStyle as Integer, FillColor as UInt32, StrokeColor as UInt32, ColorSpace as Integer, Author as string, Subject as string, Content as string) as Integer
- method PrintGetDevMode as String
- method PrintGetDevNames(byref Driver as String, byref Device as String, byref Output as String, byref DefaultFlag as Integer) as Boolean
- method PrintPDFFile(TempDir as FolderItem, DocName as string, DCHandle as integer, Flags as Integer = 0, Margin as DynaPDFRectMBS = nil, PrintParams as DynaPDFPrintParamsMBS = nil) as Boolean
- method PrintPDFFile(TempDir as FolderItem, DocName as string, PrinterName as String, Flags as Integer = 0, Margin as DynaPDFRectMBS = nil, PrintParams as DynaPDFPrintParamsMBS = nil) as Boolean
- method PrintPDFFileWithDialog(TempDir as FolderItem, DocName as string, Flags as Integer = 0, Margin as DynaPDFRectMBS = nil, PrintParams as DynaPDFPrintParamsMBS = nil, parentWindow as Window = nil) as Boolean
- method PrintPDFFileWithDialog(TempDir as FolderItem, DocName as string, Flags as Integer, Margin as DynaPDFRectMBS, PrintParams as DynaPDFPrintParamsMBS, parentWindow as DesktopWindow) as Boolean
- method PrintPDFPage(PageNumber as Integer, DocName as string, DCHandle as integer, Flags as Integer = 0, Margin as DynaPDFRectMBS = nil, PrintParams as DynaPDFPrintParamsMBS = nil) as Boolean
- method PrintPDFPage(PageNumber as Integer, DocName as string, PrinterName as String, Flags as Integer = 0, Margin as DynaPDFRectMBS = nil, PrintParams as DynaPDFPrintParamsMBS = nil) as Boolean
- method PrintPDFPageWithDialog(PageNumber as Integer, DocName as string, Flags as Integer = 0, Margin as DynaPDFRectMBS = nil, PrintParams as DynaPDFPrintParamsMBS = nil, parentWindow as Window = nil) as Boolean
- method PrintPDFPageWithDialog(PageNumber as Integer, DocName as string, Flags as Integer, Margin as DynaPDFRectMBS, PrintParams as DynaPDFPrintParamsMBS, parentWindow as DesktopWindow) as Boolean
- method PrintSetDevMode(data as MemoryBlock) as Boolean
- method PrintSetDevMode(data as String) as Boolean
- method PrintSetDevNames(Driver as String, Device as String, Output as String, DefaultFlag as Integer) as Boolean
- method ReadImageFormat(FileName as folderitem, byref Width as Integer, byref Height as Integer, byref BitsPerPixel as Integer, byref UseZip as Boolean) as Boolean
- method ReadImageFormat2(FileName as folderitem, Index as Integer, byref Width as Integer, byref Height as Integer, byref BitsPerPixel as Integer, byref UseZip as Boolean) as Boolean
- method ReadImageFormatEx(hBitmap as Integer, byref Width as Integer, byref Height as Integer, byref BitsPerPixel as Integer, byref UseZip as Boolean) as Boolean
- method ReadImageFormatFromBuffer(Buffer as memoryblock, Index as Integer, byref Width as Integer, byref Height as Integer, byref BitsPerPixel as Integer, byref UseZip as Boolean) as Boolean
- method ReadImageFormatFromBuffer(Buffer as string, Index as Integer, byref Width as Integer, byref Height as Integer, byref BitsPerPixel as Integer, byref UseZip as Boolean) as Boolean
- method ReadImageResolution(FileName as folderitem, Index as Integer, byref ResX as Integer, byref ResY as Integer) as Boolean
- method ReadImageResolutionEx(Buffer as Memoryblock, Index as Integer, byref ResX as Integer, byref ResY as Integer) as Boolean
- method ReadImageResolutionEx(Buffer as string, Index as Integer, byref ResX as Integer, byref ResY as Integer) as Boolean
- method Rectangle(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double, FillMode as Integer) as Boolean
- method ReEncryptPDF(File as folderitem, PwdType as Integer, InPwd as string, OpenPwd as string, OwnerPwd as string, KeyLen as Integer, Restrict as Integer) as Integer
- method RenameSpotColor(Colorant as string, NewName as string) as Integer
- method RenderAnnotOrField(Handle as UInt32, IsAnnot as boolean, State as Integer, Matrix as DynaPDFMatrixMBS, Flags as Integer, PixFmt as Integer, Filter as Integer, byref Out as DynaPDFBitmapMBS) as Integer
- method RenderPagePicture(PageNum as Integer) as picture
- method RenderPagePicture(PageNum as Integer, Width as Integer, Height as Integer, DefScale as Integer = 2, matrix as DynaPDFMatrixMBS = nil) as picture
- method RenderPageToImage(PageNumber as UInt32, OutFile as folderitem, Resolution as UInt32, Width as UInt32, Height as UInt32, Flags as UInt32, PixFmt as UInt32, Filter as UInt32, Format as UInt32) as boolean
- method RenderPageToImageMT(PageNumber as UInt32, OutFile as folderitem, Resolution as UInt32, Width as UInt32, Height as UInt32, Flags as UInt32, PixFmt as UInt32, Filter as UInt32, Format as UInt32) as boolean
- method RenderPageToPicture(PageNum as integer, pic as picture, DefScale as integer = 2, matrix as DynaPDFMatrixMBS = nil, RenderWithAlpha as boolean = false) as boolean
- method RenderPDFFileEx(OutFile as folderitem, Resolution as UInt32, Width as Integer, Height as Integer, Flags as UInt32, PixFmt as UInt32, Filter as UInt32, Format as UInt32) as boolean
- method RenderPDFFileExMT(OutFile as folderitem, Resolution as UInt32, Width as Integer, Height as Integer, Flags as UInt32, PixFmt as UInt32, Filter as UInt32, Format as UInt32) as boolean
- method ReOpenImportFile(Handle as Integer) as boolean
- method ReplaceFont(PDFFontRef as Integer, Name as string, Style as integer = 0, NameIsFamilyName as boolean = true) as integer
- method ReplaceFontEx(PDFFontRef as Integer, FontFile as FolderItem, Embed as boolean = true) as integer
- method ReplaceFontEx(PDFFontRef as Integer, FontFilePath as string, Embed as boolean = true) as integer
- method ReplaceICCProfile(ColorSpace as Integer, ICCFile as folderitem) as Integer
- method ReplaceICCProfileEx(ColorSpace as integer, ICCFileData as MemoryBlock) as integer
- method ReplaceICCProfileEx(ColorSpace as integer, ICCFileData as String) as integer
- method ReplaceImage(ImageToReplace as DynaPDFImageMBS, ImageFile as FolderItem, Index as Integer = 1, ColorSpace as Integer = 0, CSHandle as Integer = -1, Flags as Integer = 0) as Boolean
- method ReplaceImageEx(ImageToReplace as DynaPDFImageMBS, ImageData as MemoryBlock, Index as Integer = 1, ColorSpace as Integer = 0, CSHandle as Integer = -1, Flags as Integer = 0) as Boolean
- method ReplaceImageEx(ImageToReplace as DynaPDFImageMBS, ImageData as String, Index as Integer = 1, ColorSpace as Integer = 0, CSHandle as Integer = -1, Flags as Integer = 0) as Boolean
- method ReplacePageText(text as string, stack as DynaPDFStackMBS) as boolean
- method ReplacePageTextEx(text as string, stack as DynaPDFStackMBS) as boolean
- method ResetAnnotAP(Handle as integer = -1) as Boolean
- method ResetEncryptionSettings as Boolean
- method ResetLineDashPattern as Boolean
- method RestoreGraphicState as Boolean
- method RotateCoords(alpha as Double, OriginX as Double, OriginY as Double) as Boolean
- method RotateTemplate(OldTemplate as Integer, Rotation as Integer, RotateCoords as boolean = true) as Integer
- method RoundRect(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double, Radius as Double, FillMode as Integer) as Boolean
- method RoundRectEx(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double, rWidth as Double, rHeight as Double, FillMode as Integer) as Boolean
- method SaveGraphicState as Boolean
- method ScaleCoords(sx as Double, sy as Double) as Boolean
- method SelfTest as Boolean
- method Set3DAnnotProps(Annot as Integer, ActType as Integer, DeActType as Integer, InstType as Integer, DeInstType as Integer, DisplayToolbar as boolean, DisplayModelTree as boolean) as boolean
- method SetAllocBy(Value as Integer) as Integer
- method SetAltFonts(FontListHandle as Integer, List() as String) as Boolean
- method SetAnnotBorderEffect(Handle as Integer, BorderEffect as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetAnnotBorderStyle(Handle as Integer, BorderStyle as Integer) as boolean
- method SetAnnotBorderWidth(Handle as Integer, LineWidth as Double) as boolean
- method SetAnnotColor(Handle as Integer, ColorType as Integer, PDFColorSpace as Integer, ColorValue as Integer) as boolean
- method SetAnnotFlags(Flags as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetAnnotFlagsEx(Handle as Integer, Flags as Integer) as boolean
- method SetAnnotHighlightMode(Handle as Integer, HighlightMode as Integer) as boolean
- method SetAnnotIcon(Handle as Integer, AnnotIcon as Integer) as boolean
- method SetAnnotLineDashPattern(Handle as UInt32, dash as memoryblock, NumValues as integer) as Boolean
- method SetAnnotLineDashPattern(Handle as UInt32, dash() as single) as Boolean
- method SetAnnotLineEndStyle(Handle as UInt32, StartLineStyle as Integer, EndLineStyle as Integer) as boolean
- method SetAnnotMigrationState(Handle as Integer, State as Integer, Name as string) as Integer
- method SetAnnotOpacity(Handle as Integer, opacity as Double) as Boolean
- method SetAnnotOpenState(Handle as Integer, Open as Boolean) as boolean
- method SetAnnotOrFieldDate(CSHandle as UInt32, IsField as Boolean, Type as Integer, DateTime as UInt32) as boolean
- method SetAnnotQuadPoints(Handle as UInt32, points() as DynaPDFPointMBS) as boolean
- method SetAnnotString(Handle as Integer, StringType as Integer, Value as string) as boolean
- method SetAnnotSubject(Handle as Integer, Value as string) as Boolean
- method SetBBox(Boundary as Integer, LeftX as Double, LeftY as Double, RightX as Double, RightY as Double) as Boolean
- method SetBidiMode(BidiMode as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetBlack(FillColor as Boolean, StrokeColor as Boolean) as Boolean
- method SetBookmarkDest(ABmk as Integer, DestType as Integer, a as Double, b as Double, c as Double, d as Double) as Boolean
- method SetBookmarkStyle(ABmk as Integer, Style as Integer, RGBColor as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetBorderStyle(Style as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetCharacterSpacing(value as Double) as Boolean
- method SetCheckBoxChar(CheckBoxChar as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetCheckBoxDefState(Field as Integer, Checked as Boolean) as Boolean
- method SetCheckBoxState(Field as Integer, Checked as Boolean) as Boolean
- method SetCIDFont(CMapHandle as Integer, Name as string, Style as Integer, Size as Double, Embed as boolean) as Integer
- method SetCMapDir(path as folderitem, flags as Integer) as Integer
- method SetCMapDir(path as string, flags as Integer) as Integer
- method SetColDefFile(EmbFile as Integer) as boolean
- method SetColorMask(ImageHandle as Integer, Mask as Ptr, Count as UInt32) as boolean
- method SetColorMask(ImageHandle as Integer, Mask() as Integer) as boolean
- method SetColors(ColorValue as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetColorSpace(ColorSpace as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetColSortField(ColField as Integer, AscendingOrder as boolean) as boolean
- method SetCompressionFilter(Filter as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetCompressionLevel(CompressLevel as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetContent(buffer as memoryblock) as Boolean
- method SetContent(buffer as string) as Boolean
- method SetDateTimeFormat(TxtField as Integer, Fmt as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetDefBitsPerPixel(value as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetDocInfo(DInfo as Integer, Text as string) as Boolean
- method SetDocInfoEx(DInfo as Integer, Key as string, Text as string) as Boolean
- method SetDrawDirection(Direction as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetEMFFrameDPI(DPIX as Integer, DPIY as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetEMFPatternDistance(value as Double) as Boolean
- method SetErrorMode(ErrMode as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetExtColorSpace(Handle as Integer) as Integer
- method SetExtFillColorSpace(Handle as UInt32) as boolean
- method SetExtGState(Handle as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetExtStrokeColorSpace(Handle as UInt32) as boolean
- method SetFieldBackColor(ColorValue as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetFieldBBox(Handle as Integer, rect as DynaPDFRectMBS) as Boolean
- method SetFieldBorderColor(ColorValue as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetFieldBorderStyle(Field as Integer, Style as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetFieldBorderWidth(Field as Integer, LineWidth as Double) as Boolean
- method SetFieldCalcOrder(CurrIndex as UInt32, NewIndex as UInt32) as Boolean
- method SetFieldColor(Field as Integer, ColorType as Integer, ColorSpace as Integer, ColorValue as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetFieldExpValue(Field as Integer, ValIndex as Integer, Value as string, ExpValue as string, Selected as boolean) as Boolean
- method SetFieldExpValueEx(Field as Integer, ValIndex as Integer, Selected as boolean, DefSelected as boolean) as Boolean
- method SetFieldFlags(Field as Integer, Flags as Integer, Reset as boolean) as Boolean
- method SetFieldFont(Field as Integer, Name as string, Style as Integer = 0, Size as double = 12, Embed as boolean = true, CodePage as integer = &h27) as Integer
- method SetFieldFontEx(Field as UInt32, Handle as UInt32, FontSize as Double) as Boolean
- method SetFieldFontSize(aField as Integer, FontSize as Double) as Boolean
- method SetFieldHighlightMode(Field as Integer, HighlightMode as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetFieldIndex(Field as Integer, Index as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetFieldMapName(Field as Integer, Name as string) as Boolean
- method SetFieldName(Field as Integer, NewName as string) as Boolean
- method SetFieldOrientation(Field as Integer, Value as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetFieldTextAlign(Field as Integer, Align as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetFieldTextColor(ColorValue as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetFieldToolTip(Field as Integer, Value as string) as Boolean
- method SetFillColor(ColorValue as Color) as Boolean
- method SetFillColor(ColorValue as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetFillColor(values() as Double) as boolean
- method SetFillColor(values() as single) as boolean
- method SetFillColorEx(colorvalues as memoryblock, count as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetFillColorEx(ParamArray colorvalue as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetFillColorSpace(Colorspace as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetFloatPrecision(NumTextDecDigits as UInt32, NumVectDecDigits as UInt32) as boolean
- method SetFont(Name as string, Style as Integer = 0, Size as Double = 12, Embed as boolean = true, CP as Integer = &h27) as Integer
- method SetFontEx(Name as string, Style as Integer = 0, Size as Double = 12, Embed as boolean = true, CodePage as Integer = &h27) as Integer
- method SetFontOrigin(Origin as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetFontSearchOrder(Order() as Integer)
- method SetFontSearchOrderEx(Order1 as Integer, Order2 as Integer, Order3 as Integer, Order4 as Integer)
- method SetFontSelMode(Mode as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetFontWeight(Weight as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetGStateFlags(Flags as Integer, Reset as boolean)
- method SetIconColor(ColorValue as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetImportFlags(Flags as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetImportFlags2(Flags as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetItalicAngle(value as Double) as Boolean
- method SetJPEGQuality(Value as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetLanguage(ISOTag as string) as Boolean
- method SetLeading(value as Double) as Boolean
- method SetLicenseKeyGlobal(Value as string) Private
- method SetLineAnnotParms(Handle as UInt32, FontHandle as Integer, FontSize as Double, Params as DynaPDFLineAnnotParameterMBS) as boolean
- method SetLineAnnotPoints(Handle as UInt32, P1 as DynaPDFPointMBS, P2 as DynaPDFPointMBS) as Boolean
- method SetLineCapStyle(Style as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetLineDashPattern(Dash as string, Phase as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetLineDashPattern2(dash() as double, Phase as double) as Boolean
- method SetLineJoinStyle(Style as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetLineWidth(value as Double) as Boolean
- method SetLinkHighlightMode(Mode as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetListFont(Handle as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetMatrix(Matrix as DynaPDFMatrixMBS) as Boolean
- method SetMaxErrLogMsgCount(value as Integer)
- method SetMaxFieldLen(TxtField as Integer, MaxLen as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetMetaConvFlags(Flags as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetMetadata(ObjType as Integer, Handle as Integer, Buffer as Memoryblock) as Boolean
- method SetMetadata(ObjType as Integer, Handle as Integer, Buffer as String) as Boolean
- method SetMiterLimit(value as Double) as Boolean
- method SetNeedAppearance(value as boolean) as boolean
- method SetNumberFormat(TxtField as Integer, Sep as Integer, DecPlaces as Integer, NegStyle as Integer, CurrStr as string, Prepend as boolean) as Boolean
- method SetOCGContUsage(Handle as UInt32, Value as DynaPDFOCGContUsageMBS) as Boolean
- method SetOCGState(Handle as UInt32, On as Boolean, SaveState as Boolean) as Boolean
- method SetOpacity(value as Double) as Boolean
- method SetOrientation(Value as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetOrientationEx(Value as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetPageCoords(PageCoords as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetPageFormat(Value as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetPageHeight(value as Double) as Boolean
- method SetPageLayout(Layout as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetPageMode(Mode as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetPageWidth(value as Double) as Boolean
- method SetPDFVersion(Version as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetPrintSettings(Mode as Integer, PickTrayByPDFSize as Integer, NumCopies as Integer, PrintScaling as Integer, PrintRanges() as Integer) as boolean
- method SetRenderingIntent(ImgHandle as Integer, RenderingIntent as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetResolution(Value as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetSaveNewImageFormat(value as Boolean) as Boolean
- method SetSeparationInfo(Handle as Integer) as boolean
- method SetStrokeColor(ColorValue as color) as Boolean
- method SetStrokeColor(ColorValue as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetStrokeColor(values() as Double) as boolean
- method SetStrokeColor(values() as single) as boolean
- method SetStrokeColorEx(colorvalues as memoryblock, count as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetStrokeColorEx(ParamArray colorvalue as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetStrokeColorSpace(Colorspace as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetTabLen(TabLen as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetTemplBBox(TemplateHandle as Integer, PageBoundary as Integer, BBoxRect as DynaPDFRectMBS) as Boolean
- method SetTemplBBox(TemplateHandle as Integer, PageBoundary as Integer, Left as Double, Top as Double, Right as Double, Bottom as Double) as Boolean
- method SetTextDrawMode(Mode as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetTextFieldValue(Field as Integer, Value as string, DefValue as string, Align as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetTextFieldValueEx(Field as Integer, Value as string) as Boolean
- method SetTextRect(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double) as Boolean
- method SetTextRise(value as Double) as Boolean
- method SetTextScaling(value as Double) as Boolean
- method SetTransparentColor(ColorValue as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetTrapped(value as boolean)
- method SetUseExactPwd(value as Boolean) as Boolean
- method SetUseGlobalImpFiles(value as Boolean) as Boolean
- method SetUseImageInterpolation(Index as Integer, Value as Boolean) as Boolean
- method SetUserUnit(value as single) as boolean
- method SetUseStdFonts(value as Boolean) as Boolean
- method SetUseSystemFonts(value as Boolean) as Boolean
- method SetUseTransparency(value as Boolean) as Boolean
- method SetUseVisibleCoords(value as Boolean) as Boolean
- method SetViewerPreferences(Value as Integer, AddVal as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetWhite(FillColor as Boolean, StrokeColor as Boolean) as Boolean
- method SetWMFDefExtent(Width as Integer, Height as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetWMFPixelPerInch(Value as Integer) as Boolean
- method SetWordSpacing(value as Double) as Boolean
- method SetXFAStream(Index as UInt32, Buffer as String) as Boolean
- method ShowDifferences(PageIndex1 as Integer, OtherPDF as DynaPDFMBS, PageIndex2 as Integer, CheckMoving as boolean, HighlightColor as UInt32 = &hFFFF, ScaleFactor as Integer = 1, ColorTolerance as Integer = 3, debug as boolean = false) as Integer
- method SkewCoords(alpha as Double, beta as Double, OriginX as Double, OriginY as Double) as Boolean
- method SortFieldsByIndex as Boolean
- method SortFieldsByName as Boolean
- method SquareAnnot(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double, LineWidth as Double, FillColor as UInt32, StrokeColor as UInt32, ColorSpace as Integer, Author as string, Subject as string, Comment as string) as Integer
- method StampAnnot(SubType as Integer, PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double, Author as string, Subject as string, Comment as string) as Integer
- method StrokePath as Boolean
- method TestGlyphs(FontHandle as Integer, Text as string) as Integer
- method TestPassword(PwdType as Integer, Value as String) as Boolean
- method TextAnnot(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double, Author as string, Text as string, Icon as Integer, Open as boolean) as Integer
- method TranslateCoords(OriginX as Double, OriginY as Double) as Boolean
- method Triangle(x1 as Double, y1 as Double, x2 as Double, y2 as Double, x3 as Double, y3 as Double, FillMode as Integer) as Boolean
- method UnLockLayer(layer as UInt32) as boolean
- method WatermarkAnnot(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double) as Integer
- method WebLink(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double, aText as string) as Integer
- method WriteAngleText(aText as string, Angle as Double, PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Radius as Double, YOrigin as Double) as Boolean
- method WriteAngleText(glyphs() as Integer, Angle as Double, PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Radius as Double, YOrigin as Double) as Boolean
- method WriteAngleTextDirect(aText as string, Angle as Double, PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Radius as Double, YOrigin as Double) as Boolean
- method WriteAngleTextDirect(glyphs() as Integer, Angle as Double, PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Radius as Double, YOrigin as Double) as Boolean
- method WriteFText(Align as Integer, aText as string) as Boolean
- method WriteFText(Align as Integer, glyphs() as Integer) as Boolean
- method WriteFTextDirect(Align as Integer, aText as string) as Boolean
- method WriteFTextDirect(Align as Integer, glyphs() as Integer) as Boolean
- method WriteFTextEx(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double, Align as Integer, aText as string) as Boolean
- method WriteFTextEx(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double, Align as Integer, glyphs() as Integer) as Boolean
- method WriteFTextExDirect(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double, Align as Integer, aText as string) as Boolean
- method WriteFTextExDirect(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double, Align as Integer, glyphs() as Integer) as Boolean
- method WriteStyledText(Align as Integer, StyledText as StyledText, LeadingFactor as double = -1) as Boolean
- method WriteStyledText(Align as Integer, TextArea as TextArea, LeadingFactor as double = -1) as Boolean
- method WriteStyledTextEx(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double, Align as Integer, StyledText as StyledText, LeadingFactor as double = -1) as Boolean
- method WriteStyledTextEx(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, Width as Double, Height as Double, Align as Integer, TextArea as TextArea, LeadingFactor as double = -1) as Boolean
- method WriteText(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, aText as string) as Boolean
- method WriteText(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, glyphs() as Integer) as Boolean
- method WriteTextDirect(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, aText as string) as Boolean
- method WriteTextDirect(PosX as Double, PosY as Double, glyphs() as Integer) as Boolean
- method WriteTextMatrix(Matrix as DynaPDFMatrixMBS, glyphs() as Integer) as Boolean
- method WriteTextMatrix(Matrix as DynaPDFMatrixMBS, Text as string) as Boolean
- method WriteTextMatrixDirect(Matrix as DynaPDFMatrixMBS, glyphs() as Integer) as Boolean
- method WriteTextMatrixDirect(Matrix as DynaPDFMatrixMBS, Text as string) as Boolean
- 36 shared methods
- shared method AofLAB(LAB as Integer) as Integer
- shared method BofLAB(LAB as Integer) as Integer
- shared method BofRGB(RGB as Integer) as Integer
- shared method BuildFamilyNameAndStyle(IFont as Integer, byref name as string, byref style as Integer) as boolean
- shared method CMYK(C as Integer, M as Integer, Y as Integer, K as Integer) as UInt32
- shared method CofCMYK(CMYK as UInt32) as Integer
- shared method ConvColor(Colors() as Double, SourceColorSpaceHandle as Integer, DestColorSpace as Integer) as Integer
- shared method GetDynaPDFVersion as string
- shared method GetJPEGVersion as String
- shared method GetPNGVersion as String
- shared method GetSpaceWidth(FontHandle as Integer, FontSize as Double) as Double
- shared method GetTextWidth(FontHandle as integer, Text as String, CharSpacing as Single, WordSpacing as Single, TextScale as Single) as double
- shared method GetTIFFVersion as String
- shared method GetZlibVersion as String
- shared method GofRGB(RGB as Integer) as Integer
- shared method IsWrongPwd(errCode as Integer) as boolean
- shared method KofCMYK(CMYK as UInt32) as Integer
- shared method LAB(L as Integer, A as Integer, B as Integer) as Integer
- shared method LoadError as String
- shared method LoadLibrary(File as FolderItem) as boolean
- shared method LoadLibrary(Path as string) as boolean
- shared method LofLAB(LAB as Integer) as Integer
- shared method MofCMYK(CMYK as UInt32) as Integer
- shared method MultiplyMatrix(M1 as DynaPDFMatrixMBS, M2 as DynapdfMatrixMBS, NewMatrix as DynapdfMatrixMBS) as boolean
- shared method RGB(R as Integer, G as Integer, B as Integer) as Integer
- shared method RofRGB(RGB as Integer) as Integer
- shared method SetLicenseKeyGlobal(Value as string)
- shared method TranslateRawCode(IFont as Integer, text as string, byref Width as Double, byref Decoded as boolean, CharSpacing as Double, WordSpacing as Double, TextScale as Double) as string
- shared method TranslateRawCode(IFont as integer, text as string, textOffset as Integer, byref Width as double, byref Decoded as boolean, CharSpacing as double, WordSpacing as double, TextScale as double, byref count as integer) as string
- shared method TranslateString(IFont as Integer, text as string, flags as Integer) as string
- shared method TranslateString(stack as DynaPDFStackMBS, flags as Integer) as string
- shared method WeightFromStyle(s as Integer) as Integer
- shared method WeightToStyle(s as Integer) as Integer
- shared method WidthFromStyle(s as Integer) as Integer
- shared method WidthToStyle(s as Integer) as Integer
- shared method YofCMYK(CMYK as UInt32) as Integer
- 1293 constants
This class has no sub classes.
Some methods using this class:
- DynaPDFEditTextMBS.Constructor(PDF as DynaPDFMBS)
- DynaPDFParserMBS.Constructor(PDF as DynaPDFMBS, OptimizeFlags as Integer = 0, OptimizeParams as DynaPDFOptimizeParamsMBS = nil)
- DynaPDFRasterizerMBS.Constructor(PDF as DynaPDFMBS, DeviceContextHandle as Integer, Width as UInt32, Height as UInt32, PixFmt as UInt32)
- DynaPDFRasterizerMBS.Constructor(PDF as DynaPDFMBS, Pic as Picture, RenderWithAlpha as boolean = false)
- DynaPDFRasterizerMBS.Constructor(PDF as DynaPDFMBS, Rows as Memoryblock, Buffer as Memoryblock, Width as UInt32, Height as UInt32, ScanlineLen as Int32, PixelFormat as UInt32)
- DynaPDFRasterizerMBS.Constructor(PDF as DynaPDFMBS, Width as Integer, Height as Integer)
- DynaPDFTableMBS.SetPDF(pdf as DynaPDFMBS)
Some properties using for this class:
- DynaPDFEditTextMBS.Parent as DynaPDFMBS
- DynaPDFIteratorMBS.PDF as DynaPDFMBS
- DynaPDFLayerGroupMBS.Owner as DynaPDFMBS
- DynaPDFParserMBS.PDF as DynaPDFMBS
- DynaPDFRasterizerMBS.PDF as DynaPDFMBS
Some examples using this class:
- /DynaPDF/Create PDF with LAB color
- /DynaPDF/Create PDF with Picture
- /DynaPDF/Create PDF with vertical text
- /DynaPDF/DynaPDF Graphics/DynaPDF Graphics Desktop
- /DynaPDF/Font Infos
- /DynaPDF/Raster/Render Tests/Render Test 3
- /DynaPDF/Raster/Render Tests/Render Test 4
- /DynaPDF/Raster/RenderPageToImage with color management
- /DynaPDF/Split PDF
- /DynaPDF/Tables/DynaPDF Table Multi Page
Blog Entries
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 25.0
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 24.4
- Merge PDFs with page numbers in Xojo
- DynaPDF Optimize command
- Write formatted text with DynaPDF
- DynaPDF Tracing
- Tip of the day: PDF print settings
- PDF Standard Fonts
- RenderPageToImage
- MBS REALbasic plug-in 9.6
Xojo Developer Magazine
- 8.5, page 18: Printing PDFs, Easy PDF printing on Mac and Windows
- 21.6, page 16: Multi-column PDFs, Making Multi-column PDFs with DynaPDF by Stefanie Juchmes
- 21.6, page 12: Multi-column PDFs, Making Multi-column PDFs with DynaPDF by Stefanie Juchmes
- 20.4, page 42: PDF Pie Charts, Adding Xojo Charts to Your PDFs by Stefanie Juchmes
- 20.4, page 10: News
- 19.6, page 12: Things you can do with DynaPDF, The MBS DynaPDF Plugin is more powerful than you think by Stefanie Juchmes
- 19.2, page 31: Getting Started with DynaPDF, If you've never tried DynaPDF, you don't know how easy it is! by Stefanie Juchmes
- 19.2, page 24: Getting Started with DynaPDF, If you've never tried DynaPDF, you don't know how easy it is! by Stefanie Juchmes
- 19.2, page 10: News
- 17.5, page 9: News
- MBS Plugin Installation on Windows
- MBS Plugin Installation on macOS
- Xojo and DynaPDF
- Presentation from Munich conference about MBS Plugins.
- Presentation from London conference about MBS Plugins.
- Presentation from Xojo Developer Conference 2019 in Miami.
Release notes
- Version 25.1
- Added CustomerID property to DynaPDFMBS class.
- Fixed a memory leak in AddInkList, InkAnnot and SetAnnotQuadPoints methods in DynaPDFMBS class.
- Improved Optimize() function in DynaPDFMBS class to automatically set kofInMemory flag if you have no open file.
- Version 25.0
- Added CheckEmbeddedFileCheckSum method for DynaPDFMBS class.
- Added ConvToFreeTextCallout method to DynaPDFMBS class.
- Added GetFontSize method to DynaPDFMBS class.
- Added GetLastTextPosYAbs and GetLastTextPosXAbs functions to DynaPDFMBS class.
- Fixed a memory leak in ConvertStyledText in DynaPDFMBS class.
- Version 24.5
- Added GetAnnotTextAlign function to DynaPDFMBS class.
- Added GetTextBBox and GetAnnotColor functions to DynaPDFMBS class.
- Version 24.4
- Added TestPassword function to DynaPDFMBS class.
- Changed GetInIsEncrypted function in DynaPDFMBS class to return boolean.
- Version 24.3
- Added kaffKeepUnsupportedAnnots constant for DynaPDFMBS class.
- Added SetLineAnnotPoints and EnableImageCache functions to DynaPDFMBS class.
- Fixed ArcShape for DynaPDFMBS to not close the Arc line.
- Fixed DeletePage in DynaPDFMBS class to return remaining pages on success.
- Version 24.2
- Changed PageGraphics on DynaPDFMBS class to only set coordinate system to top-down when you query PageGraphics or when NextPage is called.
- Fixed issue with text incorrectly placed with DynaPDFMBS class using graphics object when using rotation.
- Improved thread safety for DynaPDFMBS class with graphics class.
- Version 24.1
- Changed SetLicenseKey in DynaPDFMBS class to raise exception if you call it in debug mode after calling SetLicenseKeyGlobal to suggest you to remove the SetLicenseKey call.
- Version 24.0
- Added karFormData and kaffNonPDFA_4e constants to DynaPDFMBS class.
- Version 23.5
- Added CreateGeospatialMeasure method to DynaPDFMBS class.
- Added kctPDFA_4, kctPDFA_4e and kctPDFA_4f constants to DynaPDFMBS for CheckConformance to convert to PDF/A 4.
- Added kgfSkaleAnnotIcons constant for DynaPDFMBS class.
- Fixed FindField in DynaPDFMBS class to better find a field in a group, broken in 23.4.
The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS DynaPDF Plugin.
DynaPDFMatrixMBS - DynaPDFMeasureMBS