Platforms to show: All Mac Windows Linux Cross-Platform
WebView2ControlMBS control
See also desktop control: DesktopWebView2ControlMBS
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
control | WebView2 | MBS WinFrameworks Plugin | 20.5 | ❌ No | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | ❌ No | Desktop only |
Read about WebView2 control here: |
There you also fine the installers needed to install it, unless you have the 2021 version of Windows, which may include it preinstalled.
If you use this control on macOS and Linux, it will do nothing.
On Windows if the control fails to initialize, the Opened event will not fire.
But if it fires, it will be some time after the open event fired as initialization is asynchronous.
If you call LoadURL, LoadHTML or set URL property too early, we cache that and perform the action later when the web viewer is initialized properly.
If you add an event, we register it with the C++ control. So if you don't specify an event, you may get the default behavior.
All functions may raise WebView2ExceptionMBS in case of errors.
- 35 events
- event AddBrowserExtensionCompleted(extensionFolderPath as String, errorCode as Integer, Tag as Variant) New in 24.5
- event AddScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreatedCompleted(JavaScript as String, ErrorCode as Integer, ID as String, Tag as Variant)
- event BasicAuthenticationRequested(URL as string, Challenge as String, byref UserName as String, byref Password as String, byref Cancel as boolean) New in 25.0
- event CapturePreviewCompleted(ImageFormat as Integer, ErrorCode as Integer, PictureData as String)
- event Close
- event Closing
- event Configure
- event ConstructContextualMenu(base as MenuItem, x as Integer, y as Integer) as Boolean
- event ContainsFullScreenElementChanged
- event ContentLoading(isErrorPage as Boolean, NavigationID as UInt64)
- event ContextualMenuAction(hitItem as MenuItem) as Boolean
- event DocumentTitleChanged
- event EnableMenuItems
- event ExecuteScriptCompleted(JavaScript as String, ErrorCode as Integer, resultObjectAsJson as String, Tag as Variant)
- event FocusLost
- event FocusReceived
- event FrameNavigationCompleted(isSuccess as Boolean, ErrorStatus as Integer, NavigationID as UInt64)
- event FrameNavigationStarting(URL as String, IsUserInitiated as Boolean, IsRedirected as Boolean, NavigationID as UInt64) as Boolean
- event GotFocus
- event HistoryChanged
- event LostFocus
- event MenuBarSelected
- event NavigationCompleted(isSuccess as Boolean, ErrorStatus as Integer, NavigationID as UInt64)
- event NavigationStarting(URL as String, IsUserInitiated as Boolean, IsRedirected as Boolean, NavigationID as UInt64) as Boolean
- event NewWindowRequested(URL as String, IsUserInitiated as Boolean, WindowFeatures as WebView2WindowFeaturesMBS, byref NewWindow as Variant) as Boolean
- event Open
- event Opened
- event Opening
- event PermissionRequested(URL as String, PermissionKind as Integer, IsUserInitiated as Boolean, byref State as Integer)
- event PrintCompleted(Path as String, errorCode as Integer, isSuccessful as boolean)
- event ProcessFailed(processFailedKind as Integer)
- event SourceChanged(isNewDocument as Boolean)
- event WebMessageReceived(Source as String, webMessageAsJson as String, webMessageAsString as String)
- event WindowCloseRequested
- event ZoomFactorChanged
- 33 properties
- property AdditionalBrowserArguments as String
- property AllowSingleSignOnUsingOSPrimaryAccount as Boolean
- property areBrowserAcceleratorKeysEnabled as Boolean
- property AreBrowserExtensionsEnabled as Boolean New in 24.5
- property AreDefaultContextMenusEnabled as Boolean
- property AreDefaultScriptDialogsEnabled as Boolean
- property AreDevToolsEnabled as Boolean
- property AreHostObjectsAllowed as Boolean
- property BrowserExecutableFolder as String
- property BrowserVersionString as String
- property ContainsFullScreenElement as Boolean
- property CookieManager as WebView2CookieManagerMBS
- property DefaultBackgroundColor as Color
- property DocumentTitle as String
- property HiddenPdfToolbarItems as Integer
- property IsBuiltInErrorPageEnabled as Boolean
- property IsDocumentPlayingAudio as Boolean New in 24.5
- property IsGeneralAutofillEnabled as Boolean
- property IsMuted as Boolean New in 24.5
- property IsPasswordAutosaveEnabled as Boolean
- property IsPinchZoomEnabled as Boolean
- property IsScriptEnabled as Boolean
- property IsStatusBarEnabled as Boolean
- property IsSwipeNavigationEnabled as Boolean
- property IsWebMessageEnabled as Boolean
- property IsZoomControlEnabled as Boolean
- property Language as String
- property ProcessID as Integer
- property TargetCompatibleBrowserVersion as String
- property URL as String
- property UserAgent as String
- property UserDataFolder as String
- property ZoomFactor as Double
- 31 methods
- method AddBrowserExtension(extensionFolderPath as String, tag as Variant = nil) New in 24.5
- method AddScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreated(JavaScript as String, tag as variant = nil)
- method AddWebResourceRequestedFilter(URL as String, resourceType as Integer)
- method CanGoBack as Boolean
- method CanGoForward as Boolean
- method CapturePreview(ImageFormat as Integer = 0)
- method ClearSelection
- method ClearVirtualHostNameToFolderMapping(hostName as String)
- method Copy
- method CreatePrintSettings as WebView2PrintSettingsMBS
- method Cut
- method ExecuteScript(JavaScript as String, tag as variant = nil)
- method ExecuteScriptSync(JavaScript as String, byref ErrorCode as Integer) as String
- method GoBack
- method GoForward
- method HTMLText as String
- method LoadHTML(HTML as String)
- method LoadURL(URL as String)
- method OpenDevToolsWindow
- method Paste
- method PlainText as String
- method PostWebMessageAsJson(webMessageAsJson as String)
- method PostWebMessageAsString(webMessageAsString as String)
- method Print
- method PrintToPdf(Path as String, PrintSettings as WebView2PrintSettingsMBS = nil)
- method Reload
- method RemoveScriptToExecuteOnDocumentCreated(ID as String
- method RemoveWebResourceRequestedFilter(URL as String, resourceType as Integer)
- method SelectAll
- method SetVirtualHostNameToFolderMapping(hostName as String, folderPath as String, accessKind as Integer)
- method Stop
- shared method AvailableCoreWebView2BrowserVersionString as string
- 52 constants
Some examples using this control:
Blog Entries
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 24.5
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 25.0pr9
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 24.5
- Performance improvements in Xojo
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 23.4
- New in MBS Xojo Plugins in version 23.1
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 22.2
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 21.5
- MBS Xojo Plugins in version 20.5
- WebView2 for Xojo
Xojo Developer Magazine
- 23.1, page 10
- 21.6, page 8: News
- 19.6, page 10: News
- 19.3, page 10: News
- 19.2, page 9: News
- 19.1, page 11: News
Release notes
- Version 25.0
- Added BasicAuthenticationRequested event for WebView2ControlMBS control.
- Fixed an issue with WebView2ControlMBS control not initializing sometimes.
- Version 24.5
- Added AddBrowserExtension method to WebView2ControlMBS control.
- Added IsDocumentPlayingAudio and IsMuted properties to WebView2ControlMBS control.
- Version 24.2
- Fixed possible crash in WebView2ControlMBS control in initialization code (broken in 24.1).
- Improved WebView2ControlMBS to pick temp folder for user data folder if you don't set userDataFolder property.
- Version 23.4
- Added SetVirtualHostNameToFolderMapping and ClearVirtualHostNameToFolderMapping methods to WebView2ControlMBS control.
- Version 23.2
- Added CreatePrintSettings method to WebView2ControlMBS class and PrintToPdf can now take a WebView2PrintSettingsMBS object.
- Fixed DefaultBackgroundColor property in WebView2ControlMBS control, so you can set it in Open event.
- Version 23.1
- Added PrintToPdf method and PrintCompleted event to WebView2ControlMBS class.
- Version 22.2
- Added Copy, Cut, Paste, SelectAll, ClearSelection and Print methods to WebView2ControlMBS control.
- Version 22.0
- Fixed problem with resizing of WebView2ControlMBS control.
- Version 21.5
- Added NewWindowRequested event to WebView2ControlMBS control.
- Added DefaultBackgroundColor property to WebView2ControlMBS control.
The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS WinFrameworks Plugin.
SCNIOSControlMBS - WinPreviewControlMBS