Platforms to show: All Mac Windows Linux Cross-Platform
CURLEmailMBS class
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
class | CURL | MBS CURL Plugin | 14.3 | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | All |
Please make sure you set from, to, subject, plaintext to have a minimum email always.
If your email misses required fields, the email server may silently discard it.
- 20 properties
- property Attachmentcount as Integer
- property BoundaryName as String
- property EncodingName as String
- property FromEmail as String
- property HeaderList as String
- property HTMLText as String
- property InReplyTo as String
- property MessageID as String
- property PlainText as String
- property RecipientsBCC as String
- property RecipientsCC as String
- property RecipientsReplyTo as String
- property RecipientsTO as String
- property RichText as String
- property Server as String
- property SMTPPassword as String
- property SMTPServer as String
- property SMTPUsername as String
- property Subject as String
- property UseSSL as Boolean
- 20 methods
- method AddAttachment(data as MemoryBlock, name as string, type as string = "", InlineID as string = "", ContentTypeMethod as String = "")
- method AddAttachment(data as string, name as string, type as string = "", InlineID as string = "", ContentTypeMethod as String = "")
- method AddAttachment(file as FolderItem, name as string = "", type as string = "", InlineID as string = "", ContentTypeMethod as String = "")
- method AddBcc(email as string, name as string)
- method Addcc(email as string, name as string)
- method AddHeader(header as string)
- method AddReplyTo(email as string, name as string)
- method AddTo(email as string, name as string)
- method Bccs as String()
- method ccs as String()
- method clearAttachments
- method ClearHeaders
- method clearRecipients
- method constructor(Encoding as string = "UTF-8")
- method EmailSource as string
- method Headers as String()
- method ReplyTOs as String()
- method SetFrom(email as string, name as string)
- method SetServer(server as string, UseSSL as boolean = false)
- method TOs as String()
This class has no sub classes.
Some examples using this class:
- /CURL/Google Mail/Send email for google mail
- /CURL/Send Email/IMAP Upload
- /CURL/Send Email/MassEmailer
- /CURL/Send Email/Send email
- /CURL/Send Email/Send Email in Background async
- /CURL/Send Email/Send email in web
Blog Entries
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 24.1
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 24.0
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 24.0
- Sending email via gmail
- Upload email to Sent folder via IMAP
- SMTP Server Settings
- SMTP Server Settings
- Differences between CURLMBS and CURLSMBS classes
- MBS Releases the MBS Xojo / Real Studio plug-ins in version 16.1
- [ANN] MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo / Real Studio plug-ins in version 14.4
Xojo Developer Magazine
- 22.3, page 10: News
- 22.2, page 9: News
- 20.1, page 63: Send Your Emails, How to use the MBS Xojo plugins to send emails by Stefanie Juchmes
Release notes
- Version 24.1
- Improved CURLEmailMBS class to allow the creation of attachment only emails.
- Version 24.0
- Added more properties to CURLEmailMBS class for debugger.
- Version 21.4
- Changed CURLEmailMBS class to cache email source and not render it again each time you query it. And clear it when you change a property of the email.
- Version 21.2
- Added optional ContentTypeMethod as parameter for AddAttachment in CURLEmailMBS class.
- Version 20.2
- Changed CURLEMailMBS class to not raise exception if you assign empty username and password.
- Version 19.2
- Added check for AddHeader in CURLEmailMBS class to make sure a double colon is included.
- Version 18.5
- Changed CURLEmailMBS to no longer turn TO to CC if you have several TOs.
- Version 18.1
- Changed CURLEmailMBS class to replace NULL characters with space in email texts to avoid truncation of texts.
- Improved CURLEMailMBS class to not encode subject, email names or attachment names, if it contains no special characters in more cases by reducing the characters which trigger encoding.
- Version 17.2
- Fixed a bug in CURLSMBS.SetupEmail on Windows when talking to CURLEmailMBS class.
The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS CURL Plugin.