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BigNumberConversionMBS class

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
class Math MBS DataTypes Plugin 24.0 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
This class holds information to convert numbers to/from text.
Var o As New BigNumberMBS(1234567.890)

Var conv As New BigNumberConversionMBS
conv.Comma = ","
conv.Group = "'"
conv.Scientific = False
conv.Round = 3

Var s1 As String = o.GetStringValue(conv)
// 1'234'567,89

conv.Comma = "."
conv.Group = ","

Var s2 As String = o.GetStringValue(conv)
// 1,234,567,89

conv.Comma = ","
conv.Group = "'"
conv.Scientific = True

Var s3 As String = o.GetStringValue(conv)
// 1,235e+6


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BiggerNumberMBS   -   BigNumberErrorExceptionMBS

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