New in version 20.2
New in Version 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 25.0 25.1
Platforms to show: All Mac Windows Linux Cross-Platform
New controls in version 20.2:
New classes in version 20.2:
- class DynapdfGraphicsPathItemMBS
- class DynapdfGraphicsPathMBS
- class ExifTagMBS
- class ExifTagsMBS
- class NamedMutexMBS
- class NSDateIntervalMBS
- class NSURLSessionConfigurationMBS
- class NSURLSessionDataTaskMBS
- class NSURLSessionDownloadTaskMBS
- class NSURLSessionMBS
- class NSURLSessionStreamTaskMBS
- class NSURLSessionTaskMBS
- class NSURLSessionTaskMetricsMBS
- class NSURLSessionTaskTransactionMetricsMBS
- class NSURLSessionUploadTaskMBS
- class NSURLSessionWebSocketMessageMBS
- class NSURLSessionWebSocketTaskMBS
- class PHAdjustmentDataMBS
- class PHAssetChangeRequestMBS
- class PHAssetCollectionChangeRequestMBS
- class PHAssetCollectionMBS
- class PHAssetCreationRequestMBS
- class PHAssetMBS
- class PHAssetResourceCreationOptionsMBS
- class PHAssetResourceManagerMBS
- class PHAssetResourceMBS
- class PHAssetResourceRequestOptionsMBS
- class PHCachingImageManagerMBS
- class PHChangeMBS
- class PHChangeRequestMBS
- class PHCloudIdentifierMBS
- class PHCollectionListChangeRequestMBS
- class PHCollectionListMBS
- class PHCollectionMBS
- class PHContentEditingInputMBS
- class PHContentEditingInputRequestOptionsMBS
- class PHContentEditingOutputMBS
- class PHFetchOptionsMBS
- class PHFetchResultChangeDetailsMBS
- class PHFetchResultMBS
- class PHImageManagerMBS
- class PHImageRequestOptionsMBS
- class PHLivePhotoEditingContextMBS
- class PHLivePhotoFrameMBS
- class PHLivePhotoMBS
- class PHLivePhotoRequestOptionsMBS
- class PHObjectChangeDetailsMBS
- class PHObjectMBS
- class PHObjectPlaceholderMBS
- class PHPhotoLibraryMBS
- class PHProjectChangeRequestMBS
- class PHProjectMBS
- class PHVideoRequestOptionsMBS
- class RFCClassDescriptionMBS
- class RFCConnectionAttributesMBS
- class RFCConnectionMBS
- class RFCContainerMBS
- class RFCErrorExceptionMBS
- class RFCExceptionDescriptionMBS
- class RFCFieldDescriptionMBS
- class RFCFunctionDescriptionMBS
- class RFCFunctionMBS
- class RFCParameterDescriptionMBS
- class RFCStructureMBS
- class RFCTableMBS
- class RFCTransactionMBS
- class RFCTypeDescriptionMBS
- class SCNHitTestResultMBS
- class SCNPhysicsBallSocketJointMBS
- class SCNPhysicsBehaviorMBS
- class SCNPhysicsBodyMBS
- class SCNPhysicsConeTwistJointMBS
- class SCNPhysicsContactMBS
- class SCNPhysicsFieldMBS
- class SCNPhysicsHingeJointMBS
- class SCNPhysicsShapeMBS
- class SCNPhysicsSliderJointMBS
- class SCNPhysicsVehicleMBS
- class SCNPhysicsVehicleWheelMBS
- class SCNPhysicsWorldMBS
- class XLRichStringMBS
New modules in version 20.2:
New class events in version 20.2:
- AVPlayerViewControlMBS.playerViewDidStartPictureInPicture
- AVPlayerViewControlMBS.playerViewDidStopPictureInPicture
- AVPlayerViewControlMBS.playerViewFailedToStartPictureInPicture(error as NSErrorMBS)
- AVPlayerViewControlMBS.playerViewRestoreUserInterfaceForPictureInPictureStop as Boolean
- AVPlayerViewControlMBS.playerViewShouldAutomaticallyDismissAtPictureInPictureStart as Boolean
- AVPlayerViewControlMBS.playerViewWillStartPictureInPicture
- AVPlayerViewControlMBS.playerViewWillStopPictureInPicture
- SCNControlMBS.rendererDidApplyAnimations(time as double)
- SCNControlMBS.rendererDidApplyConstraints(time as double)
- SCNControlMBS.rendererDidRenderScene(scene as SCNSceneMBS, time as double)
- SCNControlMBS.rendererDidSimulatePhysics(time as double)
- SCNControlMBS.rendererUpdate(time as double)
- SCNControlMBS.rendererWillRenderScene(scene as SCNSceneMBS, time as double)
New class methods in version 20.2:
- CGAffineTransformMBS.Constructor(transform as CGAffineTransformMBS)
- CGAffineTransformMBS.Operator_Convert as String
- CGAffineTransformMBS.Operator_Multiply(other as CGAffineTransformMBS) as CGAffineTransformMBS
- CGAffineTransformMBS.Operator_MultiplyRight(other as CGAffineTransformMBS) as CGAffineTransformMBS
- DynaPDFTableMBS.SetCellPicture(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, ForeGround as boolean, HAlign as Integer, VAlign as Integer, Width as double, Height as Double, Pic as Picture) as boolean
- ECKeyMBS.Generate as Boolean
- ECKeyMBS.GetPrivateKey(Hex as Boolean) as String
- ECKeyMBS.GetPublicKey(byref x as String, byref y as String, Hex as Boolean) as Boolean
- ECKeyMBS.GetPublicKeyPoint as String
- ECKeyMBS.SetPrivateKey(Value as String, Hex as Boolean) as Boolean
- ECKeyMBS.SetPublicKey(x as String, y as String, Hex as Boolean) as Boolean
- ECKeyMBS.SetPublicKeyPoint(Value as String) as Boolean
- IEWebBrowserMBS.GetInternetExplorerHiDPI as Integer
- IEWebBrowserMBS.SetInternetExplorerHiDPI(Enable as Boolean) as Boolean
- NSAffineTransformMBS.Operator_Convert as String
- NSAffineTransformMBS.Operator_Multiply(other as NSAffineTransformMBS) as NSAffineTransformMBS
- NSAffineTransformMBS.Operator_MultiplyRight(other as NSAffineTransformMBS) as NSAffineTransformMBS
- NSURLCredentialMBS.credentialWithPEM(Data as MemoryBlock, Password as String = "") as NSURLCredentialMBS
- NSURLCredentialMBS.credentialWithPKCS12(Data as MemoryBlock, Password as String = "") as NSURLCredentialMBS
- NSURLCredentialMBS.credentialWithTrustingServer(ProtectionSpace as NSURLProtectionSpaceMBS) as NSURLCredentialMBS
- NSURLProtectionSpaceMBS.NSURLAuthenticationMethodClientCertificate as String
- NSURLProtectionSpaceMBS.NSURLAuthenticationMethodDefault as String
- NSURLProtectionSpaceMBS.NSURLAuthenticationMethodHTMLForm as String
- NSURLProtectionSpaceMBS.NSURLAuthenticationMethodHTTPBasic as String
- NSURLProtectionSpaceMBS.NSURLAuthenticationMethodHTTPDigest as String
- NSURLProtectionSpaceMBS.NSURLAuthenticationMethodNegotiate as String
- NSURLProtectionSpaceMBS.NSURLAuthenticationMethodNTLM as String
- NSURLProtectionSpaceMBS.NSURLAuthenticationMethodServerTrust as String
- NSURLProtectionSpaceMBS.NSURLProtectionSpaceFTP as String
- NSURLProtectionSpaceMBS.NSURLProtectionSpaceFTPProxy as String
- NSURLProtectionSpaceMBS.NSURLProtectionSpaceHTTP as String
- NSURLProtectionSpaceMBS.NSURLProtectionSpaceHTTPProxy as String
- NSURLProtectionSpaceMBS.NSURLProtectionSpaceHTTPS as String
- NSURLProtectionSpaceMBS.NSURLProtectionSpaceHTTPSProxy as String
- NSURLProtectionSpaceMBS.NSURLProtectionSpaceSOCKSProxy as String
- PDFActionMBS.Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- PDFAnnotationMBS.Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- PDFBorderMBS.Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- PDFDestinationMBS.Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- PDFDocumentMBS.Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- PDFOutlineMBS.Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- PDFPageMBS.Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- PDFSelectionMBS.Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- PictureMBS.ChannelOffset(index as integer) as integer
- SCNNodeMBS.hitTestWithSegment(PointA as SCNVector3MBS, PointB as SCNVector3MBS, Options as Dictionary = nil) as SCNHitTestResultMBS()
- SCNViewMBS.hitTest(Point as CGPointMBS, Options as Dictionary = nil) as SCNHitTestResultMBS()
- SCNViewMBS.isNodeInsideFrustum(node as SCNNodeMBS, pointOfView as SCNNodeMBS) as Boolean
- SCNViewMBS.nodesInsideFrustumWithPointOfView(pointOfView as SCNNodeMBS) as SCNNodeMBS()
- SCNViewMBS.projectPoint(Point as SCNVector3MBS) as SCNVector3MBS
- SCNViewMBS.unprojectPoint(Point as SCNVector3MBS) as SCNVector3MBS
- SystemInformationMBS.isARM as Boolean
- WindowsMutexMBS.Lock
- WindowsMutexMBS.TryLock as Boolean
- WindowsMutexMBS.Unlock
- XLBookMBS.AddRichString as XLRichStringMBS
- XLBookMBS.AddStyledText(StyledText as StyledText) as XLRichStringMBS
- XLSheetMBS.InsertColAndKeepRanges(colFirst as integer, colLast as integer) as boolean
- XLSheetMBS.InsertRowAndKeepRanges(rowFirst as integer, rowLast as integer) as boolean
- XLSheetMBS.IsRichString(row as integer, col as integer) as Boolean
- XLSheetMBS.ReadRichString(row as integer, col as integer) as XLRichStringMBS
- XLSheetMBS.ReadRichString(row as integer, col as integer, byref format as XLFormatMBS) as XLRichStringMBS
- XLSheetMBS.ReadStyledText(row as integer, col as integer) as StyledText
- XLSheetMBS.ReadStyledText(row as integer, col as integer, byref format as XLFormatMBS) as StyledText
- XLSheetMBS.RemoveColAndKeepRanges(colFirst as integer, colLast as integer) as boolean
- XLSheetMBS.RemovePicture(row as integer, col as integer) as Boolean
- XLSheetMBS.RemovePictureByIndex(index as integer) as Boolean
- XLSheetMBS.RemoveRowAndKeepRanges(rowFirst as integer, rowLast as integer) as boolean
- XLSheetMBS.WriteRichString(row as integer, col as integer, RichString as XLRichStringMBS, format as XLFormatMBS = nil) as boolean
- XLSheetMBS.WriteStyledText(row as integer, col as integer, StyledText as StyledText, format as XLFormatMBS = nil) as boolean
- XMLValidatorMBS.Constructor(File as FolderItem)
New class properties in version 20.2:
- AVPlayerViewControlMBS.allowsPictureInPicturePlayback as Boolean
- AVPlayerViewControlMBS.showsTimecodes as Boolean
- CGAffineTransformMBS.StringValue as String
- CURLNVersionMBS.CAInfo as String
- CURLNVersionMBS.CAPath as String
- CURLSVersionMBS.CAInfo as String
- CURLSVersionMBS.CAPath as String
- CURLVersionMBS.CAInfo as String
- CURLVersionMBS.CAPath as String
- DynaPDFMBS.ClearRectMode as Integer
- DynaPDFPageMBS.ArtBox as DynaPDFRectMBS
- DynaPDFPageMBS.BleedBox as DynaPDFRectMBS
- DynaPDFPageMBS.CropBox as DynaPDFRectMBS
- DynaPDFPageMBS.MediaBox as DynaPDFRectMBS
- DynaPDFPageMBS.TrimBox as DynaPDFRectMBS
- ECKeyMBS.CanSign as Boolean
- ECKeyMBS.Valid as Boolean
- NSAffineTransformMBS.Handle as Integer
- NSAffineTransformMBS.StringValue as String
- NSURLCredentialMBS.CertificateCount as Integer
- NSURLCredentialMBS.HasIdentity as Boolean
- NSWorkspaceMBS.accessibilityDisplayShouldDifferentiateWithoutColor as Boolean
- NSWorkspaceMBS.accessibilityDisplayShouldIncreaseContrast as Boolean
- NSWorkspaceMBS.accessibilityDisplayShouldInvertColors as Boolean
- NSWorkspaceMBS.accessibilityDisplayShouldReduceMotion as Boolean
- NSWorkspaceMBS.accessibilityDisplayShouldReduceTransparency as Boolean
- NSWorkspaceMBS.isSwitchControlEnabled as Boolean
- NSWorkspaceMBS.isVoiceOverEnabled as Boolean
- PDFDestinationMBS.Handle as Integer
- PNGReaderMBS.ChunkCacheMax as UInt32
- PNGReaderMBS.ChunkMallocMax as UInt64
- PNGReaderMBS.CompressionBufferSize as UInt64
- PNGReaderMBS.UserHeightMaximum as UInt32
- PNGReaderMBS.UserWidthMaximum as UInt32
- SCNNodeMBS.categoryBitMask as Integer
- SCNNodeMBS.focusBehavior as Integer
- SCNNodeMBS.physicsBody as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS
- SCNNodeMBS.physicsField as SCNPhysicsFieldMBS
- SCNSceneMBS.physicsWorld as SCNPhysicsWorldMBS
- SCNViewMBS.audioListener as SCNNodeMBS
- SCNViewMBS.debugOptions as Integer
- SCNViewMBS.jitteringEnabled as Boolean
- SCNViewMBS.renderingAPI as Integer
- SCNViewMBS.sceneTime as Double
- SCNViewMBS.showsStatistics as Boolean
- SSH2TunnelMBS.KeepAlive as Boolean
- TextArea.WinSelHasTextBackColorMBS as Boolean
- TextArea.WinSelHasTextColorMBS as Boolean
- TextArea.WinSelTextBackColorMBS as Color
- TextArea.WinSelTextColorMBS as Color
- XLBookMBS.CalcMode as integer
- XLFontMBS.ColorRGB as Color
1783 new items including 81 new classes one new control one new module 70 new methods 13 new events 52 new properties for existing classes and 0 new global methods.