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The module InternalCubeSQLLibraryMBS

module InternalCubeSQLLibraryMBS
Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
module SQL MBS SQL Plugin 18.3 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
The module for our internal CubeSQL client connector.
if InternalCubeSQLLibraryMBS.Use then
MsgBox "Using internal CubeSQL library."
MsgBox "Failed, so please use library file."
end if

Var db As SQLDatabaseMBS // or SQLConnectionMBS

db.Option("ConnectionTimeout") = "30" // 30 seconds timeout
db.Option("ConnectionEncryption") = "SSL_AES256"
db.Option("SSLCertificatePath") = SSLCertificatePath

// connect...

This is a CubeSQL client library built into a plugin, so you can decide with use of MBS SQL Plugin to use this plugin instead of providing your own external copy of CubeSQL shared library.

Version 19.4 or newer have CubeSQL with SSL included.
You can use Option("ConnectionEncryption") with SSL, SSL+AES128, SSL+AES192 and SSL+AES256 as values.

If ConnectionEncryption is SSL, we can pass path from Option("SSLCertificatePath") with the certificate file.

Some examples which use this module:

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