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/SQL/SQLDatabaseMBS CubeSQL prepared statement iOS

Required plugins for this example: MBS SQL Plugin

You find this example project in your Plugins Download as a Xojo project file within the examples folder: /SQL/SQLDatabaseMBS CubeSQL prepared statement iOS

This example is the version from Mon, 21th Feb 2021.

Project "SQLDatabaseMBS CubeSQL prepared statement iOS.xojo_binary_project"
Class App Inherits MobileApplication
End Class
Class Screen1 Inherits MobileScreen
Control List Inherits iOSMobileTable
ControlInstance List Inherits iOSMobileTable
Constraint Constraint 1
Constraint Constraint 2
Constraint Constraint 3
Constraint Constraint 4
End Control
EventHandler Sub Opening() // use internal CubeSQL library Call InternalCubeSQLLibraryMBS.Use Dim db As New SQLDatabaseMBS db.Option("APPNAME") = "Xojo Test" db.Option("ConnectionTimeout") = "5" // 5 seconds timeout? 'db.Option("ConnectionEncryption") = "AES128" // or "AES192" or "AES256" // connect to database // in this example it is CubeSQL, // but can also be Sybase, Oracle, Informix, DB2, SQLServer, InterBase, MySQL, SQLBase and ODBC db.DatabaseName = "cubesql:localhost@mydatabase.sqlite" db.UserName = "admin" db.Password = "admin" db.RaiseExceptions = True // prefer exceptions over checking error If db.Connect Then // CREATE TABLE "test" ("test" TEXT, first TEXT, last TEXT) // insert some data Dim p1 As SQLPreparedStatementMBS = db.Prepare("INSERT INTO test (test, first, last) VALUES (:test, :first, :last)") p1.Bind("test", "Test") p1.BindType("test", p1.kTypeString) p1.Bind("first", "") p1.BindType("first", p1.kTypeString) p1.Bind("last", "Last") p1.BindType("last", p1.kTypeString) p1.SQLExecute // edit some data Dim p2 As SQLPreparedStatementMBS = db.Prepare("UPDATE test SET first=:first WHERE RowID = 1") 'p2.Bind("first", "") p2.Bind("first", "Christian") 'p2.BindType("first", p.kTypeString) p2.SQLExecuteMT db.CommitTransaction // Show data Dim r As RowSet = db.SelectSQL("SELECT ROWID,test,first,last FROM test") While Not r.AfterLastRow List.AddRow r.ColumnAt(0).StringValue+" "+r.ColumnAt(1).StringValue+" "+r.ColumnAt(2).StringValue+" "+r.ColumnAt(3).StringValue r.MoveToNextRow Wend // show version 'dim r as RecordSet = db.SQLSelect("select sqlite_version()") ' 'if r = nil or r.eof then 'MessageBox "Failed to query version." 'else 'MessageBox "Version: "+r.IdxField(1).StringValue 'end if End If Exception d As DatabaseException MessageBox d.reason End EventHandler
End Class
Class LaunchScreen Inherits iosView
End Class
End Project

See also:

The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS SQL Plugin.

The biggest plugin in space...