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WKWebViewControlMBS control
See also desktop control: DesktopWKWebViewControlMBS
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
control | WebKit2 | MBS Mac64bit Plugin | 16.4 | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | ❌ No | ❌ No | Desktop only |
This is a control to use WebKit in 32-bit and WebKit 2 in 64-bit.
Most of the events provided by Xojo for the control will not work.
But we can add features over time as needed.
Let us know if you need a method from WKWebView or an event from WKNavigationDelegate or WKUIDelegate.
- 50 events
- event BoundsChanged
- event Close
- event Closing
- event ConstructContextualMenu(base as MenuItem, x as Integer, y as Integer) as Boolean
- event ContextualMenuAction(hitItem as MenuItem) as Boolean
- event CreateWebView(URL as String, request as NSURLRequestMBS) as Variant
- event decidePolicyForNavigationAction(navigationAction as WKNavigationActionMBS, decisionHandler as WKPolicyForNavigationActionDecisionHandlerMBS)
- event decidePolicyForNavigationResponse(navigationResponse as WKNavigationResponseMBS, decisionHandler as WKPolicyForNavigationResponseDecisionHandlerMBS)
- event DidClose
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didCommitNavigation(navigation as WKNavigationMBS)
- event didFailNavigation(navigation as WKNavigationMBS, Error as NSErrorMBS)
- event didFailProvisionalNavigation(navigation as WKNavigationMBS, Error as NSErrorMBS)
- event didFinishNavigation(navigation as WKNavigationMBS)
- event DidReceiveAuthenticationChallenge(challenge as NSURLAuthenticationChallengeMBS, byref AuthChallengeDisposition as Integer, byref credentials as NSURLCredentialMBS)
- event didReceiveScriptMessage(Body as Variant, name as String)
- event didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalNavigation(navigation as WKNavigationMBS)
- event didStartProvisionalNavigation(navigation as WKNavigationMBS)
- event downloadDecideDestinationUsingResponse(download as WKDownloadMBS, response as NSURLResponseMBS, suggestedFilename as String, byref destination as FolderItem)
- event downloadDidFailWithError(download as WKDownloadMBS, error as NSErrorMBS, resumeData as MemoryBlock)
- event downloadDidFinish(download as WKDownloadMBS)
- event downloadDidReceiveAuthenticationChallenge(download as WKDownloadMBS, challenge as NSURLAuthenticationChallengeMBS, byref AuthChallengeDisposition as Integer, byref credentials as NSURLCredentialMBS)
- event downloadWillPerformHTTPRedirection(download as WKDownloadMBS, response as NSURLResponseMBS, request as NSURLRequestMBS, byref DownloadRedirectPolicy as Integer)
- event EnableMenuItems
- event EstimatedProgressChanged(estimatedProgress as double, oldEstimatedProgress as double)
- event FocusLost
- event FocusReceived
- event FrameChanged
- event GotFocus
- event JavaScriptEvaluated(JavaScript as String, Result as Variant, Error as NSErrorMBS, Tag as String)
- event LostFocus
- event MenuBarSelected
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event navigationActionDidBecomeDownload(navigationAction as WKNavigationActionMBS, download as WKDownloadMBS)
- event navigationResponseDidBecomeDownload(navigationResponse as WKNavigationResponseMBS, download as WKDownloadMBS)
- event Open
- event Opening
- event pauseAllMediaPlaybackCompleted New in 24.5
- event requestMediaPlaybackStateCompleted(state as Integer) New in 24.5
- event runJavaScriptAlertPanel(initiatedByFrame as WKFrameInfoMBS, message as String)
- event runJavaScriptConfirmPanel(initiatedByFrame as WKFrameInfoMBS, message as String) as boolean
- event runJavaScriptTextInputPanel(initiatedByFrame as WKFrameInfoMBS, prompt as String, defaultText as String) as String
- event runOpenPanelWithParameters(initiatedByFrame as WKFrameInfoMBS, allowsMultipleSelection as Boolean, allowsDirectories as Boolean)
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as Double)
- event takeSnapshotCompleted(image as NSImageMBS, error as NSErrorMBS, tag as string)
- event TitleChanged(Title as String, oldTitle as string)
- event WebContentProcessDidTerminate
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- 27 properties
- property AcceptTabs as Boolean
- property allowFileAccessFromFileURLs as Boolean
- property allowsBackForwardNavigationGestures as Boolean
- property allowsLinkPreview as Boolean
- property allowsMagnification as Boolean
- property allowUniversalAccessFromFileURLs as Boolean
- property backForwardList as WKBackForwardListMBS
- property CanGoBack as Boolean
- property CanGoForward as Boolean
- property customUserAgent as String
- property developerExtrasEnabled as Boolean
- property EstimatedProgress as Double
- property hasOnlySecureContent as Boolean
- property IsLoading as Boolean
- property javaEnabled as Boolean
- property javaScriptCanOpenWindowsAutomatically as Boolean
- property javaScriptEnabled as Boolean
- property loadsImagesAutomatically as Boolean
- property magnification as Double
- property minimumFontSize as Double
- property Navigation as WKNavigationMBS
- property plugInsEnabled as Boolean
- property privateBrowsing as Boolean
- property Title as String
- property URL as String
- property View as NSViewMBS
- property WKWebView as WKWebViewMBS
- shared property UsePrivateBrowsing as Boolean
- 25 methods
- method addScriptMessageHandler(Name as String)
- method addUserScript(userScript as WKUserScriptMBS)
- method EvaluateJavaScript(JavaScript as String, byref Error as NSErrorMBS) as Variant
- method EvaluateJavaScript(JavaScript as String, Tag as String = "")
- method goBack
- method goForward
- method goToBackForwardListItem(Item as WKBackForwardListItemMBS)
- method LoadData(Data as MemoryBlock, MIMEType as String, textEncodingName as String, baseURL as string = "")
- method LoadFileURL(File as FolderItem, readAccessItem as FolderItem)
- method LoadHTML(htmlText as String, baseURL as string = "")
- method LoadURL(URL as string)
- method LoadURLRequest(Request as NSURLRequestMBS)
- method pauseAllMediaPlayback New in 24.5
- method printOperation(printInfo as NSPrintInfoMBS) as NSPrintOperationMBS
- method reload
- method reloadFromOrigin
- method removeAllUserScripts
- method removeScriptMessageHandler(Name as String)
- method requestMediaPlaybackState New in 24.5
- method runOpenPanelWithParametersCompleted(URLs() as NSURLMBS)
- method setMagnification(magnification as double, pointX as double, pointY as double)
- method stopLoading
- method takeSnapshot(byref error as NSErrorMBS) as NSImageMBS
- method takeSnapshot(tag as string = "")
- method userScripts as WKUserScriptMBS()
- shared method setUsePrivateBrowsing(value as Boolean)
- 6 constants
Authentication Challenge Responses
Constant | Value | Description |
AuthChallengeCancelAuthenticationChallenge | 2 |
Cancel the entire request. The provided credential parameter is ignored. |
AuthChallengePerformDefaultHandling | 1 |
Use the default handling for the challenge as though this delegate method were not implemented. The provided credential parameter is ignored. |
AuthChallengeRejectProtectionSpace | 3 |
Reject this challenge, and call the authentication delegate method again with the next authentication protection space. The provided credential parameter is ignored. |
AuthChallengeUseCredential | 0 |
Use the specified credential, which may be nil. |
Redirect Policy
Constant | Value | Description |
DownloadRedirectPolicyAllow | 1 |
Allow a redirect to proceed. |
DownloadRedirectPolicyCancel | 0 |
Cancel the redirect action. |
Some examples using this control:
Blog Entries
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 24.5
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 24.5
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 22.0
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 22.0
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 21.5
- New desktop controls
- Three new controls for iOS in Xojo
- HTMLViewer JavaScript communication for Xojo
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 20.0
- MBS Xojo Plugins in version 19.0
Xojo Developer Magazine
- 18.3, page 43: Happy Birthday MonkeyBread Software, What is new in the MBS Xojo Plugins by Stefanie Juchmes
- 17.5, page 41: What's New in the MBS Plugins, With the Plugins growing every year, here are new capabilities you may have missed by Stefanie Juchmes
- 17.2, page 10: News
- 16.2, page 9: News
- 15.2, page 10: News
- XDC 2020 MBS Plugins Presentation
- Presentation from Munich conference about MBS Plugins.
- Presentation from London conference about MBS Plugins.
- Presentation from Xojo Developer Conference 2019 in Miami.
Release notes
- Version 24.5
- Added requestMediaPlaybackState and pauseAllMediaPlayback asynchronous methods and related events to WKWebViewControlMBS and WKWebViewIOSControlMBS controls.
- Version 22.3
- Changed decidePolicyForNavigationAction event for WKWebViewControlMBS control and WKWebViewIOSControlMBS control to use the decision handler object, so you can decide later or to download. Also navigationAction is now passed with all the details.
- Version 22.1
- Renamed Close event to DidClose in WKWebViewControlMBS and WKWebViewIOSControlMBS.
- Version 22.0
- Added runOpenPanelWithParameters event to WKWebViewControlMBS control and runOpenPanelWithParametersCompleted method to call later with result.
- Version 21.0
- Added WKWebViewIOSControlMBS control for iOS, same as WKWebViewControlMBS control for macOS.
- Added AcceptTabs property to WKWebViewControlMBS control.
- Added willShowContextualMenu and didCloseContextualMenu events for WKWebViewControlMBS class.
- Fixed a problem with WKWebViewControlMBS crashing the IDE when drawing it.
- Version 20.3
- Added CurrentNavigation as WKNavigationMBS property for WKWebViewControlMBS control.
- Version 20.0
- Added backForwardList property and goToBackForwardListItem method for WKWebViewControlMBS control.
- Added CreateWebView and Close events for WKWebViewControlMBS control.
- Added decidePolicyForNavigationResponse event for WKWebViewControlMBS control.
- Added LoadFileURL method for WKWebViewControlMBS class.
- Added request parameter for decidePolicyForNavigationAction event in WKWebViewControlMBS control.
- Implemented synchronous EvaluateJavaScript for 32-bit in WKWebViewControlMBS control and fixed bug in 64-bit.
- Version 19.5
- Added UsePrivateBrowsing shared property and privateBrowsing property to WKWebViewControlMBS class.
- Added WKUserScriptMBS class and related methods to WKWebViewControlMBS control.
- Version 19.4
- Added allowsMagnification and magnification properties as well as setMagnification method for WKWebViewControlMBS control.
- Added printOperation method for WKWebViewControlMBS control.
The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS Mac64bit Plugin.
WinPreviewControlMBS - WKWebViewIOSControlMBS