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SCNActionMBS class
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
class | SceneKit | MBS Mac64bit Plugin | 19.1 | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | ❌ No | ✅ Yes | Desktop & iOS |
You use actions most often to change the structure and content of the SCNNodeMBS object to which they are attached, but you can also use actions make other changes to the scene. In SceneKit, actions provide an easy way to implement animated behaviors that frequently change in response to user input.
see also
This is an abstract class. You can't create an instance, but you can get one from various plugin functions.
- 4 properties
- property duration as Double
- property Handle as Integer
- property speed as Double
- property timingMode as Integer
- 3 methods
- method Constructor Private
- method copy as SCNActionMBS
- method reversedAction as SCNActionMBS
- 24 shared methods
- shared method fadeIn(duration as double) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method fadeOpacityBy(factor as double, duration as double) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method fadeOpacityTo(opacity as double, duration as double) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method fadeOut(duration as double) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method group(actions() as SCNActionMBS) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method hide as SCNActionMBS
- shared method javaScriptActionWithScript(script as string, duration as double) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method moveBy(delta as SCNVector3MBS, duration as double) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method moveBy(deltaX as double, deltaY as double, deltaZ as double, duration as double) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method moveTo(location as SCNVector3MBS, duration as double) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method removeFromParentNode as SCNActionMBS
- shared method repeatAction(action as SCNActionMBS, count as integer) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method repeatActionForever(action as SCNActionMBS) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method rotateBy(xAngle as double, yAngle as double, zAngle as double, duration as double) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method rotateByAngle(angle as double, axis as SCNVector3MBS, duration as double) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method rotateTo(xAngle as double, yAngle as double, zAngle as double, duration as double) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method rotateTo(xAngle as double, yAngle as double, zAngle as double, duration as double, shortestUnitArc as boolean) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method rotateToAxisAngle(axisAngle as SCNVector4MBS, duration as double) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method runBlock(del as SCNActionRunBlockMBS, tag as variant = nil) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method scaleBy(scale as double, duration as double) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method scaleTo(scale as double, duration as double) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method sequence(actions() as SCNActionMBS) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method unhide as SCNActionMBS
- shared method wait(duration as double) as SCNActionMBS
- delegate SCNActionRunBlockMBS(node as SCNNodeMBS, tag as variant)
- 4 constants
Timing Modes
Constant | Value | Description |
TimingModeEaseIn | 1 |
Ease-in pacing. The animation begins slowly, and then speeds up as it progresses. |
TimingModeEaseInEaseOut | 3 |
Ease-in ease-out pacing. The animation begins slowly, accelerates through the middle of its duration, and then slows again before completing. |
TimingModeEaseOut | 2 |
Ease-out pacing. The animation begins quickly, and then slows as it completes. |
TimingModeLinear | 0 |
Linear pacing. The animation progresses evenly throughout its duration. |
This class has no sub classes.
Some methods using this class:
- SCNNodeMBS.runAction(action as SCNActionMBS)
- SCNNodeMBS.runAction(action as SCNActionMBS, del as SCNNodeRunActionCompletedMBS, tag as variant = nil)
- SCNNodeMBS.runAction(action as SCNActionMBS, key as string)
- SCNNodeMBS.runAction(action as SCNActionMBS, key as string, del as SCNNodeRunActionCompletedMBS, tag as variant = nil)
Some examples using this class:
- /Mac64bit/SceneKit/Camera
- /Mac64bit/SceneKit/Camera with fix elements
- /Mac64bit/SceneKit/Rotation
- /Mac64bit/SceneKit/SceneKit Hanoi
- /Mac64bit/SceneKit/SceneKit Images
- /Mac64bit/SceneKit/SceneKit Primitives
Blog Entries
Xojo Developer Magazine
- 19.6, page 50: Rotating Christmas Tree, Using the MBS Plugins to create an animated 3D Christmas tree by Stefanie Juchmes
- 18.4, page 51: On the Scene Again (Part 3), Getting Started with SceneKit by Stefanie Juchmes
- 18.4, pages 48 to 49: On the Scene Again (Part 3), Getting Started with SceneKit by Stefanie Juchmes
- 18.2, pages 39 to 42: On the Scene Again (Part 2), Getting Started with SceneKit by Stefanie Juchmes
Release notes
- Version 19.1
- Added SCNActionMBS class.
The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS Mac64bit Plugin.
SCNAccelerationConstraintMBS - SCNAudioPlayerMBS