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SCNNodeMBS class
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
class | SceneKit | MBS Mac64bit Plugin | 18.4 | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | ❌ No | ✅ Yes | Desktop & iOS |
see also
- 30 properties
- property Camera as SCNCameraMBS
- property CastsShadow as Boolean
- property categoryBitMask as Integer
- property EulerAngles as SCNVector3MBS
- property focusBehavior as Integer
- property Geometry as SCNGeometryMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property Hidden as Boolean
- property Light as SCNLightMBS
- property movabilityHint as Integer
- property Name as String
- property Opacity as Double
- property orientation as SCNVector4MBS
- property parentNode as SCNNodeMBS
- property Paused as Boolean
- property physicsBody as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS
- property physicsField as SCNPhysicsFieldMBS
- property pivot as SCNMatrix4MBS
- property Position as SCNVector3MBS
- property presentationNode as SCNNodeMBS
- property RenderingOrder as Integer
- property Rotation as SCNVector4MBS
- property Scale as SCNVector3MBS
- property transform as SCNMatrix4MBS
- property WorldFront as SCNVector3MBS
- property worldOrientation as SCNVector4MBS
- property WorldPosition as SCNVector3MBS
- property WorldRight as SCNVector3MBS
- property worldTransform as SCNMatrix4MBS
- property WorldUp as SCNVector3MBS
- 3 shared properties
- shared property localFront as SCNVector3MBS
- shared property localRight as SCNVector3MBS
- shared property localUp as SCNVector3MBS
- 35 methods
- method addAudioPlayer(player as SCNAudioPlayerMBS)
- method addChildNode(node as SCNNodeMBS)
- method audioPlayers as SCNAudioPlayerMBS()
- method childNodes as SCNNodeMBS()
- method childNodeWithName(Name as String, recursively as Boolean = false) as SCNNodeMBS
- method clearGeometry
- method clone as SCNNodeMBS
- method constraints as SCNConstraintMBS()
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(geometry as SCNGeometryMBS)
- method convertPositionFromNode(position as SCNVector3MBS, node as SCNNodeMBS) as SCNVector3MBS
- method convertPositionToNode(position as SCNVector3MBS, node as SCNNodeMBS) as SCNVector3MBS
- method convertTransformFromNode(position as SCNMatrix4MBS, node as SCNNodeMBS) as SCNMatrix4MBS
- method convertTransformToNode(position as SCNMatrix4MBS, node as SCNNodeMBS) as SCNMatrix4MBS
- method convertVectorFromNode(position as SCNVector3MBS, node as SCNNodeMBS) as SCNVector3MBS
- method convertVectorToNode(position as SCNVector3MBS, node as SCNNodeMBS) as SCNVector3MBS
- method copy as SCNNodeMBS
- method flattenedClone as SCNNodeMBS
- method hitTestWithSegment(PointA as SCNVector3MBS, PointB as SCNVector3MBS, Options as Dictionary = nil) as SCNHitTestResultMBS()
- method insertChildNode(newNode as SCNNodeMBS, atIndex as Integer)
- method localRotateBy(rotation as SCNVector4MBS)
- method localTranslateBy(translation as SCNVector3MBS)
- method lookAt(worldTarget as SCNVector3MBS)
- method lookAt(worldTarget as SCNVector3MBS, worldUp as SCNVector3MBS, localFront as SCNVector3MBS)
- method removeAllActions
- method removeAllAudioPlayers
- method removeAudioPlayer(player as SCNAudioPlayerMBS)
- method removeFromParentNode
- method replaceChildNode(oldNode as SCNNodeMBS, newNode as SCNNodeMBS)
- method rotateBy(worldRotation as SCNVector4MBS, worldTarget as SCNVector3MBS)
- method runAction(action as SCNActionMBS)
- method runAction(action as SCNActionMBS, del as SCNNodeRunActionCompletedMBS, tag as variant = nil)
- method runAction(action as SCNActionMBS, key as string)
- method runAction(action as SCNActionMBS, key as string, del as SCNNodeRunActionCompletedMBS, tag as variant = nil)
- method setConstraints(constraints() as SCNConstraintMBS)
- 8 shared methods
- shared method node as SCNNodeMBS
- shared method nodeWithGeometry(geometry as SCNGeometryMBS) as SCNNodeMBS
- shared method SCNModelTransform as String
- shared method SCNModelViewProjectionTransform as String
- shared method SCNModelViewTransform as String
- shared method SCNNormalTransform as String
- shared method SCNProjectionTransform as String
- shared method SCNViewTransform as String
- delegate SCNNodeRunActionCompletedMBS(node as SCNNodeMBS, action as SCNActionMBS, key as string, tag as variant)
- 5 constants
Movability Hint
Constant | Value | Description |
SCNMovabilityHintFixed | 0 |
The node is not expected to move over time. |
SCNMovabilityHintMovable | 1 |
The node is expected to move over time. |
Focus Behavior Options
Constant | Value | Description |
SCNNodeFocusBehaviorFocusable | 2 |
Node is focusable and prevents nodes that it visually obscures from becoming focusable. |
SCNNodeFocusBehaviorNone | 0 |
Node is not focusable. |
SCNNodeFocusBehaviorOccluding | 1 |
Node is not focusable and prevents nodes that it visually obscures from becoming focusable. |
This class has no sub classes.
Some methods using this class:
- SCNAvoidOccluderConstraintMBS.avoidOccluderConstraintWithTarget(target as SCNNodeMBS) as SCNAvoidOccluderConstraintMBS
- SCNAvoidOccluderConstraintMBS.Constructor(target as SCNNodeMBS)
- SCNDistanceConstraintMBS.distanceConstraintWithTarget(target as SCNNodeMBS) as SCNDistanceConstraintMBS
- SCNIKConstraintMBS.Constructor(chainRootNode as SCNNodeMBS)
- SCNIKConstraintMBS.inverseKinematicsConstraintWithChainRootNode(chainRootNode as SCNNodeMBS) as SCNIKConstraintMBS
- SCNLookAtConstraintMBS.Constructor(target as SCNNodeMBS)
- SCNPhysicsShapeMBS.shapeWithNode(node as SCNNodeMBS, Options as Dictionary = nil) as SCNPhysicsShapeMBS
- SCNPhysicsVehicleWheelMBS.Constructor(node as SCNNodeMBS)
- SCNReplicatorConstraintMBS.replicatorConstraintWithTarget(target as SCNNodeMBS) as SCNReplicatorConstraintMBS
- SCNViewMBS.isNodeInsideFrustum(node as SCNNodeMBS, pointOfView as SCNNodeMBS) as Boolean
Some properties using for this class:
- as SCNNodeMBS
- SCNCameraControllerMBS.pointOfView as SCNNodeMBS
- SCNHitTestResultMBS.boneNode as SCNNodeMBS
- SCNHitTestResultMBS.node as SCNNodeMBS
- SCNIKConstraintMBS.chainRootNode as SCNNodeMBS
- as SCNNodeMBS
- SCNPhysicsContactMBS.nodeA as SCNNodeMBS
- SCNPhysicsContactMBS.nodeB as SCNNodeMBS
- SCNSceneMBS.rootNode as SCNNodeMBS
- SCNViewMBS.audioListener as SCNNodeMBS
Some examples using this class:
- /Mac64bit/SceneKit/Camera with fix elements
- /Mac64bit/SceneKit/Change Backgroundcolor by Click
- /Mac64bit/SceneKit/Free form
- /Mac64bit/SceneKit/Physics
- /Mac64bit/SceneKit/Rotation
- /Mac64bit/SceneKit/SceneKit Hanoi
- /Mac64bit/SceneKit/SceneKit Images
- /Mac64bit/SceneKit/SceneKit iOS
- /Mac64bit/SceneKit/SceneKit Primitives
- /Mac64bit/SceneKit/Triangle Demo
Blog Entries
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 22.3
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 22.1
- Basic Forms in MBS Xojo SceneKit Plugin
- Physics example for SceneKit in Xojo
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 20.2pr1
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 18.4pr8
Xojo Developer Magazine
- 19.6, page 50: Rotating Christmas Tree, Using the MBS Plugins to create an animated 3D Christmas tree by Stefanie Juchmes
- 19.6, pages 47 to 48: Rotating Christmas Tree, Using the MBS Plugins to create an animated 3D Christmas tree by Stefanie Juchmes
- 18.4, pages 48 to 50: On the Scene Again (Part 3), Getting Started with SceneKit by Stefanie Juchmes
- 18.4, pages 41 to 46: On the Scene Again (Part 3), Getting Started with SceneKit by Stefanie Juchmes
- 18.2, page 41: On the Scene Again (Part 2), Getting Started with SceneKit by Stefanie Juchmes
- 18.2, pages 36 to 38: On the Scene Again (Part 2), Getting Started with SceneKit by Stefanie Juchmes
- 18.2, pages 31 to 32: On the Scene Again (Part 2), Getting Started with SceneKit by Stefanie Juchmes
- 18.2, page 21: On the Scene Again (Part 2), Getting Started with SceneKit by Stefanie Juchmes
- 18.1, pages 32 to 33: On the Scene, Getting Started with SceneKit by Stefanie Juchmes
- 18.1, page 30: On the Scene, Getting Started with SceneKit by Stefanie Juchmes
Release notes
- Version 20.2
- Added more methods to SCNViewMBS and SCNNodeMBS classes.
- Version 18.4
- Started SceneKit plugin part with new SCNControlMBS control and new SCNGeometryMBS, SCNNodeMBS, SCNSceneMBS and SCNViewMBS classes.
The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS Mac64bit Plugin.
SCNMatrix4MBS - SCNPhysicsBallSocketJointMBS