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DynaPDFTableMBS class

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class DynaPDF MBS DynaPDF Plugin 12.4 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
The class for a table in DynaPDF.

This tables are more for doing a layout, but can also be used to show a list or a worksheet like in Excel.
This is an abstract class. You can't create an instance, but you can get one from various plugin functions.

  • 2 properties
  • 76 methods
    • method AddColumn(left as boolean, width as Double) as Integer
    • method AddRow(height as Double = 0.0) as Integer
    • method AddRows(count as UInt32, height as Double) as Integer
    • method ClearColumn(Col as Integer, Types as Integer)
    • method ClearContent(Types as Integer)
    • method ClearRow(Row as Integer, Types as Integer)
    • method Constructor   Private
    • method DeleteColumn(column as UInt32)
    • method DeleteRow(row as UInt32)
    • method DeleteRows
    • method DrawTable(x as Double, y as Double, MaxHeight as Double = 0.0) as Double
    • method GetFirstRow as Integer
    • method GetFlags(Row as Integer, Column as Integer) as Integer
    • method GetNextHeight(MaxHeight as Double, byref NextRow as Integer) as Double
    • method GetNextRow as Integer
    • method GetNumCols as Integer
    • method GetNumRows as Integer
    • method GetTableHeight as Double
    • method GetTableWidth as Double
    • method HaveMore as boolean
    • method SetBackColor(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, channels() as Integer, ExtColorSpace as Integer = 0, ColorSpaceHandle as Integer = 0) as boolean
    • method SetBackColor(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, paramarray channels as Integer) as boolean
    • method SetBackColorFloat(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, channels() as Double, ExtColorSpace as Integer = 0, ColorSpaceHandle as Integer = 0) as boolean
    • method SetBackColorFloat(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, paramarray channels as Double) as boolean
    • method SetBackColorValue(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, TPDFColorSpace as Integer, ColorValue as UInt32) as boolean
    • method SetBorderColor(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, channels() as Integer, ExtColorSpace as Integer = 0, ColorSpaceHandle as Integer = 0) as boolean
    • method SetBorderColor(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, paramarray channels as Integer) as boolean
    • method SetBorderColorFloat(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, channels() as Double, ExtColorSpace as Integer = 0, ColorSpaceHandle as Integer = 0) as boolean
    • method SetBorderColorFloat(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, paramarray channels as Double) as boolean
    • method SetBorderColorValue(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, TPDFColorSpace as Integer, ColorValue as UInt32) as boolean
    • method SetBorderWidth(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, left as Double, top as Double, right as Double, bottom as Double) as boolean
    • method SetCellAction(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, ActionHandle as UInt32, Mode as Integer) as boolean
    • method SetCellDashPattern(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, CellSide as Integer, LineCapStyle as Integer, values() as Double, Phase as Double) as boolean
    • method SetCellImage(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, ForeGround as boolean, HAlign as Integer, VAlign as Integer, Width as Double, Height as Double, path as FolderItem, index as Integer = 0) as boolean
    • method SetCellImage(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, ForeGround as boolean, HAlign as Integer, VAlign as Integer, Width as Double, Height as Double, path as string, index as Integer = 0) as boolean
    • method SetCellImageAnsi(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, ForeGround as boolean, HAlign as Integer, VAlign as Integer, Width as Double, Height as Double, path as string, index as Integer = 0) as boolean
    • method SetCellImageData(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, ForeGround as boolean, HAlign as Integer, VAlign as Integer, Width as Double, Height as Double, ImageData as MemoryBlock, index as Integer = 0) as boolean
    • method SetCellImageData(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, ForeGround as boolean, HAlign as Integer, VAlign as Integer, Width as Double, Height as Double, ImageData as string, index as Integer = 0) as boolean
    • method SetCellOrientation(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, Orientation as Integer) as boolean
    • method SetCellPadding(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, left as Double, top as Double, right as Double, bottom as Double) as boolean
    • method SetCellPicture(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, ForeGround as boolean, HAlign as Integer, VAlign as Integer, Width as double, Height as Double, Pic as Picture) as boolean
    • method SetCellSpacing(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, left as Double, top as Double, right as Double, bottom as Double) as boolean
    • method SetCellTable(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, HAlign as Integer, VAlign as Integer, SubTable as DynaPDFTableMBS) as boolean
    • method SetCellTemplate(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, ForeGround as boolean, HAlign as Integer, VAlign as Integer, TmplHandle as Integer, Width as Double = 0, Height as Double = 0) as boolean
    • method SetCellText(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, HTextAlign as Integer, VAlign as Integer, text as string) as boolean
    • method SetCellTextAnsi(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, HTextAlign as Integer, VAlign as Integer, text as string) as boolean
    • method SetColWidth(column as UInt32, Width as Double, ExtTable as Boolean) as boolean
    • method SetFlags(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, Flags as Integer) as boolean
    • method SetFont(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, name as string, Style as Integer = 0, Embed as Boolean = true, CodePage as Integer = &h27) as boolean
    • method SetFontAnsi(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, name as string, Style as Integer = 0, Embed as Boolean = true, CodePage as Integer = &h27) as boolean
    • method SetFontSelMode(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, value as Int32) as boolean
    • method SetFontSize(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, size as Double) as boolean
    • method SetGridHorizontalColor(channels() as Integer, ExtColorSpace as Integer = 0, ColorSpaceHandle as Integer = 0) as boolean
    • method SetGridHorizontalColor(paramarray channels as Integer) as boolean
    • method SetGridHorizontalColorFloat(channels() as Double, ExtColorSpace as Integer = 0, ColorSpaceHandle as Integer = 0) as boolean
    • method SetGridHorizontalColorFloat(paramarray channels as Double) as boolean
    • method SetGridHorizontalColorValue(TPDFColorSpace as Integer, ColorValue as UInt32) as boolean
    • method SetGridVerticalColor(channels() as Integer, ExtColorSpace as Integer = 0, ColorSpaceHandle as Integer = 0) as boolean
    • method SetGridVerticalColor(paramarray channels as Integer) as boolean
    • method SetGridVerticalColorFloat(channels() as Double, ExtColorSpace as Integer = 0, ColorSpaceHandle as Integer = 0) as boolean
    • method SetGridVerticalColorFloat(paramarray channels as Double) as boolean
    • method SetGridVerticalColorValue(TPDFColorSpace as Integer, ColorValue as UInt32) as boolean
    • method SetGridWidth(h as Double, v as Double) as boolean
    • method SetImageColor(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, channels() as Integer, ExtColorSpace as Integer = 0, ColorSpaceHandle as Integer = 0) as boolean
    • method SetImageColor(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, paramarray channels as Integer) as boolean
    • method SetImageColorFloat(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, channels() as Double, ExtColorSpace as Integer = 0, ColorSpaceHandle as Integer = 0) as boolean
    • method SetImageColorFloat(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, paramarray channels as Double) as boolean
    • method SetImageColorValue(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, TPDFColorSpace as Integer, ColorValue as UInt32) as boolean
    • method SetPDF(pdf as DynaPDFMBS)
    • method SetRowHeight(Row as Integer, value as Double) as boolean
    • method SetTableWidth(Value as single, AdjustType as Integer, MinColWidth as single)
    • method SetTextColor(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, channels() as Integer, ExtColorSpace as Integer = 0, ColorSpaceHandle as Integer = 0) as boolean
    • method SetTextColor(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, paramarray channels as Integer) as boolean
    • method SetTextColorFloat(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, channels() as Double, ExtColorSpace as Integer = 0, ColorSpaceHandle as Integer = 0) as boolean
    • method SetTextColorFloat(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, paramarray channels as Double) as boolean
    • method SetTextColorValue(Row as Integer, Column as Integer, TPDFColorSpace as Integer, ColorValue as UInt32) as boolean
  • 34 constants

Cell Content Type Constants

Constant Value Description
kcctAction 4 Action
kcctImage 1 Image.
kcctTable 2 Table.
kcctTemplate 3 Template.
kcctText 0 Text

Column Adjustment Constants

Constant Value Description
kcoaAdjLeft 1 Adjust the widths starting from the left side.
kcoaAdjRight 2 Adjust the widths starting from the right side.
kcoaUniqueWidth 0 Set the column widths to TableWidth / NumColumns.

Cell Orientation

Constant Value Description
kcoBottom 1 Bottom
kcoCenter 2 Center
kcoLeft 0 Left
kcoRight 1 Right
kcoTop 0 Top

Cell Sides

Constant Value Description
kcsBottom 1 Bottom side
kcsLeft 0 Left side
kcsRight 2 Right side
kcsTop 3 Top side

Delete Content Options

Constant Value Description
kdcAction 16 Delete action.
kdcAllCont 31 Delete all content types
kdcBackGround &h20000000 Delete background objects
kdcBoth &h30000000 Delete both foreground and background objects
kdcForeGround &h10000000 Delete foreground objects
kdcImage 2 Delete image.
kdcTable 8 Delete table.
kdcTemplate 4 Template table.
kdcText 1 Delete text.
Text is always a foreground object

Cell flags Constants

Constant Value Description
ktfAddFlags 32 If used when setting flags, the flags are not replacing existing values, but added.
This way a call can set one flag and later another call can add a second flag without clearing first one.
ktfDefault 0 Default flag.
ktfFixedTextHeight 64 If set, text does not increase the row height if necessary. The row height must be non-zero in this case. The flag is ignored otherwise.
ktfHeaderRow 2 Header rows are drawn first after a page break occurred
ktfNoLineBreak 4 Prohibit line breaks in cells whith text -> Can be set to the entire table, columns, rows, and cells.
ktfScaleToRect 8 If set, the specified output width and height represents the maximum size of the image or template.
The image or template is scaled into this rectangle without changing the aspect ratio.
ktfStatic 1 This flag marks a row, column, or cell as static to avoid the deletion of the content with ClearContent().
ktfUseImageCS 16 If set, images are inserted in the native image color space.

This class has no sub classes.

Some methods using this class:

  • DynaPDFMBS.CreateTable(AllocRows as UInt32, NumCols as UInt32, width as Double, DefRowHeight as Double) as DynaPDFTableMBS

Some examples using this class:

Blog Entries

Xojo Developer Magazine

Release notes

  • Version 22.3
  • Version 21.5
  • Version 20.2
  • Version 19.3
  • Version 19.1
    • Added SetCellAction method, kcctAction and kdcAction constants to DynaPDFTableMBS class.
  • Version 17.0

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