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The module InternalSQLiteLibraryMBS

module InternalSQLiteLibraryMBS
Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
module SQL MBS SQL Plugin 15.2 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
The module for our internal SQLite3 engine.
// enable our built-in SQLite library, which supports encryption
Call InternalSQLiteLibraryMBS.Use

// where to store?
Var f As FolderItem = SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child("test.db")
Var storage_database As New SQLDatabaseMBS ' SQLiteDatabase
storage_database.SQLiteEncryptionKey = "aes256:password" ' <-- password with AES256 as prefix to pick algorithm
storage_database.DatabaseName = "sqlite:"+ f.NativePath

If storage_database.Connect Then

// create table if this is not yet here
storage_database.SQLExecute "Create table if not exists pics(pic_id integer PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name varchar(20), pic blob)"

// done
MsgBox "Ready"
MsgBox storage_database.ErrorMessage
End If

This is a SQLite3 library built into a plugin, so you can decide with use of MBS SQL Plugin to use this plugin instead of providing your own external copy of SQLite shared library.

  • method CompileOption(index as Integer) as String
  • method CompileOptionUsed(optionName as String) as Boolean
  • method DumpToFile(SqliteDBConectionHandle as Ptr, File as FolderItem, TableName as string = "", PreserveRowid as Boolean = false, Newlines as Boolean = false, DumpDataOnly as Boolean = false, DumpNoSys as Boolean = false)
  • method DumpToString(SqliteDBConectionHandle as Ptr, byref Data as String, MaximumSize as Integer = 10000000, TableName as string = "", PreserveRowid as Boolean = false, Newlines as Boolean = false, DumpDataOnly as Boolean = false, DumpNoSys as Boolean = false)
  • method isKeyword(name as string) as boolean
  • method Keywords as String()
  • method LoadICU as Boolean
  • method SourceID as String
  • method Use as boolean
  • method Version as String
  • method VersionNumber as Integer
  • property ICUEnabled as Boolean
  • property ICULoaded as Boolean
  • property ICUUsed as Boolean
  • property MemoryHighwater as Int64
  • property MemoryUsed as Int64
  • property Path as String

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