Platforms to show: All Mac Windows Linux Cross-Platform
OverlayMBS class
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
class | Window | MBS Overlay Plugin | 8.6 | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | ❌ No | Desktop only |
Requires Mac OS X 10.3.9 or Windows 2000 or newer.
Cocoa implementation added with Mac OS X 10.4 class.
To support high resolution mode on Mac OS X high resolution displays, please make the picture+mask exact the double width and height of the window.
- 17 events
- event Draw(CGContext as Variant, NSGraphicsContext as Variant)
- event GotFocus
- event KeyDown(key as String, keyCode as Integer, modifiers as integer) as Boolean
- event KeyUp(key as String, keyCode as Integer, modifiers as integer) as Boolean
- event LostFocus
- event menuForEvent(NSEvent as variant) as Variant
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, modifiers as Integer) as boolean
- event MouseDragged(x as Integer, y as Integer, modifiers as Integer) as boolean
- event MouseEnter(x as Integer, y as Integer, modifiers as Integer)
- event MouseExit(x as Integer, y as Integer, modifiers as Integer)
- event MouseMoved(x as Integer, y as Integer, modifiers as Integer) as boolean
- event MouseUp(x as Integer, y as Integer, modifiers as Integer) as boolean
- event MouseWheel(x as Integer, y as Integer, dx as Double, dy as Double, modifiers as Integer)
- event WindowBoundsChanged
- event WindowClosed
- event WindowHidden
- event WindowShown
- 20 properties
- property Alpha as Double
- property AutoCaptureMouse as Boolean
- property CurrentImage as Variant
- property Height as Integer
- property IgnoreMouseClicks as Boolean
- property Left as Integer
- property Mask as Picture
- property MovableByWindowBackground as Boolean
- property NSView as Variant
- property NSWindow as Variant
- property Pict as Picture
- property Top as Integer
- property Visible as Boolean
- property Width as Integer
- property WindowHandle as Integer
- property WindowID as Integer
- property WindowsClassName as String
- property hasShadow as boolean
- property Title as string
- property WinIsTopMost as boolean
- 12 methods
- method Close
- method Constructor(left as Integer, top as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer, MacAttributes as Integer, WinExStyle as Integer, WinStyle as Integer)
- method Constructor(left as Integer, top as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer, WindowsNoActivate as boolean = false, WindowsTopMost as boolean=true)
- method Hide
- method InvalidateShadow
- method Move(left as Integer, top as Integer)
- method Resize(width as Integer, height as Integer)
- method SetFocus
- method Show(WindowsShowMode as Integer = 0)
- method Update
- method Update(NSImage as Variant)
- method UpdateShow
- 4 constants
Constant | Value | Description |
kModifierFlagCommand | 1048576 |
The command key is pressed. Use with BitwiseAnd(Modifiers, kModifierFlagCommand) <> 0 to check if the flag is set in key events. |
kModifierFlagControl | 262144 |
The control key is pressed. Use with BitwiseAnd(Modifiers, kModifierFlagControl) <> 0 to check if the flag is set in key events. |
kModifierFlagOption | 524288 |
The option (alt) key is pressed. Use with BitwiseAnd(Modifiers, kModifierFlagOption) <> 0 to check if the flag is set in key events. |
kModifierFlagShift | 131072 |
The shift key is pressed. Use with BitwiseAnd(Modifiers, kModifierFlagShift) <> 0 to check if the flag is set in key events. |
This class has no sub classes.
Some examples using this class:
- /AVFoundation/Donut Video Player Overlay
- /MacFrameworks/Window Selection
- /Overlay/Overlay and window level
- /Overlay/Overlay Drawings
- /Overlay/Overlay Test
- /Overlay/Overlay Test v2
- /Overlay/Overlay with controls/Overlay with controls
- /Overlay/Overlay with Draw Event
- /Overlay/OverlayMagician
- /Overlay/Photoshop Splash Screen/Photoshop Splash Screen
Blog Entries
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 24.1
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 22.5
- MBS Xojo / Real Studio plug-ins version 16.2
- Video playback with mask on OS X
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Real Studio plug-ins in version 13.0
- High Resolution is coming
- MBS REALbasic Plugins Version 10.4 release notes
- MBS REALbasic plug-ins version 9.4
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS REALbasic plug-ins 9.2
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS REALbasic plugins 8.7
Xojo Developer Magazine
- 22.5, page 91: An Overview of Overlays, Using Overlays with MBS by Stefanie Juchmes-Simonis
- 22.5, page 85: An Overview of Overlays, Using Overlays with MBS by Stefanie Juchmes-Simonis
- 16.6, page 9: News
- 15.5, page 9: News
- 12.2, page 10: News
Release notes
- Version 24.1
- Added MovableByWindowBackground property for OverlayMBS class.
- Implemented better MovableByWindowBackground for OverlayMBS class on Windows to work with mouse events.
- Implemented IgnoreMouseClicks for Windows in OverlayMBS class. Allows mouse clicks to fall through to window behind.
- Version 22.5
- Changed OverlayMBS to return true for worksWhenModal for NSWindow subclass, so you get mouse events if a dialog shows.
- Version 19.5
- Changed OverlayMBS class, so if you use draw event, we don't clear the area for you any more.
- Version 19.2
- Fixed MouseWheel event in OverlayMBS class to be called more often.
- Version 19.1
- Removed OverlayMBS.WindowGroupHandle property.
- Version 19.0
- Fixed problem with drawing OverlayMBS in 64-bit on MacOS 10.14 Mojave.
- Version 18.4
- Added OverlayMBS.Draw event. If used, you need to draw everything yourself via CGContextMBS class.
- Added OverlayMBS.WindowsClassName property.
- Version 18.3
- Fixed Cocoa target for OverlayMBS to not use NSWindowStyleMaskNonactivatingPanel which causes a warning from AppKit.
- Version 18.2
- We filter events for OverlayMBS.MouseWheel which have a zero delta.
The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS Overlay Plugin.
OSAScriptViewMBS - PacketSocketMBS