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NSOpenPanelMBS class

Super class: NSSavePanelMBS

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
class Navigation MBS MacCocoa Plugin 7.8 ✅ Yes ❌ No ❌ No ❌ No Desktop only
The class for the Cocoa Open Panel.

Subclass of the NSSavePanelMBS class.

Super class NSSavePanelMBS


Constant Value Description
NSCancelButton 0 One of the result codes you may need with this class.
NSOKButton 1 One of the result codes you may need with this class.

Super class NSPanelMBS

  • 3 properties
  • method Constructor(x as Double, y as Double, w as Double, h as Double, styleMask as Integer, BackingStoreType as Integer, deferCreation as boolean)
  • 12 shared methods
    • shared method RunAlertPanel(title as string, message as string, defaultButton as string, alternateButton as string, otherButton as string) as Integer
    • shared method RunAlertPanelRelativeToWindow(title as string, message as string, defaultButton as string, alternateButton as string, otherButton as string, docWindow as DesktopWindow) as integer
    • shared method RunAlertPanelRelativeToWindow(title as string, message as string, defaultButton as string, alternateButton as string, otherButton as string, docWindow as NSWindowMBS) as Integer
    • shared method RunAlertPanelRelativeToWindow(title as string, message as string, defaultButton as string, alternateButton as string, otherButton as string, docWindow as window) as Integer
    • shared method RunCriticalAlertPanel(title as string, message as string, defaultButton as string, alternateButton as string, otherButton as string) as Integer
    • shared method RunCriticalAlertPanelRelativeToWindow(title as string, message as string, defaultButton as string, alternateButton as string, otherButton as string, docWindow as DesktopWindow) as integer
    • shared method RunCriticalAlertPanelRelativeToWindow(title as string, message as string, defaultButton as string, alternateButton as string, otherButton as string, docWindow as NSWindowMBS) as Integer
    • shared method RunCriticalAlertPanelRelativeToWindow(title as string, message as string, defaultButton as string, alternateButton as string, otherButton as string, docWindow as window) as Integer
    • shared method RunInformationalAlertPanel(title as string, message as string, defaultButton as string, alternateButton as string, otherButton as string) as Integer
    • shared method RunInformationalAlertPanelRelativeToWindow(title as string, message as string, defaultButton as string, alternateButton as string, otherButton as string, docWindow as DesktopWindow) as integer
    • shared method RunInformationalAlertPanelRelativeToWindow(title as string, message as string, defaultButton as string, alternateButton as string, otherButton as string, docWindow as NSWindowMBS) as Integer
    • shared method RunInformationalAlertPanelRelativeToWindow(title as string, message as string, defaultButton as string, alternateButton as string, otherButton as string, docWindow as window) as Integer
  • 10 constants


Constant Value Description
NSAlertAlternateReturn 0 One of the possible return values for the alert panels. The user pressed the alternate button.
NSAlertDefaultReturn 1 One of the possible return values for the alert panels. The user pressed the default button.
NSAlertErrorReturn -2 One of the possible return values for the alert panels. The alert cannot identify the reason it was closed; it may have been closed by an external source or by a button other than those listed above.
NSAlertOtherReturn -1 One of the possible return values for the alert panels. The user pressed a second alternate button.
NSCancelButton 0 One of the constants for the modal panel return values. The Cancel button.
NSDocModalWindowMask 64 One of the constants you can use to specify the style when creating a window. The panel is created as a modal sheet.
NSHUDWindowMask 8192 One of the constants you can use to specify the style when creating a window.
NSNonactivatingPanelMask 128 One of the constants you can use to specify the style when creating a window. The panel can receive keyboard input without activating the owning application.
NSOKButton 1 One of the constants for the modal panel return values. The OK button.
NSUtilityWindowMask 16 One of the constants you can use to specify the style when creating a window. The panel is created as a floating window.

Super class NSWindowMBS

Super class NSResponderMBS

This class has no sub classes.

Some examples using this class:

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Release notes

  • Version 23.0
  • Version 18.1
    • Added Files and URLs functions to NSOpenPanelMBS class to return array of selected files.

The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS MacBase Plugin, MBS MacCocoa Plugin.

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