New in version 22.5
New in Version 22.5 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4
Platforms to show: All Mac Windows Linux Cross-Platform
New classes in version 22.5:
- class CXCallDirectoryManagerMBS
- class GADAdNetworkResponseInfoMBS
- class GADAdRewardMBS
- class GADAdSizeMBS
- class GADAdValueMBS
- class GADAppOpenAdMBS
- class GADBannerViewMBS
- class GADInterstitialAdMBS
- class GADMobileAdsMBS
- class GADRequestConfigurationMBS
- class GADRequestMBS
- class GADResponseInfoMBS
- class GADRewardedAdMBS
- class GADRewardedInterstitialAdMBS
- class MongoSessionMBS
- class PHPickerConfigurationMBS
- class PHPickerFilterMBS
- class PHPickerResultMBS
- class PHPickerViewControllerMBS
- class ProgressBackgroundViewMBS
- class ProgressBarProgressViewMBS
- class ProgressHUDMBS
- class ProgressRoundProgressViewMBS
- class VNDocumentCameraScanMBS
- class VNDocumentCameraViewControllerMBS
New class events in version 22.5:
- ContinuityCameraMBS.Allow(Handle as Integer) as boolean
- ContinuityCameraMBS.Received(Data as MemoryBlock, type as String)
- WindowsBluetoothLEDeviceMBS.ConnectionStatusChanged
- WindowsBluetoothLEDeviceMBS.GattServicesChanged
- WindowsBluetoothLEDeviceMBS.GetGattServicesCompleted(asyncStatus as Integer, Result as WindowsGattDeviceServicesResultMBS)
- WindowsBluetoothLEDeviceMBS.NameChanged
- WindowsBluetoothLEDeviceMBS.RequestAccessCompleted(asyncStatus as Integer, DeviceAccessStatus as Integer)
New class methods in version 22.5:
- JSONMBS.AddOrReplaceItemToObject(label as string, value as JSONMBS)
- MemoryBlock.BitwiseAndMBS(Second as MemoryBlock, Dest as MemoryBlock = nil) as MemoryBlock
- MemoryBlock.BitwiseOrMBS(Second as MemoryBlock, Dest as MemoryBlock = nil) as MemoryBlock
- MemoryBlock.BitwiseXOrMBS(Second as MemoryBlock, Dest as MemoryBlock = nil) as MemoryBlock
- NSCalendarMBS.AMSymbol as string
- NSCalendarMBS.calendarWithIdentifier(identifier as String) as NSCalendarMBS
- NSCalendarMBS.NSCalendarIdentifierBuddhist as String
- NSCalendarMBS.NSCalendarIdentifierChinese as String
- NSCalendarMBS.NSCalendarIdentifierCoptic as String
- NSCalendarMBS.NSCalendarIdentifierEthiopicAmeteAlem as String
- NSCalendarMBS.NSCalendarIdentifierEthiopicAmeteMihret as String
- NSCalendarMBS.NSCalendarIdentifierGregorian as String
- NSCalendarMBS.NSCalendarIdentifierHebrew as String
- NSCalendarMBS.NSCalendarIdentifierIndian as String
- NSCalendarMBS.NSCalendarIdentifierIslamic as String
- NSCalendarMBS.NSCalendarIdentifierIslamicCivil as String
- NSCalendarMBS.NSCalendarIdentifierIslamicTabular as String
- NSCalendarMBS.NSCalendarIdentifierIslamicUmmAlQura as String
- NSCalendarMBS.NSCalendarIdentifierISO8601 as String
- NSCalendarMBS.NSCalendarIdentifierJapanese as String
- NSCalendarMBS.NSCalendarIdentifierPersian as String
- NSCalendarMBS.NSCalendarIdentifierRepublicOfChina as String
- NSCalendarMBS.PMSymbol as string
- WindowsBluetoothLEDeviceMBS.GetGattServicesAsync
- WindowsBluetoothLEDeviceMBS.GetGattServicesAsync(BluetoothCacheMode as Integer)
- WindowsBluetoothLEDeviceMBS.GetGattServicesForUuidAsync(serviceUuid as String)
- WindowsBluetoothLEDeviceMBS.GetGattServicesForUuidAsync(serviceUuid as String, BluetoothCacheMode as Integer)
- XMLDocumentMBS.LoadXmlMT(data as MemoryBlock)
- XMLDocumentMBS.LoadXmlMT(data as String)
- XMLDocumentMBS.LoadXmlMT(file as FolderItem)
New class properties in version 22.5:
- CNSaveRequestMBS.shouldRefetchContacts as Boolean
- DynaPDFRasterizerMBS.Premultiply as Boolean
- FileListMBS.Cancel as Boolean
- FileListMBS.Threaded as Boolean
- MongoClientMBS.Session as MongoSessionMBS
- MongoDatabaseMBS.Client as MongoClientMBS
- NSButtonMBS.hasDestructiveAction as Boolean
419 new items including 25 new classes 30 new methods 7 new events 7 new properties for existing classes and 0 new global methods.