New in version 24.2
New in Version 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 25.0 25.1
Platforms to show: All Mac Windows Linux Cross-Platform
New classes in version 24.2:
- class MFMailComposeViewControllerMBS
- class MFMessageComposeViewControllerMBS
- class NSPathControlItemMBS
- class QLThumbnailGenerationRequestMBS
- class QLThumbnailGeneratorMBS
- class QLThumbnailRepresentationMBS
- class UIPrinterMBS
- class UIPrinterPickerControllerMBS
- class UIPrintInfoMBS
- class UIPrintInteractionControllerMBS
- class UIPrintPaperMBS
- class XLConditionalFormatMBS
- class XLConditionalFormattingMBS
New class events in version 24.2:
- NSViewControlMBS.isFlipped as Boolean
- PHPickerViewControllerMBS.popoverDidClose
- PHPickerViewControllerMBS.popoverDidShow
- PHPickerViewControllerMBS.popoverWillClose
- PHPickerViewControllerMBS.popoverWillShow
- PHPickerViewControllerMBS.viewDidAppear
- PHPickerViewControllerMBS.viewDidDisappear
- PHPickerViewControllerMBS.viewWillAppear
- PHPickerViewControllerMBS.viewWillDisappear
New class methods in version 24.2:
- GM16ImageMBS.Flatten
- GMImageMBS.Flatten
- JSONMBS.Merge(Other as JSONMBS)
- MongoClientMBS.Command(dbName as String, commandJSON as String) as String
- MongoClientMBS.Command(dbName as String, commandJSON as String, OptionsJSON as String) as String
- MongoClientMBS.CommandQuery(dbName as String, queryJSON as String) as MongoCursorMBS
- MongoClientMBS.CommandWithServerId(dbName as String, commandJSON as String, serverId as UInt32) as String
- MongoClientMBS.ReadCommand(dbName as String, commandJSON as String, OptionsJSON as String = "") as String
- MongoClientMBS.ReadWriteCommand(dbName as String, commandJSON as String, OptionsJSON as String = "") as String
- MongoClientMBS.WriteCommand(dbName as String, commandJSON as String, OptionsJSON as String = "") as String
- MongoDatabaseMBS.Command(commandJSON as String) as String
- MongoDatabaseMBS.ReadCommand(commandJSON as String, OptionsJSON as String = "") as String
- MongoDatabaseMBS.ReadWriteCommand(commandJSON as String, OptionsJSON as String = "") as String
- MongoDatabaseMBS.WriteCommand(commandJSON as String, OptionsJSON as String = "") as String
- NSEventMBS.coalescedTouchesForTouch(touch as NSTouchMBS) as NSTouchMBS()
- NSEventMBS.predictedTouchesForTouch(touch as NSTouchMBS) as NSTouchMBS()
- NSEventMBS.touchesMatchingPhase(Phase as Integer, view as NSViewMBS = nil) as NSTouchMBS()
- NSPathControlMBS.allowedTypes as String()
- NSPathControlMBS.pathItems as NSPathControlItemMBS()
- NSPathControlMBS.setAllowedTypes(items() as String)
- NSPathControlMBS.setPathItems(items() as NSPathControlItemMBS)
- SortMBS.AddArrayMBS(array1() as Boolean, array2() as Boolean)
- SortMBS.AddArrayMBS(array1() as Color, array2() as Color)
- SortMBS.AddArrayMBS(array1() as Currency, array2() as Currency)
- SortMBS.AddArrayMBS(array1() as Double, array2() as Double)
- SortMBS.AddArrayMBS(array1() as Int32, array2() as Int32)
- SortMBS.AddArrayMBS(array1() as Int64, array2() as Int64)
- SortMBS.AddArrayMBS(array1() as Object, array2() as Object)
- SortMBS.AddArrayMBS(array1() as Ptr, array2() as Ptr)
- SortMBS.AddArrayMBS(array1() as Single, array2() as Single)
- SortMBS.AddArrayMBS(array1() as String, array2() as String)
- SortMBS.AddArrayMBS(array1() as UInt32, array2() as UInt32)
- SortMBS.AddArrayMBS(array1() as UInt64, array2() as UInt64)
- SortMBS.AddMBS(extends array1() as Boolean, array2() as Boolean)
- SortMBS.AddMBS(extends array1() as Color, array2() as Color)
- SortMBS.AddMBS(extends array1() as Currency, array2() as Currency)
- SortMBS.AddMBS(extends array1() as Double, array2() as Double)
- SortMBS.AddMBS(extends array1() as Int32, array2() as Int32)
- SortMBS.AddMBS(extends array1() as Int64, array2() as Int64)
- SortMBS.AddMBS(extends array1() as Object, array2() as Object)
- SortMBS.AddMBS(extends array1() as Ptr, array2() as Ptr)
- SortMBS.AddMBS(extends array1() as Single, array2() as Single)
- SortMBS.AddMBS(extends array1() as String, array2() as String)
- SortMBS.AddMBS(extends array1() as UInt32, array2() as UInt32)
- SortMBS.AddMBS(extends array1() as UInt64, array2() as UInt64)
- SortMBS.CopyMBS(extends source() as Boolean, dest() as Boolean, sourceIndex as Integer = 0, sourceCount as Integer = -2, destIndex as Integer = 0)
- SortMBS.CopyMBS(extends source() as Color, dest() as Color, sourceIndex as Integer = 0, sourceCount as Integer = -2, destIndex as Integer = 0)
- SortMBS.CopyMBS(extends source() as Currency, dest() as Currency, sourceIndex as Integer = 0, sourceCount as Integer = -2, destIndex as Integer = 0)
- SortMBS.CopyMBS(extends source() as Double, dest() as Double, sourceIndex as Integer = 0, sourceCount as Integer = -2, destIndex as Integer = 0)
- SortMBS.CopyMBS(extends source() as Int32, dest() as Int32, sourceIndex as Integer = 0, sourceCount as Integer = -2, destIndex as Integer = 0)
- SortMBS.CopyMBS(extends source() as Int64, dest() as Int64, sourceIndex as Integer = 0, sourceCount as Integer = -2, destIndex as Integer = 0)
- SortMBS.CopyMBS(extends source() as Object, dest() as Object, sourceIndex as Integer = 0, sourceCount as Integer = -2, destIndex as Integer = 0)
- SortMBS.CopyMBS(extends source() as Ptr, dest() as Ptr, sourceIndex as Integer = 0, sourceCount as Integer = -2, destIndex as Integer = 0)
- SortMBS.CopyMBS(extends source() as Single, dest() as Single, sourceIndex as Integer = 0, sourceCount as Integer = -2, destIndex as Integer = 0)
- SortMBS.CopyMBS(extends source() as String, dest() as String, sourceIndex as Integer = 0, sourceCount as Integer = -2, destIndex as Integer = 0)
- SortMBS.CopyMBS(extends source() as UInt32, dest() as UInt32, sourceIndex as Integer = 0, sourceCount as Integer = -2, destIndex as Integer = 0)
- SortMBS.CopyMBS(extends source() as UInt64, dest() as UInt64, sourceIndex as Integer = 0, sourceCount as Integer = -2, destIndex as Integer = 0)
- SortMBS.CopyMBS(extends source() as Variant, dest() as Variant, sourceIndex as Integer = 0, sourceCount as Integer = -2, destIndex as Integer = 0)
- SortMBS.EqualsMBS(extends array1() as Boolean, array2() as Boolean, array1offset as Integer = 0, count as Integer = -2, array2offset as Integer = 0) as Boolean
- SortMBS.EqualsMBS(extends array1() as Color, array2() as Color, array1offset as Integer = 0, count as Integer = -2, array2offset as Integer = 0) as Boolean
- SortMBS.EqualsMBS(extends array1() as Currency, array2() as Currency, array1offset as Integer = 0, count as Integer = -2, array2offset as Integer = 0) as Boolean
- SortMBS.EqualsMBS(extends array1() as Double, array2() as Double, array1offset as Integer = 0, count as Integer = -2, array2offset as Integer = 0) as Boolean
- SortMBS.EqualsMBS(extends array1() as Int32, array2() as Int32, array1offset as Integer = 0, count as Integer = -2, array2offset as Integer = 0) as Boolean
- SortMBS.EqualsMBS(extends array1() as Int64, array2() as Int64, array1offset as Integer = 0, count as Integer = -2, array2offset as Integer = 0) as Boolean
- SortMBS.EqualsMBS(extends array1() as Object, array2() as Object, array1offset as Integer = 0, count as Integer = -2, array2offset as Integer = 0) as Boolean
- SortMBS.EqualsMBS(extends array1() as Ptr, array2() as Ptr, array1offset as Integer = 0, count as Integer = -2, array2offset as Integer = 0) as Boolean
- SortMBS.EqualsMBS(extends array1() as Single, array2() as Single, array1offset as Integer = 0, count as Integer = -2, array2offset as Integer = 0) as Boolean
- SortMBS.EqualsMBS(extends array1() as String, array2() as String, array1offset as Integer = 0, count as Integer = -2, array2offset as Integer = 0) as Boolean
- SortMBS.EqualsMBS(extends array1() as UInt32, array2() as UInt32, array1offset as Integer = 0, count as Integer = -2, array2offset as Integer = 0) as Boolean
- SortMBS.EqualsMBS(extends array1() as UInt64, array2() as UInt64, array1offset as Integer = 0, count as Integer = -2, array2offset as Integer = 0) as Boolean
- SortMBS.SortMBS(extends theArray() as Boolean, descending as boolean = false)
- SortMBS.SortMBS(extends theArray() as Boolean, theDelegate as SortVariantDelegateBooleanMBS, descending as boolean = false)
- SortMBS.SortMBS(extends theArray() as Color, descending as boolean = false)
- SortMBS.SortMBS(extends theArray() as Color, theDelegate as SortVariantDelegateColorMBS, descending as boolean = false)
- SortMBS.SortMBS(extends theArray() as Currency, descending as boolean = false)
- SortMBS.SortMBS(extends theArray() as Currency, theDelegate as SortVariantDelegateCurrencyMBS, descending as boolean = false)
- SortMBS.SortMBS(extends theArray() as Date, descending as boolean = false)
- SortMBS.SortMBS(extends theArray() as DateTime, descending as boolean = false)
- SortMBS.SortMBS(extends theArray() as DateTime, theDelegate as SortVariantDelegateDateTimeMBS, descending as boolean = false)
- SortMBS.SortMBS(extends theArray() as Double, descending as boolean = false)
- SortMBS.SortMBS(extends theArray() as Double, theDelegate as SortVariantDelegateDoubleMBS, descending as boolean = false)
- SortMBS.SortMBS(extends theArray() as Int32, descending as boolean = false)
- SortMBS.SortMBS(extends theArray() as Int32, theDelegate as SortVariantDelegateInt32MBS, descending as boolean = false)
- SortMBS.SortMBS(extends theArray() as Int64, descending as boolean = false)
- SortMBS.SortMBS(extends theArray() as Int64, theDelegate as SortVariantDelegateInt64MBS, descending as boolean = false)
- SortMBS.SortMBS(extends theArray() as Ptr, descending as boolean = false)
- SortMBS.SortMBS(extends theArray() as Ptr, theDelegate as SortVariantDelegatePtrMBS, descending as boolean = false)
- SortMBS.SortMBS(extends theArray() as Single, descending as boolean = false)
- SortMBS.SortMBS(extends theArray() as Single, theDelegate as SortVariantDelegateSingleMBS, descending as boolean = false)
- SortMBS.SortMBS(extends theArray() as String, descending as boolean = false)
- SortMBS.SortMBS(extends theArray() as String, theDelegate as SortVariantDelegateStringMBS, descending as boolean = false)
- SortMBS.SortMBS(extends theArray() as UInt32, descending as boolean = false)
- SortMBS.SortMBS(extends theArray() as UInt32, theDelegate as SortVariantDelegateUInt32MBS, descending as boolean = false)
- SortMBS.SortMBS(extends theArray() as UInt64, descending as boolean = false)
- SortMBS.SortMBS(extends theArray() as UInt64, theDelegate as SortVariantDelegateUInt64MBS, descending as boolean = false)
- SortMBS.SortMBS(extends theArray() as Variant, theDelegate as SortVariantDelegateVariantMBS, descending as boolean = false)
- SortMBS.SumMBS(extends source() as Boolean, sourceIndex as Integer = 0, sourceCount as Integer = -2) as Int64
- SortMBS.SumMBS(extends source() as Currency, sourceIndex as Integer = 0, sourceCount as Integer = -2, CheckOverflow as Boolean = false) as Currency
- SortMBS.SumMBS(extends source() as Double, sourceIndex as Integer = 0, sourceCount as Integer = -2) as Double
- SortMBS.SumMBS(extends source() as Int32, sourceIndex as Integer = 0, sourceCount as Integer = -2) as Int64
- SortMBS.SumMBS(extends source() as Int64, sourceIndex as Integer = 0, sourceCount as Integer = -2, CheckOverflow as Boolean = false) as Int64
- SortMBS.SumMBS(extends source() as Single, sourceIndex as Integer = 0, sourceCount as Integer = -2) as Double
- SortMBS.SumMBS(extends source() as UInt32, sourceIndex as Integer = 0, sourceCount as Integer = -2, CheckOverflow as Boolean = false) as UInt64
- SortMBS.SumMBS(extends source() as UInt64, sourceIndex as Integer = 0, sourceCount as Integer = -2, CheckOverflow as Boolean = false) as UInt64
- WindowsDeviceInformationPairingMBS.Close
- XLBookMBS.AddConditionalFormat as XLConditionalFormatMBS
- XLFontMBS.Operator_Compare(other as XLFontMBS) as Integer
- XLFormatMBS.Operator_Compare(other as XLFontMBS) as Integer
- XLSheetMBS.AddConditionalFormatting as XLConditionalFormattingMBS
New class properties in version 24.2:
- CURLMBS.OptionForbidReuse as Boolean
- CURLNMBS.OptionForbidReuse as Boolean
- CURLSMBS.OptionForbidReuse as Boolean
- DesktopWebView2ControlMBS.HiddenPdfToolbarItems as Integer
- DesktopWebView2ControlMBS.IsSwipeNavigationEnabled as Boolean
- GTKWindowMBS.XWindowID as Integer
- MongoURIMBS.AppName as String
- MongoURIMBS.Credentials as String
- NSPathControlMBS.clickedPathItem as NSPathControlItemMBS
- NSPathControlMBS.editable as Boolean
- NSPathControlMBS.placeholderAttributedString as NSAttributedStringMBS
- NSPathControlMBS.placeholderString as String
- NWPathMonitorMBS.Current as NWPathMBS
- WebView2ControlMBS.HiddenPdfToolbarItems as Integer
- WebView2ControlMBS.IsSwipeNavigationEnabled as Boolean
- WindowsDisplayMBS.LogHeight as Integer
- WindowsDisplayMBS.LogScaleFactor as Double
- WindowsDisplayMBS.LogWidth as Integer
- WindowsDisplayMBS.LogX as Integer
- WindowsDisplayMBS.LogY as Integer
492 new items including 13 new classes 109 new methods 9 new events 20 new properties for existing classes and 0 new global methods.