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The plugin part MBS MacCG Plugin:CoreText:
Partly Console safe, 345 entry points.
- class CoreTextMBS
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- shared method UnregisterFontsForURLs(URLs() as string, scope as integer, errors() as CFErrorMBS) as boolean
- shared method UnregisterFontsForFiles(files() as folderitem, scope as integer, errors() as CFErrorMBS) as boolean
- shared method RegisterFontsForURL(URLs() as string, scope as integer, errors() as CFErrorMBS) as boolean
- shared method RegisterFontsForFiles(files() as folderitem, scope as integer, errors() as CFErrorMBS) as boolean
- shared method UnregisterGraphicsFont(font as CGFontMBS, byref error as CFErrorMBS) as boolean
- shared method RegisterGraphicsFont(font as CGFontMBS, byref error as CFErrorMBS) as boolean
- shared method MatchFontDescriptorsWithProgressHandler(descriptors() as CTFontDescriptorMBS, mandatoryAttributes() as string, tag as variant = nil) as boolean
- shared method CreateFontDescriptorsFromURL(URL as string) as CTFontDescriptorMBS()
- shared method CreateFontDescriptorsFromFile(file as folderitem) as CTFontDescriptorMBS()
- shared method EnableFontDescriptors(descriptors() as CTFontDescriptorMBS, enable as boolean)
- shared method CoreTextVersion as Integer
- shared method UnregisterFontsForURL(URL as string, scope as integer, byref error as CFErrorMBS) as boolean
- shared method UnregisterFontsForFile(file as folderitem, scope as integer, byref error as CFErrorMBS) as boolean
- shared method RegisterFontsForURL(URL as string, scope as integer, byref error as CFErrorMBS) as boolean
- shared method RegisterFontsForFile(file as folderitem, scope as integer, byref error as CFErrorMBS) as boolean
- shared method GetScopeForURL(URL as string) as integer
- shared method GetScopeForFile(file as folderitem) as integer
- shared method IsSupportedFontURL(URL as string) as boolean
- shared method IsSupportedFontFile(file as folderitem) as boolean
- shared method CreateFontDescriptorFromData(data as string) as CTFontDescriptorMBS
- shared method CreateFontDescriptorFromData(data as memoryblock) as CTFontDescriptorMBS
- shared method CompareFontFamilyNames(name1 as string, name2 as string) as integer
- shared method kCTFontManagerBundleIdentifier as string
- shared method kCTFontManagerRegisteredFontsChangedNotification as string
- shared method kCTFontManagerErrorDomain as string
- shared method kCTFontManagerErrorFontURLsKey as string
- shared method kCTFontSymbolicTrait as string
- shared method kCTFontWeightTrait as string
- shared method kCTFontWidthTrait as string
- shared method kCTFontSlantTrait as string
- shared method kCTFontAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTForegroundColorFromContextAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTKernAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTLigatureAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTForegroundColorAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTParagraphStyleAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTStrokeWidthAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTStrokeColorAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTUnderlineStyleAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTSuperscriptAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTUnderlineColorAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTVerticalFormsAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTGlyphInfoAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTCharacterShapeAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTLanguageAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTRunDelegateAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTBaselineClassAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTBaselineInfoAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTBaselineReferenceInfoAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTWritingDirectionAttributeName as string
- shared method AvailablePostScriptNames as string()
- shared method AvailableFontFamilyNames as string()
- shared method AvailableFontURLs as string()
- shared property AutoActivationSetting(BundleID as string) as Integer
- event FontCollectionSortDescriptors(first as CTFontDescriptorMBS, second as CTFontDescriptorMBS, tag as variant) as integer
- event Progress(state as integer, progressParameter as Dictionary, tag as variant) as boolean
- class CTFontCollectionMBS
- method FontAttribute(attributeNames() as string, options as integer) as Dictionary()
- method MatchingFontDescriptorsSorted(tag as variant) as CTFontDescriptorMBS()
- method CopyWithFontDescriptors(queryDescriptors() as CTFontDescriptorMBS, options as dictionary) as CTFontCollectionMBS
- method FontAttribute(attributeName as string, options as integer) as Dictionary()
- method MatchingFontDescriptorsForFamily(familyName as string, options as dictionary = nil) as CTFontDescriptorMBS()
- method MatchingFontDescriptors(options as dictionary = nil) as CTFontDescriptorMBS()
- method ExclusionDescriptors as CTFontDescriptorMBS()
- method QueryDescriptors as CTFontDescriptorMBS()
- method Constructor
- method MutableCopy as CTMutableFontCollectionMBS
- shared method kCTFontCollectionRemoveDuplicatesOption as string
- shared method kCTFontCollectionIncludeDisabledFontsOption as string
- shared method kCTFontCollectionDisallowAutoActivationOption as string
- shared method CreateWithFontDescriptors(queryDescriptors() as CTFontDescriptorMBS, options as dictionary) as CTFontCollectionMBS
- shared method CreateCopyWithFontDescriptors(original as CTFontCollectionMBS, queryDescriptors() as CTFontDescriptorMBS, options as dictionary) as CTFontCollectionMBS
- shared method CreateFromAvailableFonts(options as Dictionary) as CTFontCollectionMBS
- shared method Available as boolean
- class CTFontDescriptorMBS
- method CopyWithVariation(variationIdentifier as Integer, variationValue as double) as CTFontDescriptorMBS
- method CopyWithFeature(featureTypeIdentifier as Integer, featureSelectorIdentifier as integer) as CTFontDescriptorMBS
- method MatchingFontDescriptors(mandatoryAttributes() as String) as CTFontDescriptorMBS()
- method MatchingFontDescriptor(mandatoryAttributes() as String) as CTFontDescriptorMBS
- method CopyWithSymbolicTraits(symTraitValue as Integer, symTraitMask as Integer) as CTFontDescriptorMBS
- method CopyWithFamily(family as String) as CTFontDescriptorMBS
- method CopyWithAttributes(attributeValues as Dictionary) as CTFontDescriptorMBS
- method Constructor
- method AttributeValues as Dictionary
- method AttributeValue(key as string) as Variant
- method LocalizedAttributeValue(key as string, byref lang as string) as Variant
- property FontSize as Double
- property StyleName as String
- property FamilyName as String
- property DisplayName as String
- property Name as String
- property File as FolderItem
- property URL as String
- shared method kCTFontURLAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontNameAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontDisplayNameAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontFamilyNameAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontStyleNameAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontTraitsAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontVariationAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontSizeAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontMatrixAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontCascadeListAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontCharacterSetAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontLanguagesAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontBaselineAdjustAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontMacintoshEncodingsAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontFeaturesAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontFeatureSettingsAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontFixedAdvanceAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontOrientationAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontFormatAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontRegistrationScopeAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontPriorityAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontEnabledAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontDownloadableAttribute as string
- shared method kCTFontDescriptorMatchingSourceDescriptor as string
- shared method kCTFontDescriptorMatchingDescriptors as string
- shared method kCTFontDescriptorMatchingResult as string
- shared method kCTFontDescriptorMatchingPercentage as string
- shared method kCTFontDescriptorMatchingCurrentAssetSize as string
- shared method kCTFontDescriptorMatchingTotalDownloadedSize as string
- shared method kCTFontDescriptorMatchingTotalAssetSize as string
- shared method kCTFontDescriptorMatchingError as string
- shared method Available as boolean
- shared method CreateWithAttributes(attributeValues as Dictionary) as CTFontDescriptorMBS
- shared method CreateWithNameAndSize(Name as string, Size as double = 0.0) as CTFontDescriptorMBS
- shared method CreateCopyWithFamily(orignal as CTFontDescriptorMBS, family as String) as CTFontDescriptorMBS
- shared method CreateCopyWithSymbolicTraits(orignal as CTFontDescriptorMBS, symTraitValue as Integer, symTraitMask as Integer) as CTFontDescriptorMBS
- class CTFontMBS
- method AdvancesForGlyphs(orientation as integer, glyphs() as integer, boundingRects() as CGSizeMBS) as double
- method AdvancesForGlyphs(orientation as integer, glyphs() as integer) as double
- method OpticalBoundsForGlyphs(glyphs() as integer, boundingRects() as CGRectMBS, options as integer = 0) as CGRectMBS
- method OpticalBoundsForGlyphs(glyphs() as integer, options as integer = 0) as CGRectMBS
- method BoundingRectsForGlyphs(orientation as integer, glyphs() as integer, boundingRects() as CGRectMBS) as CGRectMBS
- method BoundingRectsForGlyphs(orientation as integer, glyphs() as integer) as CGRectMBS
- method CreateCopyWithAttributes(size as double, Matrix as CGAffineTransformMBS, fontAttributes as CTFontDescriptorMBS) as CTFontMBS
- method CreateWithSymbolicTraits(size as double, Matrix as CGAffineTransformMBS, symTraitValue as integer, symTraitMask as integer) as CTFontMBS
- method CreateForString(text as string, location as integer, length as integer) as CTFontMBS
- method GlyphsForCharacters(characters() as integer) as Integer()
- method SupportedLanguages as String()
- method VerticalTranslationsForGlyphs(glyphs() as integer) as CGSizeMBS()
- method CreatePathForGlyph(glyph as integer, transform as CGAffineTransformMBS) as CGPathMBS
- method LigatureCaretPositions(glyph as integer) as double()
- method Draw(glyphs() as integer, positions() as CGPointMBS, context as CGContextMBS)
- method GraphicsFont(byref fontAttributes as CTFontDescriptorMBS) as CGFontMBS
- method PlatformFont(byref fontAttributes as CTFontDescriptorMBS) as Integer
- method DefaultCascadeListForLanguages(languagePrefList() as string) as String()
- method Table(table as string, options as integer) as Memoryblock
- method AvailableTables(options as integer) as String()
- method VariationAxes as Dictionary()
- method Features as Dictionary()
- method FeatureSettings as Dictionary()
- method CreateWithFamily(size as double, Matrix as CGAffineTransformMBS, family as string) as CTFontMBS
- method AttributeValue(key as string) as Variant
- method Name(nameKey as string) as String
- method Name(nameKey as string, byref language as string) as String
- method Constructor
- method GlyphWithName(name as string) as integer
- property File as FolderItem
- property URL as String
- property Ascent as Double
- property Descent as Double
- property Leading as Double
- property UnderlinePosition as Double
- property UnderlineThickness as Double
- property SlantAngle as Double
- property CapHeight as Double
- property XHeight as Double
- property Size as Double
- property PostScriptName as String
- property FamilyName as String
- property FullName as String
- property DisplayName as String
- property StringEncoding as UInt32
- property UnitsPerEm as UInt64
- property GlyphCount as Integer
- property FontDescriptor as CTFontDescriptorMBS
- property Matrix as CGAffineTransformMBS
- property SymbolicTraits as UInt32
- property Traits as Dictionary
- property CharacterSet as Variant
- property BoundingBox as CGRectMBS
- property Variation as Dictionary
- shared method CreateWithPlatformFont(ATSFontHandle as Integer, size as double = 0.0, matrix as CGAffineTransformMBS = nil, attributeValues as CTFontDescriptorMBS = nil) as CTFontMBS
- shared method CreateWithGraphicsFont(graphicsFont as CGFontMBS, size as double = 0.0, matrix as CGAffineTransformMBS = nil, attributeValues as CTFontDescriptorMBS = nil) as CTFontMBS
- shared method CreateUIFontForLanguage(Type as integer, size as double = 0.0, language as string = "") as CTFontMBS
- shared method CreateWithFontDescriptor(descriptor as CTFontDescriptorMBS, size as double = 0.0, matrix as CGAffineTransformMBS = nil, options as integer = 0) as CTFontMBS
- shared method CreateWithName(name as string, size as double = 0.0, matrix as CGAffineTransformMBS = nil, options as integer = 0) as CTFontMBS
- shared method Available as boolean
- shared method kCTFontCopyrightNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontFamilyNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontSubFamilyNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontStyleNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontUniqueNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontFullNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontVersionNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontPostScriptNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontTrademarkNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontManufacturerNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontDesignerNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontDescriptionNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontVendorURLNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontDesignerURLNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontLicenseNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontLicenseURLNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontSampleTextNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontPostScriptCIDNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontVariationAxisIdentifierKey as string
- shared method kCTFontVariationAxisMinimumValueKey as string
- shared method kCTFontVariationAxisMaximumValueKey as string
- shared method kCTFontVariationAxisDefaultValueKey as string
- shared method kCTFontVariationAxisNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontFeatureTypeIdentifierKey as string
- shared method kCTFontFeatureTypeNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontFeatureTypeExclusiveKey as string
- shared method kCTFontFeatureTypeSelectorsKey as string
- shared method kCTFontFeatureSelectorIdentifierKey as string
- shared method kCTFontFeatureSelectorNameKey as string
- shared method kCTFontFeatureSelectorDefaultKey as string
- shared method kCTFontFeatureSelectorSettingKey as string
- shared method kCTBaselineClassRoman as string
- shared method kCTBaselineClassIdeographicCentered as string
- shared method kCTBaselineClassIdeographicLow as string
- shared method kCTBaselineClassIdeographicHigh as string
- shared method kCTBaselineClassHanging as string
- shared method kCTBaselineClassMath as string
- shared method kCTBaselineReferenceFont as string
- shared method kCTBaselineOriginalFont as string
- class CTFrameMBS
- method LineOrigins(location as integer, length as integer) as CGPointMBS()
- method Constructor
- method Draw(context as CGContextMBS)
- method Lines as CTLineMBS()
- property FrameAttributes as Dictionary
- property Path as CGPathMBS
- property StringRangeLocation as Integer
- property StringRangeLength as Integer
- property VisibleStringRangeLocation as Integer
- property VisibleStringRangeLength as Integer
- shared method kCTFrameProgressionAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTFramePathFillRuleAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTFramePathWidthAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTFrameClippingPathsAttributeName as string
- shared method kCTFramePathClippingPathAttributeName as string
- shared method Available as boolean
- class CTFramesetterMBS
- method SuggestFrameSizeWithConstraints(location as integer, length as integer, frameAttributes as dictionary, constraints as CGSizeMBS, byref fitRangeLocation as integer, byref fitRangeLength as integer) as CGSizeMBS
- method CreateFrame(location as integer, length as integer, path as CGPathMBS, frameAttributes as dictionary = nil) as CTFrameMBS
- method Constructor
- property TypeSetter as CTTypesetterMBS
- shared method CreateWithAttributedString(s as CFAttributedStringMBS) as CTFramesetterMBS
- shared method Available as boolean
- class CTGlyphInfoMBS
- method Constructor
- property GlyphName as String
- property CharacterIdentifier as Integer
- property CharacterCollection as Integer
- shared method CreateWithCharacterIdentifier(cid as integer, collection as integer, baseString as string) as CTGlyphInfoMBS
- shared method CreateWithGlyph(glyph as integer, font as CTFontMBS, baseString as string) as CTGlyphInfoMBS
- shared method CreateWithGlyphName(glyphName as string, font as CTFontMBS, baseString as string) as CTGlyphInfoMBS
- shared method Available as boolean
- class CTLineMBS
- method TypographicBounds(byref ascent as double, byref descent as double, byref leading as double) as double
- method OffsetForStringIndex(charIndex as integer, byref secondaryOffset as double) as double
- method Bounds(options as integer = 0) as CGRectMBS
- method ImageBounds(context as CGContextMBS) as CGRectMBS
- method Draw(context as CGContextMBS)
- method Constructor
- method PenOffsetForFlush(flushFactor as double, flushWidth as double) as double
- method StringIndexForPosition(position as CGPointMBS) as integer
- method GlyphRuns as CTRunMBS()
- method CreateJustifiedLine(justificationFactor as double, justificationWidth as double) as CTLineMBS
- method CreateTruncatedLine(width as double, truncationType as integer, truncationToken as CTLineMBS = nil) as CTLineMBS
- property StringRangeLocation as Integer
- property StringRangeLength as Integer
- property GlyphCount as Integer
- property TrailingWhitespaceWidth as Double
- shared method Available as boolean
- shared method CreateWithAttributedString(s as CFAttributedStringMBS) as CTLineMBS
- class CTMutableFontCollectionMBS
- class CTParagraphStyleMBS
- method TabStops as CTTextTabMBS()
- method CreateCopy as CTParagraphStyleMBS
- method Constructor
- property LineBreakMode as Integer
- property BaseWritingDirection as Integer
- property LineBoundsOptions as Integer
- property LineSpacingAdjustment as Double
- property MinimumLineSpacing as Double
- property MaximumLineSpacing as Double
- property ParagraphSpacing as Double
- property ParagraphSpacingBefore as Double
- property MinimumLineHeight as Double
- property MaximumLineHeight as Double
- property LineHeightMultiple as Double
- property DefaultTabInterval as Double
- property TailIndent as Double
- property HeadIndent as Double
- property FirstLineHeadIndent as Double
- property Alignment as Integer
- shared method Create(settings() as CTParagraphStyleSettingMBS) as CTParagraphStyleMBS
- shared method Create as CTParagraphStyleMBS
- shared method CreateWithAlignment(Alignment as Integer) as CTParagraphStyleMBS
- shared method Available as boolean
- class CTParagraphStyleSettingMBS
- class CTRunDelegateMBS
- class CTRunMBS
- method Glyphs as Integer()
- method Positions as CGPointMBS()
- method Advances as CGSizeMBS()
- method StringIndices as Integer()
- method TypographicBounds(location as integer, length as integer, byref ascent as double, byref descent as double, byref leading as double) as double
- method ImageBounds(context as CGContextMBS, location as integer, length as integer) as CGRectMBS
- method Constructor
- method Draw(context as CGContextMBS, location as integer, length as integer = 0)
- property TextMatrix as CGAffineTransformMBS
- property GlyphCount as Integer
- property AttributeValues as Dictionary
- property Status as Integer
- property StringRangeLocation as Integer
- property StringRangeLength as Integer
- shared method Available as boolean
- class CTTextTabMBS
- method Constructor
- property Options as Dictionary
- property Location as Double
- property Alignment as Integer
- shared method Available as boolean
- shared method Create(alignment as integer, location as double, options as Dictionary = nil) as CTTextTabMBS
- shared method kCTTabColumnTerminatorsAttributeName as string
- class CTTypesetterMBS
- method CreateLine(location as integer, length as integer, offset as double = 0.0) as CTLineMBS
- method SuggestLineBreak(startIndex as integer, width as double) as Integer
- method SuggestLineBreak(startIndex as integer, width as double, offset as double) as Integer
- method SuggestClusterBreak(startIndex as integer, width as double) as Integer
- method SuggestClusterBreak(startIndex as integer, width as double, offset as double) as Integer
- method Constructor
- shared method kCTTypesetterOptionDisableBidiProcessing as string
- shared method kCTTypesetterOptionForcedEmbeddingLevel as string
- shared method CreateWithAttributedString(s as CFAttributedStringMBS) as CTTypesetterMBS
- shared method CreateWithAttributedString(s as CFAttributedStringMBS, options as dictionary) as CTTypesetterMBS
- shared method Available as boolean
Blog Entries
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 22.5pr1
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 22.2pr3
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 21.6pr1
- Removing 32-bit Carbon GUI classes
- Features to be removed
- MBS Xojo / Real Studio Plugins, version 15.1pr7
- MBS Xojo / Real Studio Plugins, version 15.0pr11
- MBS Xojo / Real Studio plug-ins in version 14.2
- MBS Xojo / Real Studio Plugins, version 14.2pr11
- CoreText Completed