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FAQ.How to get fonts to load in charts on Linux?

Answer: Please use the SetFontSearchPath method in the CDBaseChartMBS class to specify where your fonts are.
if TargetLinux then
CDBaseChartMBS.SetFontSearchPath "/usr/share/fonts/truetype;/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts"
// on Mac and Windows we use system fonts.
end if

// also you can later switch default fonts:

Var Chart as CDBaseChartMBS // your chart

#If TargetARM And TargetLinux Then
// use specific fonts on Linux on Raspberry Pi
Call Chart.setDefaultFonts("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/piboto/PibotoLt-Regular.ttf","/usr/share/fonts/truetype/piboto/PibotoLtBold.ttf","/usr/share/fonts/truetype/piboto/PibotoLtItalic.ttf","/usr/share/fonts/truetype/piboto/PibotoLtBoldItalic.ttf")

On macOS, iOS and Windows, the fonts are loaded from the system's font folder.

e.g. if you use ubuntu, you can install the ttf-mscorefonts-installer package and call this method with "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts" as the path. No backslash on the end of a path, please.

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