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/Util/BugreporterKit/BugReporter Console

You find this example project in your Plugins Download as a Xojo project file within the examples folder: /Util/BugreporterKit/BugReporter Console

This example is the version from Sat, 18th Aug 2023.

Project "BugReporter Console.xojo_binary_project"
Class App Inherits ConsoleApplication
EventHandler Function Run(args() as String) As Integer BugreporterConsole.init // cause exception dim d as Dictionary d.Value(nil) = nil End EventHandler
EventHandler Function UnhandledException(error As RuntimeException) As Boolean #Pragma StackOverflowChecking false Return BugreporterConsole.UnhandledException(error) End EventHandler
End Class
Class BugReporterHTTPSocket Inherits HTTPSocket
EventHandler Sub Connected() // print CurrentMethodName End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub Error(code as integer) if code=102 then // ignore elseif code=103 then print CurrentMethodName+": "+str(code) end if End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub PageReceived(url as string, httpStatus as integer, headers as internetHeaders, content as string) print content #Pragma Unused url #Pragma Unused httpStatus #Pragma Unused headers #Pragma Unused content End EventHandler
End Class
Module BugReporterConfiguration
Const AllowContinueAfterException = true
Const AutoSendBugreportAfterDelay = 60
Const ReportNetworkInterfaces = true
Const TextFileTypeName = "text"
Const kScriptURL = ""
Const kSupportEmail = ""
Const kUseAddressbookViaMBS = false
Const kUseAddressbookViaRS = false
Protected Function QueryApplicationState() As string #Pragma StackOverflowChecking false // return here any custom variables you may need for your bug report in one string Return "Just a test for the application state" End Function
End Module
Class MyGlobalExceptionHandlerMBS Inherits GlobalExceptionHandlerMBS
EventHandler Sub GotException() #Pragma StackOverflowChecking false dim BackTraceLines() as string #if mbs.BuildNumber>17662 and not TargetWin32 then // new in 13.0 plugins BackTraceLines = BacktraceMBS #endif #if TargetConsole BugReporterConsole.ShowExceptionReporter "C++ exception", BackTraceLines #else BugReporter.ShowExceptionReporter "C++ exception", BackTraceLines #endif // quit now without cleaning up the RB runtime which may crash again ExitMBS 1 End EventHandler
End Class
Class MySignalHandlerMBS Inherits SignalHandlerMBS
EventHandler Sub Signal(n as integer) #Pragma StackOverflowChecking false // Mac and Linux can have different signal numbers: #if TargetMacOS then dim c as string = "Signal "+str(n)+" on Mac OS X" #elseif TargetLinux then dim c as string = "Signal "+str(n)+" on Linux" #else dim c as string = "Signal "+str(n)+" on ?" #endif // restore system default if we crash again now for same signal call MySignalHandlerMBS.SetDefaultHandler n dim BackTraceLines() as string #if mbs.BuildNumber>17662 and not TargetWin32 then // new in 13.0 plugins BackTraceLines = BacktraceMBS #endif #if TargetConsole BugReporterConsole.ShowExceptionReporter c, BackTraceLines #else BugReporter.ShowExceptionReporter c, BackTraceLines #endif // quit now without cleaning up the RB runtime which may crash again ExitMBS 1 End EventHandler
End Class
Class MyWinExceptionMBS Inherits WinExceptionMBS
EventHandler Function GotException() As integer #Pragma StackOverflowChecking false dim BackTraceLines() as string #if TargetConsole BugReporterConsole.ShowExceptionReporter me.ExceptionName+" at "+hex(me.ExceptionAddress), BackTraceLines #else BugReporter.ShowExceptionReporter me.ExceptionName+" at "+hex(me.ExceptionAddress), BackTraceLines #endif // die silently Return kExecuteHandlerNoDialog End EventHandler
End Class
Class BugReporterConsole
Const kFailedToCreateTextFile = "Failed to create text file."
Const kReasonBugReport = "Please enter your bug report in this form:"
Const kReasonCrash = "This application crashed recently. You can send a bug report to us so we can fix it:"
Const kReasonException = "This application has produced an error. Please fill this form so we can locate the bug and fix it: "
Shared Sub CheckForCrashes() // call when your application has been launch // searches for existing crash reports #if TargetMachO then dim file as FolderItem dim folder as FolderItem dim i,c as integer // with MBS Plugins: folder=LogsFolderMBS(0) // without: 'folder=SpecialFolder.Library 'if folder=nil then Return 'folder=folder.Child("Logs") if folder=nil then Return folder=folder.Child("CrashReporter") if folder=nil then Return dim name as string = dim names(-1) as string dim files(-1) as FolderItem c=folder.Count for i=1 to c file=folder.TrueItem(i) if file<>Nil and file.Visible and file.Directory=False and left(file.Name,len(name))=name then names.Append files.append file end if next if UBound(names)<0 then Return names.SortWith files dim w as new BugReporterConsole 'w.SetClassificationBugReport w.Reason=kReasonCrash w.SetDetails nil,Files(UBound(files)) w.CheckSending w.ShowModal #endif End Sub
Private Sub CheckSending() #Pragma StackOverflowChecking false // do we have internet? // if we have a DNS server and we find 3 of 5 domains, we should be online dim n as integer dim ip as string ip=System.Network.LookupIPAddress("") if len(ip)>0 then n=n+1 ip=System.Network.LookupIPAddress("") if len(ip)>0 then n=n+1 ip=System.Network.LookupIPAddress("") if len(ip)>0 then n=n+1 ip=System.Network.LookupIPAddress("") if len(ip)>0 then n=n+1 ip=System.Network.LookupIPAddress("") if len(ip)>0 then n=n+1 // if DNS is okay, we certainly have internet access if n>=3 then HaveInternet=true 'SendButton.Caption=kSend else 'SendButton.Caption=kSave end if End Sub
Sub Constructor() #Pragma StackOverflowChecking false SharedInstance = self // keep us alive, so we can email.... sock = new BugReporterHTTPSocket End Sub
Private Function DateString(d as date) As string #Pragma StackOverflowChecking false // returns a date as a sql string if d=nil then Return "n/a" else Return d.SQLDateTime end if End Function
Private Sub DoSave(lines() as string) #Pragma StackOverflowChecking false dim t as TextOutputStream dim f as FolderItem f=GetFolderItem("Bugreport.txt") if f=nil then Return try t = TextOutputStream.Create(f) for each line as string in lines t.WriteLine line next t.Close catch i as IOException print kFailedToCreateTextFile Return end try Exception io as IOException // ignore End Sub
Private Sub DoSend(lines() as string) #Pragma StackOverflowChecking false dim s as string = Join(lines, EndOfLine) dim dic as new Dictionary dic.Value("text")=s dic.Value("reason")=ReasonText // if you have udpater engine, you can support proxies here: ' UpdaterEngine.SetSocketProxy(sock) sock.SetRequestContent "","" sock.SetFormData dic sock.Post(BugReporterConfiguration.kScriptURL) dim t as integer = ticks+5*60 while t>ticks sock.poll app.DoEvents 1 wend End Sub
Private Shared Function FormatMemory(d as Double) As string #Pragma StackOverflowChecking false if d<1500 then Return Format(d, "-0")+" Bytes" end if d = d / 1024.0 if d<1500 then Return Format(d, "-0")+" KB" end if d = d / 1024.0 Return Format(d, "-0")+" MB" End Function
Private Function GetEmail() As String #Pragma StackOverflowChecking false if EmailAddress<>"" then Return EmailAddress end if // Mac OS X 10.8 shows a dialog to ask if Addressbook access is okay. // We try to avoid the dialog #if BugReporterConfiguration.kUseAddressbookViaMBS #if TargetMacOS then if ABAddressBookMBS.GotSharedAddressbook or not SystemInformationMBS.isMountainLion then dim a as ABAddressBookMBS = ABAddressBookMBS.sharedAddressbook dim p as ABPersonMBS = a.owner dim m as ABMultiValueMBS = p.valueForProperty(a.kABEmailProperty) if m<>nil then dim v as Variant = m.valueForIdentifier(m.primaryIdentifier) return v end if end if #endif #elseif BugReporterConfiguration.kUseAddressbookViaRS if not SystemInformationMBS.isMountainLion then dim a as AddressBook = System.AddressBook dim p as AddressBookContact = a.CurrentUser return p.EmailAddresses.Operator_Convert end if #endif Exception // ignore End Function
Private Shared Function GetExceptionName(error as RuntimeException) As string #Pragma StackOverflowChecking false Return GetObjectClassName(error) End Function
Private Shared Function GetObjectClassName(o as Object) As string #Pragma StackOverflowChecking false dim t as Introspection.TypeInfo = Introspection.GetType(o) if t<>Nil then Return t.FullName end if End Function
Private Function MakeReport() As string() dim lines(-1) as string dim i,c as integer dim b as string dim ilines(-1) as string lines.Append "Reason: "+Reason lines.Append "Name: "+SystemInformationMBS.Username lines.Append "Company: "+CompanyName lines.Append "Email: "+GetEmail lines.Append "Computer: "+SystemInformationMBS.ComputerName lines.Append "Product: "+DefineEncoding(app.LongVersion,Encodings.UTF8) lines.Append "" // Details lines.Append "Details:" b=ReplaceLineEndings(iDetails,EndOfLine) ilines=split(b,EndOfLine) c=UBound(ilines) for i=0 to c lines.Append ilines(i) next lines.Append "" // fix encoding c=UBound(lines) for i=0 to c if lines(i).Encoding = nil then lines(i) = ConvertEncoding(lines(i),encodings.UTF8) end if next Return lines End Function
Shared Sub SetCompanyName(theCompanyName as string, ReadOnly as Boolean = false) CompanyName=theCompanyName CompanyNameReadOnly=ReadOnly End Sub
Shared Sub SetCustomData(data as string) CustomData=data End Sub
Private Sub SetDetails(error as RuntimeException = nil, crashreport as FolderItem = nil) #Pragma StackOverflowChecking false dim lines(-1) as string dim e as FolderItem=app.ExecutableFile dim n as NetworkInterface dim i as integer dim s as string // current date/time lines.Append log(ReasonText) lines.Append log lines.Append log("Current date: "+DateString(new date)) lines.Append log // about executable file (so you can identify it exactly) if e<>nil then lines.Append log("Executable Name: "+e.Name) lines.Append Log("Executable Path: "+e.NativePath) lines.Append log("Executable Size: "+Format(e.Length,"0")) lines.Append log("Executable Modification Date: "+DateString(e.ModificationDate)) lines.Append log("Executable Creation Date: "+DateString(e.CreationDate)) lines.Append log end if // version details: lines.Append log("Version: "+str(app.MajorVersion)+"."+str(app.MinorVersion)+"."+str(app.BugVersion)+"."+str(app.NonReleaseVersion)) lines.Append Log("Long Version: "+app.LongVersion) lines.Append log("Short Version: "+app.ShortVersion) lines.Append log("Package Info: "+app.PackageInfo) lines.Append log // system information: dim d as Double = Runtime.MemoryUsed if d<0 then // workaround for older bug d = d + 2^32 end if lines.Append log("User name: "+SystemInformationMBS.Username) lines.Append log("Computer name: "+SystemInformationMBS.Computername) lines.Append log("OS Name: "+SystemInformationMBS.OSName) lines.Append log("OS Version: "+SystemInformationMBS.OSVersionString) lines.Append log("ProcessorCount: "+str(SystemInformationMBS.ProcessorCount)) lines.Append log("CommandLine: "+System.CommandLine) lines.Append log("PhysicalRAM: "+FormatMemory(SystemInformationMBS.PhysicalRAM)) lines.Append log("Runtime.MemoryUsed: "+FormatMemory(d)) lines.Append log("Runtime.ObjectCount: "+str(Runtime.ObjectCount)) lines.Append log dim LowMemory as Boolean = false #if TargetMacOS then // check how much memory is currently in usage by application dim u as DarwinResourceUsageMBS = GetDarwinResourceUsageMBS dim v as DarwinVMStatisticsMBS = GetDarwinVMStatisticsMBS dim t as new DarwinTaskInfoMBS dim Pagesize as Double = v.Pagesize lines.Append Log("Application Resident Size: "+FormatMemory(t.ResidentSize)) lines.Append log("Application Virtual Size: "+FormatMemory(t.VirtualSize)) lines.Append log("Application Integral Max Resident Size: "+FormatMemory(u.IntegralMaxResidentSetSize)) lines.Append log("Application Page Ins: "+str(t.PageIns)) lines.Append log("Computer Free Memory: "+FormatMemory(Pagesize*v.FreePages)) lines.Append log("Computer Inactive Memory: "+FormatMemory(Pagesize*v.InactivePages)) lines.Append log("Computer Active Memory: "+FormatMemory(Pagesize*v.ActivePages)) lines.Append log("Computer Wired Memory: "+FormatMemory(Pagesize*v.WiredPages)) lines.Append log("Computer Total Free Memory: "+FormatMemory(Pagesize*(v.InactivePages+v.FreePages))) lines.Append log("Computer Total Used Memory: "+FormatMemory(Pagesize*(v.ActivePages+v.WiredPages))) d = u.IntegralMaxResidentSetSize if d > 2.0*1024*1024*1024 then LowMemory = true end if #endif #if TargetWin32 then dim p as new WindowsProcessMemoryInfoMBS dim v as new WindowsVMStatisticsMBS dim Pagesize as Double = v.Pagesize lines.Append log("Available Page File Memory: "+FormatMemory(v.AvailablePageFileMemory)) lines.Append log("Available Physical Memory: "+FormatMemory(v.AvailablePhysicalMemory)) lines.Append log("Available Virtual Memory: "+FormatMemory(v.AvailableVirtualMemory)) lines.Append log("Memoryload: "+Format(v.Memoryload/100,"0%")) lines.Append log("Total Page File Memory: "+FormatMemory(v.TotalPageFileMemory)) lines.Append log("Total Physical Memory: "+FormatMemory(v.TotalPhysicalMemory)) lines.Append log("Total Virtual Memory: "+FormatMemory(v.TotalVirtualMemory)) lines.Append log("Page Fault Count: "+str(p.PageFaultCount)) lines.Append log("Peak Working Set Size: "+FormatMemory(p.PeakWorkingSetSize)) lines.Append log("Working Set Size: "+FormatMemory(p.WorkingSetSize)) lines.Append log("Quota Peak Paged Pool Usage: "+FormatMemory(p.QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage)) lines.Append log("Quota Paged Pool Usage: "+FormatMemory(p.QuotaPagedPoolUsage)) lines.Append log("Quota Peak Non Paged Pool Usage: "+FormatMemory(p.QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage)) lines.Append log("Quota Non Paged Pool Usage: "+FormatMemory(p.QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage)) lines.Append log("Pagefile Usage: "+FormatMemory(p.PagefileUsage)) lines.Append log("Peak Pagefile Usage: "+FormatMemory(p.PeakPagefileUsage)) d = p.WorkingSetSize if d > 1024.0*1024.0*1024.0 then LowMemory = true end if #endif #if TargetLinux then dim p as new LinuxSysInfoMBS if p.Valid then lines.Append log("Total Memory: "+FormatMemory(p.TotalRam)) lines.Append log("Free Memory: "+FormatMemory(p.FreeRam)) lines.Append log("Number of processes: "+FormatMemory(p.NumberOfProcesses)) lines.Append log("Number of processors: "+FormatMemory(p.NumberOfProcessors)) lines.Append log("UpTime: "+str(p.upTime)) end if #endif if LowMemory then lines.Append log lines.Append log("This may be a crash due to heavy memory usage!") end if lines.Append log if BugReporterConfiguration.ReportNetworkInterfaces then lines.Append log("Network Interfaces:") for i = 0 to System.NetworkInterfaceCount - 1 n = System.GetNetworkInterface(i) lines.Append log(n.IPAddress+"/"+n.SubnetMask+", "+n.MACAddress) next lines.Append log end if // exception details: if error<>Nil then dim type as string = GetExceptionName(Error) lines.Append log("Exception Type: "+type) 'iSubject.text="Unhandled "+type lines.Append log("Message: "+error.Message) lines.Append log("Error Number: "+str(error.ErrorNumber)) lines.Append log lines.Append log("Xojo Backtrace:") for each line as string in error.Stack lines.Append log(line) next lines.Append log end if if crashreport<>Nil then lines.Append "Crashreport: "+crashreport.Name try dim ti as TextInputStream = while not ti.eof s=Ti.ReadLine(encodings.ASCII) lines.Append s wend ti.Close catch io as IOException // ignore end try crashreport.Delete // so we won't send it again end if dim data as string = BugReporterConfiguration.QueryApplicationState if data<>"" then lines.Append log(data) lines.Append log end if if CustomData<>"" then lines.Append log(customdata) lines.Append log end if if UBound(BackTraceLines)>=0 then lines.Append "System Backtrace:" for each line as string in BackTraceLines lines.Append line next lines.Append "" end if lines.Append "" lines.Append "" lines.Append LastJSON lines.Append "" iDetails=Join(lines,EndOfLine) End Sub
Shared Sub SetEmailAddress(theEmailAddress as string, ReadOnly as Boolean = false) EmailAddress=theEmailAddress EmailAddressReadOnly=ReadOnly End Sub
Shared Sub ShowExceptionReporter(exceptionname as string, BackTraceLines() as string) #Pragma StackOverflowChecking false // shows a bug report dialog for a windows exception dim w as new BugReporterConsole dim e as RuntimeException = nil buf=nil // release memory if UBound(BackTraceLines) < 0 then // Raise Exception so we have a stack trace in case we have no backtrace try dim re as new RuntimeException re.Message = "Dummy Exception to get stack trace." raise re catch r as RuntimeException e = r end try end if w.BackTraceLines = BackTraceLines 'w.SetClassificationBugReport w.ReasonText = exceptionname w.Reason = kReasonException+exceptionname w.SetDetails e w.CheckSending w.ShowModal End Sub
Private Sub ShowModal() #Pragma StackOverflowChecking false // we can't show window, so save and send dim lines(-1) as string = MakeReport doSave lines doSend lines End Sub
Shared Function UnhandledException(error as RuntimeException) As Boolean #Pragma StackOverflowChecking false // shows bug report dialog for unhandled exceptions static Inside as Boolean = False if inside then Return false Inside = true buf=nil // release memory dim ExceptionName as string = GetExceptionName(error) print ExceptionName print error.message dim w as new BugReporterConsole w.ReasonText = ExceptionName 'w.SetClassificationBugReport w.Reason=kReasonException+" "+ExceptionName w.SetDetails error w.CheckSending w.ShowModal Inside = false Return true End Function
Shared Sub init() // Initialize the bugreporter, register your MBS Plugins before calling this! // We store a memoryblock with 1 MB so we can release that buffer when the error happens // this is to have enough memory for displaying the dialog if the error was caused because of low memory buf=New MemoryBlock(1024*1024) #if TargetWin32 then // Windows static MyWinException as new MyWinExceptionMBS #else // Mac or Linux static MySignalHandler as new MySignalHandlerMBS const SIGILL=4 const SIGTRAP=5 const SIGABRT=6 const SIGFPE=8 const SIGKILL=9 const SIGBUS=10 const SIGSEGV=11 const SIGALRM=14 // Alarm const SIGTERM=15 call MySignalHandler.SetEventHandler SIGILL call MySignalHandler.SetEventHandler SIGTRAP call MySignalHandler.SetEventHandler SIGABRT // if we disable this one we can't use AbortMBS in the signal handler call MySignalHandler.SetEventHandler SIGFPE call MySignalHandler.SetEventHandler SIGKILL call MySignalHandler.SetEventHandler SIGBUS call MySignalHandler.SetEventHandler SIGSEGV call MySignalHandler.SetEventHandler SIGTERM call MySignalHandler.SetEventHandler SIGALRM #endif static MyGlobalExceptionHandler as new MyGlobalExceptionHandlerMBS #Pragma unused MyGlobalExceptionHandler // call once to initialize dim r as new RuntimeException call GetObjectClassName(r) End Sub
Private Function log(s as string = "") As string // as app may crash getting details we copy them to the console print s Return s End Function
Shared Sub showBugReport() // shows bug report so customer can enter his own bug dim w as new BugReporterConsole w.SetDetails w.Reason=kReasonBugReport 'w.SetClassificationBugReport w.CheckSending w.ShowModal End Sub
Property Private BackTraceLines() As string
Property Private Shared CompanyName As String
Property Private Shared CompanyNameReadOnly As Boolean
Property Private Shared CustomData As string
Property Private Shared EmailAddress As string
Property Private Shared EmailAddressReadonly As Boolean
Property Private HaveInternet As Boolean
Property Shared LastJSON As String
Property Protected Reason As string
Property Private ReasonText As string
Property Private SharedInstance As BugReporterConsole
Property Private Shared buf As MemoryBlock
Property Private iDetails As string
Property Private sock As BugReporterHTTPSocket
End Class
End Project

See also:

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