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FMDataMBS class
Super class: FMConnectionMBS
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
class | Claris FileMaker Data API | MBS FMAPI Plugin | 20.4 | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | All |
Our plugin does re-login if the session expired as well as login if needed.
For use with Claris Server or FileMaker Server.
Subclass of the FMConnectionMBS class.
- 4 properties
- property Database as String
- property Layout as String
- property OAuthIdentifier as String
- property OAuthRequestId as String
- 20 methods
- method Constructor
- method CreateRecord(request as FMRequestMBS) as FMResponseMBS
- method DatabaseNames as FMResponseMBS
- method DeleteRecord(request as FMRequestMBS = nil, recordId as String) as FMResponseMBS
- method DuplicateRecord(request as FMRequestMBS = nil, recordId as String) as FMResponseMBS
- method EditRecord(request as FMRequestMBS = nil, recordId as String) as FMResponseMBS
- method ExecuteScript(scriptName as String, scriptParam as String = "") as FMResponseMBS
- method FindRecords(request as FMRequestMBS = nil, query as String) as FMResponseMBS
- method GetRecord(request as FMRequestMBS = nil, recordId as String) as FMResponseMBS
- method GetRecords(request as FMRequestMBS = nil) as FMResponseMBS
- method LayoutMetadata(recordId as String) as FMResponseMBS
- method LayoutNames as FMResponseMBS
- method Login as FMResponseMBS
- method Login(dataSources() as FMDataSourceMBS) as FMResponseMBS
- method Logout as FMResponseMBS
- method ProductInfo as FMResponseMBS
- method ScriptNames as FMResponseMBS
- method SetGlobalFields(globalFields as Dictionary) as FMResponseMBS
- method UploadToContainerField(Upload as FMContainerUploadMBS) as FMResponseMBS
- method ValidateSession as FMResponseMBS
Super class FMConnectionMBS
- 7 properties
- shared property IncludeDataInDebugMessages as Boolean
- 4 methods
- method Constructor Private
- method Login as FMResponseMBS
- method Logout as FMResponseMBS
- method SendRequest(HTTPMethod as String, Query as String, Body as String = "") as FMResponseMBS Private
This class has no sub classes.
Some examples using this class:
Blog Entries
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 24.2pr4
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 22.3pr2
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 21.6pr4
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 20.4
- Connect to Claris FileMaker Server from Xojo via Data API
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 20.4
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 20.4pr7
Xojo Developer Magazine
Release notes
- Version 24.2
- Fixed problem passing limit and offset in GetRecords functions in FMDataMBS class.
- Version 22.3
- Fixed a problem in Logout method for FMDataMBS class.
- Version 22.0
- Fixed a problem with FindRecords in FMDataMBS class not working.
- Version 20.4
- Added classes to connect to Claris FileMaker Server Data and Admin API from Xojo: FMConnectionMBS, FMResponseMBS, FMRequestMBS, FMDataSourceMBS, FMDataMBS, FMContainerUploadMBS, FMAdminMBS classes.
The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS FMAPI Plugin.
FMContainerUploadMBS - FMDataSourceMBS