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The plugin part MBS Win Plugin:WIA:
Partly Console safe, 211 entry points.
- class WIADataCallbackMBS
- class WIADataTransferInfoMBS
- class WIADataTransferMBS
- method GetDataPath(DataCallback as WIADataCallbackMBS) as string
- method GetDataFile(DataCallback as WIADataCallbackMBS) as folderitem
- method GetBandedData(DataTransInfo as WIADataTransferInfoMBS, DataCallback as WIADataCallbackMBS)
- method GetExtendedTransferInfo as WIAExtendedTransferInfoMBS
- method QueryGetData as WIAFormatInfoMBS
- method EnumerateFormatInfo as WIAFormatInfoEnumeratorMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- class WIADeviceCapabilitiesEnumeratorMBS
- class WIADeviceCapabilitiesMBS
- class WIADeviceInfoEnumeratorMBS
- class WIADeviceManager1MBS
- method SelectDeviceDialogID(parentWindow as window, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer) as string
- method SelectDeviceDialogID(parentWindowHandle as integer, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer) as string
- method SelectDeviceDialog(parentWindow as window, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer, byref DeviceID as string) as WIAItemMBS
- method SelectDeviceDialog(parentWindow as window, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer) as WIAItemMBS
- method SelectDeviceDialog(parentWindowHandle as integer, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer, byref DeviceID as string) as WIAItemMBS
- method SelectDeviceDialog(parentWindowHandle as integer, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer) as WIAItemMBS
- method CreateDevice(DeviceID as string) as WIAItemMBS
- method Constructor
- method EnumDeviceInfo(flags as integer = &h10) as WIADeviceInfoEnumeratorMBS
- method GetImageDialog(parentWindow as window, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer, Intent as integer, file as folderitem, rootitem as WIAItemMBS=nil)
- method GetImageDialog(parentWindowHandle as integer, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer, Intent as integer, file as folderitem, rootitem as WIAItemMBS=nil)
- method GetImageDialog(parentWindow as DesktopWindow, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer, Intent as integer, file as folderitem, rootitem as WIAItemMBS=nil)
- method SelectDeviceDialogID(parentWindow as DesktopWindow, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer) as string
- method SelectDeviceDialog(parentWindow as DesktopWindow, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer, byref DeviceID as string) as WIAItemMBS
- method SelectDeviceDialog(parentWindow as DesktopWindow, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer) as WIAItemMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- class WIADeviceManager2MBS
- method SelectDeviceDialogID(parentWindow as window, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer) as string
- method SelectDeviceDialogID(parentWindowHandle as integer, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer) as string
- method SelectDeviceDialog(parentWindow as window, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer, byref DeviceID as string) as WIAItemMBS
- method SelectDeviceDialog(parentWindow as window, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer) as WIAItemMBS
- method SelectDeviceDialog(parentWindowHandle as integer, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer, byref DeviceID as string) as WIAItemMBS
- method SelectDeviceDialog(parentWindowHandle as integer, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer) as WIAItemMBS
- method CreateDevice(DeviceID as string) as WIAItemMBS
- method Constructor
- method EnumDeviceInfo(flags as integer = &h10) as WIADeviceInfoEnumeratorMBS
- method GetImageDialog(Flags as integer, DeviceID as string, parentWindow as window, FolderName as String, Filename as String, byref item as WIAItemMBS) as string()
- method GetImageDialog(Flags as integer, DeviceID as string, parentWindowHandle as integer, FolderName as String, Filename as String, byref item as WIAItemMBS) as string()
- method SelectDeviceDialogID(parentWindow as DesktopWindow, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer) as string
- method SelectDeviceDialog(parentWindow as DesktopWindow, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer, byref DeviceID as string) as WIAItemMBS
- method SelectDeviceDialog(parentWindow as DesktopWindow, DeviceType as integer, Flags as integer) as WIAItemMBS
- method GetImageDialog(Flags as integer, DeviceID as string, parentWindow as DesktopWindow, FolderName as String, Filename as String, byref item as WIAItemMBS) as string()
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- class WIAExtendedTransferInfoMBS
- class WIAFormatInfoEnumeratorMBS
- class WIAFormatInfoMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(value1 as integer, value2 as integer, value3 as integer, value4 as integer, value5 as integer, value6 as integer, value7 as integer, value8 as integer, value9 as integer, value10 as integer, value11 as integer, value12 as integer, value13 as integer, value14 as integer, value15 as integer, value16 as integer)
- method DisplayString as string
- method Equal(other as WIAGUIDMBS) as boolean
- property Data as string
- property Byte(index as integer) as integer
- shared method Parse(GUID as String) as WIAGUIDMBS
- class WIAItemEnumeratorMBS
- class WIAItemMBS
- method DataTransfer as WIADataTransferMBS
- method DeviceDialog(Win as window, Flags as integer, Intent as integer) as WIAItemMBS()
- method DeviceDialog(WindowHandle as integer, Flags as integer, Intent as integer) as WIAItemMBS()
- method ItemCategory as WIAGUIDMBS
- method Transfer as WIATransferMBS
- method DeviceDialog(Flags as integer, Win as window, FolderName as string, Filename as string, paths() as string, items() as WIAItemMBS)
- method DeviceDialog(Flags as integer, WindowHandle as integer, FolderName as string, Filename as string, paths() as string, items() as WIAItemMBS)
- method DeviceCommand(command as WIAGUIDMBS) as WIAItemMBS
- method CreateChildItem(ItemFlags as integer, CreationFlags as integer, ItemName as string, FullItemName as string) as WIAItemMBS
- method DeleteItem
- method AnalyzeItem
- method FindItemByName(name as string) as WIAItemMBS
- method RootItem as WIAItemMBS
- method ParentItem as WIAItemMBS
- method ItemType as integer
- method PropertyStorage as WIAPropertyStorageMBS
- method EnumerateChildItems(CategoryGUID as WIAGUIDMBS=nil) as WIAItemEnumeratorMBS
- method EnumerateDeviceCapabilities(Flags as integer) as WIADeviceCapabilitiesEnumeratorMBS
- method DeviceDialog(Win as DesktopWindow, Flags as integer, Intent as integer) as WIAItemMBS()
- method DeviceDialog(Flags as integer, Win as DesktopWindow, FolderName as string, Filename as string, paths() as string, items() as WIAItemMBS)
- property Handle as Integer
- property Handle1 as Integer
- property Handle2 as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- shared method kCommandSynchronize as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kCommandTakePicture as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kCommandDeleteAllItems as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kCommandChangeDocument as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kCommandUnloadDocument as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kCommandDiagnostic as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kCategoryFinishedFile as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kCategoryFlatbed as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kCategoryFeeder as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kCategoryFilm as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kCategoryRoot as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kCategoryFolder as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kCategoryFeederFront as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kCategoryFeederBack as WIAGUIDMBS
- class WIAPropertyEnumeratorMBS
- class WIAPropertyMBS
- class WIAPropertyStorageMBS
- method Write(p as WIAPropertyMBS, value as variant)
- method Write(name as string, value as variant, id as integer = 0)
- method Write(id as integer, value as variant)
- method Read(name as string) as variant
- method Read(id as integer) as variant
- method Read(p as WIAPropertyMBS) as variant
- method Delete(name as string)
- method Delete(id as integer)
- method DeletePropertyName(id as integer)
- method WritePropertyName(id as integer, name as string)
- method ReadPropertyName(id as integer) as string
- method Count as integer
- method Commit(flags as integer)
- method Revert
- method Enumerate as WIAPropertyEnumeratorMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- shared method kImageFormatUndefined as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatRawRGB as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatMemoryBMP as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatBMP as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatEMF as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatWMF as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatJPEG as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatPNG as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatGIF as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatTIFF as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatEXIF as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatPhotoCD as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatFlashPix as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatICO as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatCIFF as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatPICT as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatJPEG2K as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatJPEG2KX as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatRTF as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatXML as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatHTML as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatTXT as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatMPG as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatAVI as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatASF as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatScript as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatExec as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatUnicode16 as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kImageFormatDPOF as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kAudioFormatWAV as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kAudioFormatMP3 as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kAudioFormatAIFF as WIAGUIDMBS
- shared method kAudioFormatWMA as WIAGUIDMBS
- class WIAStreamMBS
- method Constructor(mode as integer, path as string)
- method Constructor(mode as integer, file as folderitem)
- method SetSize(size as UInt64)
- method Clone as WIAStreamMBS
- method Revert
- method Commit(flags as integer)
- method Seek(value as Int64, Origin as integer) as UInt64
- method CopyTo(other as WIAStreamMBS, length as UInt64)
- method CopyTo(other as WIAStreamMBS, length as UInt64, byref ReadSize as UInt64, byref WriteSize as UInt64)
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
- class WIATransferCallbackMBS
- class WIATransferMBS
- class WIATransferParamsMBS
- class WIAVideoMBS
- method Constructor
- method CreateVideoByDevNum(DeviceNumber as integer, win as window, StretchToFitParent as boolean, AutoBeginPlayback as boolean)
- method CreateVideoByDevNum(DeviceNumber as integer, WindowHandle as integer, StretchToFitParent as boolean, AutoBeginPlayback as boolean)
- method CreateVideoByName(FriendlyName as string, win as window, StretchToFitParent as boolean, AutoBeginPlayback as boolean)
- method CreateVideoByName(FriendlyName as string, WindowHandle as integer, StretchToFitParent as boolean, AutoBeginPlayback as boolean)
- method CreateVideoByWiaDevID(WiaDeviceID as string, win as window, StretchToFitParent as boolean, AutoBeginPlayback as boolean)
- method CreateVideoByWiaDevID(WiaDeviceID as string, WindowHandle as integer, StretchToFitParent as boolean, AutoBeginPlayback as boolean)
- method CurrentState as integer
- method ResizeVideo(StretchToFitParent as boolean)
- method TakePicture as string
- method TakePicture as folderitem
- method Pause
- method Play
- method DestroyVideo
- method CreateVideoByDevNum(DeviceNumber as integer, win as DesktopWindow, StretchToFitParent as boolean, AutoBeginPlayback as boolean)
- method CreateVideoByName(FriendlyName as string, win as DesktopWindow, StretchToFitParent as boolean, AutoBeginPlayback as boolean)
- method CreateVideoByWiaDevID(WiaDeviceID as string, win as DesktopWindow, StretchToFitParent as boolean, AutoBeginPlayback as boolean)
- property PreviewVisible as boolean
- property ImagesDirectory as string
- property ImagesFolder as folderitem
- property Handle as Integer
- property Lasterror as Integer
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