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The plugin part MBS Mac64bit Plugin:SceneKit:
Not Console safe, 1201 entry points.
- class SCNAccelerationConstraintMBS
- class SCNActionMBS
- method reversedAction as SCNActionMBS
- method copy as SCNActionMBS
- method Constructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property duration as Double
- property speed as Double
- property timingMode as Integer
- shared method javaScriptActionWithScript(script as string, duration as double) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method rotateToAxisAngle(axisAngle as SCNVector4MBS, duration as double) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method rotateByAngle(angle as double, axis as SCNVector3MBS, duration as double) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method rotateTo(xAngle as double, yAngle as double, zAngle as double, duration as double, shortestUnitArc as boolean) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method rotateTo(xAngle as double, yAngle as double, zAngle as double, duration as double) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method rotateBy(xAngle as double, yAngle as double, zAngle as double, duration as double) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method moveTo(location as SCNVector3MBS, duration as double) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method moveBy(delta as SCNVector3MBS, duration as double) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method moveBy(deltaX as double, deltaY as double, deltaZ as double, duration as double) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method group(actions() as SCNActionMBS) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method sequence(actions() as SCNActionMBS) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method repeatAction(action as SCNActionMBS, count as integer) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method scaleTo(scale as double, duration as double) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method scaleBy(scale as double, duration as double) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method fadeOpacityTo(opacity as double, duration as double) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method fadeOpacityBy(factor as double, duration as double) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method repeatActionForever(action as SCNActionMBS) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method wait(duration as double) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method fadeIn(duration as double) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method fadeOut(duration as double) as SCNActionMBS
- shared method unhide as SCNActionMBS
- shared method hide as SCNActionMBS
- shared method removeFromParentNode as SCNActionMBS
- shared method runBlock(del as SCNActionRunBlockMBS, tag as variant = nil) as SCNActionMBS
- class SCNAudioPlayerMBS
- method Constructor(audioSource as SCNAudioSourceMBS)
- property Handle as Integer
- property audioNode as Variant
- property audioSource as SCNAudioSourceMBS
- shared method audioPlayerWithAVAudioNode(audioNode as Variant) as SCNAudioPlayerMBS
- shared method audioPlayerWithSource(audioSource as SCNAudioSourceMBS) as SCNAudioPlayerMBS
- event WillStartPlayback
- event DidFinishPlayback
- class SCNAudioSourceMBS
- method copy as SCNAudioSourceMBS
- method Constructor(URL as String)
- method Constructor(File as FolderItem)
- method Load
- property Handle as Integer
- property Volume as Single
- property Rate as Single
- property ReverbBlend as Single
- property Positional as Boolean
- property Loops as Boolean
- property ShouldStream as Boolean
- shared method audioSourceNamed(Name as String) as SCNAudioSourceMBS
- class SCNAvoidOccluderConstraintMBS
- class SCNBillboardConstraintMBS
- class SCNBoxMBS
- method Constructor(width as double, height as double, length as double, chamferRadius as double)
- property width as Double
- property height as Double
- property length as Double
- property chamferRadius as Double
- property widthSegmentCount as Integer
- property heightSegmentCount as Integer
- property lengthSegmentCount as Integer
- property chamferSegmentCount as Integer
- shared method box(width as double, height as double, length as double, chamferRadius as double) as SCNBoxMBS
- class SCNCameraControllerMBS
- method Constructor
- method clearRoll
- method stopInertia
- method dollyToTarget(delta as double)
- method rollAroundTarget(delta as double)
- method translateInCameraSpace(x as double, y as double, z as double)
- method rotate(deltaX as double, deltaY as double)
- property Handle as Integer
- property pointOfView as SCNNodeMBS
- property automaticTarget as Boolean
- property inertiaEnabled as Boolean
- property inertiaRunning as Boolean
- property inertiaFriction as Double
- property maximumHorizontalAngle as Double
- property maximumVerticalAngle as Double
- property minimumHorizontalAngle as Double
- property minimumVerticalAngle as Double
- property target as SCNVector3MBS
- property worldUp as SCNVector3MBS
- class SCNCameraMBS
- method copy as SCNCameraMBS
- method Constructor
- property colorGrading as SCNMaterialPropertyMBS
- property projectionTransform as SCNMatrix4MBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property Name as String
- property FieldOfView as Double
- property FocalLength as Double
- property SensorHeight as Double
- property zFar as Double
- property zNear as Double
- property orthographicScale as Double
- property ProjectionDirection as Integer
- property FocalBlurSampleCount as Integer
- property ApertureBladeCount as Integer
- property AutomaticallyAdjustsZRange as Boolean
- property UsesOrthographicProjection as Boolean
- property WantsDepthOfField as Boolean
- property WantsHDR as Boolean
- property WantsExposureAdaptation as Boolean
- property averageGray as Double
- property bloomBlurRadius as Double
- property bloomIntensity as Double
- property bloomThreshold as Double
- property colorFringeIntensity as Double
- property colorFringeStrength as Double
- property contrast as Double
- property exposureAdaptationBrighteningSpeedFactor as Double
- property exposureAdaptationDarkeningSpeedFactor as Double
- property exposureOffset as Double
- property focusDistance as Double
- property fStop as Double
- property maximumExposure as Double
- property minimumExposure as Double
- property motionBlurIntensity as Double
- property saturation as Double
- property screenSpaceAmbientOcclusionBias as Double
- property screenSpaceAmbientOcclusionDepthThreshold as Double
- property screenSpaceAmbientOcclusionIntensity as Double
- property screenSpaceAmbientOcclusionNormalThreshold as Double
- property screenSpaceAmbientOcclusionRadius as Double
- property vignettingIntensity as Double
- property vignettingPower as Double
- property whitePoint as Double
- shared method camera as SCNCameraMBS
- class SCNCapsuleMBS
- method Constructor(capRadius as double, height as double)
- property height as Double
- property capRadius as Double
- property radialSegmentCount as Integer
- property heightSegmentCount as Integer
- property capSegmentCount as Integer
- shared method capsule(capRadius as double, height as double) as SCNCapsuleMBS
- class SCNConeMBS
- method Constructor(topRadius as double, bottomRadius as double, height as double)
- property height as Double
- property topRadius as Double
- property bottomRadius as Double
- property radialSegmentCount as Integer
- property heightSegmentCount as Integer
- shared method cone(topRadius as double, bottomRadius as double, height as double) as SCNConeMBS
- class SCNConstraintMBS
- class SCNCylinderMBS
- class SCNDistanceConstraintMBS
- class SCNFloorMBS
- method Constructor
- property reflectivity as Double
- property reflectionFalloffStart as Double
- property reflectionFalloffEnd as Double
- property width as Double
- property length as Double
- property reflectionResolutionScaleFactor as Double
- property reflectionCategoryBitMask as Integer
- shared method floor as SCNFloorMBS
- class SCNGeometryElementMBS
- method Constructor(data as MemoryBlock, PrimitiveType as Integer, primitiveCount as Integer, bytesPerIndex as Integer)
- property Handle as Integer
- property Data as MemoryBlock
- property primitiveCount as Integer
- property bytesPerIndex as Integer
- property pointSize as Double
- property minimumPointScreenSpaceRadius as Double
- property maximumPointScreenSpaceRadius as Double
- property primitiveType as Integer
- property primitiveRange as NSRangeMBS
- shared method geometryElementWithData(data as MemoryBlock, PrimitiveType as Integer, primitiveCount as Integer, bytesPerIndex as Integer) as SCNGeometryElementMBS
- class SCNGeometryMBS
- method geometryElementAtIndex(index as Integer) as SCNGeometryElementMBS
- method copy as SCNGeometryMBS
- method Constructor
- method setMaterials(materials() as SCNMaterialMBS)
- method materials as SCNMaterialMBS()
- method materialWithName(name as string) as SCNMaterialMBS
- method removeMaterial(Index as Integer)
- method insertMaterial(Material as SCNMaterialMBS, Index as Integer)
- method replaceMaterial(Index as Integer, Material as SCNMaterialMBS)
- method geometrySources as SCNGeometrySourceMBS()
- method geometrySourcesForSemantic(semantic as String) as SCNGeometrySourceMBS()
- method geometryElements as SCNGeometryElementMBS()
- method levelsOfDetail as SCNLevelOfDetailMBS()
- method setLevelsOfDetail(LevelsOfDetails() as SCNLevelOfDetailMBS = nil)
- property Handle as Integer
- property Name as String
- property firstMaterial as SCNMaterialMBS
- property geometryElementCount as Integer
- property subdivisionLevel as Integer
- property wantsAdaptiveSubdivision as Boolean
- property tessellator as SCNGeometryTessellatorMBS
- property edgeCreasesElement as SCNGeometryElementMBS
- property edgeCreasesSource as SCNGeometrySourceMBS
- property shaderModifiers as Dictionary
- shared method geometry as SCNGeometryMBS
- shared method geometryWithSources(sources() as SCNGeometrySourceMBS, elements() as SCNGeometryElementMBS) as SCNGeometryMBS
- class SCNGeometrySourceMBS
- method Constructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property Data as MemoryBlock
- property semantic as String
- property vectorCount as Integer
- property floatComponents as Boolean
- property componentsPerVector as Integer
- property bytesPerComponent as Integer
- property dataOffset as Integer
- property dataStride as Integer
- shared method geometrySourceWithData(data as MemoryBlock, Semantic as String, vectorCount as Integer, floatComponents as boolean, componentsPerVector as Integer, bytesPerComponent as Integer, dataOffset as Integer, dataStride as Integer) as SCNGeometrySourceMBS
- shared method geometrySourceWithNormals(texcoord() as CGPointMBS) as SCNGeometrySourceMBS
- shared method geometrySourceWithNormals(Normals() as SCNVector3MBS) as SCNGeometrySourceMBS
- shared method geometrySourceWithVertices(vertices() as SCNVector3MBS) as SCNGeometrySourceMBS
- shared method SCNGeometrySourceSemanticVertex as String
- shared method SCNGeometrySourceSemanticNormal as String
- shared method SCNGeometrySourceSemanticColor as String
- shared method SCNGeometrySourceSemanticTexcoord as String
- shared method SCNGeometrySourceSemanticTangent as String
- shared method SCNGeometrySourceSemanticVertexCrease as String
- shared method SCNGeometrySourceSemanticEdgeCrease as String
- shared method SCNGeometrySourceSemanticBoneWeights as String
- shared method SCNGeometrySourceSemanticBoneIndices as String
- class SCNGeometryTessellatorMBS
- method copy as SCNGeometryTessellatorMBS
- method Constructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property tessellationFactorScale as Double
- property Adaptive as Boolean
- property ScreenSpace as Boolean
- property edgeTessellationFactor as Double
- property insideTessellationFactor as Double
- property maximumEdgeLength as Double
- property tessellationPartitionMode as Integer
- property smoothingMode as Integer
- class SCNHitTestResultMBS
- method Constructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property node as SCNNodeMBS
- property boneNode as SCNNodeMBS
- property localCoordinates as SCNVector3MBS
- property worldCoordinates as SCNVector3MBS
- property localNormal as SCNVector3MBS
- property worldNormal as SCNVector3MBS
- property modelTransform as SCNMatrix4MBS
- property geometryIndex as Integer
- property faceIndex as Integer
- shared method SCNHitTestClipToZRangeKey as String
- shared method SCNHitTestBackFaceCullingKey as String
- shared method SCNHitTestBoundingBoxOnlyKey as String
- shared method SCNHitTestIgnoreChildNodesKey as String
- shared method SCNHitTestRootNodeKey as String
- shared method SCNHitTestIgnoreHiddenNodesKey as String
- shared method SCNHitTestOptionCategoryBitMask as String
- shared method SCNHitTestOptionSearchMode as String
- class SCNIKConstraintMBS
- class SCNLevelOfDetailMBS
- method copy as SCNLevelOfDetailMBS
- method Constructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property screenSpaceRadius as Double
- property worldSpaceDistance as Double
- property geometry as SCNGeometryMBS
- shared method levelOfDetailWithGeometryAndScreenSpaceRadius(geo as SCNGeometryMBS, screenSpaceRadius as Double) as SCNLevelOfDetailMBS
- shared method levelOfDetailWithGeometryAndWorldSpaceDistance(geo as SCNGeometryMBS, worldSpaceDistance as Double) as SCNLevelOfDetailMBS
- class SCNLightMBS
- method copy as SCNLightMBS
- method Constructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property Name as String
- property Type as String
- property Color as NSColorMBS
- property shadowColor as NSColorMBS
- property Temperature as Double
- property Intensity as Double
- property ShadowRadius as Double
- property ShadowBias as Double
- property ShadowCascadeSplittingFactor as Double
- property OrthographicScale as Double
- property zNear as Double
- property zFar as Double
- property CastsShadow as Boolean
- property automaticallyAdjustsShadowProjection as Boolean
- property ForcesBackFaceCasters as Boolean
- property SampleDistributedShadowMaps as Boolean
- property ShadowSampleCount as Integer
- property ShadowMode as Integer
- property ShadowCascadeCount as Integer
- property maximumShadowDistance as Double
- property attenuationStartDistance as Double
- property attenuationEndDistance as Double
- property attenuationFalloffExponent as Double
- property spotInnerAngle as Double
- property spotOuterAngle as Double
- property gobo as SCNMaterialPropertyMBS
- shared method light as SCNLightMBS
- shared method SCNLightTypeAmbient as String
- shared method SCNLightTypeOmni as String
- shared method SCNLightTypeDirectional as String
- shared method SCNLightTypeSpot as String
- shared method SCNLightTypeIES as String
- shared method SCNLightTypeProbe as String
- class SCNLookAtConstraintMBS
- method Constructor(target as SCNNodeMBS)
- property targetOffset as SCNVector3MBS
- property localFront as SCNVector3MBS
- property worldUp as SCNVector3MBS
- property gimbalLockEnabled as Boolean
- property target as SCNNodeMBS
- shared method lookAtConstraintWithTarget(target as SCNNodeMBS) as SCNLookAtConstraintMBS
- class SCNMaterialMBS
- method copy as SCNMaterialMBS
- method Constructor
- property fresnelExponent as Double
- property shininess as Double
- property transparency as Double
- property lightingModelName as String
- property name as String
- property diffuse as SCNMaterialPropertyMBS
- property ambient as SCNMaterialPropertyMBS
- property specular as SCNMaterialPropertyMBS
- property emission as SCNMaterialPropertyMBS
- property transparent as SCNMaterialPropertyMBS
- property reflective as SCNMaterialPropertyMBS
- property multiply as SCNMaterialPropertyMBS
- property normal as SCNMaterialPropertyMBS
- property displacement as SCNMaterialPropertyMBS
- property ambientOcclusion as SCNMaterialPropertyMBS
- property selfIllumination as SCNMaterialPropertyMBS
- property metalness as SCNMaterialPropertyMBS
- property roughness as SCNMaterialPropertyMBS
- property locksAmbientWithDiffuse as Boolean
- property readsFromDepthBuffer as Boolean
- property writesToDepthBuffer as Boolean
- property LitPerPixel as Boolean
- property DoubleSided as Boolean
- property fillMode as Integer
- property cullMode as Integer
- property transparencyMode as Integer
- property blendMode as Integer
- property colorBufferWriteMask as Integer
- property Handle as Integer
- property shaderModifiers as Dictionary
- shared method SCNLightingModelPhong as string
- shared method SCNLightingModelBlinn as string
- shared method SCNLightingModelLambert as string
- shared method SCNLightingModelConstant as string
- shared method SCNLightingModelPhysicallyBased as string
- shared method material as SCNMaterialMBS
- class SCNMaterialPropertyMBS
- method Constructor(content as Variant)
- property contentsTransform as SCNMatrix4MBS
- property intensity as Double
- property maxAnisotropy as Double
- property minificationFilter as Integer
- property magnificationFilter as Integer
- property mipFilter as Integer
- property contents as Variant
- property wrapS as Integer
- property wrapT as Integer
- property borderColor as NSColorMBS
- property mappingChannel as Integer
- shared method materialPropertyWithContents(content as Variant) as SCNMaterialPropertyMBS
- shared method materialPropertyWithImage(image as NSImageMBS) as SCNMaterialPropertyMBS
- shared method materialPropertyWithColor(color as NSColorMBS) as SCNMaterialPropertyMBS
- shared method materialPropertyWithLayer(layer as CALayerMBS) as SCNMaterialPropertyMBS
- shared method materialPropertyWithPicture(picture as Picture) as SCNMaterialPropertyMBS
- class SCNMatrix4MBS
- method equals(other as SCNMatrix4MBS) as boolean
- method copy as SCNMatrix4MBS
- method Constructor
- method Translate(tx as double, ty as double, tz as double) as SCNMatrix4MBS
- method Scale(sx as double, sy as double, sz as double) as SCNMatrix4MBS
- method Rotate(angle as double, sx as double, sy as double, sz as double) as SCNMatrix4MBS
- method Invert as SCNMatrix4MBS
- method Multiply(other as SCNMatrix4MBS) as SCNMatrix4MBS
- property m11 as Double
- property m12 as Double
- property m13 as Double
- property m14 as Double
- property m21 as Double
- property m22 as Double
- property m23 as Double
- property m24 as Double
- property m31 as Double
- property m32 as Double
- property m33 as Double
- property m34 as Double
- property m41 as Double
- property m42 as Double
- property m43 as Double
- property m44 as Double
- property IsIdentity as Boolean
- shared method Null as SCNMatrix4MBS
- shared method Identity as SCNMatrix4MBS
- shared method Translation(tx as double, ty as double, tz as double) as SCNMatrix4MBS
- shared method Scaling(sx as double, sy as double, sz as double) as SCNMatrix4MBS
- shared method Rotation(angle as double, x as double, y as double, z as double) as SCNMatrix4MBS
- class SCNNodeMBS
- method clearGeometry
- method hitTestWithSegment(PointA as SCNVector3MBS, PointB as SCNVector3MBS, Options as Dictionary = nil) as SCNHitTestResultMBS()
- method setConstraints(constraints() as SCNConstraintMBS)
- method constraints as SCNConstraintMBS()
- method rotateBy(worldRotation as SCNVector4MBS, worldTarget as SCNVector3MBS)
- method localRotateBy(rotation as SCNVector4MBS)
- method localTranslateBy(translation as SCNVector3MBS)
- method lookAt(worldTarget as SCNVector3MBS, worldUp as SCNVector3MBS, localFront as SCNVector3MBS)
- method lookAt(worldTarget as SCNVector3MBS)
- method convertTransformFromNode(position as SCNMatrix4MBS, node as SCNNodeMBS) as SCNMatrix4MBS
- method convertTransformToNode(position as SCNMatrix4MBS, node as SCNNodeMBS) as SCNMatrix4MBS
- method convertVectorFromNode(position as SCNVector3MBS, node as SCNNodeMBS) as SCNVector3MBS
- method convertVectorToNode(position as SCNVector3MBS, node as SCNNodeMBS) as SCNVector3MBS
- method convertPositionFromNode(position as SCNVector3MBS, node as SCNNodeMBS) as SCNVector3MBS
- method convertPositionToNode(position as SCNVector3MBS, node as SCNNodeMBS) as SCNVector3MBS
- method flattenedClone as SCNNodeMBS
- method clone as SCNNodeMBS
- method copy as SCNNodeMBS
- method childNodeWithName(Name as String, recursively as Boolean = false) as SCNNodeMBS
- method insertChildNode(newNode as SCNNodeMBS, atIndex as Integer)
- method replaceChildNode(oldNode as SCNNodeMBS, newNode as SCNNodeMBS)
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(geometry as SCNGeometryMBS)
- method removeFromParentNode
- method addChildNode(node as SCNNodeMBS)
- method childNodes as SCNNodeMBS()
- method addAudioPlayer(player as SCNAudioPlayerMBS)
- method removeAudioPlayer(player as SCNAudioPlayerMBS)
- method removeAllAudioPlayers
- method audioPlayers as SCNAudioPlayerMBS()
- method removeAllActions
- method runAction(action as SCNActionMBS)
- method runAction(action as SCNActionMBS, key as string)
- method runAction(action as SCNActionMBS, key as string, del as SCNNodeRunActionCompletedMBS, tag as variant = nil)
- method runAction(action as SCNActionMBS, del as SCNNodeRunActionCompletedMBS, tag as variant = nil)
- property categoryBitMask as Integer
- property focusBehavior as Integer
- property pivot as SCNMatrix4MBS
- property worldOrientation as SCNVector4MBS
- property orientation as SCNVector4MBS
- property worldTransform as SCNMatrix4MBS
- property transform as SCNMatrix4MBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property Name as String
- property Hidden as Boolean
- property Opacity as Double
- property RenderingOrder as Integer
- property movabilityHint as Integer
- property CastsShadow as Boolean
- property ParentNode as SCNNodeMBS
- property PresentationNode as SCNNodeMBS
- property Paused as Boolean
- property Light as SCNLightMBS
- property Geometry as SCNGeometryMBS
- property Camera as SCNCameraMBS
- property Scale as SCNVector3MBS
- property EulerAngles as SCNVector3MBS
- property Position as SCNVector3MBS
- property WorldPosition as SCNVector3MBS
- property Rotation as SCNVector4MBS
- property WorldUp as SCNVector3MBS
- property WorldRight as SCNVector3MBS
- property WorldFront as SCNVector3MBS
- property physicsBody as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS
- property physicsField as SCNPhysicsFieldMBS
- shared method nodeWithGeometry(geometry as SCNGeometryMBS) as SCNNodeMBS
- shared method node as SCNNodeMBS
- shared method SCNModelTransform as String
- shared method SCNViewTransform as String
- shared method SCNProjectionTransform as String
- shared method SCNNormalTransform as String
- shared method SCNModelViewTransform as String
- shared method SCNModelViewProjectionTransform as String
- shared property localUp as SCNVector3MBS
- shared property localRight as SCNVector3MBS
- shared property localFront as SCNVector3MBS
- class SCNPhysicsBallSocketJointMBS
- method Constructor(body as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS, anchor as SCNVector3MBS)
- method Constructor(bodyA as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS, anchorA as SCNVector3MBS, bodyB as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS, anchorB as SCNVector3MBS)
- property bodyA as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS
- property bodyB as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS
- property anchorA as SCNVector3MBS
- property anchorB as SCNVector3MBS
- shared method jointWithBody(body as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS, anchor as SCNVector3MBS) as SCNPhysicsBallSocketJointMBS
- shared method jointWithBody(bodyA as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS, anchorA as SCNVector3MBS, bodyB as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS, anchorB as SCNVector3MBS) as SCNPhysicsBallSocketJointMBS
- class SCNPhysicsBehaviorMBS
- class SCNPhysicsBodyMBS
- method copy as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS
- method Constructor(type as Integer, shape as SCNPhysicsShapeMBS)
- method resetTransform
- method clearAllForces
- method applyForce(direction as SCNVector3MBS, impulse as Boolean)
- method applyForce(direction as SCNVector3MBS, atPosition as SCNVector3MBS, impulse as Boolean)
- method applyTorque(torque as SCNVector4MBS, impulse as Boolean)
- property Handle as Integer
- property physicsShape as SCNPhysicsShapeMBS
- property type as Integer
- property mass as Double
- property charge as Double
- property friction as Double
- property restitution as Double
- property rollingFriction as Double
- property damping as Double
- property angularDamping as Double
- property allowsResting as Boolean
- property usesDefaultMomentOfInertia as Boolean
- property isResting as Boolean
- property AffectedByGravity as Boolean
- property contactTestBitMask as Integer
- property collisionBitMask as Integer
- property categoryBitMask as Integer
- property momentOfInertia as SCNVector3MBS
- property velocity as SCNVector3MBS
- property angularVelocity as SCNVector4MBS
- property velocityFactor as SCNVector3MBS
- property angularVelocityFactor as SCNVector3MBS
- shared method body(type as Integer, shape as SCNPhysicsShapeMBS) as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS
- shared method staticBody as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS
- shared method dynamicBody as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS
- shared method kinematicBody as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS
- class SCNPhysicsConeTwistJointMBS
- method Constructor(body as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS, frame as SCNMatrix4MBS)
- method Constructor(bodyA as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS, frameA as SCNMatrix4MBS, bodyB as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS, frameB as SCNMatrix4MBS)
- property bodyA as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS
- property bodyB as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS
- property frameA as SCNVector3MBS
- property frameB as SCNVector3MBS
- property maximumAngularLimit1 as Double
- property maximumAngularLimit2 as Double
- property maximumTwistAngle as Double
- shared method jointWithBody(body as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS, frame as SCNMatrix4MBS) as SCNPhysicsConeTwistJointMBS
- shared method jointWithBody(bodyA as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS, frameA as SCNMatrix4MBS, bodyB as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS, frameB as SCNMatrix4MBS) as SCNPhysicsConeTwistJointMBS
- class SCNPhysicsContactMBS
- class SCNPhysicsFieldMBS
- method copy as SCNPhysicsFieldMBS
- method Constructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property strength as Double
- property falloffExponent as Double
- property minimumDistance as Double
- property usesEllipsoidalExtent as Boolean
- property Active as Boolean
- property Exclusive as Boolean
- property Scope as Integer
- property CategoryBitMask as Integer
- property halfExtent as SCNVector3MBS
- property offset as SCNVector3MBS
- property direction as SCNVector3MBS
- shared method dragField as SCNPhysicsFieldMBS
- shared method vortexField as SCNPhysicsFieldMBS
- shared method radialGravityField as SCNPhysicsFieldMBS
- shared method linearGravityField as SCNPhysicsFieldMBS
- shared method springField as SCNPhysicsFieldMBS
- shared method electricField as SCNPhysicsFieldMBS
- shared method magneticField as SCNPhysicsFieldMBS
- shared method noiseField(smoothness as double, animationSpeed as double) as SCNPhysicsFieldMBS
- shared method turbulenceField(smoothness as double, animationSpeed as double) as SCNPhysicsFieldMBS
- shared method customField(FieldForceEvaluator as SCNFieldForceEvaluatorMBS, tag as variant = nil) as SCNPhysicsFieldMBS
- class SCNPhysicsHingeJointMBS
- method Constructor(body as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS, axis as SCNVector3MBS, anchor as SCNVector3MBS)
- method Constructor(bodyA as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS, axisA as SCNVector3MBS, anchorA as SCNVector3MBS, bodyB as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS, axisB as SCNVector3MBS, anchorB as SCNVector3MBS)
- property bodyA as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS
- property bodyB as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS
- property anchorA as SCNVector3MBS
- property anchorB as SCNVector3MBS
- property axisA as SCNVector3MBS
- property axisB as SCNVector3MBS
- shared method jointWithBody(body as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS, axis as SCNVector3MBS, anchor as SCNVector3MBS) as SCNPhysicsHingeJointMBS
- shared method jointWithBody(bodyA as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS, axisA as SCNVector3MBS, anchorA as SCNVector3MBS, bodyB as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS, axisB as SCNVector3MBS, anchorB as SCNVector3MBS) as SCNPhysicsHingeJointMBS
- class SCNPhysicsShapeMBS
- method sourceObject as Variant
- method copy as SCNPhysicsShapeMBS
- method Constructor(node as SCNNodeMBS, Options as Dictionary = nil)
- method Constructor(geometry as SCNGeometryMBS, Options as Dictionary = nil)
- method transforms as SCNMatrix4MBS()
- property Handle as Integer
- property options as Dictionary
- shared method shapeWithNode(node as SCNNodeMBS, Options as Dictionary = nil) as SCNPhysicsShapeMBS
- shared method shapeWithGeometry(geometry as SCNGeometryMBS, Options as Dictionary = nil) as SCNPhysicsShapeMBS
- shared method shapeWithShapes(shapes() as SCNPhysicsShapeMBS, transforms() as SCNMatrix4MBS = nil) as SCNPhysicsShapeMBS
- shared method SCNPhysicsShapeTypeKey as String
- shared method SCNPhysicsShapeKeepAsCompoundKey as String
- shared method SCNPhysicsShapeScaleKey as String
- shared method SCNPhysicsShapeOptionCollisionMargin as String
- shared method SCNPhysicsShapeTypeBoundingBox as String
- shared method SCNPhysicsShapeTypeConvexHull as String
- shared method SCNPhysicsShapeTypeConcavePolyhedron as String
- class SCNPhysicsSliderJointMBS
- method Constructor(body as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS, axis as SCNVector3MBS, anchor as SCNVector3MBS)
- method Constructor(bodyA as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS, axisA as SCNVector3MBS, anchorA as SCNVector3MBS, bodyB as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS, axisB as SCNVector3MBS, anchorB as SCNVector3MBS)
- property bodyA as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS
- property bodyB as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS
- property anchorA as SCNVector3MBS
- property anchorB as SCNVector3MBS
- property axisA as SCNVector3MBS
- property axisB as SCNVector3MBS
- property minimumLinearLimit as Double
- property maximumLinearLimit as Double
- property minimumAngularLimit as Double
- property maximumAngularLimit as Double
- property motorTargetLinearVelocity as Double
- property motorMaximumForce as Double
- property motorTargetAngularVelocity as Double
- property motorMaximumTorque as Double
- shared method jointWithBody(body as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS, axis as SCNVector3MBS, anchor as SCNVector3MBS) as SCNPhysicsSliderJointMBS
- shared method jointWithBody(bodyA as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS, axisA as SCNVector3MBS, anchorA as SCNVector3MBS, bodyB as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS, axisB as SCNVector3MBS, anchorB as SCNVector3MBS) as SCNPhysicsSliderJointMBS
- class SCNPhysicsVehicleMBS
- method Constructor(chassisBody as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS, wheels() as SCNPhysicsVehicleWheelMBS)
- method wheels as SCNPhysicsVehicleWheelMBS()
- method applyEngineForce(value as double, index as Integer)
- method setSteeringAngle(value as double, index as Integer)
- method applyBrakingForce(value as double, index as Integer)
- property chassisBody as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS
- property speedInKilometersPerHour as Double
- shared method vehicleWithChassisBody(chassisBody as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS, wheels() as SCNPhysicsVehicleWheelMBS) as SCNPhysicsVehicleMBS
- class SCNPhysicsVehicleWheelMBS
- method copy as SCNPhysicsVehicleWheelMBS
- method Constructor(node as SCNNodeMBS)
- property Handle as Integer
- property Node as SCNNodeMBS
- property SuspensionStiffness as Double
- property SuspensionCompression as Double
- property SuspensionDamping as Double
- property MaximumSuspensionTravel as Double
- property FrictionSlip as Double
- property MaximumSuspensionForce as Double
- property Radius as Double
- property SuspensionRestLength as Double
- property ConnectionPosition as SCNVector3MBS
- property SteeringAxis as SCNVector3MBS
- property Axle as SCNVector3MBS
- shared method wheelWithNode(node as SCNNodeMBS) as SCNPhysicsVehicleWheelMBS
- class SCNPhysicsWorldMBS
- method Constructor(fireContactEvents as Boolean = false)
- method EnableContactsEvents
- method updateCollisionPairs
- method removeAllBehaviors
- method addBehavior(behavior as SCNPhysicsBehaviorMBS)
- method removeBehavior(behavior as SCNPhysicsBehaviorMBS)
- method allBehaviors as SCNPhysicsBehaviorMBS()
- method rayTestWithSegment(origin as SCNVector3MBS, dest as SCNVector3MBS, options as Dictionary = nil) as SCNPhysicsBehaviorMBS()
- method contactTest(bodyA as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS, bodyB as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS, options as Dictionary = nil) as SCNPhysicsContactMBS()
- method contactTest(body as SCNPhysicsBodyMBS, options as Dictionary = nil) as SCNPhysicsContactMBS()
- method convexSweepTest(shape as SCNPhysicsShapeMBS, fromTransform as SCNMatrix4MBS, toTransform as SCNMatrix4MBS, options as Dictionary = nil) as SCNPhysicsContactMBS()
- property Handle as Integer
- property speed as Double
- property timeStep as Double
- property gravity as SCNVector3MBS
- shared method SCNPhysicsTestCollisionBitMaskKey as String
- shared method SCNPhysicsTestSearchModeKey as String
- shared method SCNPhysicsTestBackfaceCullingKey as String
- shared method SCNPhysicsTestSearchModeAny as String
- shared method SCNPhysicsTestSearchModeClosest as String
- shared method SCNPhysicsTestSearchModeAll as String
- event didBeginContact(contact as SCNPhysicsContactMBS)
- event didUpdateContact(contact as SCNPhysicsContactMBS)
- event didEndContact(contact as SCNPhysicsContactMBS)
- class SCNPlaneMBS
- method Constructor(Width as Double, Height as Double)
- property width as Double
- property height as Double
- property cornerRadius as Double
- property widthSegmentCount as Integer
- property heightSegmentCount as Integer
- property cornerSegmentCount as Integer
- shared method plane(Width as Double, Height as Double) as SCNPlaneMBS
- class SCNPyramidMBS
- method Constructor(width as double, height as double, length as double)
- property width as Double
- property height as Double
- property length as Double
- property widthSegmentCount as Integer
- property heightSegmentCount as Integer
- property lengthSegmentCount as Integer
- shared method pyramid(width as double, height as double, length as double) as SCNPyramidMBS
- class SCNReplicatorConstraintMBS
- method Constructor(target as SCNNodeMBS)
- property orientationOffset as SCNVector4MBS
- property positionOffset as SCNVector3MBS
- property scaleOffset as SCNVector3MBS
- property target as SCNNodeMBS
- property replicatesOrientation as Boolean
- property replicatesPosition as Boolean
- property replicatesScale as Boolean
- shared method replicatorConstraintWithTarget(target as SCNNodeMBS) as SCNReplicatorConstraintMBS
- class SCNSceneMBS
- method Constructor
- property attributeForKey(key as String) as Variant
- property fogStartDistance as Double
- property fogEndDistance as Double
- property fogDensityExponent as Double
- property fogColor as NSColorMBS
- property paused as Boolean
- property rootNode as SCNNodeMBS
- property background as SCNMaterialPropertyMBS
- property lightingEnvironment as SCNMaterialPropertyMBS
- property physicsWorld as SCNPhysicsWorldMBS
- shared method SCNSceneStartTimeAttributeKey as String
- shared method SCNSceneEndTimeAttributeKey as String
- shared method SCNSceneFrameRateAttributeKey as String
- shared method SCNSceneUpAxisAttributeKey as String
- shared method SCNSceneExportDestinationURL as String
- shared method scene as SCNSceneMBS
- shared method sceneNamed(name as string) as SCNSceneMBS
- shared method sceneNamed(name as string, folder as folderItem, options as Dictionary = nil) as SCNSceneMBS
- shared method sceneWithFile(file as folderItem, options as Dictionary = nil, byref Error as NSErrorMBS) as SCNSceneMBS
- shared method sceneWithURL(FileURL as string, options as Dictionary = nil, byref Error as NSErrorMBS) as SCNSceneMBS
- class SCNShapeMBS
- method Constructor(path as NSBezierPathMBS, extrusionDepth as double)
- property extrusionDepth as Double
- property chamferRadius as Double
- property chamferMode as Integer
- property path as NSBezierPathMBS
- property chamferProfile as NSBezierPathMBS
- shared method shape(path as NSBezierPathMBS, extrusionDepth as double) as SCNShapeMBS
- class SCNSliderConstraintMBS
- class SCNSphereMBS
- class SCNTextMBS
- method Constructor(text as string, extrusionDepth as double)
- property extrusionDepth as Double
- property chamferRadius as Double
- property flatness as Double
- property Wrapped as Boolean
- property font as NSFontMBS
- property chamferProfile as NSBezierPathMBS
- property chamferSegmentCount as Integer
- property alignmentMode as String
- property truncationMode as String
- property text as String
- property attributedString as NSAttributedStringMBS
- property textSize as CGSizeMBS
- property containerFrame as CGRectMBS
- shared method text(text as string, extrusionDepth as double) as SCNTextMBS
- class SCNTorusMBS
- class SCNTransformConstraintMBS
- class SCNTubeMBS
- method Constructor(InnerRadius as double, outerRadius as double, height as double)
- property height as Double
- property outerRadius as Double
- property innerRadius as Double
- property radialSegmentCount as Integer
- property heightSegmentCount as Integer
- shared method tube(InnerRadius as double, outerRadius as double, height as double) as SCNTubeMBS
- class SCNVector3MBS
- method equals(other as SCNVector3MBS) as boolean
- method copy as SCNVector3MBS
- method Constructor(x as double = 0.0, y as double = 0.0, z as double = 0.0)
- property x as Double
- property y as Double
- property z as Double
- shared method Vector(x as double, y as double, z as double) as SCNVector3MBS
- shared method Null as SCNVector3MBS
- class SCNVector4MBS
- method equals(other as SCNVector4MBS) as boolean
- method copy as SCNVector4MBS
- method Constructor(x as double = 0.0, y as double = 0.0, z as double = 0.0, w as double = 0.0)
- property x as Double
- property y as Double
- property z as Double
- property w as Double
- shared method Vector(x as double, y as double, z as double, w as double) as SCNVector4MBS
- shared method Null as SCNVector4MBS
- class SCNViewMBS
- method Constructor
- method Constructor(Handle as Integer)
- method Constructor(left as double, top as double, width as double, height as double)
- method snapshot as NSImageMBS
- method play
- method pause
- method stop
- method hitTest(Point as CGPointMBS, Options as Dictionary = nil) as SCNHitTestResultMBS()
- method isNodeInsideFrustum(node as SCNNodeMBS, pointOfView as SCNNodeMBS) as Boolean
- method nodesInsideFrustumWithPointOfView(pointOfView as SCNNodeMBS) as SCNNodeMBS()
- method projectPoint(Point as SCNVector3MBS) as SCNVector3MBS
- method unprojectPoint(Point as SCNVector3MBS) as SCNVector3MBS
- property allowsCameraControl as Boolean
- property rendersContinuously as Boolean
- property backgroundColor as NSColorMBS
- property preferredFramesPerSecond as Integer
- property debugOptions as Integer
- property defaultCameraController as SCNCameraControllerMBS
- property scene as SCNSceneMBS
- property Playing as Boolean
- property loops as Boolean
- property pointOfView as SCNNodeMBS
- property autoenablesDefaultLighting as Boolean
- property jitteringEnabled as Boolean
- property showsStatistics as Boolean
- property sceneTime as Double
- property audioListener as SCNNodeMBS
- property renderingAPI as Integer
- shared property PreferredRenderingAPI as Integer
- shared property PreferLowPowerDevice as Integer
- control DesktopSCNControlMBS
- property View as SCNViewMBS
- event FocusReceived
- event FocusLost
- event FrameChanged
- event BoundsChanged
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event MenuBarSelected
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as double)
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer)
- event rendererUpdate(time as double)
- event rendererDidApplyAnimations(time as double)
- event rendererDidSimulatePhysics(time as double)
- event rendererDidApplyConstraints(time as double)
- event rendererWillRenderScene(scene as SCNSceneMBS, time as double)
- event rendererDidRenderScene(scene as SCNSceneMBS, time as double)
- control SCNControlMBS
- property View as SCNViewMBS
- event GotFocus
- event LostFocus
- event FrameChanged
- event BoundsChanged
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event EnableMenuItems
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as double)
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer)
- event rendererUpdate(time as double)
- event rendererDidApplyAnimations(time as double)
- event rendererDidSimulatePhysics(time as double)
- event rendererDidApplyConstraints(time as double)
- event rendererWillRenderScene(scene as SCNSceneMBS, time as double)
- event rendererDidRenderScene(scene as SCNSceneMBS, time as double)
- control SCNIOSControlMBS
- property View as SCNViewMBS
- event GotFocus
- event LostFocus
- event rendererUpdate(time as double)
- event rendererDidApplyAnimations(time as double)
- event rendererDidSimulatePhysics(time as double)
- event rendererDidApplyConstraints(time as double)
- event rendererWillRenderScene(scene as SCNSceneMBS, time as double)
- event rendererDidRenderScene(scene as SCNSceneMBS, time as double)
- event touchesBegan(e as NSEventMBS, touches() as NSTouchMBS) as boolean
- event touchesMoved(e as NSEventMBS, touches() as NSTouchMBS) as boolean
- event touchesEnded(e as NSEventMBS, touches() as NSTouchMBS) as boolean
- event touchesCancelled(e as NSEventMBS, touches() as NSTouchMBS) as boolean
Blog Entries
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 24.4
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 23.5
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 22.3
- MBS Xojo Plugins in version 22.3
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 22.1
- MBS Xojo Plugin, June 2021 News
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 21.0
- Three new controls for iOS in Xojo
- 70000 functions for Xojo
- XDC 2020 SceneKit Presentation
- MBS Plugin Installation on macOS
- MBS Xojo Videos - SceneKit @ European XDC 2019
- XDC 2020 SceneKit Presentation
- XDC 2020 MBS Plugins Presentation
- Presentation from Xojo Developer Conference 2019 in Miami.
- MBS Xojo Videos - MBS Xojo Plugin, June 2021 News
Xojo Developer Magazine
- 22.6, page 10: News
- 22.1, page 9: News
- 19.6, pages 45 to 50: Rotating Christmas Tree, Using the MBS Plugins to create an animated 3D Christmas tree by Stefanie Juchmes
- 18.4, page 53: On the Scene Again (Part 3), Getting Started with SceneKit by Stefanie Juchmes
- 18.4, pages 48 to 51: On the Scene Again (Part 3), Getting Started with SceneKit by Stefanie Juchmes
- 18.4, pages 41 to 46: On the Scene Again (Part 3), Getting Started with SceneKit by Stefanie Juchmes
- 18.4, page 39: On the Scene Again (Part 3), Getting Started with SceneKit by Stefanie Juchmes
- 18.2, pages 36 to 42: On the Scene Again (Part 2), Getting Started with SceneKit by Stefanie Juchmes
- 18.1, page 37: On the Scene, Getting Started with SceneKit by Stefanie Juchmes
- 18.1, page 35: On the Scene, Getting Started with SceneKit by Stefanie Juchmes