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The plugin part MBS Mac64bit Plugin:Photos:
Not Console safe, 470 entry points.
- class PHAdjustmentDataMBS
- class PHAssetChangeRequestMBS
- method Constructor
- method revertAssetContentToOriginal
- property Hidden as Boolean
- property Favorite as Boolean
- property location as Variant
- property contentEditingOutput as PHContentEditingOutputMBS
- property placeholderForCreatedAsset as PHObjectPlaceholderMBS
- property creationDate as Date
- property creationDateTime as DateTime
- shared method available as boolean
- shared method deleteAssets(assets() as PHAssetMBS)
- shared method creationRequestForAssetFromVideoAtFileURL(file as FolderItem) as PHAssetChangeRequestMBS
- shared method creationRequestForAssetFromImageAtFile(file as FolderItem) as PHAssetChangeRequestMBS
- shared method creationRequestForAssetFromImage(image as NSImageMBS) as PHAssetChangeRequestMBS
- shared method changeRequestForAsset(asset as PHAssetMBS) as PHAssetChangeRequestMBS
- class PHAssetCollectionChangeRequestMBS
- method moveAsset(fromIndex as Integer, toIndex as Integer)
- method replaceAsset(AtIndex as Integer, asset as PHAssetMBS)
- method removeAsset(AtIndex as Integer)
- method insertAsset(asset as PHAssetMBS, index as Integer)
- method removeAsset(asset as PHAssetMBS)
- method addAsset(asset as PHAssetMBS)
- method moveAssets(fromIndexes as NSIndexSetMBS, toIndex as Integer)
- method replaceAssets(AtIndexes as NSIndexSetMBS, assets() as PHAssetMBS)
- method removeAssets(AtIndexes as NSIndexSetMBS)
- method insertAssets(assets() as PHAssetMBS, indexes as NSIndexSetMBS)
- method removeAssets(assets() as PHAssetMBS)
- method addAssets(assets() as PHAssetMBS)
- method Constructor
- property title as String
- property placeholderForCreatedAssetCollection as PHObjectPlaceholderMBS
- shared method changeRequestForAssetCollection(assetCollection as PHAssetCollectionMBS, assets as PHFetchResultMBS) as PHAssetCollectionChangeRequestMBS
- shared method changeRequestForAssetCollection(assetCollection as PHAssetCollectionMBS) as PHAssetCollectionChangeRequestMBS
- shared method deleteAssetCollections(Collections() as PHCollectionListMBS)
- shared method creationRequestForAssetCollectionWithTitle(title as string) as PHAssetCollectionChangeRequestMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- class PHAssetCollectionMBS
- method localizedLocationNames as String()
- method Constructor
- property assetCollectionType as Integer
- property assetCollectionSubtype as Integer
- property estimatedAssetCount as Integer
- property startDate as Date
- property endDate as Date
- property approximateLocation as Variant
- property startDateTime as DateTime
- property endDateTime as DateTime
- shared method transientAssetCollectionWithAssetFetchResult(fetchResult as PHAssetMBS, title as string) as PHAssetCollectionMBS
- shared method transientAssetCollectionWithAssets(assets() as PHAssetMBS, title as string) as PHAssetCollectionMBS
- shared method fetchAssetCollectionsWithALAssetGroupURLs(assetGroupURLs() as string, options as PHFetchOptionsMBS = nil) as PHFetchResultMBS
- shared method fetchAssetCollectionsContainingAsset(asset as PHAssetMBS, type as Integer, options as PHFetchOptionsMBS = nil) as PHFetchResultMBS
- shared method fetchAssetCollectionsWithType(type as Integer, subType as integer, options as PHFetchOptionsMBS = nil) as PHFetchResultMBS
- shared method fetchAssetCollectionsWithLocalIdentifiers(identifiers() as string, options as PHFetchOptionsMBS = nil) as PHFetchResultMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- class PHAssetCreationRequestMBS
- method Constructor
- method addResource(type as Integer, file as FolderItem, options as PHAssetResourceCreationOptionsMBS = nil)
- method addResource(type as Integer, data as MemoryBlock, options as PHAssetResourceCreationOptionsMBS = nil)
- method addResource(type as Integer, data as String, options as PHAssetResourceCreationOptionsMBS = nil)
- shared method available as boolean
- shared method supportsAssetResourceTypes(types() as Integer) as Boolean
- shared method creationRequestForAsset as PHAssetCreationRequestMBS
- class PHAssetMBS
- method Constructor
- method cancelContentEditingInputRequest(requestID as Integer)
- method requestContentEditingInputWithOptions(options as PHContentEditingInputRequestOptionsMBS, CompletionDelegate as RequestContentEditingInputWithOptionsCompletedMBS, tag as variant = nil) as Integer
- method canPerformEditOperation(editOperation as Integer) as Boolean
- property playbackStyle as Integer
- property mediaType as Integer
- property mediaSubtypes as Integer
- property pixelWidth as Integer
- property pixelHeight as Integer
- property sourceType as Integer
- property burstSelectionTypes as Integer
- property duration as Double
- property Hidden as Boolean
- property Favorite as Boolean
- property RepresentsBurst as Boolean
- property burstIdentifier as String
- property creationDate as Date
- property modificationDate as Date
- property location as Variant
- property creationDateTime as DateTime
- property modificationDateTime as DateTime
- shared method available as boolean
- shared method fetchAssetsWithMediaType(mediaType as Integer, options as PHFetchOptionsMBS = nil) as PHFetchResultMBS
- shared method fetchAssets(options as PHFetchOptionsMBS = nil) as PHFetchResultMBS
- shared method fetchAssetsWithBurstIdentifier(burstIdentifier as String, options as PHFetchOptionsMBS = nil) as PHFetchResultMBS
- shared method fetchKeyAssetsInAssetCollection(assetCollection as PHAssetCollectionMBS, options as PHFetchOptionsMBS = nil) as PHFetchResultMBS
- shared method fetchAssetsWithLocalIdentifiers(identifiers() as String, options as PHFetchOptionsMBS = nil) as PHFetchResultMBS
- shared method fetchAssetsInAssetCollection(assetCollection as PHAssetCollectionMBS, options as PHFetchOptionsMBS = nil) as PHFetchResultMBS
- shared method PHContentEditingInputResultIsInCloudKey as String
- shared method PHContentEditingInputCancelledKey as String
- shared method PHContentEditingInputErrorKey as String
- class PHAssetResourceCreationOptionsMBS
- class PHAssetResourceManagerMBS
- method Constructor
- method cancelDataRequest(requestID as Integer)
- method requestDataForAssetResource(resource as PHAssetResourceMBS, options as PHAssetResourceRequestOptionsMBS, DataReceivedHandler as RequestDataForAssetResourceDataReceivedMBS, CompleteHandler as RequestDataForAssetResourceCompletedMBS, tag as variant = nil) as Integer
- method writeDataForAssetResource(resource as PHAssetResourceMBS, file as FolderItem, options as PHAssetResourceRequestOptionsMBS, CompleteHandler as WriteDataForAssetResourceCompletedMBS, tag as variant = nil)
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method defaultManager as PHAssetResourceManagerMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- class PHAssetResourceMBS
- method Constructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property Type as Integer
- property originalFilename as String
- property assetLocalIdentifier as String
- property uniformTypeIdentifier as String
- shared method available as boolean
- shared method assetResourcesForAsset(asset as PHAssetMBS) as PHAssetResourceMBS()
- shared method assetResourcesForLivePhoto(livePhoto as PHLivePhotoMBS) as PHAssetResourceMBS()
- class PHAssetResourceRequestOptionsMBS
- method copy as PHAssetResourceRequestOptionsMBS
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- method SetProgressHandler(ProgressHandler as ProgressHandlerMBS, tag as variant = nil)
- property Handle as Integer
- property NetworkAccessAllowed as Boolean
- property ProgressHandler as ProgressHandlerMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- class PHCachingImageManagerMBS
- method Constructor
- method stopCachingImagesForAllAssets
- method startCachingImagesForAssets(assets() as PHAssetMBS, targetSize as CGSizeMBS, contentMode as Integer, options as PHImageRequestOptionsMBS = nil)
- method stopCachingImagesForAssets(assets() as PHAssetMBS, targetSize as CGSizeMBS, contentMode as Integer, options as PHImageRequestOptionsMBS = nil)
- property allowsCachingHighQualityImages as Boolean
- shared method available as boolean
- class PHChangeMBS
- class PHChangeRequestMBS
- class PHCloudIdentifierMBS
- class PHCollectionListChangeRequestMBS
- method moveChildCollections(AtIndexes as NSIndexSetMBS, toIndex as Integer)
- method replaceChildCollections(AtIndexes as NSIndexSetMBS, ChildCollections() as PHCollectionMBS)
- method removeChildCollections(AtIndexes as NSIndexSetMBS)
- method insertChildCollections(collections() as PHCollectionMBS, indexes as NSIndexSetMBS)
- method removeChildCollections(collections() as PHCollectionMBS)
- method addChildCollections(collections() as PHCollectionMBS)
- method Constructor
- property title as String
- property placeholderForCreatedCollectionList as PHObjectPlaceholderMBS
- shared method changeRequestForCollectionList(collectionList as PHCollectionListMBS, childCollections as PHFetchResultMBS) as PHCollectionListChangeRequestMBS
- shared method changeRequestForCollectionList(collectionList as PHCollectionListMBS) as PHCollectionListChangeRequestMBS
- shared method deleteCollectionLists(collectionLists() as PHCollectionListMBS)
- shared method creationRequestForCollectionListWithTitle(title as string) as PHCollectionListChangeRequestMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- class PHCollectionListMBS
- method localizedLocationNames as String()
- method Constructor
- property collectionListType as Integer
- property collectionListSubtype as Integer
- property startDate as Date
- property endDate as Date
- property startDateTime as DateTime
- property endDateTime as DateTime
- shared method available as boolean
- shared method fetchCollectionListsWithType(collectionListType as Integer, subtype as Integer, options as PHFetchOptionsMBS = nil) as PHFetchResultMBS
- shared method fetchCollectionListsContainingCollection(collection as PHCollectionMBS, options as PHFetchOptionsMBS = nil) as PHFetchResultMBS
- shared method fetchCollectionListsWithLocalIdentifiers(identifiers() as string, options as PHFetchOptionsMBS = nil) as PHFetchResultMBS
- shared method transientCollectionListWithCollections(collections() as PHCollectionMBS, title as String) as PHCollectionListMBS
- shared method transientCollectionListWithCollectionsFetchResult(fetchResult as PHFetchResultMBS, title as String) as PHCollectionListMBS
- class PHCollectionMBS
- method Constructor
- method canPerformEditOperation(anOperation as Integer) as Boolean
- property canContainAssets as Boolean
- property canContainCollections as Boolean
- property localizedTitle as String
- shared method fetchCollectionsInCollectionList(collectionList as PHCollectionListMBS, options as PHFetchOptionsMBS = nil) as PHFetchResultMBS
- shared method fetchTopLevelUserCollections(options as PHFetchOptionsMBS = nil) as PHFetchResultMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- class PHContentEditingInputMBS
- method Constructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property mediaType as Integer
- property mediaSubtypes as Integer
- property playbackStyle as Integer
- property fullSizeImageOrientation as Integer
- property creationDate as Date
- property uniformTypeIdentifier as String
- property location as Variant
- property adjustmentData as PHAdjustmentDataMBS
- property displaySizeImage as NSImageMBS
- property livePhoto as PHLivePhotoMBS
- property audiovisualAsset as Variant
- property fullSizeImageURL as String
- property creationDateTime as DateTime
- shared method available as boolean
- class PHContentEditingInputRequestOptionsMBS
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- method SetProgressHandler(ProgressHandler as ProgressHandlerMBS, tag as variant = nil)
- method SetCanHandleAdjustmentData(CanHandleAdjustmentData as CanHandleAdjustmentDataMBS, tag as variant = nil)
- property Handle as Integer
- property NetworkAccessAllowed as Boolean
- property ProgressHandler as ProgressHandlerMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- class PHContentEditingOutputMBS
- class PHFetchOptionsMBS
- method setSortDescriptors(sortDescriptors() as NSSortDescriptorMBS)
- method sortDescriptors as NSSortDescriptorMBS()
- method Constructor
- method copy as PHFetchOptionsMBS
- property Handle as Integer
- property wantsIncrementalChangeDetails as Boolean
- property includeHiddenAssets as Boolean
- property includeAllBurstAssets as Boolean
- property fetchLimit as Integer
- property includeAssetSourceTypes as Integer
- property predicate as NSPredicateMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- class PHFetchResultChangeDetailsMBS
- method removedObjects() as PHObjectMBS()
- method insertedObjects() as PHObjectMBS()
- method changedObjects() as PHObjectMBS()
- method Constructor
- method enumerateMoves(theDelegate as enumerateMovesHandlerMBS, Tag as Variant = nil)
- property Handle as Integer
- property hasMoves as Boolean
- property hasIncrementalChanges as Boolean
- property fetchResultBeforeChanges as PHFetchResultMBS
- property fetchResultAfterChanges as PHFetchResultMBS
- property removedIndexes as NSIndexSetMBS
- property insertedIndexes as NSIndexSetMBS
- property changedIndexes as NSIndexSetMBS
- shared method changeDetailsFromFetchResult(fromResult as PHFetchResultMBS, toFetchResult as PHFetchResultMBS, changedObjects() as PHObjectMBS) as PHFetchResultChangeDetailsMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- class PHFetchResultMBS
- method objectsAtIndexes(indexes as NSIndexSetMBS) as Variant()
- method countOfAssetsWithMediaType(MediaType as Integer) as Integer
- method indexOfObject(anObject as Variant) as Integer
- method indexOfObject(anObject as Variant, range as NSRangeMBS) as Integer
- method containsObject(anObject as Variant) as Boolean
- method objectAtIndex(index as Integer) as Variant
- method copy as PHFetchResultMBS
- method Constructor
- method allObjects as Variant()
- property Handle as Integer
- property count as Integer
- property firstObject as Variant
- property lastObject as Variant
- shared method available as boolean
- class PHImageManagerMBS
- method RequestAVAssetForVideo(asset as PHAssetMBS, options as PHVideoRequestOptionsMBS, exportPreset as String, CompletionHandler as RequestAVAssetForVideoCompletedMBS, tag as Variant = nil) as Integer
- method RequestExportSessionForVideo(asset as PHAssetMBS, options as PHVideoRequestOptionsMBS, exportPreset as String, CompletionHandler as RequestExportSessionForVideoCompletedMBS, tag as Variant = nil) as Integer
- method RequestPlayerItemForVideo(asset as PHAssetMBS, options as PHVideoRequestOptionsMBS, CompletionHandler as RequestPlayerItemForVideoCompletedMBS, tag as Variant = nil) as Integer
- method RequestLivePhotoForAsset(asset as PHAssetMBS, targetSize as CGSizeMBS, contentMode as Integer, options as PHLivePhotoRequestOptionsMBS, CompletionHandler as RequestLivePhotoForAssetCompletedMBS, tag as Variant = nil) as Integer
- method RequestImageDataAndOrientationForAsset(asset as PHAssetMBS, options as PHImageRequestOptionsMBS, CompletionHandler as RequestImageForAssetCompletedMBS, tag as Variant = nil) as Integer
- method RequestImageForAsset(asset as PHAssetMBS, targetSize as CGSizeMBS, contentMode as Integer, options as PHImageRequestOptionsMBS, CompletionHandler as RequestImageForAssetCompletedMBS, tag as Variant = nil) as Integer
- method RequestImageForAssetSync(asset as PHAssetMBS, targetSize as CGSizeMBS, contentMode as Integer, options as PHImageRequestOptionsMBS, byref Info as Dictionary) as NSImageMBS
- method cancelImageRequest(requestID as Integer)
- method Constructor
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method available as boolean
- shared method defaultManager as PHImageManagerMBS
- shared method PHImageResultIsInCloudKey as String
- shared method PHImageResultIsDegradedKey as String
- shared method PHImageResultRequestIDKey as String
- shared method PHImageCancelledKey as String
- shared method PHImageErrorKey as String
- shared method MaximumSize as CGSizeMBS
- class PHImageRequestOptionsMBS
- method SetProgressHandler(ProgressHandler as ProgressHandlerMBS, tag as variant = nil)
- method copy as PHImageRequestOptionsMBS
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property Version as Integer
- property DeliveryMode as Integer
- property ResizeMode as Integer
- property NetworkAccessAllowed as Boolean
- property Synchronous as Boolean
- property normalizedCropRect as CGRectMBS
- property ProgressHandler as ProgressHandlerMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- class PHLivePhotoEditingContextMBS
- method SetFrameProcessor(FrameProcessor as FrameProcessorMBS, tag as variant = nil)
- method Constructor(livePhotoInput as PHContentEditingInputMBS)
- method cancel
- method prepareLivePhotoForPlayback(targetSize as CGSizeMBS, options as Dictionary = nil, completionHandler as PrepareLivePhotoForPlaybackCompletedMBS, tag as variant = nil)
- method saveLivePhotoToOutput(ContentEditingOutput as PHContentEditingOutputMBS, options as Dictionary = nil, completionHandler as PrepareLivePhotoForPlaybackCompletedMBS, tag as variant = nil)
- property Handle as Integer
- property audioVolume as Double
- property orientation as Integer
- property duration as Double
- property photoTime as Double
- property fullSizeImage as Variant
- shared method available as boolean
- shared method PHLivePhotoShouldRenderAtPlaybackTime as String
- class PHLivePhotoFrameMBS
- class PHLivePhotoMBS
- method copy as PHLivePhotoMBS
- method Constructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property Width as Integer
- property Height as Integer
- shared method available as boolean
- shared method PHLivePhotoInfoErrorKey as String
- shared method PHLivePhotoInfoIsDegradedKey as String
- shared method PHLivePhotoInfoCancelledKey as String
- shared method cancelLivePhotoRequestWithRequestID(requestID as Integer)
- shared method requestLivePhotoWithResourceFileURLs(Files() as FolderItem, placeholderImage as NSImageMBS = nil, targetSize as CGSizeMBS, contentMode as Integer, theDelegate as RequestLivePhotoWithResourceFileURLsMBS, Tag as Variant = nil) as Integer
- shared method requestLivePhotoWithResourceFileURLs(fileURLs() as String, placeholderImage as NSImageMBS = nil, targetSize as CGSizeMBS, contentMode as Integer, theDelegate as RequestLivePhotoWithResourceFileURLsMBS, Tag as Variant = nil) as Integer
- class PHLivePhotoRequestOptionsMBS
- method SetProgressHandler(ProgressHandler as ProgressHandlerMBS, tag as variant = nil)
- method copy as PHLivePhotoRequestOptionsMBS
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property Version as Integer
- property DeliveryMode as Integer
- property NetworkAccessAllowed as Boolean
- property ProgressHandler as ProgressHandlerMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- class PHObjectChangeDetailsMBS
- class PHObjectMBS
- class PHObjectPlaceholderMBS
- class PHPhotoLibraryMBS
- method Destructor
- method Constructor
- method localIdentifiersForCloudIdentifiers(cloudIdentifiers() as PHCloudIdentifierMBS) as String()
- method cloudIdentifiersForLocalIdentifiers(localIdentifiers() as String) as PHCloudIdentifierMBS()
- method performChanges(ChangeBlock as ChangeBlockMBS, CompletionHandler as ChangeCompletionHandlerMBS, tag as Variant = nil)
- property Handle as Integer
- property unavailabilityReason as NSErrorMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- shared method sharedPhotoLibrary as PHPhotoLibraryMBS
- shared method authorizationStatus as Integer
- shared method PHPhotosErrorDomain as String
- shared method PHLocalIdentifierNotFound as String
- shared method requestAuthorization(CompletionHandler as RequestAuthorizationCompletedMBS, tag as Variant = nil)
- event DidChange(changes as PHChangeMBS)
- event DidBecomeUnavailable
- class PHProjectChangeRequestMBS
- class PHProjectMBS
- class PHVideoRequestOptionsMBS
- method SetProgressHandler(ProgressHandler as ProgressHandlerMBS, tag as variant = nil)
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property Version as Integer
- property DeliveryMode as Integer
- property NetworkAccessAllowed as Boolean
- property ProgressHandler as ProgressHandlerMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- control DesktopPHLivePhotoControlMBS
- method startPlayback(style as integer)
- method stopPlayback(animated as boolean)
- method stopPlayback
- property View as NSViewMBS
- property LivePhoto as PHLivePhotoMBS
- property ContentMode as Integer
- property audioVolume as Single
- property muted as Boolean
- property livePhotoBadgeView as NSViewMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- event FocusReceived
- event FocusLost
- event FrameChanged
- event BoundsChanged
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event MenuBarSelected
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as double)
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer)
- event willBeginPlaybackWithStyle(playbackStyle as Integer)
- event didEndPlaybackWithStyle(playbackStyle as Integer)
- control PHLivePhotoControlMBS
- method startPlayback(style as integer)
- method stopPlayback(animated as boolean)
- method stopPlayback
- property View as NSViewMBS
- property LivePhoto as PHLivePhotoMBS
- property ContentMode as Integer
- property audioVolume as Single
- property muted as Boolean
- property livePhotoBadgeView as NSViewMBS
- shared method available as boolean
- event GotFocus
- event LostFocus
- event FrameChanged
- event BoundsChanged
- event willShowContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event didCloseContextualMenu(menu as NSMenuMBS, NSEvent as NSEventMBS)
- event EnableMenuItems
- event ScaleFactorChanged(NewFactor as double)
- event MouseDown(x as Integer, y as Integer, Modifiers as Integer) As Boolean
- event MouseDrag(x as Integer, y as Integer)
- event MouseUp(x As Integer, y As Integer)
- event willBeginPlaybackWithStyle(playbackStyle as Integer)
- event didEndPlaybackWithStyle(playbackStyle as Integer)
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