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The plugin part MBS MacFrameworks Plugin:JavaScriptCore:
All Console safe, 67 entry points.
- class JSClassMBS
- class JSContextMBS
- method NewFunction(name as string) as JSObjectMBS
- method NewDate(arguments() as JSValueMBS, byref JSException as JSValueMBS) as JSObjectMBS
- method NewArray(arguments() as JSValueMBS, byref JSException as JSValueMBS) as JSObjectMBS
- method NewError(arguments() as JSValueMBS, byref JSException as JSValueMBS) as JSObjectMBS
- method NewRegExp(arguments() as JSValueMBS, byref JSException as JSValueMBS) as JSObjectMBS
- method NewFunction(name as string, parameterNames() as string, Body as String, SourceURL as string = "", startingLineNumber as integer = 0, byref JSException as JSValueMBS) as JSValueMBS
- method NewObject as JSObjectMBS
- method valueWithJSON(JSON as string) as JSValueMBS
- method valueWithString(value as string) as JSValueMBS
- method valueWithNull as JSValueMBS
- method valueWithUndefined as JSValueMBS
- method valueWithBool(value as boolean) as JSValueMBS
- method valueWithDouble(value as double) as JSValueMBS
- method EvaluateScript(script as string, sourceURL as String, thisObject as JSValueMBS, startingLineNumber as Integer = 1, byref JSException as JSValueMBS) as JSValueMBS
- method CheckScriptSyntax(script as string, sourceURL as String, startingLineNumber as Integer = 1, byref JSException as JSValueMBS) as Boolean
- method Constructor
- method GarbageCollect
- property Handle as Integer
- property Name as String
- property globalObject as JSObjectMBS
- property Tag as Variant
- shared method LoadLibrary(File as folderItem) as boolean
- shared method LoadLibrary(Path as String) as boolean
- shared property Available as Boolean
- shared property LibraryError as String
- event FunctionCalled(functionObject as JSObjectMBS, thisObject as JSObjectMBS, arguments() as JSValueMBS, byref JSException as JSValueMBS) as JSValueMBS
- class JSObjectMBS
- method Constructor
- method PropertyNames as String()
- method HasProperty(name as string) as boolean
- method DeleteProperty(name as string, byref JSException as JSValueMBS) as boolean
- method SetProperty(name as string, value as JSValueMBS, byref JSException as JSValueMBS)
- method GetProperty(name as string, byref JSException as JSValueMBS) as JSValueMBS
- method SetPropertyAtIndex(propertyIndex as Integer, value as JSValueMBS, byref JSException as JSValueMBS)
- method GetPropertyAtIndex(propertyIndex as Integer, byref JSException as JSValueMBS) as JSValueMBS
- method CallAsFunction(thisObject as JSValueMBS, arguments() as JSValueMBS, byref JSException as JSValueMBS) as JSValueMBS
- method CallAsConstructor(arguments() as JSValueMBS, byref JSException as JSValueMBS) as JSValueMBS
- property isFunction as Boolean
- property isConstructor as Boolean
- property Prototype as JSValueMBS
- class JSValueMBS
- method IsInstanceOfConstructor(ConstructorFunction as JSObjectMBS, byref JSException as JSValueMBS) as boolean
- method IsEqual(OtherValue as JSValueMBS, byref JSException as JSValueMBS) as boolean
- method ObjectValue(byref JSException as JSValueMBS) as JSValueMBS
- method JSONString(indent as Integer = 0, byref JSException as JSValueMBS) as string
- method Constructor
- method IsStrictEqual(OtherValue as JSValueMBS) as boolean
- method IsObjectOfClass(ClassObject as JSValueMBS) as boolean
- method DoubleValue(byref JSException as JSValueMBS) as double
- method StringValue(byref JSException as JSValueMBS) as string
- property Tag as Variant
- property Handle as Integer
- property Type as Integer
- property context as JSContextMBS
- property booleanValue as Boolean
- property doubleValue as Double
- property StringValue as String
- property isUndefined as Boolean
- property isNull as Boolean
- property isBoolean as Boolean
- property isNumber as Boolean
- property isString as Boolean
- property isObject as Boolean
- property isArray as Boolean
- property isDate as Boolean
- property JSONString as String
Blog Entries
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 24.2pr4
- New in MBS Xojo Plugins in version 23.1
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 23.1
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 23.1pr1
- MBS Xojo / Real Studio plug-ins in version 15.4