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The plugin part MBS Mac64bit Plugin:CryptoTokenKit:
All Console safe, 235 entry points.
- class TKBERTLVRecordMBS
- class TKCompactTLVRecordMBS
- class TKSimpleTLVRecordMBS
- class TKSmartCardATRInterfaceGroupMBS
- class TKSmartCardATRMBS
- method historicalRecords as TKCompactTLVRecordMBS()
- method interfaceGroupForProtocol(protocol as Integer) as TKSmartCardATRInterfaceGroupMBS
- method interfaceGroupAtIndex(index as Integer) as TKSmartCardATRInterfaceGroupMBS
- method protocols as Integer()
- method Constructor(data as MemoryBlock)
- property Handle as Integer
- property historicalBytes as MemoryBlock
- property bytes as MemoryBlock
- shared method available as Boolean
- class TKSmartCardMBS
- method userInteractionForSecurePINChange(PINFormat as TKSmartCardPINFormatMBS, APDU as MemoryBlock, currentPINByteOffset as Integer, newPINByteOffset as Integer) as TKSmartCardUserInteractionForSecurePINChangeMBS
- method userInteractionForSecurePINVerification(PINFormat as TKSmartCardPINFormatMBS, APDU as MemoryBlock, PINByteOffset as Integer) as TKSmartCardUserInteractionForSecurePINVerificationMBS
- method inSession(byref error as NSErrorMBS, tag as variant = nil) as boolean
- method sendIns(ins as UInt8, p1 as UInt8, p2 as UInt8, requestData as MemoryBlock, le as Integer = 0, tag as variant = nil)
- method transmitRequest(request as MemoryBlock, tag as variant = nil)
- method beginSession(tag as variant = nil)
- method Constructor
- method endSession
- method sendIns(ins as UInt8, p1 as UInt8, p2 as UInt8, requestData as MemoryBlock, le as Integer = 0, byref sw as Uint16, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as Memoryblock
- method Destructor
- method SetDelegate
- method transmitRequestSync(request as MemoryBlock, byref response as MemoryBlock, byref error as NSErrorMBS)
- method beginSessionSync(byref error as NSErrorMBS) as Boolean
- method beginSessionWithDelegate(handler as beginSessionCompletedDelegateMBS, tag as variant = nil)
- method transmitRequestWithDelegate(request as MemoryBlock, handler as transmitRequestCompletedDelegateMBS, tag as variant = nil)
- method readFileWithDelegate(FileName as MemoryBlock, handler as readFileCompletedDelegateMBS, tag as variant = nil)
- property Handle as Integer
- property Slot as TKSmartCardSlotMBS
- property Valid as Boolean
- property CurrentProtocol as Integer
- property AllowedProtocols as Integer
- property Sensitive as Boolean
- property UseExtendedLength as Boolean
- property UseCommandChaining as Boolean
- property cla as Integer
- property Context as Variant
- event beginSessionCompleted(success as Boolean, error as NSErrorMBS, tag as Variant)
- event transmitRequestCompleted(request as MemoryBlock, response as MemoryBlock, error as NSErrorMBS, tag as Variant)
- event sendInsCompleted(ins as UInt8, p1 as UInt8, p2 as UInt8, requestData as MemoryBlock, le as integer, replyData as MemoryBlock, sw as UInt16, error as NSErrorMBS, tag as Variant)
- event inSession(byref error as NSErrorMBS, tag as Variant) as Boolean
- event ValidChanged
- class TKSmartCardPINFormatMBS
- method Constructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property Charset as Integer
- property Encoding as Integer
- property MinPINLength as Integer
- property MaxPINLength as Integer
- property PINBlockByteLength as Integer
- property PINJustification as Integer
- property PINBitOffset as Integer
- property PINLengthBitOffset as Integer
- property PINLengthBitSize as Integer
- class TKSmartCardSlotManagerMBS
- method SetDelegate
- method Destructor
- method Constructor
- method slotNames as string()
- method slotNamed(name as string) as TKSmartCardSlotMBS
- method getSlotWithName(name as string, tag as variant = nil)
- property Handle as Integer
- shared method defaultManager as TKSmartCardSlotManagerMBS
- shared method available as Boolean
- event gotSlotWithName(name as string, slot as TKSmartCardSlotMBS, tag as variant)
- event slotNamesChanged
- class TKSmartCardSlotMBS
- class TKSmartCardTokenDriverMBS
- class TKSmartCardTokenMBS
- class TKSmartCardTokenSessionMBS
- class TKSmartCardUserInteractionForPINOperationMBS
- class TKSmartCardUserInteractionForSecurePINChangeMBS
- class TKSmartCardUserInteractionForSecurePINVerificationMBS
- class TKSmartCardUserInteractionMBS
- method Run
- method Constructor
- method Cancel as Boolean
- method Destructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property initialTimeout as Double
- property interactionTimeout as Double
- event runCompleted(success as boolean, error as NSErrorMBS)
- event characterEnteredInUserInteraction
- event correctionKeyPressedInUserInteraction
- event validationKeyPressedInUserInteraction
- event invalidCharacterEnteredInUserInteraction
- event oldPINRequestedInUserInteraction
- event newPINRequestedInUserInteraction
- event newPINConfirmationRequestedInUserInteraction
- class TKTLVRecordMBS
- method Constructor
- property Handle as Integer
- property Tag as UInt64
- property Value as MemoryBlock
- property Data as MemoryBlock
- shared method available as Boolean
- shared method recordFromData(data as MemoryBlock) as TKTLVRecordMBS
- shared method sequenceOfRecordsFromData(data as MemoryBlock) as TKTLVRecordMBS()
- class TKTokenAuthOperationMBS
- class TKTokenDriverMBS
- class TKTokenKeyAlgorithmMBS
- class TKTokenKeychainCertificateMBS
- class TKTokenKeychainContentsMBS
- method certificateForObjectID(TKTokenObjectID as Variant, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as TKTokenKeychainCertificateMBS
- method keyForObjectID(TKTokenObjectID as Variant, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as TKTokenKeychainKeyMBS
- method Constructor
- method items as TKTokenKeychainItemMBS()
- method fillWithItems(items() as TKTokenKeychainItemMBS)
- property Handle as Integer
- class TKTokenKeychainItemMBS
- class TKTokenKeychainKeyMBS
- method Constructor(CertificateData as MemoryBlock, TKTokenObjectID as Variant)
- method Constructor(TKTokenObjectID as Variant)
- property keyType as String
- property applicationTag as MemoryBlock
- property keySizeInBits as Integer
- property publicKeyData as MemoryBlock
- property publicKeyHash as MemoryBlock
- property canDecrypt as Boolean
- property canSign as Boolean
- property canPerformKeyExchange as Boolean
- property SuitableForLogin as Boolean
- class TKTokenKeyExchangeParametersMBS
- class TKTokenMBS
- method Constructor(tokenDriver as TKTokenDriverMBS, instanceID as String)
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- method SetDelegate
- property Handle as Integer
- property tokenDriver as TKTokenDriverMBS
- property keychainContents as TKTokenKeychainContentsMBS
- event createSession(byref error as NSErrorMBS) as TKTokenSessionMBS
- event terminateSession(session as TKTokenSessionMBS)
- class TKTokenPasswordAuthOperationMBS
- class TKTokenSessionMBS
- method Constructor(token as TKTokenMBS)
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- method SetDelegate
- property Handle as Integer
- property token as TKTokenMBS
- event beginAuthForOperation(operation as Integer, constraint as Variant, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as TKTokenAuthOperationMBS
- event supportsOperation(operation as Integer, keyObjectID as Variant, algorithm as TKTokenKeyAlgorithmMBS) as Boolean
- event signData(dataToSign as MemoryBlock, keyObjectID as Variant, algorithm as TKTokenKeyAlgorithmMBS, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as MemoryBlock
- event decryptData(ciphertext as MemoryBlock, keyObjectID as Variant, algorithm as TKTokenKeyAlgorithmMBS, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as MemoryBlock
- event performKeyExchangeWithPublicKey(otherPartyPublicKeyData as MemoryBlock, keyObjectID as Variant, algorithm as TKTokenKeyAlgorithmMBS, parameters as TKTokenKeyExchangeParametersMBS, byref error as NSErrorMBS) as MemoryBlock
- class TKTokenSmartCardPINAuthOperationMBS
- class TKTokenWatcherMBS
Blog Entries
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 23.2pr5
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 18.5
- New functions for smart card reading
- Reading Belgian national identity card