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The plugin part MBS Win Plugin:Chromium:
Not Console safe, 94 entry points.
- class ChromiumBrowserMBS
- method FrameIdentifiers as Int64()
- method Frame(ID as Int64) as ChromiumFrameMBS
- method FrameNames as String()
- method ExecuteJavaScript(jsCode as string, scriptUrl as string = "", startLine as integer = 0)
- method Find(identifier as Integer, searchText as string, forward as boolean, MatchCase as boolean, FindNext as boolean)
- method SetFocus(enableFocus as boolean = true)
- method ClearFocus
- method StopFinding(clearSelection as boolean)
- method invalidate(x as integer, y as integer, width as integer, height as integer)
- method Image(width as integer, height as integer) as Picture
- method HidePopup
- method setSize(width as integer, height as integer)
- method CloseDevTools
- method ShowDevTools
- method ClearHistory
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- method CanGoBack as boolean
- method CanGoForward as boolean
- method GoBack
- method GoForward
- method IsLoading as boolean
- method Reload
- method StopLoad
- method ReloadIgnoreCache
- method Frame(name as string) as ChromiumFrameMBS
- method Release
- method Retain
- property FocusedFrame as ChromiumFrameMBS
- property MainFrame as ChromiumFrameMBS
- property FrameCount as Integer
- property WindowRenderingDisabled as Boolean
- property PopupVisible as Boolean
- property Width as Integer
- property Height as Integer
- property ZoomLevel as Double
- property Handle as Integer
- property Parent as Variant
- property Identifier as Integer
- property IsPopup as Boolean
- property HasDocument as Boolean
- shared method LibVersion as Integer
- shared method RegisterExtension(ExtensionName as String, javascriptCode as String) as Boolean
- shared method ClearCrossOriginWhitelist as Boolean
- shared method AddCrossOriginWhitelist(SourceOrigin as String, TargetProtocol as String, TargetDomain as String, AllowTargetSubdomains as Boolean) as Boolean
- shared method RemoveCrossOriginWhitelist(SourceOrigin as String, TargetProtocol as String, TargetDomain as String, AllowTargetSubdomains as Boolean) as Boolean
- class ChromiumCookieManagerMBS
- method Constructor(path as string, PersistSessionCookies as Boolean)
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- method SetStoragePath(Path as string) as boolean
- method SetCookie(URL as string, cookie as ChromiumCookieMBS) as boolean
- method SetCookies(URL() as string, cookies() as ChromiumCookieMBS) as Integer
- method URLCookies(URL as String, HTTPOnly as boolean = false) as ChromiumCookieMBS()
- method AllCookies as ChromiumCookieMBS()
- method DeleteCookie(URL as string, CookieName as string) as boolean
- method DeleteCookies(URLs() as string, CookieNames() as string) as Integer
- method DeleteURLCookies(URL as String, HTTPOnly as boolean = false) as Integer
- method DeleteAllCookies as Integer
- property Handle as Integer
- class ChromiumCookieMBS
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- property Scheme as String
- property URL as String
- property Name as String
- property Value as String
- property Domain as String
- property Secure as Boolean
- property Path as String
- property HTTPonly as Boolean
- property CreationDate as Date
- property LastAccessDate as Date
- property ExpirationDate as Date
- class ChromiumFrameMBS
- method ExecuteJavaScript(jsCode as string, scriptUrl as string = "", startLine as integer = 0)
- method LoadString(StringValue as string, URL as string)
- method LoadURL(URL as string)
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- method undo
- method redo
- method cut
- method copy
- method paste
- method delete
- method SelectAll
- method print
- method ViewSource
- property Source as String
- property Text as String
- property URL as String
- property Name as String
- property Browser as ChromiumBrowserMBS
- property identifier as Int64
- property ParentFrame as ChromiumFrameMBS
- property IsFocused as Boolean
- property IsMain as Boolean
- property Handle as Integer
- property Parent as Variant
- class ChromiumWebPluginInfoMBS
- class DesktopHTMLViewer
- class HTMLViewer
Blog Entries
- MBS Xojo Plugins in version 22.4
- Xojo 2022r1
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 22.1
- News from the MBS Xojo Plugins Version 21.3
- HTMLViewer JavaScript communication for Xojo
- MonkeyBread Software Releases the MBS Xojo Plugins in version 20.1
- MBS Releases the MBS Xojo / Real Studio plug-ins in version 15.2
- Cookies for Chromium in HTMLViewer on Windows
- Xojo 2014r2.1
- MBS Xojo / Real Studio plug-ins in version 14.2
Xojo Developer Magazine