New in version 12.2
New in Version 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 25.0 25.1
Platforms to show: All Mac Windows Linux Cross-Platform
New classes in version 12.2:
- class CGLayerMBS
- class NSDatePickerMBS
- class NSLevelIndicatorMBS
- class SHA512MBS
- class TwainIdentityMBS
- class TwainImageInfoMBS
- class TwainVersionMBS
- class VLCAudioOutputMBS
- class VLCEventManagerMBS
- class VLCExitHandlerMBS
- class VLCInstanceMBS
- class VLCMediaDiscovererMBS
- class VLCMediaLibraryMBS
- class VLCMediaListMBS
- class VLCMediaListPlayerMBS
- class VLCMediaMBS
- class VLCMediaPlayerMBS
- class VLCMediaStatsMBS
- class VLCMediaTrackInfoMBS
- class VLCMissingFunctionExceptionMBS
- class VLCModuleDescriptionMBS
- class VLCNotInitializedExceptionMBS
- class VLCTrackDescriptionMBS
- class WinUSBInterfaceDescriptionMBS
- class WinUSBMBS
- class WinUSBPipeInformationMBS
- class WinUSBSetupPacketMBS
New class events in version 12.2:
- CURLMBS.Seek(pos as Int64, whence as Integer) as Integer
- CURLNMBS.Seek(pos as Int64, whence as Integer) as Integer
- CURLSMBS.Seek(pos as Int64, whence as Integer) as Integer
New class methods in version 12.2:
- CalCalendarItemMBS.Show
- CGContextMBS.DrawLayerAtPoint(Point as CGPointMBS, layer as CGLayerMBS)
- CGContextMBS.DrawLayerInRect(rect as CGRectMBS, layer as CGLayerMBS)
- DynaPDFMBS.DecryptPDFAnsi(Path as string, PwdType as Integer, Password as string) as Integer
- DynaPDFMBS.EncryptPDFAnsi(Path as string, OpenPwd as string, OwnerPwd as string, KeyLen as Integer, Restrict as Integer) as Integer
- DynaPDFMBS.GetMissingGlyphsString as String
- DynaPDFMBS.ReEncryptPDFAnsi(Path as string, PwdType as Integer, InPwd as string, OpenPwd as string, OwnerPwd as string, KeyLen as Integer, Restrict as Integer) as Integer
- HTMLViewer.IEDrawToHDCMBS(HDC as Ptr, PrinterName as string = "") as boolean
- HTMLViewer.IEReadyStateMBS as string
- NSGraphicsMBS.ConcatTransform(NSAffineTransform as Variant)
- NSGraphicsMBS.SetTransform(NSAffineTransform as Variant)
- NSImageMBS.imageFileTypes as string()
- NSImageMBS.imagePasteboardTypes as string()
- NSImageMBS.imageTypes as string()
- NSImageMBS.imageUnfilteredFileTypes as string()
- NSImageMBS.imageUnfilteredPasteboardTypes as string()
- NSImageMBS.imageUnfilteredTypes as string()
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameActionTemplate as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameAddTemplate as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameAdvanced as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameApplicationIcon as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameBluetoothTemplate as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameBonjour as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameBookmarksTemplate as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameCaution as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameColorPanel as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameColumnViewTemplate as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameComputer as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameDotMac as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameEnterFullScreenTemplate as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameEveryone as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameExitFullScreenTemplate as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameFlowViewTemplate as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameFolder as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameFolderBurnable as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameFolderSmart as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameFollowLinkFreestandingTemplate as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameFontPanel as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameGoLeftTemplate as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameGoRightTemplate as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameHomeTemplate as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameIChatTheaterTemplate as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameIconViewTemplate as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameInfo as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameInvalidDataFreestandingTemplate as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameLeftFacingTriangleTemplate as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameListViewTemplate as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameLockLockedTemplate as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameLockUnlockedTemplate as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameMenuMixedStateTemplate as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameMenuOnStateTemplate as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameMobileMe as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameMultipleDocuments as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameNetwork as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNamePathTemplate as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNamePreferencesGeneral as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameQuickLookTemplate as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameRefreshFreestandingTemplate as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameRefreshTemplate as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameRemoveTemplate as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameRevealFreestandingTemplate as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameRightFacingTriangleTemplate as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameSlideshowTemplate as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameSmartBadgeTemplate as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameStatusAvailable as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameStatusNone as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameStatusPartiallyAvailable as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameStatusUnavailable as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameStopProgressFreestandingTemplate as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameStopProgressTemplate as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameTrashEmpty as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameTrashFull as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameUser as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameUserAccounts as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameUserGroup as string
- NSImageMBS.NSImageNameUserGuest as string
- NSTextStorageMBS.Constructor
- NSTextViewMBS.insertText(attributedString as NSAttributedStringMBS)
- NSTextViewMBS.insertText(text as string)
- WindowsWMIMBS.Constructor
- WindowsWMIMBS.InitAuthentication(User as string, Domain as string, Password as string) as boolean
- WindowsWMIMBS.InitSecurity(remote as boolean) as boolean
- XLSheetMBS.AddrToRowCol(addr as string, byref row as Integer, byref col as Integer, byref rowRelative as boolean, byref colRelative as boolean)
- XLSheetMBS.GetTopLeftView(byref row as Integer, byref col as Integer)
- XLSheetMBS.RowColToAddr(row as Integer, col as Integer, rowRelative as boolean = true, colRelative as boolean = true) as string
- XLSheetMBS.SetTopLeftView(row as Integer, col as Integer)
New class properties in version 12.2:
- CURLMBS.OptionTCPKeepAlive as Boolean
- CURLMBS.OptionTCPKeepIdle as Integer
- CURLMBS.OptionTCPKeepInterval as Integer
- CURLNMBS.OptionTCPKeepAlive as Boolean
- CURLNMBS.OptionTCPKeepIdle as Integer
- CURLNMBS.OptionTCPKeepInterval as Integer
- CURLSMBS.OptionTCPKeepAlive as Boolean
- CURLSMBS.OptionTCPKeepIdle as Integer
- CURLSMBS.OptionTCPKeepInterval as Integer
- NSAttributedStringMBS.Handle as Integer
- NSImageMBS.accessibilityDescription as string
- NSTextViewMBS.textStorage as NSTextStorageMBS
New global functions in version 12.2:
- PtrABGRtoPictureMBS(dest as picture, source as Ptr, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as picture
- PtrABGRtoPictureMBS(source as Ptr, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as picture
- PtrARGBtoPictureMBS(dest as picture, source as Ptr, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as picture
- PtrARGBtoPictureMBS(source as Ptr, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as picture
- PtrARGBtoPictureMBS(source as Ptr, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer, LittleEndian as boolean) as picture
- PtrBGRAtoPictureMBS(dest as picture, source as Ptr, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as picture
- PtrBGRAtoPictureMBS(source as Ptr, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as picture
- PtrBGRtoPictureMBS(dest as picture, source as Ptr, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as picture
- PtrBGRtoPictureMBS(source as Ptr, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as picture
- PtrGrayToPictureMBS(source as Ptr, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer, PixelByteSize as Integer) as picture
- PtrGrayToPictureMBS(source as Ptr, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer, PixelByteSize as Integer, Red as Integer, Blue as Integer, Green as Integer) as picture
- PtrGrayToPictureMBS(source as Ptr, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer, PixelByteSize as Integer, Red() as Integer, Blue() as Integer, Green() as Integer) as picture
- PtrRGBAtoPictureMBS(dest as picture, source as Ptr, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer, FlipVertically as boolean=false) as picture
- PtrRGBAtoPictureMBS(source as Ptr, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer, FlipVertically as boolean=false) as picture
- PtrRGBtoPictureMBS(dest as picture, source as Ptr, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as picture
- PtrRGBtoPictureMBS(source as Ptr, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as picture
1069 new items including 27 new classes 86 new methods 3 new events 12 new properties for existing classes and 16 new global methods.