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MemoryblockARGBtoPictureMBS(dest as picture, source as memoryblock, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as picture

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
global method Graphics & Pictures MBS Picture Plugin 10.1 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
Copies image data from a memoryblock into a picture object.
dim m as MemoryBlock
dim p,q as Picture

p=New Picture(100,100,32)
p.Graphics.FillRect 0,0,100,100

// Make a new MemoryBlock
m=NewMemoryBlock(100*100*4) // 3 bytes per Pixel

// Copy RGB without alpha
if p.CopyARGBtoMemoryblockMBS(m,0,0) then

dim x as Picture = New Picture(100,100,32)

q=MemoryblockARGBtoPictureMBS(x, m,0,100,100)


if x=q then
window1.Title = "reused picture"
window1.Title = "created new picture"
end if
end if

Returns nil on any error.
source should not be nil.
offset should be 0 or bigger and is the start position in the memoryblock.

The function will crash if the memoryblock is too small. Needs width*height*4 bytes in the memoryblock.

In the dest picture parameter you can provide a picture to draw in. If the picture is no big enough or nil, a new one is created.

Does not access the mask inside the image!
Data is copied from memory block to the new picture, not referenced.

See also:

MemoryblockARGBtoPictureMBS(source as memoryblock, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer) as picture

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
global method Graphics & Pictures MBS Picture Plugin 8.5 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
Copies image data from a memoryblock into a picture object.
// Create a picture with mask:
dim p as Picture = LogoMBS(200)
dim g as Graphics = p.mask.Graphics

g.ForeColor = &cFFFFFF
g.FillRect 0,0,g.Width,g.Height

g.ForeColor = &c000000
g.Filloval 0,0,g.Width,g.Height

// convert to memoryblock
dim m as new MemoryBlock(4 * p.Width * p.Height)

if p.CopyARGBtoMemoryblockMBS(m, 0, p.Mask) then
// convert back
Backdrop = MemoryblockARGBtoPictureMBS(m, 0, p.Width, p.Height)

break // look into memoryblock with debugger
end if

Returns nil on any error.
source should not be nil.
offset should be 0 or bigger and is the start position in the memoryblock.

The function will crash if the memoryblock is too small. Needs width*height*4 bytes in the memoryblock.

Does not access the mask inside the image!
Data is copied from memory block to the new picture, not referenced.

See also:

MemoryblockARGBtoPictureMBS(source as memoryblock, offset as Integer, width as Integer, height as Integer, LittleEndian as boolean) as picture

Type Topic Plugin Version macOS Windows Linux iOS Targets
global method Graphics & Pictures MBS Picture Plugin 6.3 ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes ✅ Yes All
Copies image data from a memoryblock into a picture object.
const kAlphaOffset=0 ' (BigEndian) and 3 (LittleEndian)
dim m as MemoryBlock
dim p,q,k as Picture

p=New Picture(100,100,32)
p.Graphics.FillRect 0,0,100,100
p.mask.Graphics.FillRect 0,0,100,100

// Make a new MemoryBlock
m=NewMemoryBlock(100*100*4) // 4 bytes per Pixel

// copy RGB and leave room for alpha
if p.CopyARGBtoMemoryblockMBS(m,0,false,-1) then
'MsgBox EncodingToHexMBS(m.StringValue(0,99))
end if

// copy green channel from mask image into Memoryblock
if p.mask.CopyGtoMemoryblockMBS(m,kAlphaOffset,4) then
'MsgBox EncodingToHexMBS(m.StringValue(0,99))
end if

// make the picture from this Memoryblock

// make the mask from this Memoryblock

// combine picture and mask
q.Mask.Graphics.DrawPicture k,0,0


Returns nil on any error.
source should not be nil.
offset should be 0 or bigger and is the start position in the memoryblock.

The function will crash if the memoryblock is too small. Needs width*height*4 bytes in the memoryblock.

Does not access the mask inside the image!
Data is copied from memory block to the new picture, not referenced.

LittleEndian specifies whether the image is stored in ARGB (BigEndian) or BGRA (LittleEndian) mode.

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