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FAQ.How to use the IOPMCopyScheduledPowerEvents function in Xojo?

Answer: You can use the following code which does this using the SoftDeclareMBS class.
Sub Open()
dim c as CFDateMBS
dim t as CFAbsoluteTimeMBS

// get current date

// in absolute time (seconds since x)

// add 600 seconds (= 10 Minutes)

// Make a Date from it

// Schedule the event
// 0 on success
// E00002C1 for missing root rights
Title=hex(schedulePowerEvent(c, "wake"))

// Just for information, display the scheduled stuff
CFShowMBS CopyScheduledPowerEvents
End Sub

Function CopyScheduledPowerEvents() As cfarrayMBS
dim s as SoftDeclareMBS
dim m as MemoryBlock

s=new SoftDeclareMBS

if s.LoadLibrary("IOKit.framework") then
if s.LoadFunction("IOPMCopyScheduledPowerEvents") then
if s.CallFunction(0,nil) then
Return NewCFArrayMBSHandle(s.Result,true)
MsgBox "Failed to Call IOPMCopyScheduledPowerEvents."
end if
MsgBox "Failed to load IOPMCopyScheduledPowerEvents."
end if
MsgBox "Failed to load IOKit."
end if

Return nil
End Function

Function SchedulePowerEvent(time_to_wake as CFDateMBS, Type as CFStringMBS) as Integer
dim s as SoftDeclareMBS
dim m as MemoryBlock

'* Types of power event
'* These are potential arguments to IOPMSchedulePowerEvent().
'* These are all potential values of the kIOPMPowerEventTypeKey in the CFDictionaries
'* returned by IOPMCopyScheduledPowerEvents().
'@define kIOPMAutoWake
'@abstract Value for scheduled wake from sleep.
'#define kIOPMAutoWake "wake"
'@define kIOPMAutoPowerOn
'@abstract Value for scheduled power on from off state.
'#define kIOPMAutoPowerOn "poweron"
'@define kIOPMAutoWakeOrPowerOn
'@abstract Value for scheduled wake from sleep, or power on. The system will either wake OR
'power on, whichever is necessary.
'#define kIOPMAutoWakeOrPowerOn "wakepoweron"
'@define kIOPMAutoSleep
'@abstract Value for scheduled sleep.
'#define kIOPMAutoSleep "sleep"
'@define kIOPMAutoShutdown
'@abstract Value for scheduled shutdown.
'#define kIOPMAutoShutdown "shutdown"

s=new SoftDeclareMBS

if s.LoadLibrary("IOKit.framework") then
if s.LoadFunction("IOPMSchedulePowerEvent") then

m.Long(4)=0 // nil

if s.CallFunction(3,m) then
Return s.Result
end if
end if
end if

End Function

Requires Mac OS X and to execute root rights.

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