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FAQ.How to move a file or folder to trash?

Answer: Use code like below:
Function MoveToTrash(f as FolderItem) As Boolean
#if TargetMacOS then
dim r as FolderItem
dim e as Integer = MacFileOperationMBS.MoveObjectToTrashSync(f, r, MacFileOperationMBS.kFSFileOperationDefaultOptions)

if e = 0 then
Return true // Ok
end if

#elseif TargetWin32 then
dim w as new WindowsFileCopyMBS

dim flags as Integer = w.FileOperationAllowUndo + w.FileOperationNoErrorUI + w.FileOperationSilent + w.FileOperationNoConfirmation
if w.FileOperationDelete(f, flags) then
Return true // OK
end if

flags = w.FileOperationNoErrorUI + w.FileOperationSilent + w.FileOperationNoConfirmation
if w.FileOperationDelete(f, flags) then
Return true // OK
end if
// Target not supported
Return false
End Function

If you want to move a file to trash, you could use f.movefileto f.trashfolder, but that will overwrite existing files in the trash. You can use our MacFileOperationMBS class to move a file on Mac to the trash. And it uses the same code as the Finder, so files are renamed when the same name is already in use in the trash:

On Windows we use WindowsFileCopyMBS class.
Requires Mac OS X 10.5.

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