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/WinFrameworks/Bluetooth/BluetoothLE Device

Required plugins for this example: MBS WinFrameworks Plugin

You find this example project in your Plugins Download as a Xojo project file within the examples folder: /WinFrameworks/Bluetooth/BluetoothLE Device

This example is the version from Mon, 10th Sep 2023.

Project "BluetoothLE Device.xojo_binary_project"
Class App Inherits DesktopApplication
Const kEditClear = "&Delete"
Const kFileQuit = "&Quit"
Const kFileQuitShortcut = ""
End Class
Class MainWindow Inherits DesktopWindow
Control List Inherits DesktopListBox
ControlInstance List Inherits DesktopListBox
End Control
EventHandler Sub Opening() #If TargetWindows // find device log "Waiting for device..." Watcher = new WindowsBluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcher watcher.ScanningMode = Watcher.ScanningModeActive watcher.list = list Watcher.Start 'Dim BluetoothAddress As UInt64 = &h4EE3E408B94A // you need to change this! 'FromBluetoothAddress BluetoothAddress #Else Log "Please run on Windows." #EndIf End EventHandler
Sub FromBluetoothAddress(BluetoothAddress as UInt64) Log "try to connect to device at "+BluetoothAddress.ToString // 1. WindowsBluetoothLEDeviceMBS.FromBluetoothAddressAsync(bluetoothAddress, AddressOf FromBluetoothAddressAsyncCompleted) End Sub
Sub FromBluetoothAddressAsyncCompleted(AsyncStatus as Integer, Device as WindowsBluetoothLEDeviceMBS) #pragma unused AsyncStatus // got device If Device = Nil Then MessageBox "Failed to get device." Else Dim NewDevice As New WindowsBluetoothLEDevice(Device) NewDevice.list = list Self.Devices.append NewDevice Log "Device.Name: " Log "Device.ID: "+NewDevice.BluetoothDeviceId.Id Log "Device.Appearance.Category: "+NewDevice.Appearance.Category.ToString // 2. request access NewDevice.RequestAccessAsync End If End Sub
Sub Log(message as string) System.DebugLog message List.AddRow message End Sub
Property Watcher As WindowsBluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcher
Property devices() As WindowsBluetoothLEDevice
End Class
MenuBar MainMenuBar
MenuItem FileMenu = "&File"
MenuItem FileQuit = "#App.kFileQuit"
MenuItem EditMenu = "&Edit"
MenuItem EditUndo = "&Undo"
MenuItem EditSeparator1 = "-"
MenuItem EditCut = "Cu&t"
MenuItem EditCopy = "&Copy"
MenuItem EditPaste = "&Paste"
MenuItem EditClear = "#App.kEditClear"
MenuItem EditSeparator2 = "-"
MenuItem EditSelectAll = "Select &All"
MenuItem HelpMenu = "&Help"
End MenuBar
Class WindowsBluetoothLEDevice Inherits WindowsBluetoothLEDeviceMBS
EventHandler Sub ConnectionStatusChanged() Log CurrentMethodName Select Case Me.ConnectionStatus Case Me.ConnectionStatusConnected Log "New status: Connected" Case Me.ConnectionStatusDisconnected Log "New status: Disconnected" End Select End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub GattServicesChanged() Log CurrentMethodName End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub GetGattServicesCompleted(asyncStatus as Integer, Result as WindowsGattDeviceServicesResultMBS) Log CurrentMethodName if Result <> nil then dim services() as WindowsGattDeviceServiceMBS = Result.Services for each Service as WindowsGattDeviceServiceMBS in Services log "Found service: "+Service.UUID 'dim iservices() as WindowsGattDeviceServiceMBS = Service.GetAllIncludedServices 'for each iservice as WindowsGattDeviceServiceMBS in iservices 'log " Found included service: "+iService.UUID 'next 'dim pservices() as WindowsGattDeviceServiceMBS = Service.ParentServices 'for each pService as WindowsGattDeviceServiceMBS in pservices 'log " Found parent service: "+pService.UUID 'next Dim HeartRateServiceUUID As String = "{0000180d-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb}" // heart rate if Service.UUID = HeartRateServiceUUID then dim GattService as New WindowsGattDeviceService(service) GattService.list = list GattService.RequestAccessAsync GattServices.append GattService end if next end if End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub NameChanged() Log CurrentMethodName Log "New name: "+Me.Name End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub RequestAccessCompleted(asyncStatus as Integer, DeviceAccessStatus as Integer) // got access Log CurrentMethodName If AsyncStatus = AsyncStatusCompleted Then Select Case DeviceAccessStatus Case Me.DeviceAccessStatusAllowed Log "Access allowed." Case Me.DeviceAccessStatusDeniedBySystem Log "Access denied by system." Case Me.DeviceAccessStatusDeniedByUser Log "Access denied by user." Case Me.DeviceAccessStatusUnspecified Log "Access unknown." End Select Me.CheckGatt Else MessageBox "Failed to ask for device access." End If End EventHandler
Sub CheckGatt() // 3. get list of all services me.GetGattServicesAsync if false then // this is ID of our Bluetooth Heart Rate Monitor: 180D Dim HeartRateServiceUUID As String = "{0000180d-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb}" try Dim g As WindowsGattDeviceServiceMBS = Me.GetGattService(HeartRateServiceUUID) dim GattService as New WindowsGattDeviceService(g) GattService.list = list GattService.RequestAccessAsync GattServices.append GattService catch r as RuntimeException log Introspection.GetType(r).name+": "+r.Message end try end if End Sub
Sub Log(message as string) System.DebugLog message if list = nil then Break else List.AddRow message end if End Sub
Property GattServices() As WindowsGattDeviceService
Property list As DesktopListBox
End Class
Class WindowsGattDeviceService Inherits WindowsGattDeviceServiceMBS
EventHandler Sub CharacteristicsCompleted(asyncStatus as Integer, Result as WindowsGattCharacteristicsResultMBS) Log CurrentMethodName // got characteristics If result <> Nil Then Dim theCharacteristics() As WindowsGattCharacteristicMBS = Result.Characteristics For Each theCharacteristic As WindowsGattCharacteristicMBS In theCharacteristics Dim Characteristic As New WindowsGattCharacteristic(theCharacteristic) Characteristic.list = list Log "Characteristic: "+Characteristic.UserDescription+" "+Characteristic.UUID Characteristics.append Characteristic Characteristic.GetDescriptorsAsync dim Mode as integer = _ WindowsGattReadClientCharacteristicConfigurationDescriptorResultMBS.ConfigurationDescriptorValueNotify + _ WindowsGattReadClientCharacteristicConfigurationDescriptorResultMBS.ConfigurationDescriptorValueIndicate Characteristic.WriteClientCharacteristicConfigurationDescriptorAsync Mode Next Else Log "Failed to get characteristics." End If End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub IncludedServicesCompleted(asyncStatus as Integer, Result as WindowsGattDeviceServicesResultMBS) Log CurrentMethodName End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub OpenAsyncCompleted(asyncStatus as Integer, OpenStatus as Integer) // device open Log CurrentMethodName If AsyncStatus = WindowsBluetoothLEDevice.AsyncStatusCompleted Then Select Case OpenStatus Case Me.OpenStatusAccessDenied Log "AccessDenied." Case Me.OpenStatusAlreadyOpened Log "AlreadyOpened." Case Me.OpenStatusNotFound Log "NotFound." Case Me.OpenStatusSharingViolation Log "SharingViolation." Case Me.OpenStatusSuccess Log "Success." Case Me.OpenStatusUnspecified Log "Unspecified." End Select me.CheckGattCharacteristics Else MessageBox "Failed to ask for device access." End If End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub RequestAccessCompleted(asyncStatus as Integer, DeviceAccessStatus as Integer) // got access Log CurrentMethodName If AsyncStatus = WindowsBluetoothLEDevice.AsyncStatusCompleted Then Select Case DeviceAccessStatus Case WindowsBluetoothLEDevice.DeviceAccessStatusAllowed Log "Access allowed." Case WindowsBluetoothLEDevice.DeviceAccessStatusDeniedBySystem Log "Access denied by system." Case WindowsBluetoothLEDevice.DeviceAccessStatusDeniedByUser Log "Access denied by user." Case WindowsBluetoothLEDevice.DeviceAccessStatusUnspecified Log "Access unknown." End Select // 4. open Me.OpenAsync Me.SharingModeSharedReadOnly Else MessageBox "Failed to ask for device access." End If End EventHandler
Sub CheckGattCharacteristics() // 5. query characteristics Me.GetCharacteristicsAsync(Me.CacheModeCached) End Sub
Sub Log(message as string) System.DebugLog message List.AddRow message End Sub
Property Characteristics() As WindowsGattCharacteristic
Property list As DesktopListBox
End Class
Class WindowsGattDescriptor Inherits WindowsGattDescriptorMBS
EventHandler Sub ReadValueAsyncCompleted(asyncStatus as Integer, Result as WindowsGattReadResultMBS) Log CurrentMethodName End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub WriteValueAsyncCompleted(asyncStatus as Integer, Result as Integer) Log CurrentMethodName End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub WriteValueWithResultAsyncCompleted(asyncStatus as Integer, Result as WindowsGattWriteResultMBS) Log CurrentMethodName End EventHandler
Sub Log(message as string) System.DebugLog message if list = nil then Break else List.AddRow message end if End Sub
Property list As DesktopListBox
End Class
Class WindowsGattCharacteristic Inherits WindowsGattCharacteristicMBS
EventHandler Sub DescriptorsCompleted(asyncStatus as Integer, Result as WindowsGattDescriptorsResultMBS) Log CurrentMethodName If result <> Nil Then Dim Descriptors() As WindowsGattDescriptorMBS = result.Descriptors For Each Descriptor As WindowsGattDescriptorMBS In Descriptors Log "Descriptor for attribute "+Descriptor.AttributeHandle.ToString+" has "+Descriptor.UUID Next me.ReadValueAsync End If End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub ReadValueAsyncCompleted(asyncStatus as Integer, Result as WindowsGattReadResultMBS) Log CurrentMethodName if result <> nil then dim mem as MemoryBlock = result.Value log "Value: "+EncodeHex(mem) end if End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub ValueChanged(args as WindowsGattValueChangedEventArgsMBS) Log CurrentMethodName if args <> nil then dim CharacteristicValue as MemoryBlock = args.CharacteristicValue if CharacteristicValue <> nil then // for Heart Rate, first byte is flags and second byte should be the value dim flags as integer = CharacteristicValue.UInt8Value(0) dim bpm as integer = CharacteristicValue.UInt8Value(1) log "CharacteristicValue changed: "+EncodeHex(CharacteristicValue)+" BPM: "+str(bpm) end if end if End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub WriteValueAsyncCompleted(asyncStatus as Integer, Result as Integer) Log CurrentMethodName End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub WriteValueWithResultAsyncCompleted(asyncStatus as Integer, Result as WindowsGattWriteResultMBS) Log CurrentMethodName End EventHandler
Sub Log(message as string) System.DebugLog message if list = nil then Break else List.AddRow message end if End Sub
Property list As DesktopListBox
End Class
Class WindowsBluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcher Inherits WindowsBluetoothLEAdvertisementWatcherMBS
EventHandler Sub Received(Args as WindowsBluetoothLEAdvertisementReceivedEventArgsMBS) dim ba as string = args.BluetoothAddress.ToHex dim a as WindowsBluetoothLEAdvertisementMBS = args.Advertisement if a <> nil then dim localName as string = a.LocalName if localName <> "" then log ba+" has LocalName: "+a.LocalName if localName = "Heart Rate" then dim Advertisement as WindowsBluetoothLEAdvertisementMBS = args.Advertisement dim ServiceUUIDs() as string = Advertisement.ServiceUuids log "ServiceUUIDs: "+string.FromArray(ServiceUUIDs, ", ") // we found our device dim BluetoothAddress as UInt64 = args.BluetoothAddress MainWindow.FromBluetoothAddress BluetoothAddress me.Stop end if end if end if End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub Stopped(Error as Integer) dim m as string = "Stopped "+str(Error) dim e as string Select case Error case 0 return // no error, we just stopped it case me.ErrorNotSupported e = "Error: not supported." case me.ErrorRadioNotAvailable e = "Error: Radio not available." case me.ErrorDisabledByUser e = "Error: Disabled by user." case me.ErrorDisabledByPolicy e = "Error: Disabled by policy." case me.ErrorResourceInUse e = "Error: Resource in use." end Select MessageBox m + EndOfLine+EndOfLine + e End EventHandler
Sub Log(message as string) System.DebugLog message if list = nil then Break else List.AddRow message end if End Sub
Property list As DesktopListBox
End Class
End Project

See also:

The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS WinFrameworks Plugin.

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