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/Util/JSON/JSON Query Tests

You find this example project in your Plugins Download as a Xojo project file within the examples folder: /Util/JSON/JSON Query Tests

This example is the version from Mon, 24th Sep 2023.

Project "JSON Query Tests.xojo_binary_project"
Class App Inherits ConsoleApplication
EventHandler Function Run(args() as String) As Integer Dim json As String = "{ ""store"": {" +_ " ""book"": [ " +_ " { ""category"": ""reference""," +_ " ""author"": ""Nigel Rees""," +_ " ""title"": ""Sayings of the Century""," +_ " ""price"": 8.95" +_ " }," +_ " { ""category"": ""fiction""," +_ " ""author"": ""Evelyn Waugh""," +_ " ""title"": ""Sword of Honour""," +_ " ""price"": 12.99" +_ " }," +_ " { ""category"": ""fiction""," +_ " ""author"": ""Herman Melville""," +_ " ""title"": ""Moby Dick""," +_ " ""isbn"": ""0-553-21311-3""," +_ " ""price"": 8.99" +_ " }," +_ " { ""category"": ""fiction""," +_ " ""author"": ""J. R. R. Tolkien""," +_ " ""title"": ""The Lord of the Rings""," +_ " ""isbn"": ""0-395-19395-8""," +_ " ""price"": 22.99" +_ " }" +_ " ]," +_ " ""bicycle"": {" +_ " ""color"": ""red""," +_ " ""price"": 19.95" +_ " }" +_ " }" +_ "}" Dim j As New JSONMBS(json) // The authors of books that are cheaper than $10 Dim result1 As JSONMBS = j.Query("$[?(@.price < 10)].author") print "Result 1: "+result1.ToString // [ // "Nigel Rees", // "Herman Melville" // ] // The all books 'Dim result2a As JSONMBS = j.Query("$") 'print "Result 2: "+result2a.ToString // The number of books // returns 1 currently, but should Return 4. Reported As bug... Dim result2 As JSONMBS = j.Query("length($") print "Result 2: "+result2.ToString // The third book Dim result3 As JSONMBS = j.Query("$[2]") print "Result 3: "+result3.ToString // All books whose author's name starts with Evelyn Dim result4 As JSONMBS = j.Query("$[?( =~ /Evelyn.*?/)]") print "Result 4: "+result4.ToString // The titles of all books that have isbn number Dim result5 As JSONMBS = j.Query("$[?(@.isbn)].title") print "Result 5: "+result5.ToString // All authors and titles of books Dim result6 As JSONMBS = j.Query("$['store']['book']..['author','title']") print "Result 6: "+result6.ToString // Union of two ranges of book titles Dim result7 As JSONMBS = j.Query("$[1:2,2:4].title") print "Result 7: "+result7.ToString // Union of a subset of book titles identified by index Dim query8 As String = "$.store[[0].title,[1].title,[3].title]" Dim result8 As JSONMBS = j.Query(query8) print "Result 8: "+result8.ToString // Union of third book title and all book titles with price > 10 Dim result9 As JSONMBS = j.Query("$.store[[3].title,[?(@.price > 10)].title]") print "Result 9: "+result9.ToString // Intersection of book titles with category fiction and price < 15 Dim result10 As JSONMBS = j.Query("$[?(@.category == 'fiction' && @.price < 15)].title") print "Result 10: "+result10.ToString // Normalized path expressions Dim result11 As JSONMBS = j.Query("$[?( =~ /Evelyn.*?/)]") // , j.kPathResultOptionsPath) print "Result 11: "+result11.ToString // All titles whose author's second name is 'Waugh' Dim result12 As JSONMBS = j.Query("$[?(tokenize(,'\\s+')[1] == 'Waugh')].title") print "Result 12: "+result12.ToString // All keys in the second book Dim result13 As JSONMBS = j.Query("keys($[1])[*]") print "Result 13: "+result13.ToString End EventHandler
End Class
End Project

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