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/MacCG/CoreImage/Quickly generate previews for JPEG and Tiff

Required plugins for this example: MBS MacCI Plugin, MBS MacBase Plugin, MBS Images Plugin, MBS Main Plugin, MBS MacCG Plugin, MBS MacCF Plugin

You find this example project in your Plugins Download as a Xojo project file within the examples folder: /MacCG/CoreImage/Quickly generate previews for JPEG and Tiff

This example is the version from Thu, 31th Jul 2019.

Project "Quickly generate previews for JPEG and Tiff.xojo_binary_project"
Class App Inherits Application
Const kEditClear = "&Delete"
Const kFileQuit = "&Quit"
Const kFileQuitShortcut = ""
End Class
Class Window1 Inherits Window
Control list Inherits Listbox
ControlInstance list Inherits Listbox
End Control
EventHandler Sub Open() dim TestTiff as FolderItem = SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child("TestTiff") if TestTiff.Exists = false then MsgBox "Please provide folder TestTiff on desktop with a dozen sample images." end if dim TestJPEG as FolderItem = SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child("TestJPEG") if TestJPEG.Exists = false then MsgBox "Please provide folder TestJPEG on desktop with a dozen sample images." end if dim TestResult as FolderItem = SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child("TestResult") TestResult.CreateAsFolder TestJPEGwithRB TestJPEG, TestResult TestTIFFwithRB TestTiff, TestResult TestJPEGwithMBS TestJPEG, TestResult TestTIFFwithMBS TestTiff, TestResult TestJPEGwithFasterMBS TestJPEG, TestResult TestTIFFwithFasterMBS TestTiff, TestResult TestJPEGwithCoreImage TestJPEG, TestResult TestTIFFwithCoreImage TestTiff, TestResult End EventHandler
Function ProportinalScaled(pic as Picture, Width as integer, Height as Integer) As Picture // Calculate scale factor dim faktor as Double = min( Height / Pic.Height, Width / Pic.Width) // Calculate new size dim w as integer = Pic.Width * faktor dim h as integer = Pic.Height * faktor // create new picture dim NewPic as new Picture(w,h,32) // draw picture in the new size NewPic.Graphics.DrawPicture Pic, 0, 0, w, h, 0, 0, Pic.Width, Pic.Height // return result Return NewPic End Function
Sub TestJPEGwithCoreImage(source as FolderItem, dest as FolderItem) dim t as integer = ticks dim c as integer = source.Count dim filter as new CIFilterLanczosScaleTransformMBS for i as integer = 1 to c dim item as FolderItem = source.TrueItem(i) if Right(,4) = ".jpg" then dim image as new CIImageMBS(item) dim w as integer = Image.Extent.Width dim h as integer = image.Extent.Height dim l as integer = max(w,h) filter.inputImage = image filter.inputAspectRatio = 1.0 filter.inputScale = 100.0/l dim out as FolderItem = dest.Child(CurrentMethodName+" " dim img as CIImageMBS = filter.outputImage dim nimg as NSImageMBS = img.RenderNSImage(false) dim data as string = nimg.JPEGRepresentationWithCompressionFactor(0.8) dim b as BinaryStream = BinaryStream.Create(out, true) b.Write data b.Close end if next t = ticks -t list.AddRow CurrentMethodName, str(t) End Sub
Sub TestJPEGwithFasterMBS(source as FolderItem, dest as FolderItem) dim t as integer = ticks dim c as integer = source.Count for i as integer = 1 to c dim item as FolderItem = source.TrueItem(i) if Right(,4) = ".jpg" then dim ji as new JPEGImporterMBS ji.File = item if ji.ReadHeader then dim w as integer = ji.Width dim h as integer = ji.Height dim l as integer = max(w,h) dim d as integer = l/100.0 if d>8 then ji.ScaleFactor = 8 elseif d>4 then ji.ScaleFactor = 4 elseif d>2 then ji.ScaleFactor = 2 end if ji.Import dim p as Picture = ji.Picture p = ProportinalScaled(p, 100, 100) dim out as FolderItem = dest.Child(CurrentMethodName+" " if p<>Nil then p.Save(out, p.SaveAsJPEG) end if end if end if next t = ticks -t list.AddRow CurrentMethodName, str(t) End Sub
Sub TestJPEGwithMBS(source as FolderItem, dest as FolderItem) dim t as integer = ticks dim c as integer = source.Count for i as integer = 1 to c dim item as FolderItem = source.TrueItem(i) if Right(,4) = ".jpg" then dim p as Picture = item.OpenAsJPEGMBS p = ProportinalScaled(p, 100, 100) dim out as FolderItem = dest.Child(CurrentMethodName+" " if p<>Nil then p.Save(out, p.SaveAsJPEG) end if end if next t = ticks -t list.AddRow CurrentMethodName, str(t) End Sub
Sub TestJPEGwithRB(source as FolderItem, dest as FolderItem) dim t as integer = ticks dim c as integer = source.Count for i as integer = 1 to c dim item as FolderItem = source.TrueItem(i) if Right(,4) = ".jpg" then dim p as Picture = Picture.Open(item) p = ProportinalScaled(p, 100, 100) dim out as FolderItem = dest.Child(CurrentMethodName+" " if p<>Nil then p.Save(out, p.SaveAsJPEG) end if end if next t = ticks -t list.AddRow CurrentMethodName, str(t) End Sub
Sub TestTIFFwithCoreImage(source as FolderItem, dest as FolderItem) dim t as integer = ticks dim filter as new CIFilterLanczosScaleTransformMBS dim c as integer = source.Count for i as integer = 1 to c dim item as FolderItem = source.TrueItem(i) System.DebugLog if Right(,4) = ".tif" or Right(,5) = ".tiff" then dim image as new CIImageMBS(item) dim w as integer = Image.Extent.Width dim h as integer = image.Extent.Height dim l as integer = max(w,h) filter.inputImage = image filter.inputAspectRatio = 1.0 filter.inputScale = 100.0/l dim out as FolderItem = dest.Child(CurrentMethodName+" " dim img as CIImageMBS = filter.outputImage dim nimg as NSImageMBS = img.RenderNSImage(false) dim data as string = nimg.JPEGRepresentationWithCompressionFactor(0.8) dim b as BinaryStream = BinaryStream.Create(out, true) b.Write data b.Close end if next t = ticks -t list.AddRow CurrentMethodName, str(t) End Sub
Sub TestTIFFwithFasterMBS(source as FolderItem, dest as FolderItem) dim t as integer = ticks dim c as integer = source.Count for i as integer = 1 to c dim item as FolderItem = source.TrueItem(i) System.DebugLog if Right(,4) = ".tif" or Right(,5) = ".tiff" then dim tt as TiffPictureMBS = item.OpenAsTiffMBS(true) if tt<>nil then dim w as integer = tt.Width dim h as integer = tt.Height dim l as integer = max(w,h) dim d as integer = l/100.0 dim p as Picture if d>1 then call tt.ReadPreviewRGB(d) else call tt.ReadRGB end if p = tt.CombinePictureWithMask if p<>Nil then p = ProportinalScaled(p, 100, 100) dim n as string = item.Name n = ReplaceAll(n, ".tiff", "") n = ReplaceAll(n, ".tif", "") dim out as FolderItem = dest.Child(CurrentMethodName+" "+n+".jpg") if p<>Nil then p.Save(out, p.SaveAsJPEG) end if end if else System.DebugLog "Failed to read "+item.Name end if end if next t = ticks -t list.AddRow CurrentMethodName, str(t) End Sub
Sub TestTIFFwithMBS(source as FolderItem, dest as FolderItem) dim t as integer = ticks dim c as integer = source.Count for i as integer = 1 to c dim item as FolderItem = source.TrueItem(i) System.DebugLog if Right(,4) = ".tif" or Right(,5) = ".tiff" then dim tt as TiffPictureMBS = item.OpenAsTiffMBS dim p as Picture = tt.CombinePictureWithMask if p<>Nil then p = ProportinalScaled(p, 100, 100) dim n as string = item.Name n = ReplaceAll(n, ".tiff", "") n = ReplaceAll(n, ".tif", "") dim out as FolderItem = dest.Child(CurrentMethodName+" "+n+".jpg") if p<>Nil then p.Save(out, p.SaveAsJPEG) end if else System.DebugLog "Failed to read "+item.Name end if end if next t = ticks -t list.AddRow CurrentMethodName, str(t) End Sub
Sub TestTIFFwithRB(source as FolderItem, dest as FolderItem) dim t as integer = ticks dim c as integer = source.Count for i as integer = 1 to c dim item as FolderItem = source.TrueItem(i) System.DebugLog if Right(,4) = ".tif" or Right(,5) = ".tiff" then dim p as Picture = Picture.Open(item) p = ProportinalScaled(p, 100, 100) dim n as string = item.Name n = ReplaceAll(n, ".tiff", "") n = ReplaceAll(n, ".tif", "") dim out as FolderItem = dest.Child(CurrentMethodName+" "+n+".jpg") if p<>Nil then p.Save(out, p.SaveAsJPEG) end if end if next t = ticks -t list.AddRow CurrentMethodName, str(t) End Sub
End Class
MenuBar MenuBar1
MenuItem FileMenu = "&File"
MenuItem FileQuit = "#App.kFileQuit"
MenuItem EditMenu = "&Edit"
MenuItem EditUndo = "&Undo"
MenuItem UntitledMenu1 = "-"
MenuItem EditCut = "Cu&t"
MenuItem EditCopy = "&Copy"
MenuItem EditPaste = "&Paste"
MenuItem EditClear = "#App.kEditClear"
MenuItem UntitledMenu0 = "-"
MenuItem EditSelectAll = "Select &All"
End MenuBar
End Project

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