Platforms to show: All Mac Windows Linux Cross-Platform
Required plugins for this example: MBS DynaPDF Plugin
Last modified Wed, 14th Sep 2021.
You find this example project in your MBS Xojo Plugin download as a Xojo project file within the examples folder: /DynaPDF/Font Test
Download this example: Font
Project "Font Test.xojo_binary_project"
Filetype text
Filetype icc
End FileTypes
MenuBar MenuBar1
MenuItem UntitledMenu1 = ""
MenuItem FileMenu = "&File"
MenuItem FileQuit = "Quit"
MenuItem UntitledMenu5 = ""
MenuItem EditMenu = "&Edit"
MenuItem EditUndo = "&Undo"
MenuItem UntitledMenu0 = "-"
MenuItem EditCut = "Cu&t"
MenuItem EditCopy = "&Copy"
MenuItem EditPaste = "&Paste"
MenuItem EditClear = "Clear"
MenuItem UntitledMenu4 = ""
MenuItem UntitledMenu3 = ""
MenuItem UntitledMenu2 = ""
End MenuBar
Class App Inherits Application
Const CHAR_COUNT = 20
Const TEST_TEXT = "The quick brown fox and the lazy mouse. äöü ÄÖÜ @"
Const TEST_TEXT2 = "The quick brown fox."
EventHandler Sub Open()
dim pdf as new MyDynapdfMBS
dim filename as FolderItem
pdf.SetLicenseKey "Starter" // For this example you can use a Starter, Lite, Pro or Enterprise License
ListFonts pdf
// Standard font test
fileName=SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child("Standard Fonts.pdf")
CreateTestPDF(pdf, fileName, false)
TestStandardFonts(pdf, pdf.kcp1252)
EndTest(pdf, fileName)
// Test font methods (standard fonts only)
filename=SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child("Font Methods Standard Fonts.pdf")
CreateTestPDF(pdf, fileName, false)
TestFontMethods(pdf, pdf.kcp1252, false)
EndTest(pdf, fileName)
// Test font methods (all fonts)
filename=SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child("Font Methods All Fonts.pdf")
CreateTestPDF(pdf, fileName, true)
TestFontMethods(pdf, pdf.kcp1252, true)
EndTest(pdf, fileName)
// Test vector graphics
filename=SpecialFolder.Desktop.Child("Vecotr Graphics.pdf")
CreateTestPDF(pdf, fileName, true)
EndTest(pdf, fileName)
End EventHandler
Sub CreateTestPDF(PDF as DynapdfMBS, Filename as folderitem, UseFontList as boolean)
TimeStart = ticks
call pdf.SetDocInfo(pdf.kdiSubject, "DynaPDF function test")
call pdf.SetDocInfo(pdf.kdiTitle, "DynaPDF function test")
call pdf.SetViewerPreferences(pdf.kvpDisplayDocTitle, pdf.kavNone)
call pdf.SetPageCoords(pdf.kpcTopDown)
call pdf.SetCompressionLevel(pdf.kclDefault)
call pdf.CreateNewPDF(FileName)
End Sub
Sub DrawShapes(PDF as DynapdfMBS, Direction as integer, Coords as integer, Text as string)
dim title as string = "Vector graphics test"
dim posY as double = 50.0
dim posX as double = 130.0
call pdf.Append
if (Coords = pdf.kpcBottomUp) then
posY = pdf.GetPageHeight -70
end if
call pdf.SetDrawDirection(Direction)
call pdf.SetPageCoords(Coords)
call pdf.SetLineWidth(0.5)
call pdf.SetFillColor(pdf.kPDF_NAVY)
call pdf.SetFont("Helvetica", pdf.kfsItalic + pdf.kfsUnderlined, 20.0, false, pdf.kcpUnicode)
call pdf.WriteText(50.0, posY, title)
if (Coords = pdf.kpcBottomUp) then
posY = posY- 50.0
posY = posY+ 50.0
end if
call pdf.SetFillColor(pdf.kPDF_BLACK)
Call pdf.SetFont("Helvetica", pdf.kfsNone, 12.0, False, pdf.kcpUnicode)
call pdf.WriteText(posX, posY, Text)
if (Coords = pdf.kpcBottomUp) then
posY = posY- 60.0
posY = posY+ 20.0
end if
call pdf.SetFillColor(pdf.kPDF_MOGREEN)
call pdf.SetStrokeColor(pdf.kPDF_BLUE)
call pdf.Rectangle(posX, posY, 100.0, 50.0, pdf.kfmStroke)
call pdf.Rectangle(posX + 110.0, posY, 100.0, 50.0, pdf.kfmFill)
call pdf.Rectangle(posX + 220.0, posY, 100.0, 50.0, pdf.kfmFillStroke)
if (Coords = pdf.kpcBottomUp) then
posY = posY- 60.0
posY = posY+ 60.0
end if
call pdf.RoundRect(posX, posY, 100.0, 50.0, 20.0, pdf.kfmStroke)
call pdf.RoundRect(posX + 110.0, posY, 100.0, 50.0, 20.0, pdf.kfmFill)
call pdf.RoundRect(posX + 220.0, posY, 100.0, 50.0, 20.0, pdf.kfmFillStroke)
if (Coords = pdf.kpcBottomUp) then
posY = posY- 60.0
posY = posY+ 60.0
end if
call pdf.RoundRectEx(posX, posY, 100.0, 50.0, 40.0, 20.0, pdf.kfmStroke)
call pdf.RoundRectEx(posX + 110.0, posY, 100.0, 50.0, 40.0, 20.0,pdf.kfmFill)
call pdf.RoundRectEx(posX + 220.0, posY, 100.0, 50.0, 40.0, 20.0,pdf.kfmFillStroke)
if (Coords = pdf.kpcBottomUp) then
posY = posY- 60.0
posY = posY+ 60.0
end if
call pdf.Ellipse(posX, posY, 100.0, 50.0, pdf.kfmStroke)
call pdf.Ellipse(posX + 110.0, posY, 100.0, 50.0, pdf.kfmFill)
call pdf.Ellipse(posX + 220.0, posY, 100.0, 50.0, pdf.kfmFillStroke)
if (Coords = pdf.kpcBottomUp) then
posY = posY- 35.0
posY = posY+ 85.0
end if
call pdf.DrawCircle(posX + 160, posY, 25.0, pdf.kfmFill)
call pdf.DrawCircle(posX + 270, posY, 25.0, pdf.kfmFillStroke)
if (Coords = pdf.kpcBottomUp) then
posY = posY- 60.0
posY = posY+ 60.0
end if
call pdf.DrawChord(posX + 50.0, posY, 100.0, 50.0, 150.0, 30.0, pdf.kfmStroke)
call pdf.DrawChord(posX + 160.0, posY, 100.0, 50.0, 150.0, 30.0, pdf.kfmFill)
call pdf.DrawChord(posX + 270.0, posY, 100.0, 50.0, 150.0, 30.0, pdf.kfmFillStroke)
if (Coords = pdf.kpcBottomUp) then
posY = posY- 60.0
posY = posY+ 60.0
end if
call pdf.DrawPie(posX + 50.0, posY, 100.0, 50.0, 150.0, 30.0, pdf.kfmStroke)
call pdf.DrawPie(posX + 160.0, posY, 100.0, 50.0, 150.0, 30.0, pdf.kfmFill)
call pdf.DrawPie(posX + 270.0, posY, 100.0, 50.0, 150.0, 30.0, pdf.kfmFillStroke)
if (Coords = pdf.kpcBottomUp) then
posY = posY- 60.0
posY = posY+ 60.0
end if
call pdf.DrawArc(posX + 50.0, posY, 25.0, 150.0, 30.0)
call pdf.StrokePath
call pdf.DrawArcEx(posX + 160.0, posY, 50.0, 50.0, 150.0, 30.0)
call pdf.StrokePath
call pdf.DrawArcEx(posX + 270.0, posY, 100.0, 50.0, 150.0, 30.0)
call pdf.StrokePath
if (Coords = pdf.kpcBottomUp) then
posY = posY- 85.0
posY = posY+ 35.0
end if
call pdf.Triangle(posX, posY, posX +100.0, posY, posX +50.0, posY +50.0, pdf.kfmStroke)
posX = posx+ 110.0
call pdf.Triangle(posX, posY, posX +100.0, posY, posX +50.0, posY +50.0, pdf.kfmFill)
posX = posx+ 110.0
call pdf.Triangle(posX, posY, posX +100.0, posY, posX +50.0, posY +50.0, pdf.kfmFillStroke)
call pdf.EndPage
End Sub
Sub EndTest(PDF as DynapdfMBS, filename as folderitem)
call pdf.CloseFile
TimeStart = ticks - TimeStart
System.DebugLog "Processing time: "+str(TimeStart)
System.DebugLog "PDF file: "+filename.Name
End Sub
Function GetCodepageAsStr(cp as integer) As string
Select case cp
case DynaPDFMBS.kcp1250
return "1250"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcp1251
return "1251"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcp1252
return "1252"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcp1253
return "1253"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcp1254
return "1254"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcp1255
return "1255"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcp1256
return "1256"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcp1257
return "1257"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcp1258
return "1258"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcp8859_2
return "8859_2"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcp8859_3
return "8859_3"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcp8859_4
return "8859_4"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcp8859_5
return "8859_5"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcp8859_6
return "8859_6"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcp8859_7
return "8859_7"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcp8859_8
return "8859_8"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcp8859_9
return "8859_9"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcp8859_10
return "8859_10"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcp8859_13
return "8859_13"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcp8859_14
return "8859_14"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcp8859_15
return "8859_15"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcp8859_16
return "8859_16"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcpSymbol
return "Symbol"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcp437
return "437"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcp737
return "737"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcp775
return "775"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcp850
return "850"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcp852
return "852"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcp855
return "855"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcp857
return "857"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcp860
return "860"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcp861
return "861"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcp862
return "862"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcp863
return "863"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcp864
return "864"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcp865
return "865"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcp866
return "866"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcp869
return "869"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcp874
return "874"
case DynaPDFMBS.kcpUnicode
return "Unicode"
return "CJK code pages are not supported in this test"
end Select
End Function
Sub ListFonts(pdf as MyDynapdfMBS)
FontCount = pdf.EnumHostFonts
if (FontCount <= 0) then
MsgBox "No fonts found!"
end if
End Sub
Sub TestFontMethods(PDF as DynapdfMBS, CP as integer, AllFonts as boolean)
dim title as string = "Test font methods (code page "
dim headText as string
dim font as pdfFont
dim i as integer
dim posY as double = 50.0
title=Title+GetCodepageAsStr(CP)+ ")"
call pdf.Append
call pdf.SetStrokeColor(pdf.kPDF_BLACK)
call pdf.SetLineWidth(0.5)
call pdf.SetFillColor(pdf.kPDF_NAVY)
if (m_SelMode = pdf.ksmFamilyName) then
Call pdf.SetFont("Helvetica", pdf.kfsItalic + pdf.kfsUnderlined, 20.0, True, pdf.kcpUnicode)
call pdf.SetFont("Helvetica-Oblique", pdf.kfsUnderlined, 20.0, true, pdf.kcpUnicode)
end if
call pdf.WriteText(50.0, posY, title)
posY = posY+ 30.0
Call pdf.SetFont("Helvetica", pdf.kfsNone, 12.0, False, pdf.kcpUnicode)
call pdf.SetFillColor(pdf.kPDF_BLACK)
call pdf.WriteText(50.0, posY, "The rectanlge over the following output strings is always calculated with GetTextWidth().")
posY = posY+ 20
posY = WritePropertyLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, "Helvetica", "Helvetica", pdf.kfsNone, CP)
posY = WritePropertyLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, "Helvetica", "Helvetica-Bold", pdf.kfsBold, CP)
posY = WritePropertyLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, "Helvetica", "Helvetica-Oblique", pdf.kfsItalic, CP)
posY = WritePropertyLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, "Helvetica", "Helvetica-BoldOblique", pdf.kfsItalic + pdf.kfsBold, CP)
posY = WritePropertyLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, "Courier", "Courier", pdf.kfsNone, CP)
posY = WritePropertyLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, "Courier", "Courier-Bold", pdf.kfsBold, CP)
posY = WritePropertyLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, "Courier", "Courier-Oblique", pdf.kfsItalic, CP)
call WritePropertyLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, "Courier", "Courier-BoldOblique", pdf.kfsBold + pdf.kfsItalic, CP)
call pdf.EndPage
call pdf.Append
posY = 50.0
call pdf.SetLineWidth(0.5)
call pdf.SetFillColor(pdf.kPDF_NAVY)
if (m_SelMode = pdf.ksmFamilyName) then
Call pdf.SetFont("Helvetica", pdf.kfsItalic + pdf.kfsUnderlined, 20.0, True, pdf.kcpUnicode)
Call pdf.SetFont("Helvetica-Oblique", pdf.kfsUnderlined, 20.0, True, pdf.kcpUnicode)
end if
call pdf.WriteText(50.0, posY, title)
call pdf.SetFillColor(pdf.kPDF_BLACK)
posY = posY+ 30
posY = WritePropertyLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, ("Times"), "Times-Roman", pdf.kfsNone, CP)
posY = WritePropertyLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, ("Times"), "Times-Bold", pdf.kfsBold, CP)
posY = WritePropertyLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, ("Times"), "Times-Italic", pdf.kfsItalic, CP)
posY = WritePropertyLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, ("Times"), "Times-BoldItalic", pdf.kfsBold + pdf.kfsItalic, CP)
// We cannot emulate a font style when trying to select the font with the postscript name.
m_SelMode = pdf.ksmFamilyName
call pdf.SetFontSelMode(m_SelMode)
posY = WritePropertyLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, ("ZapfDingbats"), "ZapfDingbats", pdf.kfsNone, CP)
posY = WritePropertyLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, ("ZapfDingbats"), "ZapfDingbats-Bold (emulated)", pdf.kfsBold, CP)
posY = WritePropertyLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, ("ZapfDingbats"), "ZapfDingbats-Italic (emulated)", pdf.kfsItalic, CP)
call WritePropertyLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, ("ZapfDingbats"), "ZapfDingbats-BoldItalic (emulated)", pdf.kfsBold + pdf.kfsItalic, CP)
call pdf.EndPage
call pdf.Append
posY = 50.0
call pdf.SetLineWidth(0.5)
call pdf.SetFillColor(pdf.kPDF_NAVY)
if (m_SelMode = pdf.ksmFamilyName) then
Call pdf.SetFont("Helvetica", pdf.kfsItalic + pdf.kfsUnderlined, 20.0, True, pdf.kcpUnicode)
call pdf.SetFont("Helvetica-Oblique", pdf.kfsUnderlined, 20.0, true, pdf.kcpUnicode)
end if
call pdf.WriteText(50.0, posY, title)
call pdf.SetFillColor(pdf.kPDF_BLACK)
posY = posY+ 30
posY = WritePropertyLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, ("Symbol"), "Symbol", pdf.kfsNone, CP)
posY = WritePropertyLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, ("Symbol"), "Symbol-Bold (emulated)", pdf.kfsBold, CP)
posY = WritePropertyLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, ("Symbol"), "Symbol-Italic (emulated)", pdf.kfsItalic, CP)
call WritePropertyLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, ("Symbol"), "Symbol-BoldItalic (emulated)", pdf.kfsBold + pdf.kfsItalic, CP)
call pdf.EndPage
if (AllFonts = false) then
end if
m_SelMode = pdf.ksmPostScriptName
call pdf.SetFontSelMode(m_SelMode)
i = 0
while (i < FontCount)
call pdf.Append
posY = 50.0
call pdf.SetLineWidth(0.5)
call pdf.SetFillColor(pdf.kPDF_NAVY)
if (m_SelMode = pdf.ksmFamilyName) then
Call pdf.SetFont("Helvetica", pdf.kfsItalic + pdf.kfsUnderlined, 20.0, True, pdf.kcpUnicode)
call pdf.SetFont("Helvetica-Oblique", pdf.kfsUnderlined, 20.0, true, pdf.kcpUnicode)
end if
headText = title+" Index: "+str(i)
call pdf.WriteText(50.0, posY, headText)
call pdf.SetFillColor(pdf.kPDF_BLACK)
posY = posY+ 30
while (i < FontCount and posY < 780.0)
font = Fonts(i)
posY = WritePropertyLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, font.FamilyName, font.PostScriptName, font.Style, CP) + 10.0
call pdf.EndPage
End Sub
Sub TestStandardFonts(PDF as DynaPDFMBS, CP as integer)
dim title as string = "Standard Type1 Fonts (code page "
dim posY as double = 50.0
call pdf.Append
call pdf.SetLineWidth(0.5)
call pdf.SetStrokeColor(pdf.kPDF_BLACK)
call pdf.SetFillColor(pdf.kPDF_NAVY)
if (m_SelMode = pdf.ksmFamilyName) then
Call pdf.SetFont("Helvetica", pdf.kfsItalic + pdf.kfsUnderlined, 20.0, True, pdf.kcpUnicode)
call pdf.SetFont("Helvetica-Oblique", pdf.kfsUnderlined, 20.0, true, pdf.kcpUnicode)
end if
title=title+ GetCodepageAsStr(CP)+")"
call pdf.WriteText(50.0, posY, title)
call pdf.SetFillColor(pdf.kPDF_BLACK)
posY = posY+ 30
posY = WriteTextLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, "Helvetica", "Helvetica", pdf.kfsNone, CP) + 20.0
posY = WriteTextLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, "Helvetica", "Helvetica-Bold", pdf.kfsBold, CP) + 20.0
posY = WriteTextLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, "Helvetica", "Helvetica-Oblique", pdf.kfsItalic, CP) + 20.0
posY = WriteTextLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, "Helvetica", "Helvetica-BoldOblique", pdf.kfsItalic + pdf.kfsBold, CP) + 20.0
posY = WriteTextLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, "Courier", "Courier", pdf.kfsNone, CP) + 20.0
posY = WriteTextLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, "Courier", "Courier-Bold", pdf.kfsBold, CP) + 20.0
posY = WriteTextLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, "Courier", "Courier-Oblique", pdf.kfsItalic, CP) + 20.0
posY = WriteTextLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, "Courier", "Courier-BoldOblique", pdf.kfsBold + pdf.kfsItalic, CP) + 20.0
posY = WriteTextLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, "Times", "Times-Roman", pdf.kfsNone, CP) + 20.0
call WriteTextLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, "Times", "Times-Bold", pdf.kfsBold, CP)
call pdf.EndPage
call pdf.Append
posY = 50.0
call pdf.SetLineWidth(0.5)
call pdf.SetStrokeColor(pdf.kPDF_BLACK)
call pdf.SetFillColor(pdf.kPDF_NAVY)
if (m_SelMode = pdf.ksmFamilyName) then
Call pdf.SetFont("Helvetica", pdf.kfsItalic + pdf.kfsUnderlined, 20.0, True, pdf.kcpUnicode)
call pdf.SetFont("Helvetica-Oblique", pdf.kfsUnderlined, 20.0, true, pdf.kcpUnicode)
end if
call pdf.WriteText(50.0, posY, title)
call pdf.SetFillColor(pdf.kPDF_BLACK)
posY = posY+ 30
posY = WriteTextLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, "Times", "Times-Italic", pdf.kfsItalic, CP) + 20.0
posY = WriteTextLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, "Times", "Times-BoldItalic", pdf.kfsBold + pdf.kfsItalic, CP) + 20.0
// We cannot emulate a font style when trying to select the font with the postscript name.
m_SelMode = pdf.ksmFamilyName
call pdf.SetFontSelMode(m_SelMode)
posY = WriteTextLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, "ZapfDingbats", "ZapfDingbats", pdf.kfsNone, CP) + 20.0
posY = WriteTextLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, "ZapfDingbats", "ZapfDingbats-Bold (emulated)", pdf.kfsBold, CP) + 20.0
posY = WriteTextLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, "ZapfDingbats", "ZapfDingbats-Italic (emulated)", pdf.kfsItalic, CP) + 20.0
posY = WriteTextLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, "ZapfDingbats", "ZapfDingbats-BoldItalic (emulated)", pdf.kfsBold + pdf.kfsItalic, CP) + 20.0
posY = WriteTextLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, "Symbol", "Symbol", pdf.kfsNone, CP) + 20.0
posY = WriteTextLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, "Symbol", "Symbol-Bold (emulated)", pdf.kfsBold, CP) + 20.0
posY = WriteTextLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, "Symbol", "Symbol-Italic (emulated)", pdf.kfsItalic, CP) + 20.0
call WriteTextLine(pdf, 50.0, posY, "Symbol", "Symbol-BoldItalic (emulated)", pdf.kfsBold + pdf.kfsItalic, CP)
call pdf.EndPage
End Sub
Sub TestVectorGraphicMethods(PDF as DynapdfMBS)
call DrawShapes(pdf, pdf.kddCounterClockwise, pdf.kpcTopDown, "Top Down Coordinates (draw direction counterclockwise)")
call DrawShapes(pdf, pdf.kddClockwise, pdf.kpcTopDown, "Top Down Coordinates (draw direction clockwise)")
call DrawShapes(pdf, pdf.kddCounterClockwise, pdf.kpcBottomUp, "Bottom Up Coordinates (draw direction counterclockwise)")
call DrawShapes(pdf, pdf.kddClockwise, pdf.kpcBottomUp, "Bottom Up Coordinates (draw direction clockwise)")
End Sub
Function WritePropertyLine(pdf as dynapdfMBS, PosX as double, PosY as double, fontname as string, displayname as string, Style as integer, CP as integer) As double
dim retval as integer
dim strRect as double = 300
dim orgWidth, w, desc as double
dim errText as string
if (m_SelMode = pdf.ksmFamilyName) then
Call pdf.SetFont("Helvetica", pdf.kfsItalic + pdf.kfsUnderlined, 14.0, True, pdf.kcpUnicode)
Call pdf.SetFont("Helvetica-Oblique", pdf.kfsUnderlined, 14.0, True, pdf.kcpUnicode)
end if
call pdf.WriteText(PosX, PosY, DisplayName)
PosY = posY+ 20.0
Call pdf.SetFont("Helvetica", pdf.kfsNone, 10.0, False, pdf.kcpUnicode)
call pdf.WriteText(PosX, PosY, "Regular:")
call pdf.WriteText(PosX, PosY +10, "Character spacing:")
call pdf.WriteText(PosX, PosY +20, "Word spacing:")
call pdf.WriteText(PosX, PosY +30, "Text scaling:")
call pdf.WriteText(PosX, PosY +40, "Character + word spacing:")
call pdf.WriteText(PosX, PosY +50, "Character + word spacing + text scaling:")
PosX = PosX+ 200
if (m_SelMode = pdf.ksmFamilyName) then
retval = pdf.SetFont(FontName, Style, 10.0, true, CP)
retval = pdf.SetFont(DisplayName, Style, 10.0, true, CP)
end if
if (retval < 0) then
errText= pdf.GetErrorMessage
call pdf.WriteText(PosX, PosY, errText)
call pdf.WriteText(PosX, PosY +10, errText)
call pdf.WriteText(PosX, PosY +20, errText)
call pdf.WriteText(PosX, PosY +30, errText)
call pdf.WriteText(PosX, PosY +40, errText)
call pdf.WriteText(PosX, PosY +50, errText)
return (PosY + 70.0)
end if
orgWidth = pdf.GetTextWidth(TEST_TEXT2)
if (orgWidth = 0.0) then
errText= "unsupported code page"
call pdf.WriteText(PosX, PosY, errText)
call pdf.WriteText(PosX, PosY +10, errText)
call pdf.WriteText(PosX, PosY +20, errText)
call pdf.WriteText(PosX, PosY +30, errText)
call pdf.WriteText(PosX, PosY +40, errText)
call pdf.WriteText(PosX, PosY +50, errText)
return (PosY + 70.0)
end if
desc = pdf.GetDescent
call pdf.WriteText(PosX, PosY, TEST_TEXT)
PosY = PosY+ 10.0
call pdf.SetCharacterSpacing((strRect - orgWidth) / (CHAR_COUNT -1))
call pdf.WriteText(PosX, PosY, TEST_TEXT2)
w = pdf.GetTextWidth(TEST_TEXT2)
call pdf.Rectangle(PosX, PosY + desc / 2, w, 10.0, pdf.kfmStroke)
call pdf.SetCharacterSpacing(0.0)
call pdf.SetWordSpacing((strRect - orgWidth) / SPACE_COUNT)
call pdf.WriteText(PosX, PosY + 10, TEST_TEXT2)
w = pdf.GetTextWidth(TEST_TEXT2)
call pdf.Rectangle(PosX, PosY + 10 + desc / 2, w, 10.0, pdf.kfmStroke)
call pdf.SetWordSpacing(0.0)
call pdf.SetTextScaling((strRect / orgWidth) * 100)
call pdf.WriteText(PosX, PosY + 20, TEST_TEXT2)
w = pdf.GetTextWidth(TEST_TEXT2)
call pdf.Rectangle(PosX, PosY + 20 + desc / 2, w, 10.0, pdf.kfmStroke)
call pdf.SetTextScaling(100.0)
call pdf.SetCharacterSpacing(5.0)
w = pdf.GetTextWidth(TEST_TEXT2)
call pdf.SetWordSpacing((strRect - w) / SPACE_COUNT)
call pdf.WriteText(PosX, PosY + 30, TEST_TEXT2)
w = pdf.GetTextWidth(TEST_TEXT2)
call pdf.Rectangle(PosX, PosY + 30 + desc / 2, w, 10.0,pdf.kfmStroke)
call pdf.SetCharacterSpacing(0.0)
call pdf.SetWordSpacing(0.0)
call pdf.SetCharacterSpacing(3.0)
call pdf.SetWordSpacing(5.0)
w = pdf.GetTextWidth(TEST_TEXT2)
call pdf.SetTextScaling((strRect / w) * 100)
call pdf.WriteText(PosX, PosY + 40, TEST_TEXT2)
w = pdf.GetTextWidth(TEST_TEXT2)
call pdf.Rectangle(PosX, PosY + 40 + desc / 2, w, 10.0, pdf.kfmStroke)
call pdf.SetCharacterSpacing(0.0)
call pdf.SetWordSpacing(0.0)
call pdf.SetTextScaling(100.0)
return (PosY + 60.0)
End Function
Function WriteTextLine(pdf as DynapdfMBS, PosX as double, PosY as double, FontName as string, DisplayName as string, Style as integer, CP as integer) As double
dim retval as integer
dim errText as string = "unsupported Codepage!"
Call pdf.SetFont("Helvetica", pdf.kfsUnderlined, 14.0, True, pdf.kcpUnicode)
Call pdf.WriteText(PosX, PosY, DisplayName)
call pdf.SetFont("Helvetica", pdf.kfsNone, 10.0, true, pdf.kcpUnicode)
PosY = PosY+ 20
call pdf.WriteText(PosX, PosY, "Font style pdf.kfsNone:")
call pdf.WriteText(PosX, PosY + 10.0, "Font style pdf.kfsUnderlined:")
call pdf.WriteText(PosX, PosY + 20.0, "Font style pdf.kfsStriked")
call pdf.WriteText(PosX, PosY + 30.0, "Font style pdf.kfsUnderlined + pdf.kfsStriked:")
if (m_SelMode = pdf.ksmFamilyName) then
retval = pdf.SetFont(FontName, Style, 10.0, true, CP)
retval = pdf.SetFont(DisplayName, Style, 10.0, true, CP)
end if
if (retval >= 0) then
PosX = PosX+ 170
call pdf.WriteText(PosX, PosY, TEST_TEXT)
call pdf.ChangeFontStyle(BitwiseOr(Style, pdf.kfsUnderlined))
call pdf.WriteText(PosX, PosY + 10.0, TEST_TEXT)
call pdf.ChangeFontStyle BitwiseOr(Style, pdf.kfsStriked)
call pdf.WriteText(PosX, PosY + 20.0, TEST_TEXT)
call pdf.ChangeFontStyle bitwiseor(Style , pdf.kfsUnderlined + pdf.kfsStriked)
call pdf.WriteText(PosX, PosY + 30.0, TEST_TEXT)
call pdf.ChangeFontStyle(Style)
PosX = PosX+ 170
call pdf.WriteText(PosX, PosY, errText)
call pdf.ChangeFontStyle BitwiseOr(Style , pdf.kfsUnderlined)
call pdf.WriteText(PosX, PosY + 10.0, errText)
call pdf.ChangeFontStyle BitwiseOr(Style , pdf.kfsStriked)
call pdf.WriteText(PosX, PosY + 20.0, errText)
call pdf.ChangeFontStyle BitwiseOr(Style , pdf.kfsUnderlined + pdf.kfsStriked)
call pdf.WriteText(PosX, PosY + 30.0, errText)
call pdf.ChangeFontStyle(Style)
end if
return (PosY + 30.0)
End Function
Property FontCount As Integer
Property TimeStart As Integer
Property fonts() As pdffont
Property m_SelMode As integer
End Class
Class pdfFont
Property FamilyName As string
Property PostScriptName As string
Property Style As Integer
End Class
Class MyDynaPDFMBS Inherits DynaPDFMBS
EventHandler Function EnumHostFont(FamilyName as string, PostScriptName as string, Style as integer) As integer
dim f as new pdfFont
f.FamilyName = FamilyName
f.PostScriptName = PostScriptName
f.Style = Style
app.fonts.append f
End EventHandler
EventHandler Function Error(ErrorCode as integer, ErrorMessage as string, ErrorType as integer) As integer
// output all messages on the console:
System.DebugLog str(ErrorCode)+": "+ErrorMessage
// and display dialog:
Dim d as New MessageDialog //declare the MessageDialog object
Dim b as MessageDialogButton //for handling the result
d.icon=MessageDialog.GraphicCaution //display warning icon
d.CancelButton.Visible=True //show the Cancel button
// a warning or an error?
if BitAnd(ErrorType, me.kE_WARNING) = me.kE_WARNING then
// if user decided to ignore, we'll ignore
if IgnoreWarnings then Return 0
d.Message="A warning occurred while processing your PDF code."
// we add a third button to display all warnings
d.AlternateActionButton.Caption = "Ignore warnings"
d.AlternateActionButton.Visible = true
d.Message="An error occurred while processing your PDF code."
end if
d.Explanation = str(ErrorCode)+": "+ErrorMessage
b=d.ShowModal //display the dialog
Select Case b //determine which button was pressed.
Case d.ActionButton
Return 0 // ignore
Case d.AlternateActionButton
IgnoreWarnings = true
Return 0 // ignore
Case d.CancelButton
Return -1 // stop
End select
End EventHandler
Property IgnoreWarnings As Boolean
End Class
End Project
See also:
Download this example: Font
The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS DynaPDF Plugin.