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/ChartDirector/math function plot centered

Required plugins for this example: MBS ChartDirector Plugin

You find this example project in your Plugins Download as a Xojo project file within the examples folder: /ChartDirector/math function plot centered

This example is the version from Mon, 12th Jan 2020.

Project "math function plot centered.xojo_binary_project"
Class App Inherits Application
Const kEditClear = "&Delete"
Const kFileQuit = "&Quit"
Const kFileQuitShortcut = ""
EventHandler Sub Open() End EventHandler
End Class
MenuBar MenuBar1
MenuItem FileMenu = "&File"
MenuItem PrintA1 = "Print..."
MenuItem UntitledSeparator = "-"
MenuItem FileQuit = "#App.kFileQuit"
MenuItem EditMenu = "&Edit"
MenuItem EditUndo = "&Undo"
MenuItem UntitledMenu1 = "-"
MenuItem EditCut = "Cu&t"
MenuItem EditCopy = "&Copy"
MenuItem EditPaste = "&Paste"
MenuItem EditClear = "#App.kEditClear"
MenuItem UntitledMenu0 = "-"
MenuItem EditSelectAll = "Select &All"
End MenuBar
Class ChartDirectorControl Inherits Canvas
Const kModeDefault = 0
Const kModeMove = 1
Const kModeZoomIn = 2
Const kModeZoomOut = 3
Event ItemClicked(XLabel As String, X As Integer, DataSet As Integer, DataSetName As String, Value As Double, Title As String, Sector As Integer, Label As String) End Event
Event Open() End Event
Event Render(ViewPort As CDViewPortManagerMBS, Factor As Double, Width As Integer, Height As Integer) As CDBaseChartMBS End Event
EventHandler Function MouseDown(X As Integer, Y As Integer) As Boolean isMouseDown = true If (AllowZoom = True) And (Keyboard.AsyncOptionKey = True) Then // Zoom In Mode = kModeZoomIn StartX = X StartY = Y StartX2 = X StartY2 = Y ElseIf (AllowZoom = True) And (Keyboard.AsyncShiftKey = True) Then // Zoom Out Mode = kModeZoomOut StartX = X StartY = Y StartX2 = X StartY2 = Y Else Dim HotSpotID As Integer // Check if over a hotspot; Nil check prevents spurious NilObjectExceptions If (ImageMapHandler <> Nil) Then HotSpotID = ImageMapHandler.getHotSpot(X, Y) If (HotSpotID > 0) Then // Click Mode = kModeDefault SendClickEvent ElseIf (AllowMove = True) Then // Move Mode = kModeMove MouseCursor = System.Cursors.HandClosed StartX = X StartY = Y ViewPort.startDrag // Call to initiate drag within the ViewPort End If End If Return (True) End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub MouseDrag(X As Integer, Y As Integer) If (Mode = kModeMove) Then // If the chart has been dragged/repositioned then complete the ViewPort drag and refresh the image If (ViewPort.dragTo(CDBaseChartMBS.kDirectionHorizontalVertical, StartX - X, Y - StartY) = True) Then Redraw ElseIf (Mode = kModeZoomIn) Or (Mode = kModeZoomOut) Then // Calculate the coordinates for the scaling/drawing of the selection rectangle Dim L, T, W, H As Integer StartX2 = X StartY2 = Y L = Min(StartX, StartX2) T = Min(StartY, StartY2) W = StartX2 - StartX H = StartY2 - StartY If (W < 0) Then W = -W If (H < 0) Then H = -H // Composite the current chart image with the selection rectangle // trigger refresh RectangleTop = t rectangleLeft = l rectangleWidth = w rectangleHeight = h me.Invalidate End If End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub MouseExit() // Finalize redraw CleanUp End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub MouseMove(X As Integer, Y As Integer) If (AllowZoom = True) And (Keyboard.AsyncOptionKey = True) Then // Zoom In MouseCursor = System.Cursors.MagnifyLarger CleanUp // Finalize redraw ElseIf (AllowZoom = True) And (Keyboard.AsyncShiftKey = True) Then // Zoom Out MouseCursor = System.Cursors.MagnifySmaller CleanUp // Finalize redraw Else Dim HotSpotID As Integer // Check if over a hotspot; Nil check prevents spurious NilObjectExceptions If (ImageMapHandler <> Nil) Then HotSpotID = ImageMapHandler.getHotSpot(X, Y) If (HotSpotID > 0) Then MouseCursor = System.Cursors.StandardPointer DrawItemInfo(X, Y) ElseIf (AllowMove = True) Then MouseCursor = System.Cursors.HandOpen CleanUp // Finalize redraw Else MouseCursor = System.Cursors.StandardPointer CleanUp // Finalize redraw End If End If End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub MouseUp(X As Integer, Y As Integer) isMouseDown = false If (Mode = kModeMove) Then // Move MouseCursor=System.Cursors.HandOpen ElseIf (Mode = kModeZoomIn) Then // Zoom In (On Point) If (Abs(X - StartX) < 3) And (Abs(Y - StartY) < 3) Then // Zoom In (On Point) If (ViewPort.canZoomIn(CDBaseChartMBS.kDirectionHorizontalVertical) = True) Then If (ViewPort.zoomAt(CDBaseChartMBS.kDirectionHorizontalVertical, X, Y, ZoomInRatio) = True) Then Redraw Else // Cannot zoom in... Redraw Beep End If Else // Zoom In (On Rectangle) If (ViewPort.canZoomIn(CDBaseChartMBS.kDirectionHorizontalVertical) = True) Then If (ViewPort.zoomTo(CDBaseChartMBS.kDirectionHorizontalVertical, X, Y, StartX, StartY) = True) Then Redraw Else // Cannot zoom in... Redraw Beep End If End If ElseIf (Mode = kModeZoomOut) Then // Zoom Out (On Point) If (ViewPort.canZoomOut(CDBaseChartMBS.kDirectionHorizontalVertical) = True) Then If (ViewPort.zoomAt(CDBaseChartMBS.kDirectionHorizontalVertical, X, Y, ZoomOutRatio) = True) Then Redraw else // Cannot zoom out... Redraw Beep End If End If End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub Open() // Initialize the ViewPort manager class ViewPort = New CDViewPortManagerMBS // Set ViewPort coordinant constraints ViewPort.setViewPortHeight(1.0) ViewPort.setViewPortTop(0.0) ViewPort.setViewPortWidth(1.0) ViewPort.setViewPortLeft(0.0) // Set Zoom In and Zoom Out constraints (if desired; otherwise allow infinite zoom) 'ViewPort.setZoomInWidthLimit(0.01) 'ViewPort.setZoomInHeightLimit(0.01) 'ViewPort.setZoomOutWidthLimit(1.0) 'ViewPort.setZoomOutHeightLimit(1.0) // Initialize scalable image for use in rendering the selection rectangle RectanglePicture = New Picture(32, 32, 32) RectanglePicture.Graphics.ForeColor = &cFF0000 RectanglePicture.Graphics.FillRect(0, 0, 32, 32) RectanglePicture.Mask.Graphics.ForeColor = &cCCCCCC RectanglePicture.Mask.Graphics.FillRect(0, 0, 32, 32) // Set the initial cursor style MouseCursor = System.Cursors.HandOpen // Call overridden superclass method Open // fix some properties if set wrong in IDE me.DoubleBuffer = false me.EraseBackground = false #if RBVersion >= 2013.0 then me.Transparent = False #endif End EventHandler
EventHandler Sub Paint(g As Graphics, areas() As REALbasic.Rect) // Handle drawing the composited image to the drawing region If overlay <> Nil Then g.DrawPicture overlay,0,0 Else Draw(G) end if End EventHandler
Private Sub CleanUp() // Finalize redraw Me.rectangleWidth = 0 Me.Invalidate Me.NeedClear = False Me.Overlay = Nil End Sub
Function CurrentPicture() As Picture // Return the currently displayed chart image Return (LastPicture) End Function
Private Sub Draw(G As Graphics) // Prepare ViewPort coordinates for chart rendering ViewPort.validateViewPort // Trigger chart rendering (actual chart configuration and data plotting) Current = Render(ViewPort, 1.0, G.Width, G.Height) If (Current = Nil) Then // If there is no valid chart object returned, clear the drawing region G.ClearRect(0, 0, G.Width, G.Height) Else // Get the chart image based on the returned chart object LastPicture = Current.makeChartPicture // Support control border drawing If (Border = True) Then LastPicture.Graphics.PenHeight = 1 LastPicture.Graphics.PenWidth = 1 LastPicture.Graphics.ForeColor = &c000000 LastPicture.Graphics.DrawRect(0, 0, G.Width, G.Height) LastPicture.Mask.Graphics.PenHeight = 1 LastPicture.Mask.Graphics.PenWidth = 1 LastPicture.Mask.Graphics.ForeColor = &c000000 LastPicture.Mask.Graphics.DrawRect(0, 0, G.Width, G.Height) End If if CleanGraphicsBeforeDrawing then g.ClearRect 0, 0, g.Width, g.Height end if // Draw composited chart image G.DrawPicture(LastPicture, 0, 0) // Update ViewPort to current chart coordinants ViewPort.setChartMetrics(Current.getChartMetrics) // Process ImageMap data to support data point rollovers, etc. Dim ImageMapString As String ImageMapString = Current.getHTMLImageMap("myurl" ) ImageMapHandler = New CDImageMapHandlerMBS(ImageMapString) End If End Sub
Private Sub DrawItemInfo(X As Integer, Y As Integer) Dim Index as integer Dim Key, KeyValue As String Dim XLabel As String Dim XValue As String Dim DataSet As String Dim DataSetName As String Dim Value As String Dim Title As String Dim Sector As String Dim Label As String // Error check If (ImageMapHandler = Nil) Then Return // Do key/value pair priming calls Index = 0 Key = ImageMapHandler.getKey(Index) KeyValue = ImageMapHandler.getValue(Index) Do // NOTE: This is not the complete supported list of parameters; Refer to ChartDirector documentation on 'Parameter Substitution and Formatting' for additional parameters Select Case Key Case "xlabel" XLabel = KeyValue Case "x" XValue = KeyValue Case "dataset" DataSet = KeyValue Case "datasetname" DataSetName = KeyValue Case "value" Value = KeyValue Case "title" Title = KeyValue Case "sector" Sector = KeyValue Case "label" Label = KeyValue End Select Index = Index + 1 // Get next key/value pair Key = ImageMapHandler.getKey(Index) KeyValue = ImageMapHandler.getValue(Index) Loop Until Key.Len = 0 // Compose label graphic If (Label <> "") Then Value = Label + ": " + Value Dim B As Picture = New Picture(Width, Height, 32) Dim G As Graphics = B.Graphics Dim W As Integer = 6 + G.StringWidth(Value) Dim H As Integer = 20 // Add some space between the cursor position and the initial label drawing position X = X + 10 Y = Y + 10 // If we are too close to the right, we need to move our label drawing position left If (X + W > G.Width) Then X = X - 20 - W // If we are too close to the bottom, we need to move our label drawing position up If (Y + H > G.Height) Then Y = Y - 20 - H // Draw in the current composited chart image B.Graphics.DrawPicture(LastPicture, 0, 0) B.Mask.Graphics.DrawPicture(LastPicture.Mask, 0, 0) // Draw the label graphic G.ForeColor = &cCCCC00 G.FillRect(X, Y, W, H) G.ForeColor = &c000000 G.DrawString(Value, X + 3, Y + 15) // Update the composited chart image Overlay = b Me.Invalidate NeedClear = True End Sub
Sub Print() Dim PS As New PrinterSetup // Set landscape orientation if appropriate PS.Landscape = Width > Height // Initialize graphics region for printing Dim G As Graphics = OpenPrinterDialog(PS) // Bail out... If (G = Nil) Then Return // Render printed chart (use page size) // NOTE: This uses a factor of 4x to up the resolution of the printed chart image (approximately 300 dpi) 'Dim P As Picture = RenderPicture(4, G.Width, G.Height) 'G.DrawPicture(P, 0, 0, G.Width, G.Height, 0, 0, G.Width * 4, G.Height * 4) // Render printed chart (use control size) // NOTE: This uses a factor of 4x to up the resolution of the printed chart image (approximately 300 dpi) Dim P As Picture = RenderPicture(4, Width, Height) G.DrawPicture(P, 0, 0, Width, Height, 0, 0, Width * 4, Height * 4) End Sub
Sub Redraw() // Method to directly trigger internal redraw me.Invalidate End Sub
Function RenderPicture(Factor As Double, Width As Integer, Height As Integer) As Picture // Prepare ViewPort coordinates for chart rendering ViewPort.validateViewPort // Handle scaled redraw for printing Dim C As CDBaseChartMBS = Render(ViewPort, Factor, Width, Height) 'If (C <> Nil) Then Return (C.makeChartPicture) // Error check If (C = Nil) Then Return (Nil) dim p as Picture = C.makeChartPicture Return p End Function
Private Sub SendClickEvent() Dim Index as integer Dim Key, KeyValue As String Dim XLabel As String Dim XValue As String Dim DataSet As String Dim DataSetName As String Dim Value As String Dim Title As String Dim Sector As String Dim Label As String // Error check If (ImageMapHandler = Nil) Then Return // Do key/value pair priming calls Index = 0 Key = ImageMapHandler.getKey(Index) KeyValue = ImageMapHandler.getValue(Index) Do // NOTE: This is not the complete supported list of parameters; Refer to ChartDirector documentation on 'Parameter Substitution and Formatting' for additional parameters Select Case Key Case "xlabel" XLabel = KeyValue Case "x" XValue = KeyValue Case "dataset" DataSet = KeyValue Case "datasetname" DataSetName = KeyValue Case "value" Value = KeyValue Case "title" Title = KeyValue Case "sector" Sector = KeyValue Case "label" Label = KeyValue End Select Index = Index + 1 // Get next key/value pair Key = ImageMapHandler.getKey(Index) KeyValue = ImageMapHandler.getValue(Index) Loop Until Key.Len = 0 // Trigger click event ItemClicked(XLabel, Val(XValue), Val(DataSet), DataSetName, Val(Value), Title, Val(Sector), Label) End Sub
Sub UpdateMouseCursor() // call from a timer in your window to keep the mouse cursor change with pressing alt and shift keys. // zoom allowed? if not AllowZoom then Return if isMouseDown then Return dim x as integer = me.MouseX dim y as integer = me.MouseY // check if mouse is inside if X<0 then Return if Y<0 then Return if X>me.Width then Return if Y>me.Height then Return // now update If Keyboard.AsyncOptionKey Then // Zoom In MouseCursor = System.Cursors.MagnifyLarger ElseIf Keyboard.AsyncShiftKey Then // Zoom Out MouseCursor = System.Cursors.MagnifySmaller Else Dim HotSpotID As Integer // Check if over a hotspot; Nil check prevents spurious NilObjectExceptions If (ImageMapHandler <> Nil) Then HotSpotID = ImageMapHandler.getHotSpot(X, Y) If (HotSpotID > 0) Then MouseCursor = System.Cursors.StandardPointer ElseIf (AllowMove = True) Then MouseCursor = System.Cursors.HandOpen Else MouseCursor = System.Cursors.StandardPointer End If End If End Sub
Note "About Properties"
AllowMove and AllowZoom must be enabled if you want to zoom and move. You need to use the viewport in your render code. If Border is true, a black line is drawn around the chart. If CleanGraphicsBeforeDrawing is true then the graphics object is cleared before something is drawn The OverlayPicture defines a picture which is drawn on top of the chart as a watermark. RenderWithTransparency will do redraws slower. The chart is rendered as PNG with mask and for every redraw we refresh the whole control. This may look bad on Windows. ZoomInRatio and ZoomOutRatio are used for zooming. This is how much we zoom on each click.
Note "Notes for Render Event"
Use the Width and Height you get and not the control's. Use the Factor to multiply all values so you get it properly scaled for printing. Use the ViewPort for zooming and moving.
Property AllowMove As Boolean
Property AllowZoom As Boolean
Property Border As Boolean
Property CleanGraphicsBeforeDrawing As Boolean
Property Private Current As CDBaseChartMBS
Property Private ImageMapHandler As CDImageMapHandlerMBS
Property Private LastPicture As Picture
Property Private MaxValue As Double
Property Private MinValue As Double
Property Private Mode As Integer
Property Private NeedClear As Boolean
Property Overlay As Picture
Property RectangleHeight As Integer
Property RectangleLeft As Integer
Property Private RectanglePicture As Picture
Property RectangleTop As Integer
Property RectangleWidth As Integer
Property Private StartX As Integer
Property Private StartX2 As Integer
Property Private StartY As Integer
Property Private StartY2 As Integer
Property Private ViewPort As CDViewPortManagerMBS
Property ZoomInRatio As Double = 1.25
Property ZoomOutRatio As Double = 0.75
Property Private isMouseDown As Boolean
End Class
Class ini Inherits Window
Control PushButton1 Inherits PushButton
ControlInstance PushButton1 Inherits PushButton
EventHandler Sub Action() render End EventHandler
End Control
Control xmin Inherits TextField
ControlInstance xmin Inherits TextField
EventHandler Function KeyDown(Key As String) As Boolean If asc(Key) = 13 or asc(Key) = 3 then render Return true End If End EventHandler
End Control
Control xmax Inherits TextField
ControlInstance xmax Inherits TextField
EventHandler Function KeyDown(Key As String) As Boolean If asc(Key) = 13 or asc(Key) = 3 then render Return true End If End EventHandler
End Control
Control ec0 Inherits TextField
ControlInstance ec0 Inherits TextField
EventHandler Function KeyDown(Key As String) As Boolean If asc(Key) = 13 or asc(Key) = 3 then render Return true End If End EventHandler
End Control
Control StaticText1 Inherits Label
ControlInstance StaticText1 Inherits Label
End Control
Control RbScript1 Inherits RbScript
ControlInstance RbScript1 Inherits RbScript
EventHandler Sub CompilerError(line As Integer, errorNumber As Integer, errorMsg As String) HasError = true MsgBox "Syntax error. Please change formula." End EventHandler
End Control
Control out Inherits ChartDirectorControl
ControlInstance out Inherits ChartDirectorControl
EventHandler Function Render(ViewPort As CDViewPortManagerMBS, Factor As Double, Width As Integer, Height As Integer) As CDBaseChartMBS dim xminValue as Double = val(xmin.Text) dim xmaxValue as Double = val(xmax.Text) // Create a XYChart object of size .... dim c as new CDXYChartMBS(width*factor, height*factor) // Set the plotarea at (55, 65) and of size ...... pixels, with white // background and a light grey border (0xc0c0c0). Turn on both horizontal and // vertical grid lines with light grey color (0xc0c0c0) dim x as integer = 75*factor dim y as integer = 55*factor dim w as integer = (width-150)*factor dim h as integer = (height-150)*factor call c.setPlotArea(x, y, w, h, c.linearGradientColor(0, 55, 0, 335, &hf9fcff, &haaccff), -1, c.kTransparent, &hffffff).setGridColor(&hFF0000, &hFF0000) call c.setClipping // Add a legend box at (50, 30) (top of the chart) with horizontal layout. Use 12 // pts Times Bold Italic font. Set the background and border color to // Transparent. c.addLegend(50, 30, false, "timesbi.ttf", 12).setBackground(c.kTransparent) // Add a title to the chart using 18 pts Times Bold Itatic font call c.addTitle("y = " + ini.ec0.Text, "timesbi.ttf", 18) // Add a title to the y axis using 12 pts Arial Bold Italic font call c.yAxis.setTitle("Y", "arialbi.ttf", 12) // Set the y axis line width to 3 pixels c.yAxis.setWidth(3) // Add a title to the x axis using 12 pts Arial Bold Italic font call c.xAxis.setTitle("X", "arialbi.ttf", 12) c.xAxis.setLinearScale(xminValue,xmaxValue) c.yAxis.setLinearScale(xminValue,xmaxValue) c.setAxisAtOrigin(c.kYAxisAtOrigin + c.kXAxisAtOrigin) // Set the x axis line width to 3 pixels c.xAxis.setWidth(3) // Add a red (0xff3333) line layer using dataX0 and dataY0 dim layer1 as CDLineLayerMBS layer1 = c.addLineLayer(ini.dataY0, &hff3333, "") layer1.setXData(ini.dataX0) // Set the line width to 3 pixels layer1.setLineWidth(3) Return c End EventHandler
End Control
Control Timer1 Inherits Timer
ControlInstance Timer1 Inherits Timer
EventHandler Sub Action() out.UpdateMouseCursor End EventHandler
End Control
Control StaticText2 Inherits Label
ControlInstance StaticText2 Inherits Label
End Control
EventHandler Sub Open() ec0.SetFocus render End EventHandler
Function PrintA1() As Boolean out.Print Return (True) End Function
Sub render() dim xminValue as Double = val(xmin.Text) dim xmaxValue as Double = val(xmax.Text) dim line as string if ec0.Text = "" then beep Return end if //------------------------------------------------------------------- //Pasamos lo que el usuario ha escrito en el ec0.Text al line invisible line = "y = " + ec0.Text //------------------------------------------------------------------- //Ahota vamos a poner los asteriscos(signos por) Dim r as New RegEx Dim myMatch as RegEXMatch // Replace 2x with 2*x //Donde buscar lo que hay que cambiar MyMatch = r.Search(line) //Qué cambiar r.SearchPattern="(\d+)([a-z])" //Qué debe aparecer r.ReplacementPattern="\1*\2" //Todas las veces r.Options.ReplaceAllMatches = True //Donde poner el cambio line = r.replace Dim s as New RegEx Dim myMatch1 as RegEXMatch // replace (1)(2) with (1)*(2) //Donde buscar lo que hay que cambiar MyMatch1 = s.Search(line) //Qué cambiar s.SearchPattern="([)]+)([(])" //Qué debe aparecer s.ReplacementPattern="\1*\2" //Todas las veces s.Options.ReplaceAllMatches = True //Donde poner el cambio line = s.replace // special variables dim c as new ScriptContext c.e = 2.7182818284 c.pi = 3.14159265 line = ReplaceAll(line, "π", "pi") //-------------------------------------------------------------------- redim Datax0(-1) redim Datay0(-1) //Establecemos ini como contexto del RBScript RbScript1.Context = c //Decimos donde se encuentra el código del Script dentro de ini RbScript1.Source = line HasError = false //Definimos lo que queremos hacer con el Rbscript dim p as integer dim d as Double = xmaxValue - xminValue if d<1 then d = 1.0 for p = 0 to 500 dim x as Double = xminValue + (p/500.0) * d c.x = x Datax0.Append x RbScript1.Run //Ejecuta el código del RBScript (TxtField1.Text) if HasError then beep Return end if Datay0.append c.y //Añadimos el resultado en el array Datay0 next //--------------------------------------------------- //------------------------------------------------------------------------ out.Redraw //------------------------------------------------------------------------ End Sub
Property Datax0() As Double
Property Datay0() As Double
Property HasError As Boolean
Property e As Double
Property pi As Double
Property Protected x As double
Property Protected y As double
End Class
Class ScriptContext
Property e As Double
Property pi As Double
Property x As Double
Property y As Double
End Class
End Project

See also:

The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS ChartDirector Plugin.

The biggest plugin in space...