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/AVFoundation/IKImageView Test

Required plugins for this example: MBS AVFoundation Plugin, MBS MacCocoa Plugin, MBS MacBase Plugin, MBS Main Plugin, MBS MacCG Plugin, MBS MacCF Plugin, MBS MacControls Plugin

You find this example project in your Plugins Download as a Xojo project file within the examples folder: /AVFoundation/IKImageView Test

This example is the version from Thu, 19th Jan 2022.

Project "IKImageView Test.xojo_binary_project"
Class App Inherits Application
Const kEditClear = "&Delete"
Const kFileQuit = "&Quit"
Const kFileQuitShortcut = ""
End Class
Class MainWindow Inherits Window
Control IKImageViewControlMBS1 Inherits IKImageViewControlMBS
ControlInstance IKImageViewControlMBS1 Inherits IKImageViewControlMBS
EventHandler Sub Open() Dim v As IKImageViewMBS = Me.View Dim pic As Picture = LogoMBS(500) v.autoresizes = true v.autohidesScrollers = True v.SetPicture pic v.editable = True v.supportsDragAndDrop = True v.doubleClickOpensImageEditPanel = True v.backgroundColor = NSColorMBS.grayColor End EventHandler
End Control
End Class
MenuBar MainMenuBar
MenuItem FileMenu = "&File"
MenuItem FileQuit = "#App.kFileQuit"
MenuItem EditMenu = "&Edit"
MenuItem EditUndo = "&Undo"
MenuItem EditSeparator1 = "-"
MenuItem EditCut = "Cu&t"
MenuItem EditCopy = "&Copy"
MenuItem EditPaste = "&Paste"
MenuItem EditClear = "#App.kEditClear"
MenuItem EditSeparator2 = "-"
MenuItem EditSelectAll = "Select &All"
End MenuBar
End Project

The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS AVFoundation Plugin.

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