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NSBezierPathMBS.NSBevelLineJoinStyle = 2

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Cocoa Drawing MBS MacBase Plugin 12.5
One of the constants to specify the shape of the joints between connected segments of a stroked path.

Specifies a bevel line shape of the joints between connected segments of a stroked path.
See the setDefaultLineJoinStyle method for an example of the appearance.

NSBezierPathMBS.NSButtLineCapStyle = 0

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Cocoa Drawing MBS MacBase Plugin 12.5
One of the constants to specify the shape of endpoints for an open path when stroked.

Specifies a butt line cap style for endpoints for an open path when stroked.
See the setDefaultLineCapStyle method for an example of the appearance.

NSBezierPathMBS.NSClosePathBezierPathElement = 3

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Cocoa Drawing MBS MacBase Plugin 12.5
Basic path element command constants.

Marks the end of the current subpath at the specified point.
Note that the point specified for the Close Path element is essentially the same as the current point.

NSBezierPathMBS.NSCurveToBezierPathElement = 2

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Cocoa Drawing MBS MacBase Plugin 12.5
Basic path element command constants.

Creates a curved line segment from the current point to the specified endpoint using two control points to define the curve.
The points are stored in the following order: controlPoint1, controlPoint2, endPoint. Ovals, arcs, and Bezier curves all use curve elements to specify their geometry.
Contains 3 points.

NSBezierPathMBS.NSEvenOddWindingRule = 1

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Cocoa Drawing MBS MacBase Plugin 12.5
One of the constants used to specify the winding rule a Bezier path should use.

Specifies the even-odd winding rule.
Count the total number of path crossings. If the number of crossings is even, the point is outside the path. If the number of crossings is odd, the point is inside the path and the region containing it should be filled.

NSBezierPathMBS.NSLineToBezierPathElement = 1

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Cocoa Drawing MBS MacBase Plugin 12.5
Basic path element command constants.

Creates a straight line from the current drawing point to the specified point.
Lines and rectangles are specified using this path element.
Contains 1 point.

NSBezierPathMBS.NSMiterLineJoinStyle = 0

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Cocoa Drawing MBS MacBase Plugin 12.5
One of the constants to specify the shape of the joints between connected segments of a stroked path.

Specifies a miter line shape of the joints between connected segments of a stroked path.
See the setDefaultLineJoinStyle method for an example of the appearance.

NSBezierPathMBS.NSMoveToBezierPathElement = 0

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Cocoa Drawing MBS MacBase Plugin 12.5
Basic path element command constants.

Moves the path object's current drawing point to the specified point.
This path element does not result in any drawing. Using this command in the middle of a path results in a disconnected line segment.
Contains 1 point.

NSBezierPathMBS.NSNonZeroWindingRule = 0

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Cocoa Drawing MBS MacBase Plugin 12.5
One of the constants used to specify the winding rule a Bezier path should use.

Specifies the non-zero winding rule.
Count each left-to-right path as +1 and each right-to-left path as -1. If the sum of all crossings is 0, the point is outside the path. If the sum is nonzero, the point is inside the path and the region containing it is filled. This is the default winding rule.

NSBezierPathMBS.NSRoundLineCapStyle = 1

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Cocoa Drawing MBS MacBase Plugin 12.5
One of the constants to specify the shape of endpoints for an open path when stroked.

Specifies a round line cap style for endpoints for an open path when stroked.
See the setDefaultLineCapStyle method for an example of the appearance.

NSBezierPathMBS.NSRoundLineJoinStyle = 1

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Cocoa Drawing MBS MacBase Plugin 12.5
One of the constants to specify the shape of the joints between connected segments of a stroked path.

Specifies a round line shape of the joints between connected segments of a stroked path.
See the setDefaultLineJoinStyle method for an example of the appearance.

NSBezierPathMBS.NSSquareLineCapStyle = 2

Type Topic Plugin Version
const Cocoa Drawing MBS MacBase Plugin 12.5
One of the constants to specify the shape of endpoints for an open path when stroked.

Specifies a square line cap style for endpoints for an open path when stroked.
See the setDefaultLineCapStyle method for an example of the appearance.

The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS MacBase Plugin.

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