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XLFormatMBS constants

Horizontal Alignment Constants

Constant Value Description
AlignHCenter 2 Center
AlignHDistributed 7 Distributed
AlignHFill 4 Fill
AlignHGeneral 0 Default
AlignHJustify 5 Justify
AlignHLeft 1 Left
AlignHMerge 6 Center over several cells.
AlignHRight 3 Right

Vertical Alignment Constants

Constant Value Description
AlignVBottom 2 Bottom
AlignVCenter 1 Center
AlignVDistributed 4 Distributed
AlignVJustify 3 Justify
AlignVTop 0 Top

Diagonal Border Style Constants

Constant Value Description
BorderDiagonalBoth 3
BorderDiagonalDown 1
BorderDiagonalNone 0
BorderDiagonalUp 2

Border Style Constants

Constant Value Description
BorderStyleDashdot 9 dash and dot
BorderStyleDashdotdot 11 dash and dots
BorderStyleDashed 3 dashed
BorderStyleDotted 4 dotted
BorderStyleDouble 6 double
BorderStyleHair 7 hair style
BorderStyleMedium 2 medium
BorderStyleMediumdashdot 10 medium dash and dot
BorderStyleMediumdashdotdot 12 medium dash and dots
BorderStyleMediumdashed 8 medium dashed
BorderStyleNone 0 no border
BorderStyleSlantdashdot 13 dash and dot
BorderStyleThick 5 thick
BorderStyleThin 1 thin

Fillpattern Style Constants

Constant Value Description
FillPatternDiagcrosshatch 9 Diagonal cross hatch
FillPatternDiagstripe 8 Diagonal stripes
FillPatternGray12P5 17 Gray dots
FillPatternGray25 4 25% Gray
FillPatternGray50 2 50% Gray
FillPatternGray6P25 18 More gray dots
FillPatternGray75 3 75% Gray
FillPatternHorstripe 5 Horizontal stripes
FillPatternNone 0 No filling
FillPatternRevdiagstripe 7 Reverse diagonal stripes
FillPatternSolid 1 Solid fill
FillPatternThickdiagcrosshatch 10 Thick diagonal cross hatch
FillPatternThindiagcrosshatch 16 Thin diagonal cross hatch
FillPatternThindiagstripe 14 Thin diagonal stripes
FillPatternThinhorcrosshatch 15 Thin horizontal cross hatch
FillPatternThinhorstripe 11 Thin horizontal stripes
FillPatternThinrevdiagstripe 13 Thin vertical diagonal stripes
FillPatternThinverstripe 12 Thin vertical stripes
FillPatternVerstripe 6 Vertical stripes

Number Format Constants

Constant Value Description
NumformatAccount 41 account value: 5,000
NumformatAccountcur 42 account value with currency symbol: $5,000
NumformatAccountD2 43 account value with decimal point: 5,000.00
NumformatAccountD2Cur 44
account value with currency symbol and decimal point: $5,000.00
NumformatCurrencyD2Negbra 7 monetary value with decimal point, negative in brackets: ($1000.00)
NumformatCurrencyD2NegbraRed 8 monetary value with decimal point, negative is red in brackets: ($1000.00)
NumformatCurrencyNegbra 5 monetary value, negative in brackets: (1000$)
NumformatCurrencyNegbraRed 6 monetary value, negative is red in brackets: (1000$)
NumformatCustom000P0EPlus0 48 custom value: 15.2E+3
NumformatCustomDMon 16 custom date value: 11-Mar
NumformatCustomDMonYY 15 custom date value: 11-Mar-09
NumformatCustomH0MMSS 46 custom time value: 20:30:55
NumformatCustomHMM 20 custom date value: 8:30
NumformatCustomHMMAM 18 custom date value: 8:30 AM
NumformatCustomHMMSS 21 custom date value: 8:30:00
NumformatCustomHMMSSAM 19 custom date value: 8:30:00 AM
NumformatCustomMDYYYYHMM 22 custom datetime value: 3/11/2009 8:30
NumformatCustomMMSS 45 custom time value: 30:55
NumformatCustomMMSS0 47 custom time value: 30:55.0
NumformatCustomMonYY 17 custom date value: Mar-09
NumformatDate 14 date value, depends on OS settings: 3/11/2009
NumformatFractionOneDig 12 fraction value, one digit: 10 1/2
NumformatFractionTwoDig 13 fraction value, two digits: 10 23/95
NumformatGeneral 0 general format
NumformatNumber 1 general number: 1000
NumformatNumberD2 2 number with decimal point: 1000.00
NumformatNumberD2SepNegbra 39 number with thousands separator and decimal point, negative in brackets: (4,000.00)
NumformatNumberD2SepNegbraRed 40 number with thousands separator and decimal point, negative is red in brackets: (4,000.00)
NumformatNumberSep 3 number with thousands separator: 100,000
NumformatNumberSepD2 4 number with decimal point and thousands separator: 100,000.00
NumformatNumberSepNegbra 37 number with thousands separator, negative in brackets: (4,000)
NumformatNumberSepNegbraRed 38 number with thousands separator, negative is red in brackets: (4,000)
NumformatPercent 9 percent value, multiply the cell value by 100: 75%
NumformatPercentD2 10 percent value with decimal point, multiply the cell value by 100: 75.00%
NumformatScientificD2 11 scientific value with E character and decimal point: 10.00E+1
NumformatText 49 text value

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