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VNBarcodeObservationMBS class
Super class: VNRectangleObservationMBS
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
class | Vision | MBS MacFrameworks Plugin | 19.4 | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | ❌ No | ✅ Yes | All |
This type of observation results from a VNDetectBarcodesRequest. It contains information about the detected barcode, including parsed payload data for supported symbology.
Available on MacOS 10.13 or newer.
Subclass of the VNRectangleObservationMBS class.
This is an abstract class. You can't create an instance, but you can get one from various plugin functions.
- 3 properties
- property barcodeDescriptor as Variant
- property payloadStringValue as String
- property symbology as String
- method Constructor Private
- 23 shared methods
- shared method VNBarcodeSymbologyAztec as String
- shared method VNBarcodeSymbologyCodabar as String
- shared method VNBarcodeSymbologyCode128 as String
- shared method VNBarcodeSymbologyCode39 as String
- shared method VNBarcodeSymbologyCode39Checksum as String
- shared method VNBarcodeSymbologyCode39FullASCII as String
- shared method VNBarcodeSymbologyCode39FullASCIIChecksum as String
- shared method VNBarcodeSymbologyCode93 as String
- shared method VNBarcodeSymbologyCode93i as String
- shared method VNBarcodeSymbologyDataMatrix as String
- shared method VNBarcodeSymbologyEAN13 as String
- shared method VNBarcodeSymbologyEAN8 as String
- shared method VNBarcodeSymbologyGS1DataBar as String
- shared method VNBarcodeSymbologyGS1DataBarExpanded as String
- shared method VNBarcodeSymbologyGS1DataBarLimited as String
- shared method VNBarcodeSymbologyI2of5 as String
- shared method VNBarcodeSymbologyI2of5Checksum as String
- shared method VNBarcodeSymbologyITF14 as String
- shared method VNBarcodeSymbologyMicroPDF417 as String
- shared method VNBarcodeSymbologyMicroQR as String
- shared method VNBarcodeSymbologyPDF417 as String
- shared method VNBarcodeSymbologyQR as String
- shared method VNBarcodeSymbologyUPCE as String
Super class VNRectangleObservationMBS
- 4 properties
- property bottomLeft as CGPointMBS
- property bottomRight as CGPointMBS
- property topLeft as CGPointMBS
- property topRight as CGPointMBS
- method Constructor
- shared method rectangleObservationWithRequestRevision(requestRevision as Integer = 1, topLeft as CGPointMBS, bottomLeft as CGPointMBS, bottomRight as CGPointMBS, topRight as CGPointMBS) as VNRectangleObservationMBS
Super class VNDetectedObjectObservationMBS
- property boundingBox as CGRectMBS
- 2 methods
- method Constructor(boundingBox as CGRectMBS)
- method Constructor(requestRevision as Integer, boundingBox as CGRectMBS)
Super class VNObservationMBS
- 5 properties
- property className as String
- property Confidence as Double
- property Handle as Integer
- property requestRevision as Integer
- property UUID as String
- 2 methods
- method Constructor Private
- method copy as VNObservationMBS
This class has no sub classes.
Some examples using this class:
- /AVFoundation/Live Barcode Detection with Vision/Live Barcode Detection with Vision
- /MacFrameworks/Vision Object Detection/Vision Object Detection
Blog Entries
Release notes
- Version 21.3
- Updated VNBarcodeObservationMBS and VNDetectBarcodesRequestMBS classes to support newer barcode types in macOS 12.
The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS MacFrameworks Plugin.
VLCTrackDescriptionMBS - VNClassificationObservationMBS