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SQLConnectionMBS constants


Constant Value Description
kOptionAPPNAME "APPNAME" A constant for the options.
kOptionLibraryCubeSQL "CUBESQL.LIBS" One of the option constant to specify the library with the SetFileOption method. Tells the plugin where to find the library for CubeSQL. Only needed if you don't use InternalCubeSQLLibraryMBS module! more
kOptionLibraryDuckDB "DUCKDB.LIBS" ConstantsGroup: Options to specify the library with SetFileOption dim con as SQLConnectionMBS // your connection more
kOptionWSID "WSID" A constant for the options.
SQLiteInMemory ":memory:" Connection string for SQLite for a new in-memory database.

Isolation Levels

Constant Value Description
kANSILevel0 0 ANSI Level 0
kANSILevel1 1 ANSI Level 1
kANSILevel2 2 ANSI Level 2
kANSILevel3 3 ANSI Level 3
kLevelUnknown -1 Unknown
kReadCommitted 1 Read committed.
kReadUncommitted 0 Read uncommitted.
kRepeatableRead 2 Repeatable read.
kSerializable 3 Serializable.
kSnapshot 4 Changes made in other transactions can not be seen. For Microsoft SQL Server.

Values for autocommit property

Constant Value Description
kAutoCommitOff 0 Autocommit is off.
kAutoCommitOn 1 Autocommit is on.
kAutoCommitUnknown -1 Autocommit unknown

The database client constants

Constant Value Description
kClientNotSpecified 0 Client is not specified.
kCubeSQLClient 13 CubeSQL client. (coming soon)
kDB2Client 6 DB2 client.
kDuckDBClient 14 DuckDB client
kFirebirdClient 4 InterBase/Firebird client.
kInformixClient 7 Informix client.
kInterBaseClient 4 InterBase/Firebird client.
kMariaDBClient 15 MariaDB client.
kMySQLClient 9 MySQL or MariaDB client.
kODBCClient 1 ODBC client.
kOracleClient 2 Oracle client.

For Windows the file is "oci.dll", for Linux and for Mac OS X libclntsh.dylib.
kPostgreSQLClient 10 PostgreSQL client.
kSQLAnywhereClient 12 SQL Anywhere client.
kSQLBaseClient 5 SQLbase client.
kSQLiteClient 11 SQLite client. Or spatialite.
kSQLServerClient 3 Mircosoft SQL Server client. more
kSybaseClient 8 Sybase client.

Error Codes

Constant Value Description
kErrorBindVarNotFound 7 Bind variable not found.
kErrorClientInitFails 6 Initialization failed for client.
kErrorClientNotSet 1 Client not set.
kErrorClientNotSupported 2 Unsupported client type for this platform.
kErrorClientVersionOld 5 Library file is too old.
kErrorFieldNotFound 8 Field not found.
kErrorGetLibraryVersionFails 4 Failed to query library version.
kErrorLoadLibraryFails 3 Failed to load a library. For example path could be wrong or 32/64bit mismatch.
kErrorNoMemory 0 Out of memory.
kErrorUnknownColumnType 11 Unknown column type.
kErrorUnknownDataType 9 Unknown data type.
kErrorUnknownParameterType 10 Unknown parameter type.
kErrorWrongConversion 12 Failed to convert a value, e.g. string to number.
kErrorWrongDatetime 13 Can't convert text to date.

Options to specify the library with SetFileOption

Constant Value Description
kOptionLibraryDB2 "DB2CLI.LIBS" Tells the plugin where to find the library for DB2. more
kOptionLibraryFirebird "IBASE.LIBS" Tells the plugin where to find the library for FireBird (or Interbase). more
kOptionLibraryInformix "INFCLI.LIBS" Tells the plugin where to find the library for Informix. more
kOptionLibraryInterbase "IBASE.LIBS" Tells the plugin where to find the library for FireBird (or Interbase). more
kOptionLibraryMySQL "MYSQL.LIBS" Tells the plugin where to find the library for MySQL (or MariaDB). more
kOptionLibraryODBC "ODBC.LIBS" Tells the plugin where to find the library for ODBC. more
kOptionLibraryOracle "OCI8.LIBS" Tells the plugin where to find the library for Oracle. more
kOptionLibraryPostgreSQL "LIBPQ.LIBS" Tells the plugin where to find the library for PostgreSQL more
kOptionLibrarySQLanywhere "SQLANY.LIBS" Tells the plugin where to find the library for SQL Anywhere. more
kOptionLibrarySQLBase "SQLBASE.LIBS" Tells the plugin where to find the library for SQLBase. more
kOptionLibrarySQLite "SQLITE.LIBS" Tells the plugin where to find the library for SQLite. Not needed if you use InternalSQLiteLibraryMBS module! more
kOptionLibrarySybaseComn "SYBCOMN.LIBS" Tells the plugin where to find the library for Sybase. more
kOptionLibrarySybaseCS "SYBCS.LIBS" Tells the plugin where to find the library for Sybase. more
kOptionLibrarySybaseCT "SYBCT.LIBS" Tells the plugin where to find the library for Sybase. more
kOptionLibrarySybaseIntl "SYBINTL.LIBS" Tells the plugin where to find the library for Sybase. more
kOptionLibrarySybaseTCL "SYBTCL.LIBS" Tells the plugin where to find the library for Sybase. more

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