Platforms to show: All Mac Windows Linux Cross-Platform
RabbitMQBasicPropertiesMBS class
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
class | RabbitMQ | MBS RabbitMQ Plugin | 21.2 | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | All |
- 29 properties
- property AppId as String
- property ClusterId as String
- property ContentEncoding as String
- property ContentType as String
- property CorrelationId as String
- property DeliveryMode as Integer
- property Expiration as String
- property Flags as Integer
- property HasAppId as Boolean
- property HasClusterId as Boolean
- property HasContentEncoding as Boolean
- property HasContentType as Boolean
- property HasCorrelationId as Boolean
- property HasDeliveryMode as Boolean
- property HasExpiration as Boolean
- property HasHeaders as Boolean
- property HasMessageId as Boolean
- property HasPriority as Boolean
- property HasReplyTo as Boolean
- property HasTimestamp as Boolean
- property HasType as Boolean
- property HasUserId as Boolean
- property Headers as Dictionary
- property MessageId as String
- property Priority as Integer
- property ReplyTo as String
- property Timestamp as UInt64
- property Type as String
- property UserId as String
- 2 methods
- method Constructor
- method Destructor
- 16 constants
Delivery modes
Constant | Value | Description |
kDeliveryNonPersistent | 1 |
Non-persistent message. |
kDeliveryPersistent | 2 |
Persistent message |
Field flags
Constant | Value | Description |
kFlagAppId | 8 |
AppID field is set. |
kFlagClusterId | 4 |
ClusterId field is set. |
kFlagContentEncoding | 16384 |
ContentEncoding field is set. |
kFlagContentType | 32768 |
ContentType field is set. |
kFlagCorrelationId | 1024 |
CorrelationId field is set. |
kFlagDeliveryMode | 4096 |
DeliveryMode field is set. |
kFlagExpiration | 256 |
Expiration field is set. |
kFlagHeaders | 8192 |
Headers field is set. |
kFlagMessageId | 128 |
MessageId field is set. |
kFlagPriority | 2048 |
Priority field is set. |
kFlagReplyTo | 512 |
ReplyTo field is set. |
kFlagTimestamp | 64 |
Timestamp field is set. |
kFlagType | 32 |
Type field is set. |
kFlagUserId | 16 |
UserId field is set. |
This class has no sub classes.
Some methods using this class:
- RabbitMQConnectionMBS.BasicPublish(channel as Integer, exchange as String, routingKey as String, mandatory as Boolean, immediate as Boolean, properties as RabbitMQBasicPropertiesMBS, body as String) as Integer
Some properties using for this class:
- RabbitMQMessageMBS.Properties as RabbitMQBasicPropertiesMBS
Some examples using this class:
- /RabbitMQ/amqp_listen
- /RabbitMQ/amqp_listenq
- /RabbitMQ/amqp_producer
- /RabbitMQ/amqp_rpc_sendstring_client
- /RabbitMQ/amqp_sendstring
- /RabbitMQ/RabbitMQTutorial/RabbitMQTutorial
Blog Entries
The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS RabbitMQ Plugin.
QuartzFilterViewMBS - RabbitMQConnectionInfoMBS