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PhidgetSpatialMBS class
Super class: PhidgetMBS
Type | Topic | Plugin | Version | macOS | Windows | Linux | iOS | Targets |
class | Phidgets | MBS Phidgets Plugin | 22.1 | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ✅ Yes | ❌ No | Desktop, Console & Web |
You can also use the individual classes for these sensors if you want to handle the data in separate events.
Subclass of the PhidgetMBS class.
- 2 events
- event AlgorithmData(quaternion() as double, timestamp as double)
- event SpatialData(acceleration() as double, angularRate() as double, magneticField() as double, timestamp as double)
- 6 properties
- property Algorithm as Integer
- property AlgorithmMagnetometerGain as Double
- property DataInterval as UInt32
- property HeatingEnabled as Boolean
- property MaxDataInterval as UInt32
- property MinDataInterval as UInt32
- 15 methods
- method Constructor
- method getEulerAngles(byref pitch as double, byref roll as double, byref heading as double) New in 25.0
- method getQuaternion(byref x as double, byref y as double, byref z as double, byref w as double) New in 25.0
- method MaxAcceleration as Double() New in 25.0
- method MaxAngularRate as Double() New in 25.0
- method MaxMagneticField as Double() New in 25.0
- method MinAcceleration as Double() New in 25.0
- method MinAngularRate as Double() New in 25.0
- method MinMagneticField as Double() New in 25.0
- method resetMagnetometerCorrectionParameters
- method saveMagnetometerCorrectionParameters
- method setAHRSParameters(angularVelocityThreshold as double, AngularVelocityDeltaThreshold as double, accelerationThreshold as double, magTime as double, accelTime as double, biasTime as double)
- method setMagnetometerCorrectionParameters(magneticField as double, offset0 as double, offset1 as double, offset2 as double, gain0 as double, gain1 as double, gain2 as double, T0 as double, T1 as double, T2 as double, T3 as double, T4 as double, T5 as double)
- method zeroAlgorithm
- method zeroGyro
- 10 constants
Filter Types
Constant | Value | Description |
kFilterTypeLogicLevel | 2 |
Logic level |
kFilterTypeZeroCrossing | 1 |
Zero crossing |
Input Modes
Constant | Value | Description |
kInputModeNPN | 1 |
For interfacing NPN digital sensors. |
kInputModePNP | 2 |
For interfacing PNP digital sensors. |
Power Supply
Constant | Value | Description |
kPowerSupply12V | 2 |
The sensor is provided with 12 volts |
kPowerSupply24V | 3 |
The sensor is provided with 24 volts |
kPowerSupplyOff | 1 |
Switch the sensor power supply off. |
Spatial Algorithm
Constant | Value | Description |
kSpatialAlgorithmAHRS | 1 |
AHRS algorithm, incorporating magnetometer data for yaw correction. |
kSpatialAlgorithmIMU | 2 |
IMU algorithm, using gyro and accelerometer, but not magnetometer. |
kSpatialAlgorithmNone | 0 |
No AHRS algorithm is used. |
Super class PhidgetMBS
- 4 events
- event Attached
- event Detached
- event Error(errorCode as Integer, errorString as String)
- event PropertyChanged(propertyName as String)
- 43 properties
- property Attached as Boolean
- property Channel as Integer
- property ChannelClass as Integer
- property ChannelClassName as String
- property ChannelName as String
- property ChannelSubclass as Integer
- property ClientVersionMajor as Integer
- property ClientVersionMinor as Integer
- property DataInterval as UInt32
- property DataRate as Double New in 25.0
- property DeviceClass as Integer
- property DeviceClassName as String
- property DeviceID as Integer
- property DeviceLabel as String
- property DeviceName as String
- property DeviceSerialNumber as Integer
- property DeviceSKU as String
- property DeviceVersion as Integer
- property Handle as Integer
- property Hub as PhidgetMBS
- property HubPort as Integer
- property HubPortCount as Integer
- property HubPortSpeed as UInt32 New in 25.0
- property HubPortSupportsAutoSetSpeed as Boolean New in 25.0
- property HubPortSupportsSetSpeed as Boolean New in 25.0
- property IsChannel as Boolean
- property IsHubPortDevice as Boolean
- property IsLocal as Boolean
- property IsOpen as Boolean New in 25.0
- property IsRemote as Boolean
- property MaxDataInterval as UInt32 New in 25.0
- property MaxDataRate as Double New in 25.0
- property MaxHubPortSpeed as UInt32 New in 25.0
- property MeshMode as Integer
- property MinDataInterval as UInt32 New in 25.0
- property MinDataRate as Double New in 25.0
- property Parent as PhidgetMBS
- property ServerHostname as String
- property ServerName as String
- property ServerPeerName as String
- property ServerUniqueName as String
- property ServerVersionMajor as Integer
- property ServerVersionMinor as Integer
- 3 shared properties
- shared property InstanceCount as Integer New in 24.5
- shared property LibraryVersion as String
- shared property LibraryVersionNumber as String
- 8 methods
- method ChildDevices as PhidgetMBS()
- method close
- method Constructor Private
- method Destructor
- method DeviceChannelCount(ChannelClass as Integer) as Integer
- method open
- method openWaitForAttachment(timeoutMs as UInt32 = 1000)
- method writeDeviceLabel(deviceLabel as String)
- 3 shared methods
- shared method finalize(flags as Integer = 0) New in 24.5
- shared method Poll
- shared method resetLibrary
- 317 constants
This class has no sub classes.
Blog Entries
- MBS Xojo Plugins, version 25.0pr8
- Rewritten Phidgets Plugin
- MBS Plugins 11.1 Release notes
- MBS REALbasic Plugins, version 11.1pr2
- MBS REALbasic Plugins, version 10.6pr7
Release notes
- Version 25.0
- Added more properties and methods to PhidgetSpatialMBS, PhidgetMotorPositionControllerMBS, PhidgetBLDCMotorMBS, PhidgetDCMotorMBS, PhidgetMBS, PhidgetLCDMBS and PhidgetHubMBS classes.
The items on this page are in the following plugins: MBS Phidgets Plugin.
PhidgetSoundSensorMBS - PhidgetStepperMBS